Top 20 Apps Similar to Plastic Surgery

Make My Body Slim ( Picture ) 2.0
Make Me Slim - Make Me Thin is wonderfulapp.Byusing this app you can make your body slim and do morefunBody shaping : Body plastic surgery - Make yourbodyshapeperfectly!you can increase/decrease height, slim/chubby width.grow taller in you own images by using height scaleorstretchscale.How To use :► Select photo from gallery or Camera.► Crop particular portion of photo for slim body.► Set specific area or portion to make it slim.► Very easily you can make slim yourself .► Save photo in folder “ Make Me Slim”.► Share slim photo via social network ( Instagram ,Snapchat,Facebook .... ).
Rhinoplasty and Nose Job 1.0.2
Trendy Apps
Rhinoplasty nose job often referred to asnosejob to change the shape of your nose. When you are unhappy withtheway it looks or if there is an injury, this could be because Iwantto back to the shape of the post. A rhinoplasty, or nose job,noseis a method used to reshape. The Cape has a number ofdifferentnew-shaping. The exact procedure depends on the purpose ofthetreatment. The operation can be done under General orlocalanesthesia.Nose contouring operation normally lies on top of the bonesandcartilage of the nose under the soft tissue separation inbothrhinoplasty and nose job. Depending on the operation, thesurgeonbroke his nose break and reposition or cartilage maybereshaping.One may need to stay in the hospital for two nights and it'sonyour nose for at least a week, it is likely that you need to wearaprotective splint. Your nose will probably do not need toberemoved and Stitches in the melt. Your doctor of your nosewilladvise you about any outside seams where necessary. Stoppedgrowingand fully developed, your parents when the size and shape ofyournose without inheritance, and to the age of 16. If you wantthesurgery for cosmetic reasons, it is best to hold off tillthen.Your doctor may also be changed the angle between the noseandupper lip. This is what I don't like about your nose and I wanttochange what it is important to be sure.Rhinoplasty and nose job there are several reasons you maywantto consider:• Cosmetics-compared to the rest of your face and your nosemaynot like the shape or size of the.• Medical-If corrupt or he might have had an injury to your noseiscrooked. Or nasal congestion cancause permanent respiratory problems. If you have medicalreasonsfor the procedure rhinoplasty, reconstructive surgeryisconsidered.(Commonly known as nose job) a rhinoplasty is usually doneundergeneral anesthesia. Procedure and the length of the techniqueofrhinoplasty and nose job that is used depend on how much thatwillchange your nose. Your doctor, you can refine the tip of yournoseby removing some cartilage.Your doctor may also fix them setting then you can narrowdownthe nasal bone by breaking. Or, you might have to re-createsome ofthe nose surgeon.Operation of the underlying field (open rhinoplasty) will makeasmall cut in the area between the noses through your nose(closedRhinoplasty) or a surgeon can be done from within. Make surethatyou and your doctor can discuss which method will be used.You may need to spend a night or two in the hospital. Asplintcan be packed in your nose, your nose may be held on withtape. Themorning after the surgery, if the nose is full ofpackaging mustbreathe through your mouth until it is removed.Swelling andbruising can be given ice packs, select control. Youwill be givenpain You may experience bruising, swelling ornumbness. Field icingwill help ease swelling and bruising. You willbe out of work, andto avoid catching cold for at least two weeksmust stay in the wayof the groups of people. Strenuous activityshould be avoided infour to six weeks. For the first few days I wasin a positionperpendicular to the rest and to avoid bending down.Atel will beremoved after seven to ten days. If you're going to seeanimmediate improvement, even though the following rhinoplasty,yourappearance in the next six to twelve months will continuetoimprove.Rhinoplasty and nose job app is a plastic surgery app, youcouldfind photo galleries and infos about bestrhinoplastysurgeon...You can find this app with these keywords...- Rhinoplasty- Rhinoplasty and nose job- Nose Job- Rhinoplasty samples- Plastic surgery- Nose surgery- Plastic surgeon- Rhinoplasty galleryPlease contact with us : [email protected] regards...
