Top 3 Apps Similar to Juice Nutrition Calculator

Juice Pro 3.20
Juice Pro - There's a juice for that!
Nutrition Facts
Find nutrient information of over 8,000kindsof food easily.Reliable Data. All data are based on the latest USDASR27data. It includes more than 30 nutrition values for mostfooditems. Standard measures (ounces, cups, spoons, etc) for eachfoodmakes it easy to understand. Detailed classifications of fooditemshelp for more accurate search.Check Your Daily Intake. Daily Reference Intakes (DRI)formen, women, children, infants, pregnant and lactating womenshowsyou whether you are getting enough amount ofnutritionsdaily.Complete Nutrition Values. Proximates (,carbohydrates, protein, fat), minerals (e.g. calcium,iron,sodium), vitamins, and fatty acids are included. In totalthere aremore than 80 kind of nutritions.Support Us. Enjoy additional features by upgrading to thePROversion for only $0.99. Copy and share nutritional data and nomoreadvertisements._________________________Location access is asked for anonymous and aggregrated trackingbyPlaced Inc. to support the developer. Location isaccessedonly if you give an explicit consent to it, and willnot beused for any other purposes: can disable it any timefrom the About screen.
Juice More 1.02
ALF Media
Juice More is the next level inFitnesssupremoKardy Laguda's fruits and vegetables juicing forhealthseries. Thebenefits of juicing are extraordinary as more andmorepeople areincreasing their nutritional content daily usingthissimple andeffective method.In this app you will get the following:-•Focuses on over 10 high juicing and nutrient richfruitsandvegetables•A 10 Day Juicing secion•Hints on how to buy the freshest fruits & vegetables•Facts about the benefits of the chosen fruits&vegetables•Nutritional information about the chosen fruits andvegetablesforjuicing•Some secret ingredients to enhance your juicing experience•The benefits of high water content fruits and vegetables•How to increase the longevity of your juicing experience•Frequently asked questions about juicingEnjoy your juicing experience and Juice More!