Top 16 Apps Similar to Smeet

Smeet-r 0.0.7
Cym IT
Smeet-r is the first anonymous meeting application. Createyouraccount and take a selfie to reach connected users. Simpleandefficient! Find the people around you who use theapplication,based on your search criteria (Male / Female / Both).Chat withpeople with whom you matched, learn more about him / her.Hurry up,you only have a few hours to find the right person. If youlikehim/her, meet for real, this may be the beginning of abeautifulstory ... or not ... When the time runs out, your accountisdeleted, no data is stored or sold. Smeet-r therefore Works asanonline Speed ​​Dating. They are many advantages: - Photos ofuserscorrespond to reality thanks to selfie system - If nobodysuitsyou, there's no chance you could be harassed - Your datasareprotected
OpenLove (Lite) 2.0
For ethical non-monogamy, Polyamoryandotheropen relationships. A place where you can meet and connecttoeachother. At last!.- 100% real people and profiles.- Find people alike based on your mobile locationanddistance.- Play Speedmatch based in your preferences.- Open to all gender and sexualidentificationsororientations.- Unlimited messaging and chat with other members.Be part of the full experience at and meet up point for polyamory,non-monogamy,Poliamor,openminded, swingers, couples, poly and openlovepeople)
Annuo: Sexual Consent 1.5
Annuo LLC
Rate us if you like us!1) Register with Annuo or sign-in with Facebook.2) You input the name of your prospective partner3) You and your partner may record consent with yourvoicesorsign off on consent4) You may get a reward offer for getting consent5) A history of your encounters, partners, andcontractsarestored on our database, you can see them on yourphone.
Surprise Video Chat Flirt 1.1.38
Cerca Apps
Surprise Chat is a random chat where youcantalk to interesting strangers. Who will it be? A new friend, anewlove maybe...? You won't know until you try.This app is similar to others random chat, but easier &totallyfree, you don't have to pay to unlock features.Once you start a random chat then you can write text messages,sendimages or even start a video chat. When you start chattingtheimage of the other user is gradually unveiled, the more youchatthe more you will see who are you talking with!Also you have the option of rating a chat when you finish it,andthe users that are positively rated receive stars than can beusedto activate powerups. For example, you can use a powerup toshowthe other user's image immediately.Try it and if you have any problem or suggestion send us an [email protected] your luck with Surprise Chat!
Tart Chart 3.0.1
- How many guys has the 'girl nextdoorsleptwith?- What's the average for your age?- Are the girls in you gang Tart's?Use this calculator for accurate self comparison ofyourself,oryour frenemy.Find out how YOUR number compares to THE number. Over50countriesranging from 14 - 60 years! Yes, its huge! The TartCharttook manypeople many months to create, (OK, who cares right?)butthe answertakes just 4 seconds to compute.Find out if you/her/she/them/it, are above or below the markwiththeTart Chart.We hope you like what you see, and remember - Keepthepeacesisters!>There are NO CONNECTED TRACKERS included with this app.Bought to you by CupidityApps / © 2014
Namoro On
Namoro On: O melhor lugar para conhecerpessoaspara namorar usando seu celular ou tablet Android!Em 3 minutos seu perfil estará completo e você encontrarámuitaspessoas interessantes que também procuram alguémparanamorar.Liste pessoas usando nosso poderoso sistema de buscas ou a partirdesugestões de parceiros para você namorar.Faça buscas e troque mensagens com homens e mulheres do seuperfil,onde você quiser e como você quiser.Envie mensagens para pessoas que estejam online, em sua área,usandoo sistema de localização de nosso aplicativo de namoro.Podeaproveitar para um encontro logo ao lado de onde esteja!As pessoas das quais você mais gostar podem ser colocadas emsualista de favoritos e listadas novamente quando desejar.Aproveite! Por alguns meses tudo isto e muito mais estarádisponívelpara você gratuitamente.On dating: The bestplaceto meet people to date using your Android phone ortablet!In 3 minutes your profile is complete, you will findmanyinteresting people who are also looking for someone todate.List people using our powerful search system or from suggestionsofdating partners for you.Make search and exchange messages with men and women ofyourprofile, where you want and how you want.Send messages to people who are online in your area, usingthetracking system of our application of dating. You can enjoyanencounter just beside where you are!The people whom you like most can be placed on your listoffavorites and listed again when you want.Enjoy! For a few months all this and much more is available toyoufree of charge.
