Top 18 Apps Similar to Smoking Money

Quit Smoking Pro 4.1.0
Would you like to stop smoking? Or do you just want to smokeless?Is your health important to you? Then you can't go wrong withthisapp. Write with the community, there's always someone there.Chatlive and share your experiences. - A nice non-smoker app. -Simpleand easy to use. - How much time has passed since thelastcigarette of your life? (days, hours, minutes) - Howmanycigarettes have you avoided since then? - How much time andmoneyhave you saved? - How many toxins haven't you inhaled in thattime?All these questions are provided as statistics. Good luck.
Stop Smoking in 60 minutes 1.0
OVER 14 MILLION EASYWAY BOOKS SOLD Allen Carr is widelyrecognisedas the world’s leading expert on stopping smoking. Thisapppresents the Allen Carr method, which has helped many millionsofpeople from all over the world to become happy non-smokers. It isacomplete and effective programme in itself and it will enableanysmoker to quit immediately, painlessly and permanently,whilstactually enjoying the process. Introduced by Allen Carrandpresented by Robin Hayley, the video in this app usesdramaticreconstructions, animation graphics and directinstructionaladdress. The method has become world-famous for onereason alone:BECAUSE IT WORKS. The Introduction and the first 3chapters arecompletely FREE to watch. This app is proudly supportedby AllenCarr’s worldwide network of stop smoking clinics. If at anystageduring or after the use of this app you have any questionsorconcerns or require additional guidance you are very welcometocontact your nearest Allen Carr’s Easyway Clinic for free ofchargeadvice. A link to the clinics is included in the app. Pleasenote:The app streams video to your device and will work best over aWIFIconnection. Whether you are a chain-smoker, an occasionalsmoker, acigar or pipe smoker, young or old, or whether you’reusinge-cigarettes, nicotine patches, nicotine gum, or any othernicotineproduct this app can set you free. IF YOU FOLLOW ALLTHEINSTRUCTIONS IT IS EASY TO BECOME A HAPPY NON-SMOKER FOR THERESTOF YOUR LIFE “Allen Carr explodes the myth that giving upsmokingis difficult.” – The Times “Instantly I was freed frommyaddiction. I found it not only easy but unbelievably enjoyabletostay stopped.” – Sir Anthony Hopkins
Stay Quit Coach 1.0.7
Stay Quit Coach is designed to help with quitting smoking.Itisintended to serve as a source of readily availablesupportandinformation for adults who are already in treatment toquitsmoking- to help them stay quit even after treatment ends. Theappguidesusers in creating a tailored plan that takes intoaccounttheirpersonal reasons for quitting. It providesinformationaboutsmoking and quitting, interactive tools to helpusers copewithurges to smoke, and motivational messages and supportcontactstohelp users stay smoke-free. Stay Quit Coach is based onthesmokingtreatment manual “Integrated Care for SmokingCessation:Treatmentfor Veterans with PTSD,” which was written byMiles McFallandAndrew Saxon in collaboration with David KalmanandTimothyCarmody. This treatment is based onevidence-basedclinicalpractices, and has been shown to double quitrates ofmilitaryveterans with PTSD. Stay Quit Coach was the resultofacollaborative effort among the Department of VeteransAffairs(VA)National Center for PTSD (NCPTSD), the VA Sierra Pacific(VISN21)Mental Illness Research, Education, and ClinicalCenter(MIRECC),VA Clinical Public Health Group (CPH) and theDepartmentof DefenseNational Center for Telehealth & Technology(T2).Additionalpartners include the VA Puget Sound Health CareSystemandNorthwest (VISN 20) MIRECC, and VA Mid-Atlantic (VISN 6)MIRECC.
