Top 18 Apps Similar to Guia Rápido Psicologia

Psicologia Cognitiva 0.1
psicología infantil, psicología delembarazo,belleza interna, salud mental, psicologíia de la salud,cuidadosdel autoestima. Aquí te damos los mejores consejos paramejorar ycuidar tu autoestima y la de los tuyos.Para satisfacer todas las necesidades de salud:artículosactualizados sobre prevención de enfermedades mentales,sexualidad,embarazo, tercera edad, salud mental, remedios paraproblemasmentales, medicina alternativa, etcBuena Salud es un aplicación de interés general. Sucontenidoimpulsa una conducta orientada al cuidado de la salud yuna mejorcalidad de vida.Tener una buena autoestima depende de nuestro hábitos de nosotrosyde nuestro entorno. Os ofrecemos unos consejos para alcanzarunabuena autoestima.Una buena mentalidad positiva es clave para gozar de una buenasaludy así poder afrontar los desafíos diarios con la mejoractitud.Entonces, ¿qué estás esperando para bajarte estaaplicación?childpsychology,psychology of pregnancy, inner beauty, mental health,healthpsicologíia, self care. Here are the best tips to improve andtakecare of your self-esteem and that of your family.To meet the needs of health: an update on prevention ofmentalillness, sexuality, pregnancy, elderly, mental health,mentalproblems remedies, alternative medicine articles etc.Good Health is an application of general interest. Itscontentdrives-oriented health care and a better quality oflifebehavior.Having good self esteem depends on our habits of us andourenvironment. We offer some tips to achieve agoodself-esteem.A good positive mindset is key to enjoy good health in order tomeetthe daily challenges with the best attitude. So what are youwaitingto get off this application?
Simple Positive Psychology 1.3
Articles on positive psychology.Positive psychology is a new approach within psychologythattakes into account the positive aspects of human emotionsandbehavior. Twentieth-century classical psychology hasfocusedprimarily on the treatment of mental illness. In contrast,positivepsychology aims to focus on improving quality of lifeandwell-being; studying the qualities, attitudes and positiveemotionsof human beings; and applying this knowledge in ascientificmanner.The most important positive states are optimism,hope,perseverance, humor, flow, resilience, creativity,happiness,courage, love, caring, self-esteem, assertiveness,empathy, etc.Experiencing positive emotions leads to mental states,cognitiveprocesses and behaviors that prepare us to successfullyface thechallenges that life brings as well as augment ourwell-being andhappiness.
Trastornos Psicologicos
Context Apps
Los trastornos psicológicos son las alteraciones levesdelestadomental, que afectan el desenvolvimiento normal delindividuoen lasociedad. Se manifiestan como anomalías en elrazonamiento oen elcomportamiento, se dificulta el reconocimientode la realidady laadaptación a las condiciones de vida. Esteconcepto englobaunacifra importante de patologías, que manifiestandiferentessíntomassegún el individuo.
