Top 4 Apps Similar to Súmate Realidad Aumentada

Logie T.Rex Augmented Reality
Enjoy a T. rex dinosaur in augmentedrealitymode, visualize and explore its body and skeleton.** INSTRUCTIONS **With the application running and the T. rex postcard printed(seebelow) point your camera to the marker to unleash theARcontent.If you don't have the printed postcard you could find at: for the postcard PDF button and print the file.
RA Demo Realidad Aumentada 1.0
Aplicación de Realidad Aumentada.Edificio3D,Iluminación Global en tiempo real.
Demos de Realidad Aumentada 2.0
A través de esta app, usted podráapreciarlasfuncionalidades y características ya que utilizamostecnologíasdeRealidad Aumentada (RA).Las aplicaciones que contienen tecnologías de RAlogranunaaumentación de la realidad, ya sea lugares y/oproductosentreotras cosas, enriqueciéndola a través de una ampliavariedaddeelementos virtuales. Esta tecnología puedeutilizarsesobretarjetas, planos, mesas, paredes, objetos y páginasweb(todosestos elementos reales) o apuntando a unacoordenadageográfica.Para poder disfrutar de los contenidos aumentados,seutilizan"Marcadores de Realidad Aumentada". En nuestro casounposter y unfolleto van a actuar como marcadores.(Puedenvisualizarlos en lascapturas de pantallas de laaplicación).Los marcadores utilizados por la aplicación los puededescargardela siguiente página web: un grupo de Investigación de la Universidad NacionaldeLaMatanza apoyados por el Departamento deIngenieríaeInvestigaciones Tecnológicas, integrado por un cuerpo dedocentesyalumnos, enfocados en el desarrollo de aplicacionesutilizandolatecnología de Realidad Aumentada.Integrantes del Grupo: Dr. Jorge Ierache, Ing. SantiagoIgarza,Ing.Nahuel Mangiarua, Sebastián Ariel Bevacqua, NicolásDuarte,MatíasSena, Fernando Ortiz, Nicolás Verdicchio, MartínBecerra,DiegoSanz.Para más información sobre las tecnologías de RA,nuestrosproyectos,noticias y sobre nosotros, visita nuestra web opáginadeFacebook: - UNLaM - RA - Grupo de Realidad Aumentada AplicadaThrough this app,youwillappreciate the functionality and features and technologiesweuseAugmented Reality (AR).Applications containing RA technologies achieveaugmentationofreality, whether locations and / or products amongotherthings,enriching through a variety of virtual objects.Thistechnology canbe used on cards, maps, tables, walls, objectsandsites (all thesereal elements) or by pointing to ageographicalcoordinate.To enjoy the increased content, "Augmented RealityMarkers"areused. In our case, a poster and a booklet will act asmarkers.(Youcan view them at screenshots of the application).The markers used by the application can be downloadedfromthefollowing website: are a research group of the National University ofLaMatanzasupported by the Department of EngineeringandTechnologicalResearch, a body composed of teachers andstudents,focused ondeveloping applications using AugmentedRealitytechnology.Group members: Dr. Jorge Ierache, Mr. Santiago Igarza,IngNahuelMangiarua, Ariel Sebastian Bevacqua, Nicolas Duarte,MatthewSena,Fernando Ortiz, Nicholas Verdicchio, MartinBecerra,DiegoSanz...For more information about the technologies of RA, ourprojects,andnews about us, visit our website or Facebook page: - UNLaM - RA - Group of Applied Augmented Reality
SEAT Augmented Reality
SEAT AR is your showroom experience totakehome. It lets you discover a broad variety of SEAT models incrispaugmented reality and explains the new SEAT Full Linktechnologythat lets you connect even better with your car.FIND YOUR FAVOURITE SEAT- Filter through highlight customisations of SEAT Ibiza, LeonandToledo- Find your desired SEAT car in your favourite colour- Discover the cars in augmented reality from the outside as iftheywere really there- Explore the interiors in a 360°panoramic viewLEARN ALL ABOUT SEAT FULL LINK TECHNOLOGY AND SEAT CONNECTACTIONMODELSThe brand new SEAT Full Link technology lets you connect yourphoneto your car. For an even better connection between you andyourSEAT.LIKE WHAT YOU SEE?Contact a dealer in your area for a test drive andconsultation.