Top 7 Apps Similar to Swint Real Estate

Beams Dental Care 1.399
Dr. Jill Beams and her team are committedtoproviding you with the best experience possible. Beams DentalCarehas provided comfortable family dentistry in Rancho Cordovaforover 30 years.Our mobile app allows patients a more convenient way toconnectwith Beams Dental Care right from their mobile device.
R3S Group 4.1.2
R3S Healthcare Consulting help platform.At R3S Group we provide management consulting servicesforFQHCs,community health centers and small- tomedium-sizedmedicalpractices. Our services are rooted in 30 yearsof healthcaresystems experience. We affiliate with other healthcare,dataanalytic, and business content experts to ensure ourclients'needsare met.
No Kid Hungry 1.399
The No Kid Hungry campaign connects kidsinneedwith nutritious food and teaches their families how tocookhealthy,affordable meals. The campaign also engages the publictomake endingchildhood hunger a national priority. The No KidHungrycampaignworks to shine a national spotlight on the crisisofchildhood hungerin America, creating a powerful movementofindividuals committed tobold action. We build partnershipsthatenlist influentialindividuals in the cause and advocatepolicychanges needed toachieve our goals.- About Us- Donate- Volunteer- Contact- Social Media
Startup Grind 1.399
Startup Grind is a global startupcommunitydesigned to educate, inspire, and connect entrepreneurs.It ispowered by Google for Entrepreneurs. We host monthly events inmorethan 100 cities and 42 countries featuring successfullocalfounders, innovators, educators and investors who sharepersonalstories and lessons learned on the road to buildinggreatcompanies. You should start a Chapter in your city! Ourmonthlyfireside chat interviews, startup mixers and annualconferencesprovide ample opportunities to connect with amazingstartups andthe people behind them, tap into a strong supportnetwork, formmeaningful connections and gain inspiration for thestartup journeyahead. Started by Derek Andersen and Spencer Nielsenin February2010 in a small office in Mountain View California, theoriginalgoal to bring together friends who would help each otherhas spreadacross the world.LOCAL STARTUP COMMUNITIES WITH GLOBAL REACHWe aim to build a connected network of vibrant startupcommunitiesto help fuel innovation, economic growth and prosperityat thelocal level. While Startup Grind was founded in PaloAlto,California, our extended network of Startup Grind chaptersarelocated in some of the most entrepreneur-friendly citiesandstartup ecosystems around the world including Silicon Valley,SanFrancisco, Los Angeles, Denver, Chicago, New York, Boston,Seattle,Toronto, Sydney, Singapore, Melbourne and more with dozensof newchapters launching in the coming months. Join our communitybyattending one of our monthly events or help us launch aStartupGrind chapter in your city.-Access all videos of Startup Grind-Listen to featured podcast-Find the nearest chapter-View our photo gallery-Discuss most recent event-Join the conversation on social media
Marine Specialties 1.399
Whether you are a newcomer to boating oralong-term enthusiast, Marine Specialties welcomes you toourdiverse family of boaters, skiers, wakeboarders, surfersandfishing enthusiasts. We are a new and used boat dealer basedinSparks, NV, just outside of Reno and have been serving theNorthernNevada and Northern California lakes for decades. Visit usfromCarson City, Truckee, Susanville and Lake Tahoe! Our knowledgeandexperience of such areas as Lake Tahoe, Lake Almanor, PyramidLake,Donner Lake, Eagle Lake, Stampede Reservoir and LahontanReservoirallows us to equip our boats for their maximum efficiencyandperformance. Our selection of wakeboard, ski, fishing, andsportboats for sale includes some of the best names in the industrysuchas: Sanger, Nautiques by Correct Craft, and Monterey SportBoats.In addition to new boat sales, we also have Pre-Owned orusedboats, marine parts, boating accessories and a completewatersportspro shop.
IMHCA 4.5.0
The Illinois Mental HealthCounselorsAssociation provides support and resources for licensedcounselors.These resources include the following: Illinoiscounselor licensureinformation and resources, legislative updates,counselor training,licensure test preparation, continuingeducation, advocacy forcounselors, mental health news, generalinformation, and a photogallery.With our app, users can more easily access the IMHCAservicesthrough the following features:- Connect with other IMHCA members- Learn about upcoming events- Follow the IMHCA on social media- Stay up to date on news and information- Easily contact us at the touch of a button
Food Bank of San Luis Obispo 1.399
Founded in 1989 the FoodBankCoalitiondistributed 400,000 pounds of food annually through20non-profitagency partners. Today, about 5.5 million pounds offoodpass inand out of our doors each year, 48% of which isfreshproduce. Wework hand in hand with more than 225 non-profitagenciesincludinggroups like homeless shelters, food pantries andseniorcenters andmore. We also have direct distribution programs:CalFresh/FoodStamps, Emergency Food Assistance Program (EFAP),FoodforChildren, Harvest Bag, Healthy Food for LocalFamilies,SeniorBrown Bag and Summer Feeding Service Program (SFSP).Today, we are fortunate to have two warehouses to coverSanLuisObispo county, our main warehouse is in Paso Robles andoursecondlocation in Oceano. Together these two warehouses giveus22,000square feet of storage space. We keep our overhead lessthan6%,which allows us to turn $1 into $10 worth of food. We areabletodo this because of our hard working staff, knowledgeableboard,andlarge volunteer core. Our network of volunteers numbermorethan600 strong. They are the people who enable us to get thefoodfromour distribution sites into the hands of SLO Countyresidentsinneed.We can think of no better place to operate a Food Bankthanrighthere in San Luis Obispo County. We are very proud to bepartof lifehere on the Central Coast, and we work hard at ourmissionto seethat no one in SLO County goes hungry.To learn more please contact us at (805) 238-4664.