Mingle2: Dating, Chat & Meet 9.1.7
The online dating app to make friends, meet people or datesingles.Like & Chat!
Dating, Chat and Meet People 6.0.0
Relationship app for Singles, Make Friends and Find Your Love
Do you want to meet new people? It’ssupersimple with the I like you chat app. Find out who you like,and youdecide where to take it.✔ IT REALLY WORKSDiscover new people and singles nearby to chat and flirt with.Ilike you is not only for singles! Become part of a greatcommunitywith awesome people in your area. Over 5,000 new membersjoin everyday.✔ Ilikeyou IS FREEForget the traditional dating services, fee-based complicateddatingapps and try I like you. All the basic features are free andwillremain free forever. You can chat with others instantly thankstoour 1-tap sign up.✔ MADE WITH LOVEThere is no anonymous profit machine behind Ilikeyou. We are asmallteam who wants to connect people with the help of Ilikeyou.We wantto provide the best app in the world for you: honest,easy-to-useand free.✔ YOU’RE ALWAYS IN CONTROLYour privacy is very important to us and you always havecontrolover it. Your exact location and your personal data remainsecret.You are anonymous and safe here. You decide for yourself if,whenand how you want to connect with someone.Please send feedback or comments to:[email protected] a lot of fun with Ilikeyou and thanks for your review :)
Viet Single Dating 1.3
Vietsingle is the most famous datingwebsiteatAsia, especially in Vietnam, US and Canada.With the top ranking in Vietnam, Vietsingle for Android isapopularapplication.Vietsingle is where Western men meeting Vietnamese womenandviceversa. Download for free and experience a whole new wayformeetingand dating Vietnamese friends living over the world.Features:★ View tons of real sexy photos from Vietnamese singlegirlsandgentlemen.★ Browse thousands of Vietnamese singles and otherAsiancutiesonline.★ Search for local singles by country, city, age,sex,religion,single, divorced, women, men.★ Take photos directly or upload photos fromyourphone,tablet.Whether you're single or not, just join for free to meettonsoffriends from all over the world and all across Asia.Ifyou'rethinking about backpacking to Asia, don't miss thisapp!Thank you for your support. If you have anyquestion,pleasecontact us at [email protected] single la trang web hen ho noi tieng nhat o chau a,dacbietla o Viet Nam, My va Canada.Voi cac thu hang dau tai Viet Nam, vietsingle tren Android lamotungdung pho bien.Viet single la noi ma dan ong phuong Tay gap go phu nu VietNamvanguoc lai. Tai ve mien phi va trai nghiem mot cach hoan toanmoidedap ung va hen ho voi nguoi ban Viet Nam song trentoanthegioi.Cac tinh nang:★ Xem tan hinh anh goi cam thuc tu co gai duy nhat va quyongVietNam.★ Duyet hang ngan nguoi doc than Viet Nam va cuties chau akhactructuyen.★ Tim kiem cho dia don dia phuong theo quoc gia, thanhpho,tuoi,gioi tinh, ton giao, doc than, ly hon, phu nu, namgioi.★ Chup anh truc tiep hoac tai len hinh anh tu dien thoai,maytinhbang.Cho du ban con doc than hay khong, chi can tham gia mien phidedapung tan cua ban be tu khap noi tren the gioi va tren khapChaua.Neu ban dang suy nghi ve chau a, khong bo lo ung dungnay!Cam on ban da ho tro cua ban. Neu ban co bat ky cau hoi,xinvuilong lien he voi chung toi tai [email protected].