Psicologia Viva 3.5.33
Aplicativo Psicologia VivaO Psicologia Viva é uma aplicativo que em conjunto com oportalWEB permite a comunicação entre o Psicólogo e seus Pacientessetornando uma ferramenta facilitadora das funcionalidadesdoconsultório online.O app fornece as seguintes funcionalidades:Para Psicólogos:- Receba informações sobre todas as novidades do PsicologiaVivaem seu aplicativo;- Receba dicas, textos, vídeos e links interessantes para o diaadia do seu trabalho;- Receba notificações quando um dos seus horários deconsultaofertados for contratado;- Receba alertas 1 dia antes e 1 hora antes do horário deumaconsulta;- Tenha em mãos no seu smartphone sua agenda deconsultasatualizada;- Converse por chat com seus clientes através do app;(embreve)- Comunique-se com a equipe de suporte do Psicologia Viva atravésdechat. (em breve)Para Pacientes:- Receba informações sobre todas as novidades do PsicologiaVivaem seu aplicativo;- Receba dicas, textos, videos e links interessantes para o seudiaa dia;- Receba alertas 1 dia antes e 1 hora antes do horário desuaconsulta;- Tenha em mãos no seu smartphone sua agenda deconsultasatualizada;- Converse por chat com seu psicólogo através do app;(embreve)- Comunique-se com a equipe de suporte do Psicologia Viva atravésdechat. (em breve)O consultório online está disponível para que o psicólogo façaseusatendimentos virtuais por vídeo-conferência com váriosrecursosfacilitadores como: página de perfil com todas asinformaçõesprofissionais, agendamento online de clientes,recebimento digitalda consulta por cartão direto do seu cliente,sistema de busca quefacilita para o cliente encontrar o psicólogomais adequado a ele,ambiente de consulta por vídeo, voz ou chat, emuitos outrosbenefícios.ApplicationVivaPsychologyViva Psychology is an application which together with thewebportal allows communication between the psychologist andhispatients becoming a facilitating tool of the features ofonlineoffice.The app provides the following features:For psychologists:- Get information on all the news from Viva Psychology inyourapplication;- Get tips, texts, videos and interesting links to the dailylivesof their work;- Get notified when one of their appointment schedules offeredarehired;- Receive alerts 1 day before and 1 hour before the time ofaquery;- Have your smartphone in your calendar updatedconsultations;- Talk to chat with your customers through the app;(comingsoon)- Communicate with the support team of Psychology Viva throughchat.(coming soon)For patients:- Get information on all the news from Viva Psychology inyourapplication;- Get tips, texts, videos and interesting links for your daytoday;- Receive alerts one day before and one hour before the time ofyourappointment;- Have your smartphone in your calendar updatedconsultations;- Talk to chat with your psychologist through the app;(comingsoon)- Communicate with the support team of Psychology Viva throughchat.(coming soon)The online office is available to the psychologist make yourvirtualattendance by video conference with several facilitatorsfeaturessuch as profile page with all professional information,onlinescheduling clients, digital receipt of the query by directcard ofyour client system search that makes it easier for thecustomer findthe most suitable psychologist to it, video queryenvironment, orvoice chat, and many other benefits.
FRASES DE PSICOLOGOS YPSCOANALISTASFAMOSOS.Frases de Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Jacques Lacan, AbrahamMaslow,Carl Rogers, Ana Freud.Estas importantes frases de estos personajes te ayudaran muchoenmomentos que no sepas para donde ir o que tengas que tomarunadecisión importante.PSYCHOLOGISTS PHRASESANDFAMOUS PSCOANALISTAS.Scraps of Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Jacques Lacan, AbrahamMaslow,Carl Rogers, Anna Freud.These important phrases of these characters will help a lot intimesyou do not know where to go or you have to make animportantdecision.
Psicología Positiva Práctica 2.1
Hemos creado esta herramienta condosobjetivos.El primero es que los usuarios reciban todos losdíasunmensaje/reflexión positiva para potenciar fortalezas. Elsegundoesel centro de test, hay más de 11 test gratuitos paramedirlafelicidad, el optimismo, eficacia, etc.El Instituto Europeo de Psicología Positiva (IEPP)estáformadopor un equipo de psicólogos cuyo propósito es difundirypromoverla buena praxis de la Psicología Positiva Aplicada.Estarama de lapsicología se basa en la aplicación dediferentestécnicas avaladascientíficamente en el incremento delbienestar yla felicidad delas personas, promueve la salud y elcrecimientopersonal, y deesta forma, contribuye en una mayorcalidad devida.We created thistoolwithtwo goals. The first is that users receive a dailypositivemessage/ reflection to enhance strengths. The second is thetestcenter,there are over 11 free test to measurehappiness,optimism,efficiency, etc.The European Institute of Positive Psychology (IEPP) isformedbya team of psychologists whose purpose is to disseminateandpromotegood practice in Applied Positive Psychology. Thisbranchofpsychology is based on the application ofdifferenttechniquesscientifically validated in increasing thewelfare andhappiness ofthe people, promotes health and personalgrowth, andthuscontributes to a better quality of life.
