Top 1 Apps Similar to Psico GUIA

Anti-Anxiety APP 1.9.5
Selected Best Anxiety App 2014, 2015Personalized Stress Therapy ProgramDeveloped in collaboration with Dr. Arthur P. Ciaramicoli,Ed.D.,Ph.D., SoundMindz Senior Advisor, the Anti-Anxiety APPisspecifically designed to take advantage of the latestInternettechnologies available to help you manage and control yourstressand anxieties effectively. You will access techniquesandtherapeutic exercises on-demand and be able to record and viewyourprogress.The SoundMindz Anti-Anxiety App includes sixprimarycomponents:1. A diagnostic questionnaire that assesses your level ofstressand anxiety. Based on your responses a therapy programiscustomized specifically for you.2. Instructional videos that provide an action plan fordealingwith your anxieties and stress.3. A workbook with information and exercises that guideyoustep-by-step through the therapy process.4. Access to the latest research downloadedfromSoundMindz.org5. Progress Tracker, a daily journal where you trackyourprogress and activities. This tool auto synchronizes withtheSoundMindz cloud service.6. On-demand reportingThank you for supporting our efforts with your positiveratingsand reviews. We are so encouraged and inspired by them!Pleasecontinue to send your requests, questions, orerror/bug-reports viaemail to [email protected] and wewillpersonally respond to each one!