キャンディー♪ 1.2
キャンディーは『暇な時間に簡単に探せる!すぐ会える!』のコンセプトを追及したAndroid専用チャットアプリです♪【おすすめポイント①】~登録無料!安心安全のセキュリティ体制~インストール&登録無料!アドレスや電話番号などの個人情報の登録は一切なく、インストールしてすぐに遊べます。また、24時間365日の万全のサポート体制により、タイムラインやアップロード画像を監視。不適切な投稿によりユーザー様に不快な思いをさせる事もありません!安心してご利用頂けます。【おすすめポイント②】~目的別に6種類のアバターをご用意~カンタン操作でご近所さんを一発検索!お相手のプロフィールを確認する前に一目で異性の目的がわかる為、あなたと同じ価値観の異性と巡り合える確率UP♪・恋人募集・今日トモ・ご近所募集・飲み友募集・趣味友募集・誰でもOK様々なパートナーとの出逢いの場をご提供します!チャット形式でサクサク会話できちゃうので、あなたの目的に合った出合いがたくさん詰まっていること間違いナシです☆【注意事項】・ご利用前に「ご利用規約」を必ずお読み下さいますようお願い申し上げます。・性的/暴力的表現を含む文言の使用はご遠慮下さい。・他アプリ等への誘導行為は一切禁止となっております。Candy is searchableeasyto "spare time! Immediately meet! Android-only chat app ♪whichinvestigated the concept of "[Recommended point ①]- Join Free Safety and security of the security system -Installation and registration for free! Registration ofpersonalinformation is absolutely no such as an address or phonenumber,you can play as soon as you install.In addition, by all possible measures of support system 24 hoursaday, 365 days a year, monitoring the time line and uploadimages.There is no also to feel uncomfortable to the user liketheinappropriate posting! With confidence available.[Recommended point ②]By ~ purpose available - six kinds of AvatarOne-shot search for your neighbors with simple operation!Becauseyou know the purpose of the opposite sex at a glance beforetoconfirm the profile of your opponent, the probability UP ♪thatMeguriae with the opposite sex of the same values ​​asyou· Lover Wanted- Today Tomo- Your neighborhood Wanted· Drink friend WantedHobbies friend Wanted· Anyone OKIt offers a place of encounter with a variety of partners!Becauseshe can crisp conversation in a chat format, is no doubtthat theencounters that suits your purpose is jammed a lot ☆【Notes】· Available you please be sure to read the "Terms andConditions"before so thank you.And use of language, including sexual / violentrepresentationplease refrain.Induction act to other apps such as becomingstrictlyprohibited.
出会いアプリPCMAX(ピーシーマックス) 3.3
アプリで彼氏、彼女、ひまつぶしの友達、メル友、飲み友、恋活、縁活、恋愛の相談相手など新しい出会いをさがしたいなら、PCMAX(ピーシーマックス)を是非使ってみてください。気軽に合コンや即会い、待ち合わせ希望など、すぐ会いたいユーザーも!ユーザー登録は簡単!写メもアップできるので見るだけでも楽しい!PCMAX(ピーシーマックス)は、10年以上も出会いを専門にサービスを行っています。だから恋愛系のリアル出逢いから飲み友系の気軽なであい、メル友系のオンラインコミュニケーションなど、人と人のつながりをスムーズにする機能やコンテンツが充実しているんです。もちろん、利用しているみなさんもいろんなジャンルの出逢いを意識した方ばかりなので、カジュアルな友達とする話から本格的な恋の話まで、初めて同士でもすぐ希望に合ったコミュニケーションができます。出会い系アプリとしてだけじゃなく、まじめに恋活や婚活したい人、男女の関係抜きでつながる人脈を広げたい縁活コミュニティーとしての役割も果たしています。また、ソーシャルネットワーク系に分類されるひまつぶし系や恋愛系の中でも会員数の多さは国内トップクラスです。だからSNSの友達とは違う誰かとつながりたい、と思った時は、目的別の掲示板やプロフィール検索で今すぐ簡単にいい相手をさがすことができます。住んでいる近所や目的の場所を検索することもできるので、遊び仲間、合コンや飲み友、彼氏候補、彼女候補をみつけるツールとしても大変便利です。知り合った男子や女子とメル友になって、プライベートでのメッセージ交換も簡単です。便利な機能だけじゃなく、男性も女性もみんなが安心して安全に使えるアプリを目指していますので、24時間365日スタッフによるサポート体制が充実しているのもPCMAX(ピーシーマックス)の特長です。彼氏募集、彼女募集、縁活、恋活、婚活、はもちろんですが、単なるひま潰しというだけでも構いません。既に彼氏や彼女、奥さんや旦那さんがいるから今は「であい」に興味がない、という方でも構いません。もちろん、なんとなく、でも構いません。【こんな方に最適なアプリです】□ あなたの要望どおり、ぴったりの友達をみつけたい□ 素敵なパートナーを探したい□ 男性・女性パートナーとの出逢いを無料で応援してくれるアプリを探している□ 結婚紹介所までは使えないが、SNS感覚で彼氏・彼女や恋愛相談相手をみつけたい□ 過去に恋愛掲示板で異性とのご縁を探したことがある□ 合コン相手・飲み友・ひまなときのメル友や写メ友をみつけたい□ 出会・即会の待ち合わせアプリとして割り切りで使いたい。□ snsで友達、恋人を探したい□ 本気で出会いを求めている□ 安心できるサイト、アプリで探している□ 最初は匿名で無料登録したい□ 楽しいトークができる掲示板を求めてる□ 恋活、婚活を成功させたい□ 異性とチャットしたい繋がりたい時はこのアプリがいいきっかけになると思います。そして、他出会い系との違いを比べてみてください。きっと、ドキドキワクワクするような素敵でハッピーなであいが待っていると思います。料金について・男性は掲示板、プロフィール閲覧1ポイント、メール送信5ポイント、写真の閲覧に3ポイントが必要になります。(1ポイント=10円)・女性は男性とのコンタクトに関しては全て無料でご利用いただけます。安全への取り組み24時間365日体制で有人サポート・パトロールを行っています。18歳以上の年齢確認クレジットカードでの確認、又は年齢が確認できる公的な身分証明書を、写メで送信頂くことで確認致します。