7 Cups: Anxiety & Stress Chat 5.54.1
7 Cups of Tea
Feeling worried, sad, stressed or lonely?Needto talk to someone? Download 7 Cups now for FREEanonymousemotional support & counseling from trained activelisteners.Easy to use text chat. Real listeners available for you24/7 &that’s not all:- Chat 1-1 with a listener any time- Calm yourself with 300 free mindfulness exercises- Get personalized care with our free wellness test- Boost your mood with simple activities- Learn & grow from short videos- Feel supported in chat rooms & community forums- Access online message therapy with licensed therapistsWe start you on a “growth path” that will encourage and supportyouas you take daily steps to become stronger.Thousands of people use 7 Cups every week.EMOTIONAL SUPPORT ON DEMAND:Feeling stressed, anxious, or depressed? Havingrelationshipproblems? Sometimes you need to vent. Finding andscheduling atherapist can be time-consuming and expensive, and youcan’t alwaysopen up to friends, family, or coworkers.Now you can get emotional support anytime, anywhere with 7Cups.This app gives you the help you need, fast and free, in a waythatfits your life.• Connect anytime, anywhere with listeners who care• Speak your mind without any fear of being judged• All listeners trained in active listeningIN THE MEDIA:Founded by a licensed psychologist, 7 Cups has been featuredinLifeHacker (“Technology can help you find someone to chatwithabout your problems to, or even connect you with aprofessionalthat can offer lasting, long-term help”), Medical Daily(“Talkingtherapy for people on-the-go”), and TechCrunch (“One ofthe top 8startups from Y Combinator’s Summer ’13 Demo Day”).100% CONFIDENTIAL:Remain 100% anonymous. No one will ever know who you are—notevenyour listeners or therapists.LISTENERS WHO CARE:Our listeners are volunteers. They aren’t getting paid; they’reherebecause they want to help.They care.We have over 160,000 trained listeners and licensed therapiststochoose from. Listeners provide support across 189 countries andin140 languages. Each listener has a profile with reviews and alistof categories that they specialize in, ranging from panicattacksand bullying to eating disorders, surviving a breakup,andmore.When you find the listener you want, connect instantly via chat.Trya new listener each time, or pick one listener and develop adeeperongoing relationship.FAST & FREE:The app is free to download, and all listeners are 100% free.Afteryou download the app, you can start a conversation in lessthan 60seconds.UPGRADE PRICING & TERMS7 Cups offers two auto-renewing subscription options:$12.99/month$94.99/yearYour 7 Cups upgrade will automatically renew at the end of eachtermand your credit card will be charged through your iTunesaccount.You can turn off auto-renew at any time from your iTunesaccountsettings but refunds will not be provided for any unusedportion ofthe term.7 Cups also offers a Forever subscription paid for in asinglenon-renewing upfront payment of $399.99 granting unlimitedaccessto 7 Cups Upgrade forever.Read more about our terms and conditions here:Read more about our terms of service and privacy policy here: 7 Cups and start feeling better today!If you love 7 Cups, please take 20 seconds to give us a nicereview.It really helps! For other feedback, [email protected]. Thankyou.For users aged 13+.
Nature Sounds Relax and Sleep
Want to relax and sleep better?
Diccionario Bio-Emocional 1.04
Dictionary with biological and emotional origin of diseasesandailments.
Haztúa Psicología Positiva
En la red de centros Haztúa Psicología Positiva queremos ayudarteamejorar tu bienestar y aumentar tu felicidad ¡Descárgate laappgratis y hazte haztúer! Permanece en contacto con nosotros atravésde tu móvil. Podrás acceder a ofertas, como nuestro bono de4+1gratis, gestionar tus citas, tener sesiones online,contenidossobre temas de actualidad en psicología. Contacta almomento con unprofesional a través del teléfono y reserva tu cita,presencial yonline. Accede a una gran cantidad de contenidosrelacionados conla psicología donde encontrarás muchas respuestas acómo afrontarsituaciones cotidianas que pueden generar malestar.Siguenos en lasRedes para estar al día de todo lo que pasa enHaztúa: Instagram,Facebook, Twitter... Y mucho más: mp3,encuestas... Actúa, hazlotú, hazlo ahora. Haztúa. ¿Hablamos?
