Top 14 Apps Similar to Adelgazar con Hipnosis

Lose Weight 1.0
Mike Eng
With "Lose Weight", and know what yourBMIwillhelp through exercise, to lose that persistent unwanted fat."Lose Weight" It's been tested and proven effective inonlytwomonths of use.Based on scientific facts, and knowing the reactionofindividualfat cells, it has created a program to perform anytypeof exercise(either running, cycling or walking).This program is made to attack that stubborn fat that burnsohard(love handles, belly, buttock ...).First you have to know the different receptors offatcells:Beta receptor type are those that tell the cell toreleasefattyacids to proceed to burn.But interest are alpha receptors, say they have little"antenna"andhave difficulty receiving the message: "Out of here,notwellreceived". The body parts that cost us burn more have mostofthesereceptors.So to expel them, you need a very specific type of exercise.With the BMI calculator included in the app, you can keeptrackofyour weight and you will see that little by little, thatangerfatdisappearing.Miracles do not exist, if you want to lose weight, youhavetowork.
Dieta para adelgazar rapido. 5.0.0
Nuestra App "Dieta paraadelgazarrápidaexpress", te ayudará a conseguir un cuerpo en formaytonificado.Nuestra App Dieta para adelgazar, dispone devariasáreas de ayudae información sobre como conseguir quitarseesoskilos de más.Dentro de nuestra aplicación, podrás ver losalimentosdepurativos,el gasto de calorías por deporte, calcular tupesoideal en base aestaura, peso actual, edad, sexo, etc..Por supuesto te entregamos una dieta a seguir de Lunes aDomingo,deforma fácil y rápida, si consigues hacerla y hacer casoalasconsideraciones que en esta aplicación de Dietaparaadelgazarrápida , conseguirás tener un cuerpo tonificado y sinesoskilos demás.Nuestra aplicaron , ira actualizandose mensualmente, demaneraquepuedas ir informandote de más conocimientos de comoadelgazardeforma saludable,Our App "quickweightlossdiet to express" will help you get fit and toned body.Our AppDietto lose weight, you have several areas of supportandinformation onhow to get off those extra kilos. Inourapplication, you will seethe purifying food, calorieexpenditurefor sport, calculate yourideal weight based on estaura,currentweight, age, sex, etc..Of course we give you a diet to follow from Monday toSunday,easilyand quickly, if you can do it and ignoringtheconsiderations in theimplementation of diet to lose weightfast,you get to have a tonedbody without those extra kilos.Our applied, they will be updated monthly, so you cangoinformingyou more knowledge on how to lose weight healthily,
Elena Malova Trainer 1.2
Malova Team
Descarga la app de Elena Malova,personaltrainer y accede a todas las rutinas disponibles paraperder peso,tonificar, ganar masa muscular, aprender yoga y muchomas.No necesitas un gimnasio ni articulos sofisticados, entrena contupropio cuerpo siendo guiado por la entrenadora de youtubeElenaMalova.Elena Malova Trainer, es ideal para aquellas personas quebuscanresultados en corto tiempo, que disfrutan del yoga o de lasrutinasde alta intensidad con intervalos (HIIT), también paraaquellos quedesean mejorar su flexibilidad.Podrás estar actualizado sobre los últimos retos, y vídeosdelcanal de youtube de Elena Malova.Mejora tu estado físico y mental descargando la aplicacióndeElena Malova Trainer. Cuenta con rutinas para todoslosniveles.- Programa de Obesidad- Rutinas para los principiantes.- Cardio Rutinas para adelgazar.- Yoga- Rutinas Tabata.- Rutinas con cuerda.- CardioboxEntre muchas otras, También podrás encontrar informaciónsobrealimentación sana, ¿como entrenar?, ¿Por donde empezar?, ensupágina Únete a la comunidad de máquinas de todoelmundo siguiendo a Elena en sus redes sociales.Download the app forElenaMalova, personal trainer and access all available routines toloseweight, tone up, gain muscle mass, learn yoga and more.You do not need a gym or sophisticated items, trains with yourownbody being guided by the trainer Elena Malova youtube.Elena Malova Trainer is ideal for those looking results inashort time, who enjoy yoga routines or high intensityintervaltraining (HIIT), also for those who want to improvetheirflexibility.You can stay updated on the latest challenges and videosyoutubechannel Malova Elena.Improve your physical and mental state of downloadingtheapplication Malova Elena Trainer. It has routines foralllevels.- Obesity Program- Routines for beginners.- Cardio routines for weight loss.- Yoga- Tabata routines.- Routines with rope.- CardioboxAmong many others, you will also find information onhealthyeating, how to train ?, Where to start ?, in itselenamalova.compage. Join the community of machines worldwidefollowing Elena intheir social networks.
