Top 19 Apps Similar to Quit Smoking (Save Health)

Quit smoking slowly 2.3
High Soft App
application for you to become smoke free
Smoker Reducer Quit Smoking 1.7
Quit smoking cigarettes slowly, over aperiodof time. Use the system that weans you OFF cigarettes.Smoker Reducer can help, and it's completely free, for now.Cigarettes may have a stranglehold on you. They may beslowlydraining your wallet, choking your lungs, and quiteliterally,ruining your life.Let Smoker Reducer be your helping hand in the fight toquitsmoking.***EXCLUDE FROM TASK KILLERS AND RESTART IF YOUHAVEISSUES!***HOW SMOKER REDUCER HELPS YOU QUIT SMOKING CIGARETTES:- Provides a daily scheduler with reminders of when tosmoke.- Real-time countdown until your next cigarette.- Starts you off with your current habits.- Gradually increases the interval between your cigaretteseachday.and/or- Decreases your daily cigarette allowance depending onthelength of your waking hours.- Customizable schedules. You choose when to begin each day.- Before starting, you can change your "First Cigarette" timeand"Bed Time."EXCLUSIVE SMOKER REDUCER FEATURE:- "Bank" a cigarette if you can't smoke, save it for anytimelaterin the day!- See your lungs get better over time!*SMOKER REDUCER EXTRAS:- Daily Updates for Electronic Cigarette coupons!- Compare your current habits with your original habits.- See how much money you spend, and, if you continue usingtheschedule, how much you can save.- Earn achievements along the way.- Post your achievements to Facebook and get family andfriendsto support you!****If you experience difficulties, re-install and REMOVEFROMTASK KILLERS before starting the program again!****Read more about the system at:www.smokerreducerandroidapp.comSmoker Reducer Permissions:- Internet access : Ads.- Access Network State : Ads.- Storage : Saves user preferences- Phone calls : Gets User Location- Boot at startup : Sets your alarms.- You can kill the app once your phone boots!- Modify SD card : Creates error report if crashing.In order to quit smoking cigarettes, it is often necessarytobreak both a physiological and psycological addiction. Thesuccessrate of those who quit smoking against those who could notkick thehabit isn't in your favor.
Quit For Treats - Stop Smoking 2.06
The perfect companion to help you stop smoking: -Helps you findoutthe best way to stop: progressively or immediately -Monitorsyourprogress and keeps you organised when you are quitting.-Canconnect to your friends to reach for support or get one ofyourfriends to stop smoking at the same time as you. -Gives youhealthupdates to keep you informed of what happens to your bodywhen youstop smoking -Keeps track of your progress towards a treatyou wantto make to yourself using the money you save: Decide onwhat youwant to treat yourself to or select one of our suggestions.-Givesyou many tips to fight the cravings (you can customize andorganizethem) Download the app now and stop smoking!
Smoking Log - Stop Smoking 6.0.8
Cory Charlton
Quit smoking with Smoking Log. Set goals and track yoursmokinghabits easily.
SmokeAware - Quit Smoking 1.0.39
Callum Hyland
SmokeAware is an intelligent monitor. Itlearnshow you smoke & teaches you how to resist your cravings.MONITOR YOUR RECOVERY...automatically, just by having your phone in your pocket.INTUITIVELY DESIGNED...for simplistic, powerful control over your lifestyle.SHARE YOUR SUCCESS...across all major social networks. Let them be proud of you! get excited about. Visualize the benefits ofyourcommitment!BEAT YOUR RECORD• Power through your cravings to achieve milestone awards!FULFILL YOUR GOAL• Log cigarettes and view your progress throughout the day.• SmokeAware provides support to help you resist cravings.COMPREHENSIVE MONITORING• Smoking risk.• Daily cigarettes remaining.• Duration smoke free.• Duration of extended life.• Number of cigarettes you have rejected.• Money saved.HIGH FIDELITY ANALYSIS• Financial savings.• Temporal patterns.• Spatial patterns.ALREADY QUIT?• SmokeAware can help you track your achievement!