最新情報・メンテナンス情報・サポートはこちら公式サイト:http://netmax.jp運営会社について会社名:株式会社マックス住所:東京都新宿区新宿5丁目1番13号電話番号:03-3351-2022運営責任者:青木尊久インターネット異性紹介事業届出:認定番号 30120128004総務省電気通信事業届出:A-20-10188JAPHIC(ジャフィック)マーク取得:認定番号 1405130048(02)Boyfriend in the app,she,killing time friend, Mel friend, drinking friend, Koikatsu,Enkatsu,if you want to looking for a new encounter, such asconsultationpartner of love, please try using PCMAX the (IPC Max)by allmeans.Feel free to meet joint party and immediate, such as waiting hope,Iwant to see immediately the user too! User Registrationiseasy!The photo is also fun just see because it up!PCMAX (IPC Max) is also doing a service specializing in meetingmorethan 10 years.So casual encounter of the friend-based drink becauseencounterrealistic of love-based, I like online communication ofMel friendsystem, functions and content to smooth the people andhuman tiesare substantial.Of course, since only those who were aware of you alsoencounterof various genres that are available, from the story to becasualfriends to talk of a full-fledged love, you can communicatethatsuits also soon hope for the first time with each other.Not only as a dating app, seriously Koikatsu and matchmakingwantpeople, also plays the role of as Enkatsu community want toexpandthe network of contacts that lead in the men and women oftherelationship excl.In addition, a multi of the number of members among thekillingtime-based or love system is classified as a social networksystemis the domestic top class.So when I thought, I want to connect with different someone isafriend of the SNS, you can look for right now simply goodopponentin another bulletin board and profile search purpose.Since it is also possible to find the location of living intheneighborhood and purposes, playmates, joint party anddrinkingfriend, boyfriend candidate, is very useful as a tool tofind hercandidate.Become acquainted with boys and girls and Mel friend, it is alsoasimple exchange of messages private.Not only useful feature, because we aim an app that men canalsobe used safely women everyone with peace of mind, it featuresofPCMAX also for are substantial support system by 24 hours aday,365 days a year staff (IPC Max).Boyfriend recruitment, she recruitment, Enkatsu,Koikatsu,matchmaking, but is, of course, you can just say thatmereBangin.Already boyfriend or girlfriend, right now because there arewifeand husband does not matter who called, it is not interested inthe"encounter".Of course, somehow, but it does not matter.[Is the perfect app to those who like]□ want to find exactly your needs, the perfect friend□ I want to find a nice partnerWe are looking for an app that cheering at □ encounter free ofthemale and female partners□ it can not be used until the marriage agency, but want to findaboyfriend, girlfriend or love counselor at SNS senseThere you were looking for your edge of the opposite sex in □lovebulletin board in the past□ joint party want to find the Mel friend and Utsushimetomowhenopponent-drinking friend, Himana□ I want to use in the Warikiri as encounter & Save Kaimeetingapp.I want to find a friend, a lover in □ sns□ want to meet in earnest□ sites that can be peace of mind, looking in the app□ first want to free registration anonymously□ seeking a bulletin board that can be fun talk□ Koikatsu, we want a successful marriage hunting□ I want to chat with the opposite sexIf you want to lead you think this app is agoodopportunity.And, please try to compare the difference with other dating.Surely, I think that it is nice and happy encounter, suchaspounding thrill waiting.About Rates- Men will be bulletin board, Profile Views 1 point,e-mailtransmission 5 points, to need three points to browse photos.(1point = 10 yen)And women are available in all respect to the contact withmenfree.Commitment to safetyIt is manned support patrol 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.18 years of age or older of age verificationCheck with a credit card, or an official identification that agecanbe confirmed, it will be confirmed by get sent in Thephoto.Latest information and maintenance information and supportishere.Official site: http: //netmax.jpAbout management companyCompany Name: Co., Ltd. MaxAddress: Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Shinjuku 5-chome No. 13Phone: 03-3351-2022Management Staff: Aoki TakashiHisaInternet Dating business report: certificationnumber30120128004Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communicationstelecommunicationsbusiness report: A-20-10188JAPHIC (Ja Fick) Mark: certification number 1405130048 (02)
