1.2 / March 27, 2017
(3.6/5) (83)









Candy is searchable easyto "spare time! Immediately meet! Android-only chat app ♪ whichinvestigated the concept of "

[Recommended point ①]
- Join Free Safety and security of the security system -

Installation and registration for free! Registration of personalinformation is absolutely no such as an address or phone number,you can play as soon as you install.
In addition, by all possible measures of support system 24 hours aday, 365 days a year, monitoring the time line and upload images.There is no also to feel uncomfortable to the user like theinappropriate posting! With confidence available.

[Recommended point ②]
By ~ purpose available - six kinds of Avatar

One-shot search for your neighbors with simple operation! Becauseyou know the purpose of the opposite sex at a glance before toconfirm the profile of your opponent, the probability UP ♪ thatMeguriae with the opposite sex of the same values ​​as you

· Lover Wanted
- Today Tomo
- Your neighborhood Wanted
· Drink friend Wanted
Hobbies friend Wanted
· Anyone OK

It offers a place of encounter with a variety of partners! Becauseshe can crisp conversation in a chat format, is no doubt that theencounters that suits your purpose is jammed a lot ☆

· Available you please be sure to read the "Terms and Conditions"before so thank you.
And use of language, including sexual / violent representationplease refrain.
Induction act to other apps such as becoming strictlyprohibited.

App Information キャンディー♪

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キャンディー♪ 1.2 APK
キャンディーは『暇な時間に簡単に探せる!すぐ会える!』のコンセプトを追及したAndroid専用チャットアプリです♪【おすすめポイント①】~登録無料!安心安全のセキュリティ体制~インストール&登録無料!アドレスや電話番号などの個人情報の登録は一切なく、インストールしてすぐに遊べます。また、24時間365日の万全のサポート体制により、タイムラインやアップロード画像を監視。不適切な投稿によりユーザー様に不快な思いをさせる事もありません!安心してご利用頂けます。【おすすめポイント②】~目的別に6種類のアバターをご用意~カンタン操作でご近所さんを一発検索!お相手のプロフィールを確認する前に一目で異性の目的がわかる為、あなたと同じ価値観の異性と巡り合える確率UP♪・恋人募集・今日トモ・ご近所募集・飲み友募集・趣味友募集・誰でもOK様々なパートナーとの出逢いの場をご提供します!チャット形式でサクサク会話できちゃうので、あなたの目的に合った出合いがたくさん詰まっていること間違いナシです☆【注意事項】・ご利用前に「ご利用規約」を必ずお読み下さいますようお願い申し上げます。・性的/暴力的表現を含む文言の使用はご遠慮下さい。・他アプリ等への誘導行為は一切禁止となっております。Candy is searchable easyto "spare time! Immediately meet! Android-only chat app ♪ whichinvestigated the concept of "[Recommended point ①]- Join Free Safety and security of the security system -Installation and registration for free! Registration of personalinformation is absolutely no such as an address or phone number,you can play as soon as you install.In addition, by all possible measures of support system 24 hours aday, 365 days a year, monitoring the time line and upload images.There is no also to feel uncomfortable to the user like theinappropriate posting! With confidence available.[Recommended point ②]By ~ purpose available - six kinds of AvatarOne-shot search for your neighbors with simple operation! Becauseyou know the purpose of the opposite sex at a glance before toconfirm the profile of your opponent, the probability UP ♪ thatMeguriae with the opposite sex of the same values ​​as you· Lover Wanted- Today Tomo- Your neighborhood Wanted· Drink friend WantedHobbies friend Wanted· Anyone OKIt offers a place of encounter with a variety of partners! Becauseshe can crisp conversation in a chat format, is no doubt that theencounters that suits your purpose is jammed a lot ☆【Notes】· Available you please be sure to read the "Terms and Conditions"before so thank you.And use of language, including sexual / violent representationplease refrain.Induction act to other apps such as becoming strictlyprohibited.