/ May 13, 2016
(3.9/5) (84)


SEAT AR is your showroom experience to takehome. It lets you discover a broad variety of SEAT models in crispaugmented reality and explains the new SEAT Full Link technologythat lets you connect even better with your car.

- Filter through highlight customisations of SEAT Ibiza, Leon andToledo
- Find your desired SEAT car in your favourite colour
- Discover the cars in augmented reality from the outside as ifthey were really there
- Explore the interiors in a 360°panoramic view

The brand new SEAT Full Link technology lets you connect your phoneto your car. For an even better connection between you and yourSEAT.

Contact a dealer in your area for a test drive andconsultation.

App Information SEAT Augmented Reality

SEAT S.A. Show More...

SEAT DriveApp for Mirrorlink 2.5.2 APK
SEAT DriveApp for Mirrorlink is the easiestway to have an amazing online experience thanks to MirrorLink™technology.Enjoy your ride with the SEAT DriveApp for Mirrorlinkfeatures*:✓ Desktop: 100% configurable, allows you to change your background,decide which features you want to use most frequently by addingwidgets that allow you easy access with just one touch of thescreen.✓ Personal area: configure your social networks and your profile,the voice engine on the SmartPhone will read yournotifications.✓ Challenger: learn how to drive your SEAT in a more eco-friendlyway. SEAT challenges you!✓ Vehicle: check your car’s status and consult your SEAT dealeroffers.✓ Charts: get access to some live data car while driving: mph, fuelconsumption, rpm and gear.✓ Tracks: record and replay your favourite tracks; see how manymiles per gallon can you achieve whilst driving to work or just seehow you can improve by driving your SEAT more often.In some markets and car models, SEAT DriveApp for Mirrorlink maynot be available or may be available with restrictions. For moreinformation about SEAT DriveApp for Mirrorlink, please contact thelocal SEAT customer service.*Some features require Internet connectionTo follow our updates or to get in touch please visit:For UNITED KINGDOMSEAT.co.uk or email [email protected] with any issues.For IRELANDSEAT.ie or email [email protected] or contact your localSEAT customer care team on 1850 812 763 with any issues.For BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINAemail [email protected] with any issues.
SEAT ConnectApp 2.5.2 APK
SEAT ConnectApp is the easiest way to have anamazing online experience thanks to MirrorLink™ technology and theadditional features of the app.Enjoy your ride with the SEAT ConnectApp features*:✓ Desktop: 100% configurable, allows you to change your background,decide which features you want to use most frequently by addingwidgets that allow you easy access with just one touch of thescreen.✓ Personal area: configure your social networks and your profile –the voice engine of your SmartPhone will read your notificationsand you will be able to answer them with the system’s intelligentvoice control**✓ Drive Profile: set your favourite App actions based on yourpersonal schedule.✓ My Gestures: customise with just one gesture a pre-definedaction/feature of the App.✓ Challenger: learn how to drive your SEAT in a more eco-friendlyway. SEAT challenges you!✓ Vehicle: check car status and consult your SEAT dealeroffers.✓ Charts: get access to some live car data while driving: mph, fuelconsumption, rpm and gear.✓ Tracks: record and replay your favourite tracks; see how manymiles per gallon can you achieve whilst driving to work or just seehow you can improve by driving your SEAT more often.✓ Images: display your SmartPhone photos on your car screen.In some markets and car models, SEAT ConnectApp may not beavailable or may be available with restrictions. For moreinformation about SEAT ConnectApp, please contact the local SEATcustomer service.*Some features require Internet connection**Only compatible with the devices which support thisfeature.To follow our updates or to get in touch please visit:For UNITED KINGDOMSEAT.co.uk or email [email protected] with any issues.For IRELANDSEAT.ie or email [email protected] or contact your localSEAT customer care team on 1850 812 763 with any issues.For BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINAemail [email protected] with any issues.
My SEAT DE 1.6.0 APK
Exklusiv für SEAT Fahrzeugeigentümerkombiniert die MY SEAT App die Wartungsinformationen IhresFahrzeugs mit Fahrtipps und nützlichen Funktionen.Mit nur einigen Angaben zu Ihrem Fahrzeug, u.a. dem Kennzeichenund dem Modell, passt sich der Inhalt dieser App automatisch Ihrenindividuellen Bedürfnissen und Wünschen an und stellt Ihnen dieentsprechenden Wartungsinformationen und Service-Empfehlungen zuIhrem Fahrzeug bereit. Sie erfahren stets als erstes von aktuellenAngeboten und Neuheiten bei SEAT.Weitere Funktionen:- Pannenhilfe- Park-Assistent „Mein Fahrzeug finden“-Erklärung der Symbole der Instrumententafel-SEAT Partner finden-SEAT Kundenbetreuung-SEAT WeltExclusively for SEATvehicle owners combines MY SEAT app maintenance data of yourvehicle with driving tips and useful features.With only a few details about your vehicle, inter alia, the markand the model, the content of this app automatically adjusts toyour individual needs and wishes and provides you with theappropriate service information and service recommendations foryour vehicle ready. You know always the first of the latest offersand new products at SEAT.Further Functions:- Breakdown- Parking Assist "find my car"-Declaration The symbols of the instrument panelFind -seat Partner-seat Customer Care-seat World