星の王子様チャット マッチング出会系恋人探し友達作りSNS
FacesIn 3.1.5
FacesIn discovers where people that mattertoyou will be.Where existing location apps “predict” the past, tellingwherefriends and contacts have been, FacesIn predicts thefuture,telling when and where you can connect face-to-face withpeoplethat matter to you.Combining LinkedIn with domain specific networks likeAngelListand CrunchBase, FacesIn learns who interests you anddiscoverswhere he or she will be.FacesIn new version is focused on the startups world,helpingstartups, investors and media to connectface-to-face,answering:* where can I “run into” my connections in person?* what events should I go to based on people that interestme?* who from my network is going to a specific event?* when will my connections be near me so that I don’t needtotravel?Major Features:* instantly view connections organised by proximity, timeorrelevancy* locate on a map where your connections will be* discover nearby places where your connections go* receive notifications when people that matter will be nearbyFeatured on TechCrunch:"(..) rather than continuing to chase the bandwagon of appsandservices that promise to keep you appraised of yourfriends’real-time movements, such as the aforementioned Foursquareor Swarmor other real-time location mapping/pinging services,FacesIn cannow parse public data and social postings to alert youwhen someoneyou are interested in is going to be at a public eventin yourvicinity soon — such as speaking at a conference. The ideabeing togive users the chance to cross paths with people they wanttonetwork with."
SlideOver Messaging 1.27
SlideOver is part of me and mybrother'sSlidingMessaging Pro project. This is only part of whatit can dowithin ourapp, but we decided to release this part forfree andopen source sothat users can use this incredible featurewithoutbeing confined toSliding Messaging Pro and any developersoutthere can learn from it!This app is meant to be used alongside your messagingappofchoice, whether that is the stock app, Go SMS, Handsent,Textra,orany of the other 3rd party messaging apps available onthePlayStore. It is meant to extend upon that apps functionalityandgiveyou extra features that aren't present in most/any apps.Features:- An always on "bubble" to access your latest messagesfromanywhere(without even leaving your current app!)- Quickly reply to a new message with the Quick Peekoption,broughtup by a simple tap on the SlideOver bubble- Easily move and manage the SlideOver bubble with a longpresstodrag option and a double click to change thesliverwidthoption.- The SlideOver bubble will show contact pictures and someofthemessage with a very cool animation on new SMS messages- Option to "ping" the SlideOver bubble when the userunlocksthedevice and there is an unread message.- Reply without pausing your YouTube and most othervideoservicesand games (something that usual quick reply boxescouldneverdo!)- TONS of customization options- and lots of other stuffUsage:1.) Download SlideOver Messaging2.) Open the main app to view the settings page and apply anyofthesettings you think fit!3.) That's it! Now just wait for a new message to comethoughandview it via the SlideOver bubble and reply quicklytoconversationsvia the quick peek dialog!Notes:Some 3rd party messaging apps block the textmessagereceiversthat I use to display the messages to theSlideOverbubble. It is avery easy workaround though luckily,simplyuninstall and thenre-install your 3rd party messaging app(such asGo SMS) and themessages will come up in both yournotification tray(through the3rd party app) and the SlideOverbubble (through myapp).Very simple fix :)Another thing to look out for is that the system may notmarkyourmessages as sent, even if they are. This is a bug we havehadwithSamsung phones, it seems as though they do things alittlebitdifferent and I have been unable to find a workaroundsofar.There is also no support for Android 4.4 because of anewsystemthat they implemented with default messaging applications.Asthisapp is not meant to replace your default app, there will benowayto send messages.If you like what we have done here, support us through apurchaseofSliding Messaging Pro! As I said, that app takesthefunctionalityof SlideOver to a whole new level with anawesomepop-up replydialog and some other neat customizationandfeatures!Hope you enjoy!For any developers that like this kind of app, the fullsourceisavailable here: it out and make something cool with it :)
