Top 17 Apps Similar to Liver Diet

Liver Care 1.0
Liver is one of the most essential organsinthehuman body and aids in the proper function of thebody.Thisinformative Android app Liver Care contains links toportalsthatcontain sufficient information on the symptoms ofliverdiseasesand how it happens. Users can get to know of theimmediatesymptomslike itching and can match it to them in order toget toknow itthemselves. Users, especially men can know if theirliverhas beenaffected by any diseases by reading the symptoms.Users aremadeaware of the diseases by taking help from eminentdoctorsandexperts.
Disease with Treatment hindi 0.0.3
रोग पहचानें उपचार जानें or Identify DiseaseandKnow its TreatmentThis app helps us to easily identify diseases and symptomsandgives its treatment. It also explains what precautions weshouldtake.This app contains novel information that the general publicandtheir doctors are largely unaware of.
Ayurvedic Treatments(Ayurveda) 3.0a
Tuneonn Inc.
GO NATURAL. Natural way to stay healthy.
Kidney stone remedies 1.2
Kidney stone remedies applicationKidney stones are a painful disorder of the urinary tract,affectingabout 10% of Americans. Stones occur 2 times more oftenin men thanin women. The pain of having a stone has been comparedto that ofchildbirth. The stones grow slowly over several monthsor years andare made of hard deposits of various minerals,including calcium,uric acid, and oxalate.This application will tell you about kidney stone remedy.Thisapplication suitable for people who suffer from kidneystoneproblem, or those interested in studying in kidneystoneremedy.Download kidney stone remedy application now for free
Liver Disease Fact 1.0
Liver is one of the most essential organsinthe human body and aids in the proper function of the body.Thisinformative Android app Liver Disease Fact contains linkstoportals that contain sufficient information on the symptomsofliver diseases and how it happens. Users can get to know oftheimmediate symptoms like itching and can match it to them inorderto get to know it themselves. Users, especially men can knowiftheir liver has been affected by any diseases by readingthesymptoms. Users are made aware of the diseases by taking helpfromeminent doctors and experts.
Liver Disease 1.0
Liver is one of the most essential organsinthe human body and aids in the proper function of the body.Thisinformative Android app Liver Disease contains links toportalsthat contain sufficient information on the symptoms ofliverdiseases and how it happens. Users can get to know of theimmediatesymptoms like itching and can match it to them in order toget toknow it themselves. Users, especially men can know if theirliverhas been affected by any diseases by reading the symptoms.Usersare made aware of the diseases by taking help from eminentdoctorsand experts.
Gout Diet Lite 2.1
Light weight and easy to use appcenteredaround the level of uric acid (mg uric acid / 100g of food)whichwill be produced by common food items.- > 300 food- 8 categories- Android 4.0 UI- quick access- able to work without an internet connectionGout is a painful inflammatory form of arthritis(goutyarthritis) where joints become swollen as a result from animmuneresponse to uric acid crystals. This typically happens nearthe bigtoe, but can happen at other joints too. When it comes togout,there is a lot of mention of purine and it is metabolized intouricacid. What is usually failed to mentioned is that there aremanykind of purine, and not all are effective in increasinguricacid.Gout Diet is a one stop app to quickly browse through a listofcommon food items and identify if these food will result inhighlevel of uric acid (mg uric acid / 100g of food).**Ad SupportedKeywords: gout, food, list, common, everyday, uric acid, high,low,diet
Hepatitis 411 3
Michael Lang
Hepatitis is a medical condition defined bytheinflammation of the liver and characterized by the presenceofinflammatory cells in the tissue of the organ.Hepatitis C is an infectious disease primarily affectingtheliver and caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV). The infectioncanlead to scarring of the liver and ultimately to cirrhosis,whichcan lead to Liver cancer.Hepatitis B is an infectious illness caused by the hepatitisBvirus (HBV) which infects the liver and causes aninflammationcalled hepatitis. Originally known as "serumhepatitis"This app will provide the afflicted and significant otherswitharticles, podcasts and videos all aimed at educating andgivinghope that there are answers.Don't wait…get this FREE app now!
Liver Scanner Prank 1.1
What is lever scan? A liver scan usesaradioactive material to check how well the liver or spleenisworking and to assess masses in the liver. Liver Scanner Prankisjust for fun purposes. The health care provider will injectaradioactive material called a radioisotope into one of yourveins.After the liver has soaked up the material, you will be askedtolie on a table under the scanner. The scanner can tell wheretheradioactive material has gathered in the body. Images aredisplayedon a computer. You may be asked to remain still, or tochangepositions during the scan. Liver Scanner Prank is just forfunpurposes.You must sign a consent form. You will be asked to removejewellery,dentures, and other metals that can affect thescanner'sfunctions.You may need to wear a hospital gown.You will feel a sharp prick when the needle is inserted intoyourvein. You should not feel anything during the actual scan. Ifyouhave problems lying still or are very anxious, you may be givenamild medicine (sedative) to help you relax.The test can provide information about liver and spleen function.Itis also used to help confirm other test results. The most commonusefor a liver scan is to diagnose a condition called benignfocalnodular hyperplasia, or FNH, which causes a non-cancerous massinthe liver.The liver and spleen should look normal in size, shape,andlocation. The radioisotope is absorbed evenly.Note Its a prank app and does not work in reality. pleaseconsultyour medical officer for this purpose.