Get Slim! Lose Weight Hypnosis 26.0
***The Audio files are high quality and therefore quite large,agood wifi Connection is necessary to download***If you faceanyissue with your Android application, please do write to oursupportemail address before rating the application*** You want toloseweight? You’ve tried many diets without remarkable results? Areyoulooking for an easy and relaxed way to get slim? Then try out„GetSlim!“ today! „Get Slim!“ is a powerful tool for yourpersonalchange and empowerment. The hypnotic and relaxationtechniqueswithin this program help you best to reach your personalgoal of aslim and healthylife!*****************************************************************FEEDBACKSFROM USERS "For me topppps! Shopping list looks differentand thenumber on the scale has become smaller! I sleep great.Great voiceand music. " „I recommend it absolutely! Another greatapp by KimFleckenstein. The quality has improved even further.Keep it up! Geton! " "Just great ))))) I have Listened to the appfor 23 days nowand have lost 3.8 kilos I can relax easy and itworksgreat."*****************************************************************HOWTHE PROGRAM WORKS You might agree that most of our weightproblemshave their origin in our minds. But the real problem isthat most ofthem are unconscious, working deep in our minds andkeeping us awayfrom reaching our goals. That is why hypnosis is somuch moreeffective. Hypnosis deals with the hidden patterns behindpooreating or over-eating. It is the perfect tool for„re-educating“your unconscious mind, giving you back the choiceabout what you eat– making it, easy and sustainable. Thesuggestions in the programwill help you change the way you thinkabout food and exercising.Get the necessary motivation forbuilding a new healthy life-styleand new eating habits – take backcontrol of your appetite andweight! ABOUT KIM FLECKENSTEIN „GetSlim!“ was designed bywell-known German Hypnotherapist KimFleckenstein. Kim Fleckensteinis a certified alternativepractitioner in psychotherapy, a clinicalHypnotherapist andNLP-Master-Coach. Based in Munich she has alreadypublished a rangeof best-selling self-help and hypnosis programs asApps and MP3sunder the label „Get on Apps!“. Her unique techniqueand selfexperiences have helped to create the special character andheartof her recordings. Getting requests from all over the world,shedecided to publish her hypnosis programs in English languageaswell. Together with professional and native speaker Cathy Webershemade it reality! WHAT YOU GET •A highly effective30-Minuteprofessional Hypnosis session using the latest hypnoticandrelaxation techniques – suitable for both, beginners andmoreexperienced users •The professional and warm voice of CathyWeber,which leads you into a deep state of relaxation and change •Ahighquality state of the art recording •Individuallycomposedbackground music for every program by CSW music •Customizeyoursettings PLEASE NOTE Do not listen to this program whileoperatinga motor vehicle or during any other activity that requiresyourfull attention. This program does not replace a doctor or anyothermedical aids. The best effect can be achieved by listening tothisprogram once a day over a period of 4 weeks. „GET SLIM!“ ISYOURPERSONAL COACH! ALWAYS WITH YOU! GIVE IT A TRY, NOW!
Gym Workouts for Women 1.7
💪 Our Gym WorkoutsandFitnessExerciseapplication has over 100 🎥 videoexercisesmovements, aswell asfive specialized workouts to help yourealizeyour fitnessgoals.Our exercises and workouts cover all the majormusclegroupsincludinglegs, arms, back, butt, abdominals,shoulders, andchestmuscles.Whether you are looking for a wholebody home workoutorjust to honein on one body part, such as legs,to workout atthegym, then this isthe total fitness app for you! Avideo comeswitheach exercise toshow you the appropriate form fortheexercise.So, when at the gym,you will know how to usethedumbbell,barbell, or any other equipmentthe right way!Thesemeasuresensure you are getting the most fromyour workouts andnotinjuringyourself. One such measure includesstretchingactivitiesbecausewe know that stretching prior to aworkout canreduce thepotentialfor injury significantly. When you’renotinjured you cantonemuscles, burn fat, and lose weight.In addition, you can customize your workout to tailorittoyourenvironment with our app. You have no moreexcusestostartachieving your fitness goals right now! You candownloadourappand get started with a few simple steps,workingtowardsthatperfect beach body or bikini body you want.Yourimaginationandnot that of the gym or fitness club you may beamember ofonlylimit you.HOMEPAGE: worked alongside fitness experts to designthisapplication.Thatmeans that the exercises and fitness