Bag A Chat for WhatsApp & Hike 1.10
Bag A Chat
Bag A Chat app enables you tosafeguard,organize, save or backup WhatsApp and Hike chatmessages orhistory. With simplified WhatsApp search or HikeSearch, youcan use popular instant messengers such as Hike orWhatsApp forbusiness. This free app can help with managingcustomerservice, project tracking and business support. Our Appdoes nottransfer any of your personal data over Internet,PrivacyGuaranteed!The exclusive benefits of using Bag A Chat app for WhatsApp andHikeand other popular instant messengers on Android • Backup WhatsApp & Hike Chat History: Now youcanbackup or save your WhatsApp & Hike chat messages for aslongas you want. No need of worrying of getting the importantchathistory lost. • Quick Search WhatsApp & Hike Chat Messages: Youcanquickly find key messages in WhatsApp & Hike by applyingourpowerful search with multiple filters like Sender name, Group,Daterange, Text, File type etc. • Add Labels to WhatsApp or Hike Chat Messages: Youcanlogically group key WhatsApp & Hike chat messages byaddingLabels. So now, group your messages & media in logicalfoldersas per need. View posts & files related to yourprojects,campaigns, vacation memories, family videos etc.together. • Quick Share WhatsApp or Hike Chat Messages: Send emailorupload to your drive (Google, Dropbox)– Messages found usingSearchor under same Label can be shared together in one go. Sharetext,images and videos together to other apps - in One Go. Nocrazier‘select N share one-by-one’! • Create Analytical Reports Based on WhatsApp or HikeChatMessages: Add flavor to your WhatsApp & Hikegroupconversations - Create and Share many interesting reports withyourfriends, giving insights on your group’s conversation e.g.MostActive Buddies in the group, Most Active Time of the group andmanymore! • Perform Business Operations on WhatsApp and Hike:PerformBusiness operations while browsing through saved messages –Savecontacts, Call people, Create reminders, Sync to drive • Centralized Storage of Chat Messages: Supports savingofmessages and media from WhatsApp, Hike and Gallery –Together.Support for more messengers ... coming soon! • Improved Phone performance: GBs of data from chatmessagesmaking your phone slow? Save only important messages toBag AChat and clear chat entirely from messengers. • Privacy Guaranteed – Your data is safe: Your MessagesandMedia are saved in Private Folder (and not get mixed up ingallery)- so now you can hand over your phone to colleagues,friends andfamily without worrying about privacy. • No Ads: It’s free and we hate bugging you with Ads! • Integrate with Business: You know yourBusinessCommunication needs very well than us! May it be:  › Integrating WhatsApp & Hike Chat communication withyourinternal Sales/CRM Software, Project Management Toolsetc.  › Generating various Business Reports about Leads, CampaignsandTrends etc.  › Centralized view to business communication of staff etc.   We are there to provide solution as per your needs withourpatent pending technology. Just drop us an email on [email protected] and we will getintouch with you to discuss further.Read our terms of Services here - Note: Bag A Chat is not associated withWhatsAppInc. or Hike or any other instant Messengers and itsaffiliated orparent companies. The Service is on the top ofexisting popularMessengers. The logos or images or trademarks areused for examplesor representation only.Some versions of OnePlusOne & OnePlusTwo havereportedproblems. App works fine on One Plus X though.