Top 6 Apps Similar to Liver Disease Fact

Yoga for Health 1.4
Who Else Wants To Live A Life Free FromStress?Get yoga apps healthy living health tips today! YOGA at lastiscoming into its own after many years of being dismissed asabizarre cult attractive only to eccentrics. Yoga is nowrecognizedas a fundamental art and skill.More than that, many of its most bitter opponents, peoplewhowere among the first to cry down Yogic culture, have nowembracedit as a way of life. Download today yoga apps healthyliving healthtips!The ancients who formulated the science of Yoga were way aheadofus in our modern world of stress and hurry.Recognizing, thousands of years ago, man’s basic needfordiscipline to counteract the physical and spiritualdeteriorationcaused by the mere fight for survival, they evolved ascience whichis at once as ancient as India herself and as modernas the spaceage.The law of Yoga is the law of Life. Yoga embodies the secretsofsuccessful living and combines profound and age-old truths withaway of life acceptable to the modern mind.But Yoga is not a religion, nor is it a mystic cult.It is a Hindu system of philosophic meditation andasceticismdesigned to effect the reunion of the devotee’s soul withGod.It is a philosophy which integrates the individual life andtheworld surrounding us to achieve a basic harmony and equilibriuminthe heart and mind of man.This yoga apps healthy living health tips is primarilyconcernedwith this Yoga of the physical body known as HathaYoga.While the body and the mind cannot be separated and the healthofone affects the health of the other, I have laid stress on thedayto day problems and ailments of the average person who wishestoimprove his general health.Not everyone has the mystic vocation to achieve union withGod,the Universal Spirit, which is the primary aim of all Yoga,buteveryone would like to know how to improve his health.Many Westerners, moving as they do in a world of hurryandstress, feel that Yoga holds nothing for them and that thewholephilosophy is rather remote, vague, and impractical.In this yoga apps healthy living health tips my aim is toshowreaders how the ancient system of Yoga provides an effectiveanswerto the many problems of our modern life.You can take an active part in the hurly burly of everydaylivingand Yoga will act as a protection from the numerous stressesof yourenvironment.While best results are obtained by exercising andpracticingbreathing and relaxation alone, nevertheless you need notbecome ahermit to achieve success and improved health throughYoga.Table of ContentsChapter 1 - What Yoga can doChapter 2 - Relaxation and stretchingChapter 3 - Tension and emotional stressChapter 4 - Insomnia, neurasthenia and fatigueChapter 5 - Constipation and indigestionChapter 6 - Backache and aching legs due to bad postureChapter 7 - Lumbago and sciaticaChapter 8 - Asthma, bronchitis, and hay feverChapter 9 - Arthritis and rheumatismChapter 10 - Obesity and the improvement of the figureChapter 11 - DietChapter 12 - Female disordersChapter 13 - Headaches, eyestrain and stiff neckChapter 14 - Stomach, kidney, and liver complaintsYoga for Health - yoga apps healthy living health tips isnowavailable in downloadable Android OS eBook format.
Liver Disease 1.0
Liver is one of the most essential organsinthe human body and aids in the proper function of the body.Thisinformative Android app Liver Disease contains links toportalsthat contain sufficient information on the symptoms ofliverdiseases and how it happens. Users can get to know of theimmediatesymptoms like itching and can match it to them in order toget toknow it themselves. Users, especially men can know if theirliverhas been affected by any diseases by reading the symptoms.Usersare made aware of the diseases by taking help from eminentdoctorsand experts.