20 to Quit Best smoking app 1.0
Quit smoking
Thanks to 20toquit app it has helpedthousandsof smokers cut down or quit with there smoking habits. Itstartsassisting you from the first day you use app and results canbeseen straight away.20 to quit assists you in cutting down. Ithelpsyou break habit, change your smoking routine, and saves youmoneyfrom the first day you start to use it. It also saves youyourhealth from day 1 with 20toquit.By using 20toquit, you get to time your cigarettes, so thatyousmoke only when the notification alerts you or the light isgreenin the home page.20 to quit helps you cut down and make it easier to finallygiveup.The cut Down to Stop is an approach that's clinically proven tohelpyou reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke, compared towillpoweralone, making it easier to quit smoking when you'reready.20 to quit doesn't tell you to stop straight away. It simplytrainsyou to say “No, not at the minute” and when you get youralert youcan then have a cigarette. It’s really a self trainingexercise forsmokers.20 to quit helps you to break habits by telling you when youhavereached your target time since your last cigarette. You canalsocheck and see how long it has being since your last cigaretteandhow long is left until your next cigarette. It's easier for youtogive up slowly and train yourself to say “No, not at theminute”,and eventually gets you to the stage that you can say “No”forgood.20 to quit starts you off slowly by cutting down each dayandeventually giving you the power to give them upcompletely.If you feel like you're going to give in to your tobaccocraving,look at your 20 to quit app and see how long you have leftuntilyour next cigarette and then do something to distract yourselfforthat period of time. This simple trick may be enough to derailyourtobacco craving.The time will automatically change each day, so the timebetweencigarettes is longer and then you eventually get to thestage whereyou really can say that you want no more and can give upforgood.You can also change the timer to manual settings if your happytocut down to a certain amount, or if you want to cut down fasterorslower all this can be done in the manual settings withinthesettings page.Some people are happy to just cut down which can also be donewith20 to Quit.
Drop It! Quit Smoking 2.01
Quitting smoking is the best decision you have made in your life!
Quit Tracker: Stop Smoking 2.16
The app that will help you quit smoking and motivate you to stayoffnicotine
Quit Smoking 15.0
Quit Smoking helps you to quit smoking and track your healthandsavings after quitting relying on scientific health data.QuitSmoking offers full functionality free of charge. You canmonitor:- the time you haven't smoked for, - the number ofcigarettes youhaven't smoked, - the amount of money you saved - andthe time oflife you saved. The app can fire notifications at majorevents suchas 'You haven't smoked 100 cigarettes'.
Quit Smoking Now: Quit Buddy! 1.2.0
I’m a ex-smoker myself, I know how hard it is to quit smokingandtostay clean. After I quit smoking I started to use somequitsmokingapps. None of them did really helped me, what I neededwassomesupport during the difficult moments. I decided to spentmytime ondeveloping a app which would give ex-smokers thesupportthey needduring the difficult moments. I’m proud tointroduce youthe “Quitsmoking buddy” app. With our easy to usesetup walkthrough you canstart using the app in seconds. The “Quitsmokingbuddy” app willshow you how long it’s been since yourlastcigarette. The app willalso shows you how much cigarettesyoudidn’t smoked and how muchmoney you have saved! Quit smokingwillfeel like a game when youcomplete our health goals andaccomplishyour achievements! Whatmakes the “Quit smoking buddy” appreallyspecial is your personalquit coach! Choose the level ofsupportyou need and receive dailysupport from your personal quitsmokingcoach. A life withoutsmoking will become a realistic andreachablegoal! Quit smokingtoday and let the Quit smoking Buddycoach helpyou! ★ Check out theapp functions: ✓ Get daily supportfrom ourquit smoking coach. ✓Complete the health goals. ✓Accomplish yourachievements. ✓ Shareyour results with friends onFacebook. ✓Shows: How many days sinceyou’ve quit, how much moneyyou havesaved, the amount of cigarettesnot smoked. Our goal is tobecomethe number 1 quit smoking appworldwide and to support asmanyex-smokers as possible. ★ Are yousatisfied with our free app?Takea look at Quit smoking Buddy Pro.This app offers 100 days ofcoachsupport at different levels. ★What extra options does our paidAppoffer? ✓ Choose the level ofcoach support you need. ✓ Get upto100 days of support. ✓ Add yourown personal achievements. ✓Morehealth goals to accomplish. ✓ 100%Ad-free.
QuitNow PRO: Stop smoking 6.63.3
The app to quit smoking recommended by the WHO
Butt Out Quit Smoking Forever 1.94
This app helps you stop smoking and quit by logging yourcravingsand smoking!
Quit smoking Pro 1.2
Quit smoking is possible today.Quit smoking, The best application to leave this habit, easytouse, it gives you all the information you need to motivate youtoquit.We had been led to believe that replace the tobacco bytheelectronic cigarette is a benefit for health, but the realityisthat nicotine is a carcinogenic in any of their presentationsandmaintain its consumption we create physicaldependence,deterioration of our health and we gave away our moneyto ruthlessentrepreneurs who profit from our effort.If you want to improve your health the better option is tostopconsuming this poison. Stop smoking presents indicators ofhealthwith achievable goals in the short and long term. In additionshowsyou information of interest, such as the amount of nicotine,tarand carbon monoxide that beam left to enter your body.In addition to worry about your health Quit Smoking will helpyousave a lot of money to buy those things you've alwaysdesired.Enter the price of the product and Quit Smoking will tellyou whenyou've saved enough to buy it.Quitting is easier when you are motivated, get all the medalsandawards improving yourself every day.Today is a good day to start. Download now Quit smoking,improveyour health and save money.