Cirugía Plástica 1.0
Cirugía Plástica Colombia.Somos una aplicación creada con el fin de brindarasesoríayseguridad a las personas interesadas enrealizarsecirugíasplásticas y procedimientos estéticos. Hacemosuntotalacompañamiento a los pacientes antes, durante ydespués.Tenemosprecios a su medida y financiación de cirugías.Además podrás encontrar productos y otros serviciosdelsectorsalud y belleza.* Clínicas habilitadas y certificadas por laseccionaldesalud.* Cirujanos plásticos certificados* Precios a su medida* Financiación de cirugíasAsesórate con nosotros y obtendrás tu cita devaloracióngratuita,prioridad para agendar tu cirugía, paquetes contodo lonecesario,cuidados especiales y satisfaccióngarantizada.Características:- Asesoría en vivo vía chat- App que ocupa muy poco espacio en tu celular- Procedimientos y sus características- Promociones y descuentos en cirugías plásticas y productos- Medicina estética- Turismo médico para extranjeros- Financiación de cirugías plásticasPlastic Surgery Colombia.We are an application designed to provide advice andsafetyforpeople interested in plastic surgery andcosmeticproceduresperformed. We all support to patients before,during andafter. Wehave prices to suit surgeries and financing.Also you can find products and other services in thehealthandbeauty sector.* Clinics qualified and certified by the sectional health.* Certified plastic surgeons* Prices to suit* Financing of surgeriesGet advice with us and get your free quote valuationprioritytoschedule your surgery packages with everything youneedspecialcare and satisfaction guaranteed.Features:- Counseling live via chat- App that takes up very little space on your cell- Procedures and their characteristics- Promotions and discounts on plastic surgery and products- Aesthetic Medicine- Medical tourism for foreigners- Financing plastic surgery
Plastic Surgery in Sydney 4.15
Razors Edge
Plastic Surgery Simulator, Before/After Photos, and InfobyAustralian Clinic.
جراحی زیبایی بینی و صورت 2.0.1
دکتر فرزان رضاییفارغ التحصیل ممتاز پزشکی عمومی از دانشگاه شهید بهشتی 1373رتبه دوم امتحانات ورودی تخصصی اتولارینگولوژیدریافت بورد تخصصی در رشته اتولارینگولوژی 1377رئیس مرکز تحقیقات گوش و حلق و بینی بیمارستان فجردوره های تکمیلی جراحی پلاستیک بینی و صورت:دوره پیشرفته جراحی پلاستیک بینی - هلندبورد تخصصی اتولارینگولوژیعضو انجمن جراحان پلاستیک صورت اروپا EAFPSعضو انجمن جراحان بینی اروپا ERSکورس جراحی پلاستیک صورت آلمان - مونیخکورس جراحی لیفتینگ صورت بلژیککورس جراحی پیشرفته صورت اتریش - وینتالار افتخارات سوابق کاری ، علمی و تحقیقاتی:سابقه حدود 10000 عمل جراحی بینی و جراحی پلاستیک صورتپیشگام و نوآور عمل جراحی زیبایی صورت و ابروها با اندوسکوپسخنرانی در دومین کنگره بین المللی جراحی دهان و فک و صورت(جراحیباامواج رادیویی) 1383سخنرانی در نهمین کنگره انجمن جراحان گوش و حلق و بینی (لیفتینگصورت)1384سخنرانی در یازدهمین کنگره سراسری جراحی پلاستیک چشم (لیفتینگ ابروبااندوسکوپ) 1384سخنرانی در کنگره بین المللی جراحی فک و صورت (جراحی زیبایی صورتبااندوسکوپ) 1385سخنرانی در سمینار جراحی پلاستیک بینی و صورت(لیفتینگ صورت)1385سخنرانی در دهمین کنگره بین المللی جراحی اتولارینگولوژی(جراحیپلاستیک بینی) 1386سخنرانی در سازمان نظام پزشکی برنامه باز آموزی مدرن (جراحیپلاستیکبینی و انحراف بینی) 1389سخنرانی در سمینار جراحی پلاستیک بینی و صورت بیمارستان امیراعلم(جراحی پلاستیک صورت و تزریق چربی) 1390برگزاری کورس آموزشی در کنگره سراسری گوش و حلق و بینی (لیفتینگصورت)1390پانلیست در برنامه بازآموزی مدرن بیمارستان امام خمینی (جراحیپلاستیکچشم) 1391پانلیست در چهارمین کنگره بین المللی جراحی پلاستیک بینی و