programsyouarereceiving arethe cream of the crop. We tailored ourprogramstohelp you get themost out of our app at the gym,fitnessclub,home, or on the road.We offer exercises that aresuitableforevery need. For example, wehave exercises for legs,arms,chest,back, shoulders, abdominals,and butt, which willbuildmusclemass, in turn burning fat. Besidesthese, we alsohaveactivitiesthat use different equipment such asa dumbbell orbarbellas wellas specific stretches for thoselooking to gainflexibility.Youcan start at your own comfort levelor work with whatis inyourgym, fitness club or workoutenvironment. So, it doesnotmatterwhat type of equipment you haveavailable to you, as wewillhelpyou meet your needs and get thefitness results youdesire.Our gym exercises and workouts cover the gameteoftheequipmentyou can use for legs, chest, arms, back,shoulders,abs,or yourbutt. From a dumbbell to a barbell, you canchooseyourweapon ofchoice. Whether you want to work your abdominalsorchest,you cando it in the manner that is best for you. Thishighlevelofcustomization means you will have every opportunitytoloseweight,tone muscles, or burn fat with no barriers.The custom gym exercise and workout programs willhelpwomentargetareas of importance. The programs arewelldesigned,comprehensive anduse bodyweight, dumbbells, barbells,andotherequipment. They helpwith weight loss, toning muscles,andburningfat. Also, they willcontribute to strengthening musclesandhelpyou with stretching tobecome flexible. Using Women'sGym-Exercises and Workout Routines islike having yourownpersonaltrainer!Our wide range of gym exercises and workoutsfortheirpotentialuses will help you lose weight, time muscles, orburnfat.Also, wecater to the particular needs of women, sowehavedifferentworkout programs available for every femalefitnessneed.Moreover,our application is flexible in when and howyou useit andwascreated with the help of industry experts. We willbeyourgo-tofitness companion for all of your workout needsasyourfitnessneeds grow and change. Bikini body, beach body, orjusttotonemuscles, burn fat, or lose weight.73a9bef2ca
Arm Workouts Lumowell 1.1.12
Arm Workouts: complete training program to get toned arms fast.
Medicadiet Método Intercambios 0.33
La aplicación Medicadiet MétodoporIntercambioses la primera aplicación diseñada para seguirunadieta porIntercambios.Esta es una versión BETA, como prueba de concepto.Convuestrofeedback desarrollaremos una aplicación más completamásadelante.¡Tenlo en cuenta en las valoraciones!Tutorial delaaplicación: Método por Intercambios es un método que te permiteperderpesode manera saludable y sostenible basado en unadietamediterráneasana y equilibrada. Igualmente sirve paradeportistas,personas quequieren ganar peso, mujeres embarazadasydiabéticos.Con el Método por Intercambios, aprendes a elegirlosalimentossegún tus gustos y tus circunstancias, y tambiénacalcularraciones de manera visual intuitiva, sin tener quepesar.De estemodo, podrás cambiar tus hábitos hacia unos mássaludablesybasados en la Dieta Mediterránea.Con esta versión beta inicial de Medicadiet, te olvidarásdetudiario en papel y podrás llevar cómodamente un registrodiariodelos intercambios que has comido. Y además:● Lleva a cabo un plan de adelgazamiento según elMétodoporIntercambios● Sincroniza la información entre varios dispositivos● Compartes tu diario con tu nutricionista Medicadiet● Lleva en tu móvil una tabla de (casi) todos losalimentosconequivalencia en intercambios● Guarda tus alimentos favoritos para facilitar tu registrodiariodeingestas.Os animamos a que utilicéis esta primera prueba deconceptodeMedicadiet Método por Intercambios para seguir elMétodoporIntercambios. Gracias a todas vuestras valoracionessobresufuncionamiento y sugerencias que nos hagáisllegarpodremoscontinuar con la mejora y desarrollo denuevasfuncionalidades.¿Quieres que un nutricionista diseñe un planpersonalizadoparaadelgazar?Los nutricionistas de Medicadiet pueden diseñar unplanpersonalizadopara tu situación: Dieta para PerderPeso,deportistas, menopausia,ganar peso, embarazo, etc.Contáctanos encualquiera de nuestroscentros, o porvideoconferencia. Reserva unaprimera consultagratuita o llámanos al (+34)91 550 3014.¿No conoces el Método por Intercambios?El Método por Intercambios está concebido como unsistemadeadelgazamiento basado en Dieta Mediterránea yEjercicioFísico,complementado con técnicas psicológicas de apoyoymotivación quepermiten alcanzar los objetivos propuestos ynorecaer en viejoshábitos.Es una evolución de la Dieta por Intercambios, queincluyeademásEjercicio por Intercambios y apoyo psicológico. Puedessabertodosobre este método en oacudir aloscentros de Medicadiet para que teloexpliquen enuna primera consulta gratuita.Beneficios del Método por IntercambiosSe trata de un sistema abierto y flexible que permitealaspersonas elegir los alimentos y la actividad físicasegúnsusgustos, manteniendo la motivación y evitando lasrecaídas.Elobjetivo del método es que las personas aprendan atomardecisionesautónomas sobre su alimentación, e incorporenhábitos deejercicioa su vida.