Top 27 Games Similar to 手機搖搖樂第二版

星座好朋友 2.80
The hottest constellation app is online now! With theconstellationgood friend APP, constellation life is so simple!
算算-塔羅占卜、八字算命,愛情事業隨時算 1.26.8
One-on-one online fortune-telling app for nearly athousandprofessional Tarot and Ziwei eight-character teachers!Single,broken in love, unsatisfactory relationship? Is the job orjobsearch suitable? Leave the troubles to the teacher, solvetheproblem and lead the way to luck!
LianYong Lee
Do you feel hesitated? Do you feel helpless? Throw 筊 (toss thecup)and ask the gods for a fortune to solve your puzzles! Raiseyourhead three feet, there are gods on them, don't do all evil,allgood will follow.
靈機-姻緣和合符 開光靈符 算命占卜 求籤祈福 9.0.7
Spiritual Talisman Prayer for Good Luck is an app thatrespectfullyinvites Taoist talisman to eliminate disasters andfulfill yourwishes. Please sign-consecration-blessing, and thewizardcontinuously injects spiritual power. The small talismancanattract peach blossoms to attract wealth and adjust the heart,thebig one can eliminate disasters and achieve aspirations, andthemagic talisman can help the beneficiary’s wish to be fulfilled.
The authentic Guanyin spiritual lottery provides documentsandrecords for requesting, checking and resolving signatures. MZTIT
Worrydolls 1.3.0
Peter Wieben
Tiny dolls to remove anxiety.
我的人生大冒險 2.087.0001
創新概念《人生模擬》遊戲! 規劃人生路線、培養人格特長 發展真實人脈、影響世界繁榮開啟人生經營的全新篇章讓人生世代擁有光芒獨特的生命旅程吧!
取名解名-姓名算命 命名起名改名字大全 名字八字算命打分 生 5.4.6
[Name and Resolve] Two major functions: 1. According to thebaby’sbirth date and surname, match the baby with auspicious andwishfulnames; 2. According to the birth date provided by the user,theuser’s name will be scored and the user’s name will bechanged.Suggest!
梦幻修仙挂机-全民放置类仙侠挂机游戏 6.5.0521
[Fantasy Xiu Xian Hanging Machine] is a text game of Xiu Xiantype,which can increase the attributes infinitely, and the gamefeelfull of positive energy. Created by a professionalteam,independent mobile game, a lot of support! ! !
一億小目標2 1.1.1
Ten minutes in a round, you can easily experience the ancientpeaklife from poverty to wealth.
查八字® - 计算运势 人生咨询 v4.2.7
Chinese Zodiac Numerology Love Work Matching
问问塔罗 2.37.6
Ether Century
姓名稱骨算命-生肖,姓名配對 6.71
终极狼人杀-一场游戏交一群好友 9.12.629
Voice social games, play with everyone, backgammon, beastchess,werewolf killing, k song, who is undercover, Hi Mai,chat,emotional consultation, truth or dare...
我在仙界玩泥巴-玄幻冒險的修仙之旅 1.1.2
GreatGame ltd
道本虛無,因恍惚而有物。懸崖之下,寶劍入世。道友一起修仙嗎?首款文字修仙休閑掛機MUD手遊,《我在仙界玩泥巴》已正式上線,豪華修仙禮包等著你哦!本遊戲將以文字形式與各位道友會面,在此你將可以體驗到渡劫飛升、玄幻修仙、策略戰鬥、仙友相助、宗門林立、納戒修真、洞府集氣、修行煉器、鬥法競技、坊市淵緣等修仙之路的奇妙之旅!【玄幻修仙文字冒險】 道可道,非常道。名可名,非常名。經典MUD全新回歸,玄幻修真,新奇有趣的修仙劇情等你來品! 【輕鬆收益渡劫成仙】無,名天地之始;有,名萬物之母。遊戲離線亦有多多修為收益,輕鬆掛機悟天道,渡劫修真羽化仙! 【超強陣容助力飛升】修真界,有山而不合,有道而不同。或可鎮懾邪魔、降服鬼物,或可調陰陽、順風水,更有異者,可執摶挫銳,噬食鬼魅。超強雲巔仙友助陣,修行得道煉氣飛升!【策略比拼道法自然】 若常無,則以觀其妙;常有,則以觀其徼。超多仙友、裝備、道具、屬性搭配玩法,策略佈陣合鬥法,轉敗為勝見神通。【衆多玩法自由修仙】同出而異名,同謂之玄。玄之又玄,眾妙之門。歷練劇情、洞府納戒、宗門競技、修行煉器、坊市淵緣,多種玩法齊修真,仙路漫漫見長生。官方facebook:※※本軟體因涉及暴力、不當言語、虛擬戀愛或結婚等遊戲情節,依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為輔12+。※本遊戲為免費下載,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務!※請注意遊戲時間,避免沉迷。
紫微命盤-紫微斗數大師 婚姻算命 愛情配對 紫微星座運勢 1.3.4
【Zi Wei Fate Board】Zi Wei Dou number chart calculates thefatepalace, comprehensively predicts the fortune index,fortune-tellingastrology! Through the Ziwei Husband and WifePalace, explain thedevelopment of the fleeting relationship, thetrend of love,understand the personality traits of the partner, andresolve thefleeting relationship crisis.