My SEAT Italia 1.6.0 APK
Solo per proprietari di auto SEAT, l'app MySEAT combina informazioni sulla manutenzione del veicolo insieme ainteressanti consigli di guida e utili funzioni.Bastano solo poche informazioni, come numero di targa e modello,e l'App My SEAT personalizzerà i suoi contenuti secondo le tuenecessità, con informazioni sulla manutenzione e sui servizi eaggiornamenti sulle ultime offerte e novità.Altre funzioni includono:- Assistenza su strada- Dispositivo ‘Find my car’- Guida ai simboli sul cruscotto- Trova un partner SEAT- Assistenza SEAT- SEAT Social MediaOnly for car owners SEAT,the app My SEAT combines information on vehicle maintenance withinteresting driving tips and useful features.It only takes a few details, such as license plate number andmodel, and App My SEAT will customize its content to your needs,with information on maintenance and services and updates on thelatest offers and news.Other features include:- Roadside assistance- Device 'Find my car'- Guide to the symbols on the dashboard- Find a partner SEAT- Support SEAT- SEAT Social Media
My SEAT Romania 1.6.0 APK
Exclusiv pentru posesorii de autoturisme SEAT,aplicaţia My SEAT combină detaliile de întreţinere a vehicululuidvs. cu sfaturi prietenoase de condus şi utilitare practice.Folosind doar câteva informaţii despre autoturismul dvs., cum arfi numărul de înmatriculare şi modelul, aplicaţia My SEAT îşipersonalizează conţinutul la nevoile dvs., oferindu-vă informaţiiprivind întreţinerea şi recomandări de service, punându-vă peprimul loc când vine vorba despre a primi actualizări privind celemai recente oferte şi ştiri.Alte caracteristici includ:-Asistenţă la drum-Utilitarul de parcare „Găseşte-mi maşina”-Ghidul simbolurilor de pe bord-Sistemul de localizare centre de service-Asistenţă SEAT-SEAT SocialExclusively for carowners SEAT SEAT My application combines details of your vehiclemaintenance friendly driving tips and practical utility.Using only some information about your car such as theregistration number and model, the My SEAT personalizing theircontent to your needs, giving you information on maintenance andservice recommendations, putting you in first place when it comesreceive updates on the latest offers and news.Other features include:-assistance The roadParking -Utilitarul "Find my car"-Guide Symbols on board-The Location of service centersSEAT -assistanceSocial -SEAT
My SEAT Portugal 1.6.0 APK
Em exclusivo para clientes SEAT, a aplicaçãoMy SEAT combina os detalhes de manutenção do seu veículo comconselhos de condução e funcionalidades úteis.Com apenas alguns dados sobre o veículo, como a matrícula e omodelo, a aplicação My SEAT adapta o seu conteúdo às necessidadesdo utilizador, dando-lhe informação sobre a manutenção do veículo erecomendações de serviço, ao mesmo tempo que lhe concede prioridadeno que diz respeito a atualizações sobre as últimas ofertas enotícias.Outras características incluem:-Assistência em viagem-Localização de estacionamento "Encontrar o meu veículo"-Guia de símbolos do painel de instrumentos-Pesquisa de SEAT Service-Atendimento SEAT-Redes Sociais SEAT
My SEAT Polska 1.6.0 APK
Aplikacja stworzona specjalnie z myślą owłaścicielach samochodów marki SEAT.My SEAT przypomni o terminie przeglądu i w łatwy sposób pozwoliumówić się na wizytę w serwisie. Dzięki podaniu kilku podstawowychdanych dotyczących samochodu pokaże Ci program serwisowania orazaktualne oferty specjalne i promocje dotyczące Twojego SEATa.Niektóre pozostałe funkcje:- wezwanie pomocy drogowej,- lokalizowanie samochodu na parkingu,- lokalizator ASO SEAT- przewodnik po symbolach na desce rozdzielczej- powiadomienia o najnowszych ofertach SEAT- latarka- dostęp do sieci społecznościowej SEATThe application createdspecifically for owners of SEAT cars.We SEAT remind about the date of the review and will easily arrangea visit on the site. By giving some basic data about the car showyou a program service as well as special offers and promotions onyour SEAT. Some other functions:- Call roadside assistance- Locating the car in the parking lot,- Locator SEAT Dealership- A guide to the symbols on the dashboard- Notification of the latest offers SEAT- Flashlight- Access to social network SEAT
My SEAT Ireland 1.6.0 APK
Exclusively for SEAT car owners, the MY SEATapp combines your vehicle’s maintenance details with friendlydriving tips and useful utilities.Using just a little information about your car, such as yourlicense plate and model, the MY SEAT app personalises its contentto your needs, offering you car maintenance information and servicerecommendations, and putting you first in line to receive updateson the latest offers and news.Other features include:-Roadside Assistance-‘Find my car’ Parking Utility-Dashboard symbol guide-Service Centre Locator-SEAT Support-SEAT Social