¿Cómo funciona el Método por Intercambios?Un Intercambio de Alimento es una medida de valor calóricodelosalimentos, y un Intercambio de Ejercicio es un valordegastocalórico al hacer deporte. Una persona que sigue unplandeadelgazamiento con el Método de IntercambiossabecuántosIntercambios de alimentación debe comer, ycuántosIntercambios deejercicio debe realizar. Pero puede elegirelalimento o el deporteconcreto según sus gustos.La palabra “intercambios” hace referencia a laflexibilidadquetiene la persona para elegir, así como pararedistribuirlosalimentos a lo largo del día, y el deporte durantelasemana,adaptándose así a los imprevistos de la vida diaria.Además, el Método por Intercambios cuenta conunaimportantecomponente psicológica y de motivación para conseguirasíun cambiode hábitos hacia otros más saludables.TheapplicationMedicadietExchange Method is the first applicationdesigned tofollow a dietExchanges.This is a BETA version, as a proof of concept. Withyourfeedbackwe will develop a more complete implementation later.Takethis intoaccount in the ratings!ApplicationTutorial: for Exchange is a method that allows you toloseweighthealthily and sustainably based on a healthyandbalancedMediterranean diet. Also it serves to athletes who wanttogainweight, pregnant women and diabetics.With the method for Exchange, you learn to choosefoodsaccordingto your tastes and your circumstances, and alsotocalculate rationsintuitive visual manner, without sorrow.Thus,you can change yourhabits to a healthier and based ontheMediterranean Diet.With this initial beta version Medicadiet, you willforgetyourdaily paper and can easily keep a daily record oftheexchangesthat you've eaten. In addition:● Perform a weight loss plan according to themethodbyExchanges● Synchronize information between multiple devices● You share your journal with your nutritionist Medicadiet● Take your mobile a table of (almost) allfoodsequivalenceexchanges● Save your favorite foods to your dailyintakefacilitateregistration.We encourage you to use this first proof ofconceptMedicadietMethod for exchanges to follow the method forExchanges.Thanks toall your assessments of their performance andsuggestionsthat yousend us we can continue improving and developingnewfeatures.Would you like a nutritionist design a personalized plantoloseweight?Medicadiet nutritionists can design a personalized planforyoursituation: diet to lose weight, athletes, menopause,weightgain,pregnancy, etc. Contact us at any of our centers,orbyvideoconference. Book a free or call us at (+34) 91 550 3014.  You do not know the method for Exchange?Method for Exchange is designed as a system basedonMediterraneanweight loss diet and exercise, complementedbypsychological supportand motivation techniques that achievetheobjectives and not fallback into old habits.It is an evolution of the Diet by Exchanges, whichalsoincludesexercise and psychological support for exchanges. Youcanlearn allabout this method in orgoto centersMedicadiet to have it explained inafreeinitial consultation.Benefits Method for ExchangesIt is an open and flexible system that allows peopletochoosefoods and physical activity according to yourtastes,maintainingmotivation and avoiding relapses. The aim of themethodis thatpeople learn to make autonomous decisions abouttheirdiet,exercise habits and incorporate into your life.How does the method for Exchange?A Food Exchange is a measure of caloric value of foodandExchangeExercise is worth caloric expenditure during sports.Apersonfollowing a weight loss plan with Method ExchangesExchangesknowshow food should eat and how much exercise Exchangesmustperform. Butyou can choose the particular food or sport tosuityour taste.The word "trade" refers to the flexibility that a personhastochoose, and to redistribute food throughout the day,andsportduring the week, thus adapting to the risks ofeverydaylife.In addition, the method for Exchange hasanimportantpsychological and motivational component so as toachievea changeof habits to more healthy.
Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis
Please note this is a large app, if space isanissue please install version the 'EasyLoss Virtual GastricBand'version, available in the app store instead.AS SEEN Channel 4's How to Lose Weight Well, BBC, Daily Mail,ChatMagazine, Vogue and Marie Claire... the American, British(andAustralian!) WEIGHT LOSS PHENOMENON - now in atop-sellingAPP!