صورت(جراحیپلاستیک پلک) 1392مدرس کارگاه آموزشی در چهارمین کنگره بین المللی جراحی پلاستیک بینیوصورت (جراحی زیبایی پیشانی و ابرو با اندوسکوپ) 1392Doctor FarzanRezaei    Basic medical graduates from theUniversitymartyr Beheshti 1373    Second place special entranceexaminationsAtvlaryngvlvzhy    Get Atvlaryngvlvzhy Board in 1377    Head of the Research Center for ear,noseand throat hospital Festival        Graduate courses nose and facialplasticsurgery:    Advanced Course Rhinoplasty-Netherlands    Board Atvlaryngvlvzhy    A member of the Society of PlasticSurgeonsfor Europe EAFPS    Rhinoplasty Europe member ERS    Course of Facial Plastic Surgery Germany-Munich    Face Lift Surgery Course Belgium    Advanced surgery courses for Austria-Vienna        Hall of fame careers, academicandresearch:    Nose surgery and facial plasticsurgeryrecord 10,000    Pioneering and innovative cosmeticsurgeryof the face and eyebrows with an endoscope    Speaking at the SecondInternationalCongress of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery(radiosurgery)1383    Speaking at the ninth congress ofsurgeonsand ear, nose and throat (facial lifting) 1384    Speech at the Eleventh CongressofOphthalmic Plastic surgery (endoscopic brow lift) 1384    Speaking at the International CongressofOral and Maxillofacial Surgery (cosmetic surgery for theendoscope)1385    Speaking at the seminar, nose andfacialplastic surgery (face lift) 1385    Speaking at the Tenth InternationalCongressAtvlaryngvlvzhy surgery (Rhinoplasty) 1386    Lectures on Modern MedicalCouncilretraining program (plastic surgery of the nose anddeviatedseptum) 1389    Speaking at the seminar, plastic surgeryfornose and Amir Alam hospital (facial plastic surgery andfatinjections) 1390    Ear, nose and throat hold a trainingcoursein Congress (facial lifting) 1390    Panlyst in modern re Imam KhomeiniHospital(plastic surgery of the eye) 1391    Panlyst at the Fourth InternationalCongressof plastic surgery of the nose and face (plastic surgeryof theeyelids) 1392    Teacher workshop at the FourthInternationalCongress of plastic surgery of the nose and face(forehead andeyebrows cosmetic surgery and endoscopy) 1392
Plastic Identification Codes 1.1
Plastic Identification Codes by SPI resin identificationcodingsystem
Facial Exercises Fitness-Yoga 1.0.8
Languages: English, French, Spanish,Italian,German and Russian.Facial Fitness Yoga Exercises and Facelift Cupping SelfMassageVideo.Would you like to have a nice shape of the nose?Fed up with looking in a mirror and seeing the double chinspoilingyour looks?Would you like to lift eyelid, nasolabial fold and thefacialoval?Would you like to have a smooth forehead without spending loadsofcash on the Botox injections and or a plastic surgeon ?Then this application is just the right thing for you, andtheprogram of the Personal coach suits you perfectly, it selectstheexercises required and produces the personalized program.This set of facial exercises will allow you to become freeandindependent as you will be able at your own pace and yourownliking to lift face, smooth the wrinkles on forehead and aroundtheeyes, lift the upper eyelid, make the lips more voluminous,smoothout the nasolabial fold, lower the swollenness and darkshadowsbeneath the eyes, lift up the corners of the lips, correcttheshape of the nose, get rid of the double chin, smooth outthewrinkles on the neck, lift up the flabby cheeks, improvethequality of the skin and the facial tone.What is the facial