Brush Up
Kids have fun when they learn to brush their teethwithBudd.Children love Brush Up™ and so do parents.Dentalprofessionalslove the results. More than just a fun timer andagreat song, itis a true toothbrush training game. Brush Upwasnamed App of theYear by National Academy of Medicine,anddemonstrated to improvekids’ brushing in an National InstituteofHealth funded study.--------- HOW IT WORKS ◆ Teach your child-with Budd, theToothbrush Tutor. ◆ Empower your child -withselfie-basedassessment. ◆ Motivate your child - with coolprizes. ◆Love yourchild’s progress - as you review reports fromBudd. ◆Selfie MatchGame™ helps your child learn. SCIENCE ◆ Researchfundedby theNational Institute of Health*. ◆ Powered by dentalhygienescienceand advanced child psychology. ◆ Follow up studiesshowbetterbrushing a full year after game play. ◆Sensor-enabledbrush(available soon) affords even better results.FREE GAME ◆Cheerfulmentor, brilliant song, fun animation. ◆ MagicMirror putsyourchild right in the game with Budd. ◆ Personal PREMIUM CONTENT ◆ Freshprizes everymonthkeep your child motivated. ◆ Real-time reportskeep you in theloop– and, optionally, your dentist. ◆ Ad-free.SUBSCRIBE TOPREMIUMCONTENT Each month, your child gets 25 freshmotivationalprizesand you get a stream of reports. Your first monthis free.Afterthat, your Google Account is automatically charged$0.99** ontheday before each monthly period. Cancel any time afterpurchasebygoing into your Account Settings. Once you cancel, nonewchargeswill be applied to your account. If you cancel duringtheinitialfree month, no charges are ever applied. However,anyunusedportion of a free trial period, if offered, will beforfeitedwhenyou purchase a subscription to that publication. orPURCHASEBONUSCONTENT Buy the Brush Up bonus content: it includestheSelfieMatch Game, 300 motivational prizes and a full yearofbrushingreports with a one-time purchase of $9.99**. *USNationalInstitute of Dental and Craniofacial ResearchGrant1R43DE021334.Controlled study of children using Brush Up withthesensor-enabledtoothbrush. **Prices vary outside Brush Up and Selfie MatchGamearetrademarks of GamesThatWork.
Personality Psychology Premium
Crazysoft GR
‘2017 Personality Psychology Premium HD’ isahuge pack of personality and psychology brain tests andgamespresented in a pleasant / funny way. Do it yourself and avoidthePsychologist. By these Psychology tests & games you canrealizemuch more about yourself, your rational anticipation andabout yourcompanion (Sexual partner). You can analyze your brainpersonalityand find out what is on your mind. This is a reallyinsightfulbrain Psychology App.*** review: "Have you ever seen thosepersonalitytests that get sent around to your inbox? you know theones thattell you if you are a great lover or what type of smurfyou wouldbe if in fact you could be a smurf..." ****** review: "It seems that any magazine you pickupthese days will have half a dozen personality tests in it.Wouldn'tit be good to do them all in one hit?" ***Included in the App:Serious Psychology Tests:THE INSIDE: Am I happy? Do I like myself? Am I free as a bird? AmIobsessed? Am I stressed? Do I feel healthy? Do I feel guilty? AmIambitious? Am I adventurous? Am I always right? Am I peaceful?Ismy mind stuck? Do I use people? Am I tough?THE ACTIONS: Am I responsible? Do I take risks? Am I energetic? AmIshy? Am I wise? Am I a thinker? Am I friendly?THE OTHERS: Am I peaceful? Do I like free will? Do I like change?AmI tolerant? Am I a believer? Am I a racist? Am I acapitalist?THE SEX: Am I satisfied? Am I conservative? Am I a sex machine? DoIthink manly?Personality Tests for fun:Paint test, Image test, Dalai Lama test, Story right order,Chooseone animal, Choose one color, Question - funeral, Question-orderInteractive Stories: Luna park, Stolen strawberries, Blue bird,Thebat, The camel, Sudden rain, The museum, Volcano explosion,Theconcert, The mountain, Under blue sky, The