Stop Smoking - EasyQuit 2.1
App to stop smoking slowly or now with a motivational badgesandhelpful tips
Smoke FREE Finally Non Smoking 1.9
Smoke FREE can help you finally quit smoking. Since I'vebeensmoking for many years myself, I looked for an app that helpsme,finally get rid of the addiction. During my smokingcessationphase, I developed this app and I hope it will help youalso. Thisapp shows you, among other things, how high your currentaddictionis, how regenerates your heart blood circulation and yourlungs andhow high the carbon monoxide levels in your blood. Thisinformationis updated every second. In addition, you can see howmuch moneyyou have saved in the time of quitting smoking and howyour lifeexpectancy has increased. Your successes you can alwayspost onFacebook and on Twitter or send to your friends via email.Get thisuseful app and change your life!
Stop smoking helper 1.4
Stop smoking helper is an app meant to helpyouin your smoking cessation period. A simple action aftereverycigarette smoked will guide you through your cessation processandprovide interesting information about how much you havereducedsmoking, how it affects your overall health and how muchmoney yousaved in the process.Features- Reduce smoking gradually or stop immediately- Option to choose your own quitting period duration- Algorithm for smoking interval calculation- Monitor smoking habit statistics- Monitor impact on health and money- CO, nicotine, blood pressure and overall health monitors- Over 40 achievements to keep you motivated- Tweet and share your achievements on Twitter and Facebook(Android5.0 and up)
Drop It! Quit Smoking 2.01
Quitting smoking is the best decision you have made in your life!
Quit and Be Free
The Florida State University CollegeofMedicinetobacco cessation program congratulates you forbecomingtobaccofree. The FSU Area Health Education Center createdthisiPhone App tohelp encourage people to become tobacco free.Developed by The Mobile Lab @ FSU
Metodo Dejar de fumar eficaz 3.0.0
La primera app gratuita que te ayudarealmenteaa superar un mal hábito de comportamiento como es dejarde fumar.Apoyate en el proceso cognitivo conductual y conseguirásdejardefumar..Hoy todo el mundo sabe que el tabaco es una droga yqueproduceadicción, también se sabe que genera un hábitodecomportamiento,por lo que para dejar de fumar hayquedesengancharse de lasustancia adictiva (la nicotina) y cambiarlacostumbre que tenemosde fumar ante determinadas situaciones(hábitode fumar).Como supongo que sabes cambiar un comportamiento aprendidocuestayeso es porque para cambiar no basta con querer, hay quepasarporun proceso emocional o dicho de otra manera,superarunosimpedimentos que nuestra parte inconsciente poneparaseguirperpetuando lo que está acostumbrada a hacer.Y eso es lo que se muestra aquí, la forma desuperaresosimpedimentos de una manera sencilla, guiándote en esteprocesoparaque no te pierdas ni te quedes atascado en ninguna delas fasesquehay que pasar y superar para cambiar un hábitodecomportamiento,nos ayudamos para ello del procesocognitivoconductual aplicado adejar de fumar.En este método se pone la psicología útil al alcance yalserviciode todos los que quieran dejar de fumar.The first freeappthatreally helps you overcome a bad habit of behavior suchasquittingsmoking.Lean on behavioral cognitive process and get quit..Today everyone knows that snuff is a drug and addictive,isalsoknown to generate a habit of behavior, so toquitsmoking,unhooking from the addictive substance (nicotine)andchange thecustom we have smoking in certainsituations(smoking).As I guess you know change a learned behavior costsandthat'sbecause to change not enough to want, you have to gothroughanemotional process or put another way, to overcomesomeobstaclesthat our unconscious gets to keep perpetuating whatisused todoing .And that is what is shown here how to overcome these impedimentsinasimple way, guiding you in this process so that you do notmissgetstuck in any of the stages you have to go and overcometochange ahabit behavior we help for this behavioralcognitiveprocess appliedto quit.In this method useful psychology to reach and serve allthosewhowant to quit smoking sets.
Quit Smoking, Dept of Health 4.6.8
Personalized App to help you quit smoking and stay smoke-free!