• “32.5 lbs in 61 days! I feel like I'm melting!:)” - Tracy

• “OMG - can't quite believe I'm posting this! First, my size20sliterally fell down when I walked up the stairs – and now mysize16s only b****y fit me! Oh happy day, and WHAT a birthdaypresent!”-Helen

“Weight in day today lost another 5lb so happy :))) that's 19lbin4 weeks can't wait to see them scales go down even more :)))”Lisa C(Facebook)“32.5 lbs in 61 days! I feel like I'mmelting!)”Tracy(Facebook)“Just completed my fist week and lost 10 pounds. So happyrightnow”. Sharon B (Facebook)

“Weighed in this morning, another 2lb off sitting at 10.5stthat's a total of 2st 11.5 lb loss in 6 months and stillwaitingfor it to stop!” Alison H (Facebook)
To read more amazing weight loss SUCCESS STORIES search‘EasyLoss’on Facebook NOW (and read the Forum on mumsnet). Youcould spendhundreds (if not thousands) on Virtual Gastric bandHypnosistherapy – or grab this app for ‘peanuts’ to lose weightwithoutdieting in the comfort of your own home! It’s yourcall...

**** Join our Facebook Support Group NOW for ongoing support inyourweight loss journey****

App Features:
* 5 Unique Sessions of Relaxing Hypnotherapy
* Food Photo Diary and Water Diary (track your daily meals&water intake)
* FREE Facebook Support Group - join HUNDREDS of othersuccessfulusers online

• Discover how easy it is to change your eatinghabitssuccessfully and permanently. Become the slim, fit healthypersonyou long to be, without the expense, risks or discomfortofsurgery.

• The Easyloss Virtual Gastric Band Surgery Programme isastep-by-step hypnotherapy program that guides you tosuccessfulweight loss like never before. No starvation diet, nocaloriecounting, just a natural way of eating that helps you loseall yourunwanted fat safely and steadily.

DISCLAIMER: This application is intended to inform you andenhanceyour general knowledge in respect of weight loss, andshould neverbe used as a substitute for medical care or advice.You must alwaysseek medical advice for medical conditions andhealth issues.