garbage,Soapbubbles.Chinese test, Birthday analysis, The color test, Past lifeanalysis,What is your tree.USE IT TO:1) Break the ice socially.2) Impress someone by its accurate results.3) Understand yourself better.4) Find more about a close person or have fun with yourfriends.FEATURES:2) GPU accelerated full HD graphics when supported.3) Translated into: English, German, Italian, French,Spanish,Greek.4) Over 1000 questions in serious tests.5) Many personality tests for fun.6) Personality stats for up to 3 different users.7) Birthday analysis: Chinese sign, Tree, Color, Past life.'2017PersonalityPsychology Premium HD' is a huge pack of personality andpsychologybrain tests and games presented in a pleasant / funnyway. Do ityourself and avoid the Psychologist. By these Psychologytests& games you can realize much more about yourself, yourrationalanticipation and about your companion (Sexual partner). Youcananalyze your brain personality and find out what is on yourmind.This is a really insightful brain Psychology App.*** review: "Have you ever seen thosepersonalitytests that get sent around to your inbox? You know theones thattell you if you are a great lover or what type of smurfyou wouldbe if in fact you could be a smurf ... "****** review: "It seems that any magazine you pickupthese days will have half a dozen personality tests in it.Wouldnot it be good to do them all in one hit?" ***Included in the App:Serious Psychology Tests:THE INSIDE: Am I happy? Do I like myself? Am I free as a bird? AmIobsessed? Am I stressed? Do I feel healthy? Do I feel guilty? AmIambitious? Am I adventurous? Am I always right? Am I peaceful?Ismy mind stuck? Do I use people? Am I tough?THE ACTIONS: Am I responsible? Do I take risks? Am I energetic? AmIshy? Am I wise? Am I a thinker? Am I friendly?THE OTHERS: Am I peaceful? Do I like free will? Do I like change?AmI tolerant? Am I a believer? Am I a racist? Am I acapitalist?THE SEX: Am I satisfied? Am I conservative? Am I a sex machine? DoIthink manly?Personality Tests for fun:Paint test, Image test, Dalai Lama test, Story right order,Chooseone animal, Choose one color, Question - funeral, Question-orderInteractive Stories: Luna park, Stolen strawberries, Blue bird,Thebat, The camel, Sudden rain, The museum, Volcano explosion,Theconcert, The mountain, Under blue sky, The garbage,Soapbubbles.Chinese test, Birthday analysis, The color test, Past lifeanalysis,What is your tree.USE IT TO:1) Break the ice socially.2) Impress someone by its accurate results.3) Understand yourself better.4) Find more about a close person or have fun with yourfriends.FEATURES:2) GPU accelerated full HD graphics when supported.3) Translated into: English, German, Italian, French,Spanish,Greek.4) Over 1000 questions in serious tests.5) Many personality tests for fun.6) Personality stats for up to 3 different users.7) Birthday analysis: Chinese sign, Tree, Color, Past life.
400 Psychology Terms Quiz 1.2
Learn more than 400 key psychology terms.Includes multiple choic quiz, flashcards,&dictionary/glossary listing.Send report card of incorrect answers to email.Send a quiz to a friend by text message.Post score for global ranking.Good for review, Advanced Placement Psychology, Psych 101.keywords: personality test, psychology test, psychologystudyguide, AP Psychology exam, CLEP psychology, Praxis IIPsychologyexam, Examination for Professional Practice inPsychology, SportsPsychology, neuroscience
Color Psychology 1.0
Color psychology is the study of huesasadeterminant of human behavior.There are fourpsychologicalprimarycolors - red, blue, yellow and green. Theyrelaterespectively tothe body, the mind, the emotions and theessentialbalance betweenthese three.
eTrainer Educational 2.0.4
The excitement decides justified reason, the emotional manageronyour mobile.
CBT Tools for Healthy Living 6.4.4
Excel At Life
CBT diary, mood log, healthy goals, articles all availablewithoutpaid upgrade!