Kidney stone remedy home 1.0
Kidney stone remedy home applicationKidney stones are a painful disorder of the urinarytract,affectingabout 10% of Americans. Stones occur 2 times moreoftenin men thanin women. The pain of having a stone has beencomparedto that ofchildbirth. The stones grow slowly over severalmonthsor years andare made of hard deposits of variousminerals,including calcium,uric acid, and oxalate.This application will tell you about kidney stoneremedy.Thisapplication suitable for people who suffer fromkidneystoneproblem, or those interested in studying inkidneystoneremedy.Download kidney stone remedy application now for free
Liver Disease Info 1.0
Liver is one of the most essential organsinthehuman body and aids in the proper function of thebody.Thisinformative Android app Liver Disease Info containslinkstoportals that contain sufficient information on thesymptomsofliver diseases and how it happens. Users can get to knowoftheimmediate symptoms like itching and can match it to theminorderto get to know it themselves. Users, especially men canknowiftheir liver has been affected by any diseases byreadingthesymptoms. Users are made aware of the diseases by takinghelpfromeminent doctors and experts.
Vitamins se rog remedies 1.1
Know all kind of vitamin and their use.There are many vitamin benefits that have a major impact onouroverall health.Vitamins are divided into two types: fat soluble andwatersoluble.Fat soluble vitamins (vitamin A, D, E and K) are stored in thefattissues and liver.They can remain in the body up to six months.When the body requires these, they are transported to the areaofrequirement within the body with help of special carriers.Watersoluble vitamins (B-vitamins and vitamin C) are not stored inthebody like the fat soluble ones. They travel in the blood streamandneed to be replenished everyday.
Kidney stone remedy 1.3
Kidney stone remedy applicationKidney stones are a painful disorder of the urinarytract,affectingabout 10% of Americans. Stones occur 2 times moreoftenin men thanin women. The pain of having a stone has beencomparedto that ofchildbirth. The stones grow slowly over severalmonthsor years andare made of hard deposits of variousminerals,including calcium,uric acid, and oxalate.This application will tell you about kidney stoneremedy.Thisapplication suitable for people who suffer fromkidneystoneproblem, or those interested in studying inkidneystoneremedy.Download kidney stone remedy application now for free
My Food Coach 1.2.4
Living with diabetes, hypertension orChronicKidney Disease (CKD) doesn't have to mean missing out on thefoodsyou and your family enjoy. Finding foods that taste great andareappropriate for any number of health conditions, especiallyforthose on dialysis, can be a real challenge. And if you are atriskfor CKD, you will want to be especially careful in selectingfoodsthat support your dietary well-being and a healthy lifestyle.Staying up to date on the latest kidney health news, localhealthevents, and educational programs from the NKF can help youmanageyour health and be certain that your family members get thebesttreatment and information they need too.With the NKF mobile app you create your own personalizedhealthprofile that helps you:-Find great food that meets your unique, personaldietaryneeds- Explore a host of recipes that are hypertension, diabetes,kidneyand even osteoporosis friendly!- Trying to lose a few pounds or keep them off? Our app willhelpyou with that too!- See how nearby restaurant dishes match your uniquedietaryguidelines and goals- Shop for packaged foods that are right for you- Build your library of personal food favoritesA special feature lets you connect to your RegisteredDietitianand get the personalized support and recommendations youneed tostay on course with your nutrition challenges.Your NKF App is loaded with educational tips, breakinghealthnews, local health-related programs and allows you to keep uptodate on community health screenings and events.Your account will let you enjoy the full benefits of NKF'sonlineKidney Kitchen as well, where you can search for, create andsharerecipes that meet the needs of your whole family. You'll beable tofind them back in this app, add items to your shopping listat thegrocery store, and save them to your Favorites list. Thatmeans youcan easily discover healthy eating options on the go, inthe grocerystore, and in your home.
Healthy B 1.0.2
“Healthy B’s Handbook” is speciallydevelopedfor hepatitis B carriers and the people who care abouthepatitis Bby Advancing Clinical Treatment Hepatitis B, Taiwan, andis usefulin managing hepatitis B.Features:• Copious knowledge of hepatitis B• HCC risk calculator• Medication/visit reminder
Kidney stone remedy info 1.1
Kidney stone remedy info applicationKidney stones are a painful disorder of the urinarytract,affectingabout 10% of Americans. Stones occur 2 times moreoftenin men thanin women. The pain of having a stone has beencomparedto that ofchildbirth. The stones grow slowly over severalmonthsor years andare made of hard deposits of variousminerals,including calcium,uric acid, and oxalate.This application will tell you about kidney stoneremedy.Thisapplication suitable for people who suffer fromkidneystoneproblem, or those interested in studying inkidneystoneremedy.Download kidney stone remedy application now for free
Understanding Hepatitis B 1.0.12
Miriam T Levy
Understanding Hepatitis B brings apowerfulsetof tools and resources for patients and doctors who willbeable to:• See easy explanations of the 5 phases(withcolorfulillustrations)• Know what checkups are (usually) required *• Remember appointments, with push reminders *• Be alerted with test and medicine reminders *• Record and review results of tests or summaries ofyourmedicationadherence to show or email your doctor *• See answers to your frequently asked questions * and belinkedtogood information or web pages• Be connected with others in a chat room* Paid features are unlocked in-app for only $2.99.Free version includes Chat and the Illustrated Walkthrough.