StopSmoking - Quit smoking 1.1
Are you trying to stop smoking butareyouhaving a hard time to avoid the urge to smoke a cigarette?Sickofall the expensive products and coaching that were supposedtohelpyou quit this addictive smoking habit?Start using the StopSmoking - Quit Smoking app nowtohelpyou quit your smoking habit. StopSmoking is a mobilerunnergamewhich helps you to quit smoking in a fun and interactiveway.Byplaying the game for just a few minutes a day, you willgetmorecontrol over your desire to smoke a cigarette. As youkeepplayingthis game, you will eventually be able to quitsmokingforever.The StopSmoking app is based on Cognitive BiasedModification;acomputer-based therapy that works by graduallychangingyourattentional bias. The simple process of consciouslyandrepeatedlyselecting positive objects such as fruits overnegativeobjectsrelated to smoking, helps you to gradually developapositive bias– a tendency to focus more on the positiveinformationaround youin everyday life. This positive bias effectthat youlearn from theStopSmoking app will support you to overcomeyoursmokingaddiction!**********************APP FEATURES**********************Still wondering how this game makes quitting smoking easy?Herearethe features of the app/game that make it unique –- Based on proven therapy CBM to overcome addictions- Collect healthy objects and dodge objects related tosmoking- Game is over when you do not dodge smoking related objects- Tips for cravings during the game- Keep track of your improvements- Keep track of high scoresExcited to get started? Don’t wait any longer! Try our freeapptoexperience mobile runner games to help you quit youraddictiontosmoking.***********************SAY HELLO***********************We are constantly working hard on making the “StopSmoking-Quitsmoking” app better and more useful for you. We needyourconstantsupport to get going. Please feel free to email usforanyqueries/suggestions/problems or if you just want to sayhi.Wewould love to hear from you. If you have enjoyed any featureofthe“StopSmoking - Quit smoking” app, do rate us on playstoreandshare among your friends.**********************PLEASE NOTE**********************We do not give any guarantee that the app will work foryou.Thetherapy CBM has shown very positive effects during researchforthemajor part of the test group. However, since it isabehaviouraltherapy, a lot of the treatment has to do withpersonaldrive and aserious approach during practicing.
I Give Up Smoking 1.0.8
I Give Up Smoking is helper application for quit smoking.
Tobano stop smoking cigarette 3.0.4
Nicolas Lett
Have you recently quit smoking, or beenwantingto quit? Tobano is exactly what you need!Tobano uses game design techniques, game thinking and gamemechanicsto encourage people to quit smoking.You reach higher and higher levels and rankings as you try toreachthe Ultimate Tobano rank.You'll have access to useful statistics such as the timepassedsince you've stopped smoking, the money you've saved and thenumberof cigarettes you haven't smoked. You can monitor thesestatisticslive.There are also 60 achievements for you to unlock. When youreachsome of them you'll even get info about the benefits ofstoppingsmoking for your body and your life.Finally, you'll be able to share your progress with your friendsonFacebook, Twitter and by email.Shake your mobile to draw a motivational card (40 differentcardsavailable) when you feel craving for a cigarette coming on.You'llget a tip on how to avoid lighting up and feel better.Quitting smoking is the best thing you can do for yourself.Getstarted now and have some fun doing it!
Quitbit - Help to Reduce & Gradually Quit Smoking 1.5
Quitbit, Inc.
The Quitbit app tracks your smoking, allows you to visualizeyourtrends, provides a community for support and empowers you tocutback and quit smoking. This program built by smokers andex-smokersmotivates you and lets you take the proper steps to cutback orquit immediately! Use the app to track all your smoking andlearnfrom your habits. Your time since last cigarette is shown soyoucan challenge yourself to hold out just a bit longer. Theuniquespider graph tells you when you’re smoking most during theday.Figure out which of these cigarettes you’re just smoking outofroutine, and cut out the ones you don’t really need. Usethehistory feature to celebrate your progress as you quit smoking!Usethe app anytime you smoke, however you want. Features: • Tracksallyour smoking • Set completely custom plans to quit • See howlongit’s been since your last cigarette • Figure out exactly howmuchmoney you're saving by not smoking • Learn when during thedayyou’re smoking most to cut out the unnecessary cigarettes•Celebrate your progress with a built in community •
Stop Smoking 2.15s
Stop smoking. Choose your Goal and reach it. Notification willhelpyou
Stop Smoking (Wear support) 2.6
Quit smoking and drop it forever with this material design appwithanimations.