Psico GUIA 2.1
La detecció precoç dels problemas desalutmental en l´infància i adolescència és l´eix fonamental perpodercondicionar la seva remissió o millora.En l´abordatge de la salut mental cal saber si ens trobemdevantd´un fet banal i passatger (és a dir d´una desviació dinslanormalitat ) o bé som davant d´un signe o simptoma precoçd´untrastorn psicopatològic que, si no és detectat adequadament iatemps, pot evolucionar cap una patologia greu.Qué és una senyal d'alarma?Entenem per senyal d´alarma aquell signe,símptoma o conjuntdemanifestacions que, si apareixen a determinada edat, han deferpensar inmediatamente en una possibilitat detrastornpsicopatològic. Per matisar la importància d´aquestsenyald´alarma, cal tenir en compte: els canvis del tarannàhabitual delnen i adolescent, la intensitat i durada dels símptomesi la sevapresència en els diferents entorns.En la sistemàtica práctica de la aplicació Psico Guia és tenenencompte les diferents etapes evolutives:•Primera Infància (nadons, lactants i etapa preescolar)•Etapa escolar•AdolescènciaCal valorar que la informació referent als senyals d´alarmaésconvenient que és reculli a través de diverses fonsd´informació,almenys desde casa i l'escola.Early detection ofmentalhealth problems in childhood and adolescence is thecornerstone toovershadow his remission or improvement.In addressing mental health must know if we are in frontofsomething trivial and transient (ie within a normal deviation)orwe are in for an early sign or symptom of a disorderthatpsychopathological if not detected properly and on time, canevolvea severe pathology.What is an alarm?We understand that alarm sign, symptom or set of events that,ifthey appear at a certain age, they should immediately considerapossibility of psychopathological disorder. To clarifytheimportance of this alarm must be considered: changes in thenatureof normal children and adolescents, the intensity andduration ofsymptoms and their presence in differentenvironments.In the practice of systematic application Psycho Guide is takenintoaccount the different developmental stages:• Early Childhood (babies, infants and preschool)• Stage School• AdolescentsYou must appreciate that the information on warning signsisadvisable that is collected through various sources ofinformation,at least from home and school.
My Baby Today | Daily Tracker 1.8.1
My Baby Today is an informative mother'sguideand community for parents with newborn babies. Get resourcesforbaby essentials, sleep training, breastfeeding, babydevelopment,and more. You'll also find tools like checklists andreminders, aphoto album, and our feeding guide.My Baby Today is packed with tools and reminders to help youtobe the best parent in your baby's first year. It's brought toyouby BabyCenter, the world's most trusted parenting resourceandguide for moms, helping more than 300 million mothers aroundtheworld.CalendarOur calendar provides information about infants with daily tipsandweek-by-week guidance. Get advice about newborndevelopment,including childcare, feeding, breastfeeding, health andsafety forkids, daily care, and baby growth milestones. Watchvideos to learnhow to use baby products like car seats, babystrollers, potties,and more. Track your baby's activity, add yourbaby's moments,create a baby photo book, and organize all of yourfavorite photosin a baby album. Get advice from our experts abouthealth, fitness,and exercise for parents, weekly checklists, foodand nutritionideas, and more.Community and ForumJoin our birth club to connect with other moms. Ask questionsofother women and share how you feel about motherhood. Socializewithother moms, talking about breastfeeding or formula tips,diapering,bathing, coping with sickness, and lullabies. Ask othermoms aboutbreast milk problems, sleep, scheduling naps, and babyshopping.Listen to how new parents benefit from their experiencesof raisinga baby boy, a baby girl, or twins.FeaturesChecklist: Customizable list with reminders to keep youontrackSleep Guide: From how to settle a newborn to sleep training+lullabiesFeeding Guide: Breastfeeding, nursing or formula tips + a solidfoodtrackerDaily Calendar: A personalized guide to your baby's firstyearPhoto Diaries: Document your baby's growth and milestones inaphotobookBaby Health & Safety: Articles and videos + track yourbaby'sheight and weightWeekly Activities: Top suggestions for you and your babyBaby Care: Timely advice on diapering, bathing, and moreFor Moms: Ideas for taking care of yourself, tooFun: Reasons to laugh and celebrate along the waySearch BabyCenter: Parenting info, questions and answers fromourentire siteRated one of the top three Children's Health apps by thedoctorsat HealthTap. The BabyCenter Medical Advisory Board reviewsandapproves all medical information featured in our My BabyTodayapp.