If you decide to apply any of the information in thisapplicationyou are taking full responsibility for your actions. Weare notresponsible for any direct or indirect, punitive,special,incidental or any consequential damages that arise as adirect orindirect result of applying any part of this materialwhich isprovided in this application for educational purposes onlyand iswithout warranties.
Weight Loss Hypnosis 2.54
Experience our hypnosis for weight loss app and unlock weightlossmotivation
Calorie Counter Fat Alien Pro 2.4
Are you looking for easy-to-use caloriecounterwith embedded food database? Download Fat Alien App - theuseful appfor everyone who wants to lose or gain weight.Fat Alien:- will count your daily calories in a minute and always willkeepyou aware if you have eaten enough;- will work all day and night long withoutInternetconnection;- will keep you aware about what calories breakdown you have inyourdiet;- will tell you everything he knows about calories. He hasstrongbackground - large and trustworthy database that containsmore than6500 food items including sport nutrition of the mostfamousbrands.Feel free to e-mail Fat Alien with any questions andsuggestionsat any time: [email protected]
Ejercicios para Adelgazar 1.0
AlterEgo Apps
Con nuestra aplicación EjerciciosparaAdelgazarte recopilamos los mejores ejercicios para conseguirunvientredefinido y perfecto para adelgazar el abdomen y elrestodel cuerpo.Detalles de los ejercicios:-Caminar: El mejor ejercicio para perder peso y elmássencillo-Como Quema grasa con Pilates-La nueva forma revolucionaria para tonificar tus Abdominales-Descubre los mejores ejercicios para eliminar la flacidezenlosBrazos-Con estos 5 consejos podrás lucir piernas tonificadasfuertes-Descubre cómo puedes lograr un trasero envidiable-Estos son los mejores equipos para entrenar en tu propiacasa-Pole Dancing: Una Nueva Experiencia En Fitness,unanuevaexperiencia para adelgazar-Correr es una de las mejores maneras de perder peso.PLANDEENTRENAMIENTO SEMANA A SEMANA.Con esta rutina de ejercicios es 100% seguro que logres bajardepesorápido y conseguirás ver resultados en poco tiempo.Weight LossExercisesWithour application will collect the best exercises foraperfectdefined and slimming the abdomen and the rest of thebodybelly.Details of the exercises:-Walk: The best exercise to lose weight and easierAs Fat Burning Pilates-The Revolutionary new way to tone your abs-Discover The best exercises to remove the flab on the BrazosWith these 5 tips you can look strong toned legs-Discover How you can achieve an enviable back-These Are the best teams to train in your own home-Pole Dancing: A New Experience In Fitness, a newexperienceforslimming-Running Is one of the best ways to lose weight. TRAININGPLANweekto week.This workout is 100% sure that you achieve quick weight lossandgetto see results soon.
Te: Mejora tu Salud 1.0.0
Descubre con esta aplicación la mayor fuentedesalud natural de la Tierra: el Té.Conoce todos sus beneficios para aumentar tu bienestarincluyendoesta infusión en tu dieta, y adéntrate en el maravillosomundo delté practicando su ritual milenario.¿Quieres mejorar tu salud?¿Intentas adelgazar?¿Sabes que esta infusión ayuda a prevenir enfermedades comoelcáncer?El té es un potente aliado para ayudarte a perder peso silobebes diariamente, así como un brebaje natural queprevienenumerosas enfermedades y dolencias.Es el más potente de los Antioxidantes naturales quemantienenjoven tu organismo, MEJORA TU SALUD!!!--------------En esta guía aprenderás:- Los Efectos y Beneficios de cada uno de los tésmásimportantes.- Curiosidades de cada tipo.- Preparar correctamente cada té.- Recetas fáciles de hacer, que podrás incluir en tudieta.Empieza a adelgazar de la manera más sencilla!Constantementeiremos actualizando las recetas.- La Historia de esta maravillosa infusión.En definitiva una aplicación que no debe faltar en tudispositivomóvil.Discover withthisapplication a major source of natural health of the Earth: Tea.Discover all their profits to increase your well-beingincludingthis tea in your diet, and dive into the wonderful worldof teapracticing their ancient ritual.Want to improve your health?Are you trying to lose weight?You know that this tea helps prevent diseases like cancer?Tea is a powerful ally to help you lose weight if youdrinkdaily, as well as a natural beverage that prevents manydiseasesand ailments.It's the most powerful natural antioxidants that keep yourbodyyoung, IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH !!!--------------In this guide you will learn:- The effects and benefits of each of the major teas.- Curiosities of each type.- Prepare a tea properly.- Easy to make recipes that you can include in your diet.Beginsto lose weight the easy way! We will update constantlyrecipes.- The history of this wonderful infusion.Definitely an application that you must have on yourmobiledevice.
Easy Weight Loss 2.24
Powerful Motivation - Winner of Best Fitness App at The BestMobileApp Awards!
Como Adelgazar Facilmente 2015 1.0
Como Adelgazar Facilmente 2015 esunaaplicaciónincreíble.Puedes probar nuestra aplicación se PerfectaguiaparaadelgazarEsta App (Adelgazar rapido) puede hacer que su díamásbrillante,elaborar una sonrisa en su cara, o incluso quelevantarunpoco.comidas para bajar de pesoSi te gusta esta aplicación por favor puntúalo5estrellas★★★★★Espero que lo disfrutenLose Weight EasilyAs2015is an amazing app.You can test our application is perfect guide to slimmingThis App (Slimming fast) can make your day brighter, drawasmileon your face, or even to lift a little.meals to lose weightIf you like this app please rate it 5 stars ★★★★★Hope you enjoy