Liver Transplant India 1.0
The Centre for Liver Disease&Transplantation at Apollo Hospitals Chennai is a ‘Centreforexcellence’ in the treatment of liver, biliary andpancreaticdisorders. We are a multidisciplinary group offeringcomprehensiveevaluation and multi-modality treatment optionsranging frommedical optimization of chronic liver disease tominimally invasiveand laparoscopic surgical treatment of liver,biliary andpancreatic tumors as well as living donor and cadavericliver andmultiorgan transplantation. Our doctors aresuper-specialiststrained at the world’s finest institutes and theyare rated as thebest in their respective areas of specialization.A true ‘centre for excellence’, this unit is equipped withthe‘latest and the best’ in facilities & equipment requiredtodeliver the most comprehensive program aiming at results thatare‘second to none’ on the planet. We have a 320 slice CT scanner,a‘state of the art’ liver intensive care unit &operationtheatre. Various surgical tools to enable safe &bloodlessliver surgery including ‘cavitron ultrasonic surgicalaspirator,argon laser coagulation, ultrasonic blood vessel sealingsystems’etc. Apollo Hospitals Chennai is a pioneer in organtransplantationin India. Apollo Hospitals has to its credit thefirst successfulliver transplantation in India. With the largestpresence in India& more than 400 liver transplants in Chennaiwith >90%success rate, we are at the fore-front of the expandinghorizons oforgan transplantation in India.Our Team:Dr. Anand Khakhar, M.B.B.S., M.S., D.N.B.Senior Consultant for Liver & MultiVisceralTransplantation,Program Director, CLDTDr Anand Ramamurthy, M.B.B.S., M.S., D.N.B.Senior Consultant, HOD - Surgical Gastroenterology &LiverTransplantationDr Manish Varma, MS (AIIMS), DNB, MNAMSAssociate Professor & Head of Unit, Multi-OrganTransplantationand Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic SurgeryDr Mahesh Gopasetty, M.S, M.R.C.SSenior Consultant for Liver & MultiVisceralTransplantation,Dr Anil Vaidya,Consultant Transplant surgeon
TaiChi 24 Teaching 1(24式太极拳-1) 1.9
Mark Yangcm
Movement by movement to teach you TaiChi24forms with animation. This is the first part of this serieswhichconsists of 5parts( The rest 4 parts have been published. English, ChineseandFrench languages are supported for each movement. Remember towarmup first before you play TaiChi: Stretch both legs; twistwaistslowly; shake shoulders; etc.In this program, my father demonstrates how to play TaiChi24.Heis 69 years old, and has played TaiChi for about 20 years.PlayingTaiChi is one of his secrets to be healthy. He has a lotofteaching experience in China, Australia and Singapore. I admirehimand create a web site for him ( TaiChi from him also. My personal advice is to keep up,andyou will feel the benefit TaiChi brings to you. There is anoldChinese saying "拳打千遍,其意自现" which means "You will know whatisTaiChi after you have practised about one thousand times".This application is meant to help you to play TaiChi24 (which isthebasis of TaiChi). Although there are plenty of resource intheinternet, I always feel it is more effective to refer tothemovement in the handphone on the real time basis. You canfollowanimation in slow motion and learn the detailed step below.It isjust starting of my TaiChi series. Please support me if youfeel itis useful for you.这个应用记录了我父亲教研太极拳24式(总共五部分)。父亲已经69岁了,练习太极拳身体得益很多。父亲教学太极拳近二十年了,对理论和实践都所积累,很有经验。一身功夫,不记录下来,真是可惜。借这个平台,制作了这个小应用,也是对自己学习太极拳有所帮助,希望对太极拳有兴趣的朋友有所帮助!俗话说,“拳打千遍,其意自现“,这个应用可以帮你学习太极拳,但真正打好,还是要自己勤练。包括如何调理呼吸,用力自如,都会在实践中体会到。 谢谢支持!KeyWords: TaiChi 24, TaiJi 24, Tai Chi 24, Tai Ji 24,TeachingTaiChi, 二十四式太极拳,
UMMC Liver Transplant 1.0
The University of Maryland MedicalCenter'sLiver Transplant app gives referring physicians immediateaccess tothe University of Maryland Liver Transplant Team at allhours ofthe day and provides medical information for physicianscaring forpatients who have received or are in need of a livertransplant.The app provides cell phone and email information forUniversityof Maryland's liver transplant surgeons for both urgentreferralsand non-urgent consults. It also includes criteria forliving donorliver candidacy a MELD calculator, and King's Collegecriteria forliver failure.The University of Maryland Division of Transplantationperformsapproximately 80 liver transplant per year, including adultlivingdonor liver transplants. The Liver Transplant teamincludes:- Rolf Barth, MD, Associate Professor and Director of LiverandHepatobiliary Surgery- John LaMattina, MD, Assistant Professor- Linda Ridge, Transplant Coordinator- Debbie Virden, Transplant Coordinator- Tara Hardy, Transplant Coordinator
Vitamins for Healthy Body 1.2
D K Apps
• App works completely OFFLINE.• Contents are in English.The application contain Vitamins deficiency disease,itsimportance in our health, various sources of food andrecommendeddietary allowances.Vitamins are classified into two types : Fat Soluble andWaterSolubleFat Soluble Vitamins are Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin EandVitamin K.Water Soluble Vitamins are Vitamin B and Vitamin C.*************************************************************Vitamin A-----------------Chemical name of Vitamin A is Retinol.Deficiency disease :- Deficiency of Vitamin A causesnightblindness. In this the sclera and cornea may become dry-thecondition called xerophthalmia. Bitot's spots are also seen inthesclera of the eyes. They are triangular, pearly white oryellowishfoamy spots. The dry cornea ulcerates and leads toblindness.Importance :- Vitamin A helps to develop a healthy immunesystemand is essential for the growth and development of thecells.Recommended dietary allowances :- 900 µg (male, age 19–70)Sources :- Liver, orange, ripe yellow fruits, leafyvegetables,carrots, pumpkin, squash, spinach, fish, soya milk,milk*************************************************************Your feedback and suggestions are extremely important forus.Requesting your feedback and suggestions. Please send yourfeedbackto [email protected]