文墨天機•紫微斗數(基礎版) 1.8.8
Professional Ziwei Dou counting plate program, supportsmultipleplate styles such as Fei Xing, Sanhe, Qintian Four Hua etc.
八字合婚-八字算命,生辰八字姻緣配對,合八字 3.5.0
Enter your partner’s birthday, use the time of birth toperformZiwei marriage and Bazi analysis, assess the depth of fate,predictthe development of your marriage and love, answer yourconcernsabout pre- and post-marriage, help you choose the rightperson, andtell you after marriage Ways to maintain happiness.
紫微大师-算命八字占卜领导品牌,紫薇斗数预测专家 8.5.0
Not everyone is lucky enough to meet Master Ziwei’s advice,everysecond is being blessed by a user... Are you the next luckyone?There are detailed explanations on love, marriage, career,work,making money, financial management, pregnancy, buying a house,andbuying a car!
挑戰吧!大神 #牌打得出去,運進得來 1.997
Everyone is watching the challenge, God, why haven’t youdownloadedthe app yet?! Playing mahjong with the host, giving giftswith freeturntables every day, watching programs 24 hours a day,allentertainment is satisfied at once.
八字算命-生肖運勢 線上算命 生辰八字命盤解析 八字流年 1.3.0
Horoscope fortune-telling, deduce life. Taiwan's numerologynationalteacher arranges fortune-telling for you, deducesthecharacteristics of life, analyzes the ups and downs ofpersonality,wealth, emotion, marriage and love career, and healthand fortune.Predict personal fleeting fortune, the accuracy rate isas high as98.7%!
Wong Tai Sin Ling signed Wong Tai Sin [powered by MZTIT]
打工英雄傳 1.6.0
起名取名字大師-姓名算命 嬰兒命名 改名推薦 名字分析 姓名配對打分 五行八字分析生肖 名稱取名 3.2.8
起名定命,知名改運!姓名並不只是人的一個稱呼,更是人的一種符咒。它在相當大的程度上約束了一個人一生的發展,一個人的成就大小、順逆變換,都與姓名有很大關係。每個人的姓名當中含有陰陽五行相生相剋的玄機,如果後天起名所含的五行屬性可以補充五行不足,則可改善人的命運際遇,但如所起姓名欠佳,則有可能不利於後天的運勢發展。這其實與八字、風水等玄學的道理是一脈相通的。因為名字是屬於個人所獨有的,當別人稱呼我們姓名的時候,其實等同於對我們念咒語。這相當於別人祝福會為您帶來正能量,詛咒會為您帶來負能量一樣。好的名字必須從人的八字出發,深度剖析八字中的資訊,再結合人的性別、屬相、漢字音律、意義、字形等方面,才能取得好名。不要埋怨命不好,我們提供好名字幫您補救!【起名取名字大師】特點:1.起名方法繼承傳統命理起名學優點,準確判斷名字好壞!2.時間採用真太陽時,分析八字資訊更加準確!3.專業生辰八字、三才五格、生肖喜忌、字義音型分析,輕鬆讀懂名字意義!4.起名選擇方法,總有一個好名讓您一生順利!5.更有每年運程分析,讓您找到正確方向,年年順利不再是夢!6.創新紫微和姓名學結合,揭示你一生的命理運勢! 【我們在這裡等您! 】【臉書】每日新鮮命理諮詢為您洞悉運程,助您順順利利!:【郵箱】您寶貴的建議、意見都歡迎告知我們,我們將盡一切可能改善!:[email protected]