SmokeAware - Quit Smoking 1.0.39
Callum Hyland
SmokeAware is an intelligent monitor. Itlearnshow you smoke & teaches you how to resist your cravings.MONITOR YOUR RECOVERY...automatically, just by having your phone in your pocket.INTUITIVELY DESIGNED...for simplistic, powerful control over your lifestyle.SHARE YOUR SUCCESS...across all major social networks. Let them be proud of you! get excited about. Visualize the benefits ofyourcommitment!BEAT YOUR RECORD• Power through your cravings to achieve milestone awards!FULFILL YOUR GOAL• Log cigarettes and view your progress throughout the day.• SmokeAware provides support to help you resist cravings.COMPREHENSIVE MONITORING• Smoking risk.• Daily cigarettes remaining.• Duration smoke free.• Duration of extended life.• Number of cigarettes you have rejected.• Money saved.HIGH FIDELITY ANALYSIS• Financial savings.• Temporal patterns.• Spatial patterns.ALREADY QUIT?• SmokeAware can help you track your achievement!
See Me Smoke-Free 1.0.23
This app will help you besmoke-free,healthy,and confident. You’ll use mental imagery orvisualizationto helpyou accomplish these goals. You can use thisapp no matterwhereyou are in the quitting process. This app isspecificallydesignedto help women quit smoking.
Quit smoking
A great application that help you to stop smoking.
SmokeFree Buddy App 4.0
Support a friend when quitting, let yourself help.
Smoke FREE - quit smoking Plus 1.8
Easy tips, methods and key points for quit smoking.
Smoke Free in 4 Days 2.1
Here at Allen Carr’s Easyway wehavebeenrunning the "Be Smoke Free in 4 Days" program as aglobalonlineevent once or twice a year and the feedback hasbeensooverwhelming that, by popular demand, we're now delightedtolaunchthe program as an app for the first time.The core program is presented in 4 parts by Robin Hayley,ChairmanofAllen Carr’s Easyway and one of the most experiencedAllenCarr'sEasyway therapists in the world.Alongside the core presentation please also take a look atthedailyQ&A videos that John Dicey, CEO of Allen Carr’sEasyway,hasrecorded for you, addressing common questions andconcernsraised bysmokers in exactly your position.Take advantage of the additional coaching videos presentedbyseniorAllen Carr’s Easyway therapist Colleen Dwyer.Colleenfurtherexamines some of the key concepts and principles thatyouwillencounter in the main videos.We recommend that you take 4 consecutive days tocompletetheprogram. For example, it might be nice to start on aTuesdayandfinish on a Friday. However, this is not a rigidtimetable andyoucan follow any timeframe that suits you!Do make sure that you watch the main videos in order andfinisheachone before moving on to the coaching and Q&A videosfor athatday.Most importantly, keep smoking as normal as you progressthroughtheprogramme, relax and enjoy the process of becomingahappynon-smoker!
SmokeBeat Alpha 2.73
SmokeBeat is a lifesaving app. It helpssmokersbetter understand their habit in order to more effectivelychangetheir behavior, reduce, and quit. It is the world's firstsmokingcessation app using wearables, for providing smokingdetection inreal-time using data from sensors that exist insmartwatches andwristbands.SmokeBeat app provides immediate notifications and alerts relatedtouser’s smoking habits, serving as a catalyst for a behavioralhealthchange process aiming for harm reduction. The smokingcessationprogram consists of financial, emotional, rational andsocialincentives for smoking volume reduction.The SmokeBeat app is powered by the Somatix data analyticssoftwareplatform. Its sophisticated tracking allows users to seeeverythingfrom the number of cigarettes smoked to where they smokemost, whenand why. Users can engage as actively or passively asthey like inorder for them to:IDENTIFY: see and sort smoking statistics and alerts.ACT: set goals for cessation and compare to others socially.BENEFIT: get credits and incentives, lower cost, andultimatelyincrease life expectancy