fitness?The alternative to the plastic surgery, the facial fitness isthehealthiest, simplest, and effective and therefore just abrilliantway to stop the ageing of the face, return the youthlooks andchange in your face whatever makes you feeluncomfortable. That’sall possible by the exercises of the facialmuscles.Why try the facial fitness?This application provides an opportunity to choose theexercisesthat you require by producing a personal treatmentprogram. In thisprogram you are in for the most effective exercisesselectedthrough a long – term experience and presented in the mosteasilyperformable and comfortable manner.You want to look good and hold on to these young looks – trythefacial fitness. Vacuum Self Massage Video.For those who has mastered exercises of facial fitness thereisopportunity to enhance the aesthetic effect with additionallyuseof the vacuum self-massage with a special vacuum cups.Possessing a powerful lymph drainage effect the cuppingvacuummassage can provide an instant lifting effect of facialtissues.Vacuum massage is irreplaceable and can do wonders toimprove theskin condition, making it smooth, elastic, restoringturgor andhealthy complexion.Regularly doing exercises of face fitness and making avacuumcupping massage of the face, you will provide more complexandprofound approach to the face and neck anti-age correction.
Nose job - Rhinoplasty surgery 10.3
Do you dream of a perfect nose?Nosejob(Rhinoplasty) may be the answer for you, but before youthinkaboutdoing it, learn a little bit about it.Rhinoplasty is among the 5 most popular plasticsurgeryproceduresperformed in the United States, is it the rightway foryou togo?Learn more about the procedure, the costs, the risks,recoverytime,alternative options and more.A nose job plastic surgery can be done for cosmeticreasons,whichwill change the nose’s shape and appearance, or formedicalreasons(correct breathing problems related to the noseorcorrectdisfigurement resulting from trauma or birthdefects),either way,there are few things you must know beforethinkingaboutrhinoplasty plastic surgery.In this app will teach you about surgicalRhinoplastytypes,Compatibility (are you fit for a nose jobsurgery),Rhinoplastytechniques, you'll see before and after pics soyou canknow whatto expect. we will talk about the Rhinoplastyrisks, therecoveryand, of course, about the Rhinoplasty costs, aswell asthealternative of non-surgical Rhinoplasty.A few tools that will help you get the most out of theapp:1. Schedule times and reminders2. Notes tool - a place to write your notes and yourthoughtsaboutRhinoplasty nose job.3. Share button.Download now!
FaceTouchUp Nose Job Simulator 1.1.1
Pixineers Inc
FaceTouchUp is the premier tool forvisualizingplastic surgery results.We bring you the same digital imaging technology thatsurgeonsuse to visualize plastic surgery results — all in a supereasy touse app!For Nose Jobs, Chin Augmentation, Liposuction, BreastReshapingand More. FaceTouchUp is the Virtual Plastic Surgery Toolyou’vebeen waiting for!
Men's Plastic Surgery
Welcome to the customized APPforManhattanPlastic Surgery for Men by Dr. Douglas Steinbrech,afully-trainedPlastic Surgeon, Board Certified by the AmericanBoardof PlasticSurgeons under the American Board of MedicalSpecialties.Gainaccess to specials, offered promotions, media,photos, andourprivate social media community.
Plastic Surgery & Hair Restore 2.5.0
Razors Edge
Plastic Surgery & Hair Restoration Simulation andInformationalApp.
Пластическая хирургия 2.2
Center for Reconstructive Plastic Surgery Hospital of Volyn
Plastic Surgery (PS Journal)
ATIV Software
The Plastic Surgery app gives youquickaccessto the latest research, educational material, CMEandreviewarticles. PS is the official journal of the CanadianSocietyofPlastic Surgeons, the Canadian Society forAesthetic(Cosmetic)Plastic Surgery, Groupe pour l’Avancement delaMircochirurgieCanada (GAM), and the Canadian Society for Surgeryofthe Hand(MANUS Canada).Based on the powerful EventPilot® Journal edition, thePSappallows you to:• Browse, filter, and search multiple volumes andtheirissues.• Download Full-Text articles for offline reading (somearticlesmayrequire subscriber login).• Automatically receive new issues as they become available.• Watch surgical demonstration videos from Full-TextArticles.• Bookmark articles and make notes on articles. Email yourselfalistof all your notes.• Review bookmarks and notes or recently accessed articlesinViewedtab.• Follow the #PLASTSURG Twitter feed and post your ownopinionaboutan article on Twitter.• Share article information on social media.Keywords:PS, journal, plastic, surgery, chirurgie,plastique,reconstruction,cosmetic, aesthetic, craniofacial,hand
Mental Health 1.0
"★★★★★ Download it for free ★★★★★If you think that you or someone you know hasamentaldisorder!Mental illness refers to a wide range of mentalhealthconditionsdisorders that affect your mood, thinkingandbehavior.Examples of mental illness include depression,anxietydisorders,schizophrenia, eating disorders andaddictivebehaviors.*** Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ***** Your comments and suggestions are important to us **"
First Aid 1.0
"★★★★★ Download it for free ★★★★★First aid is an important skill. Find out what everyoneshouldknow!When at high altitude where professional care is difficulttoreach it is important to be trained in basic first aid. Alongwitha good first aid kit this section should help to prepare youformost emergencies.*** Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ***** Your comments and suggestions are important to us **"
Foot Reflexology 1.0
"★★★ Download it for free ★★★If you learn how to do reflexology by watchingthesereflexologytechniques, your foot pain will go away and youwill beable toheal your feet,body and mind.simple techniques to show you how to do Reflexology,heapsoffoot, hand and face charts and maps, and in depth answerstoyourreflexology questions?Foot reflexology step by step techniques andinstructions!!Teachyourself how to do reflexology on the face,feet, handsandears.Watch this reflexology demonstration! You will learn howtoridyourself of heel spurs and also heel pain. These techniquesarethereal cure and remedy for foot pain!*** Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ***** Your comments and suggestions are important to us **"
Back Pain 1.1
"★★★★★ Download it for free ★★★★★Which Treatment for Your Back Pain?Find out how our expert answered your questionsonbackpain.Find the Right Treatment for Your Back Pain.For instance, has your back been hurting for a couple ofdays,ora long time? Did it start with an obvious injury, or areyounotreally sure what happened? Are you basically healthy, ordoyouhave other conditions, like diabetes or arthritis,toconsider,too?The good news is that there are a lot of effectiveoptionsforyou!*** Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ***** Your comments and suggestions are important to us **"
Massage Therapy 1.0
"★★★★★ Download it for free ★★★★★A Step By Step Guide To The Hot Stone Massage!Here is a short, informative demonstration ofhotstonemassage.Find Out How A Hot Stone Massage Is Done!Like all massage techniques, hot stone massage is amethodforrelieving soreness and relaxing tension in the musclesofthebody.The hot stones applied to the body penetrate deeply andthestonesused by the therapist make it easier to applythetherapeuticeffects of manipulation.*** Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ***** Your comments and suggestions are important to us **"
All About Pregnancy 1.0
"★★★★★ Download it for free ★★★★★Am I pregnant? What should I be eating? Is it normal tobethistired? How can I help my partner during labour?Pregnancy is an exciting time!Whatever you want to know about getting pregnant,beingpregnantor caring for your new baby, you should find ithere.Pregnancy is a big event in a woman's life And it's normaltohavemany questions about it.we can help you get care that you need!*** Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ***** Your comments and suggestions are important to us **"
Breastfeeding 1.0
★★★★★ Download it for free ★★★★★How do I start breastfeeding?To breastfeed successfully, it doesn't really matter whereorhowyou sit or lie back.What is important is that you are comfortable and can bringyourbabyto your breast easily. This will help you to getyourlatching-ontechnique right.It's never too early to start thinking about how you'regoingtofeed your baby. But you don't have to make up your minduntilyourbaby is born.*** Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ***** Your comments and suggestions are important to us **