1.0 / April 4, 2013
(0/5) ()


La World On Communications, dal 1990, harealizzato oltre 80 videoguide su differenti e suggestivi luoghidel mondo.

Adesso, queste videoguide e le loro informazioni formano la basedi una nuova serie di applicazioni per dispositivi Android.
Ciascuna app è suddivisa in 3 parti:
- Mappa
- Scheda Informazioni
- Video clip

Questa app "Bergen - Troldhaugen - Fantoft" è una della serie diapp-guide dedicate ai fjordi norvegesi ed alle peculiarità che siincontrano lungo l'itinerario Stavanger-Bergen-Alesund.

Senza nulla togliere ad Oslo, in realtà Bergen può essereconsiderata la vera capitale della Norvegia, almeno turisticamenteparlando e senza la minima paura di essere smentiti. Provate avisitarla e lo penserete anche voi.
Tutto l'anno si sentono parlare numerose lingue e dialetti edurante "la stagione della Luce" come la definiamo noi, quando ilsole non cede mai alla notte le visite si intensificano. Ma, quantodetto per Stavanger è valido anche qui a Bergen. I norvegesi e laNorvegia sono molto ospitali ma ci tengono moltissimo alla privacyed all'educazione. Gli schiamazzi e l'euforie balorde sono pocotollerate e ricordate che i valori di alcool nel sangue per chiguida è pari a 0,0 per cento; significa che o guidi o bevi! Ledistanze, specialmente a Bergen, sono molto ridotte tra glialberghi ed i vari punti di ritrovo quindi, seguite l'esempio deinorvegesi: Lasciate l'auto o la moto ed andate a piedi adivertirvi.

La città offre tutte le attrazioni che desiderate siaartistiche, culturali e ricreative.
Ricettività turistica ed alberghiera sono di prima classe pertantosia l'albergo che le escursioni potrete ritagliarle in base aivostri interessi e le vostre disponibilità economiche.

Nei dintorni di Bergen vi sono numerose attrazioni tra le qualine abbiamo scelte due:
- La chiesa di legno o stavkirke di Fantoft
- Troldhaugen - La casa museo del grande compositore EdvardGrieg.

La Piazza del Mercato del pesce è il vero centro cittadino dalquale partono i diversi tour ed anche la Floibanen, la funivia cheporta in cima al monte Floyen, dove c'è un bellissimo belvederedominante l'intera città, con punti di relax e ristoro.

Norway in a nutshell - è un itinerario molto suggestivo che sipuò tradurre "la Norvegia in sintesi". L'itinerario ha cadenzagiornaliera, si parte al mattino presto in treno, si raggiunge untreno a scartamento ridotto che....con il battello si attraversa unfiordo e... si ritorna in tarda serata a Bergen.
Perchè abbiamo inserito tanti ...? Perchè questo itinerario èdisponibile nell'app-guida dedicata in vendita in questo market esul nostro sito.

The village of Gjesvaer (Inglese)
The Northernmost Forest(Inglese)
The Reserve of Gjesvaerstappan (Inglese)
La Regione dei Fjordi 1 - Stavanger - Prekestolen - Lysefjord(Italiano)
Norway in a nutshell (Italiano)

Questa app-guida è realizzata da World On Communications.
Regia e testi: Angelo Giammarresi

Vi invitiamo a scoprire gli altri nostri prodotti su questoMarketplace e sul nostro sito web www.wocmultimedia.com.
Copyright 2011 - World On Communications
Via Carlo Marx 101 - 27024 Cilavegna - Italia
supporto email: [email protected]

Avviata l'app dopo lo splash screen ci si trova subito nella schedainformativa.
Scorrendo questa scheda fino alla fine c'è il pulsante per avviareil video.
Dal menu si può passare alla mappa oppure scegliere tutte le altreopzioni.

The World OnCommunications, since 1990, has produced more than 80 video guideson different and beautiful places in the world.

Now, these video guides and their information form the basis ofa new set of applications for Android devices.
Each app is divided into 3 parts:
- Map
- Card Information
- Video Clip

This app "Bergen - Troldhaugen - Fantoft" is a series ofapp-guide dedicated to the Norwegian Fjords and distinct featuresthat are along the route Stavanger-Bergen-Alesund.

Without detracting in Oslo, Bergen reality can be considered thereal capital of Norway, at least speaking tourist and without anyfear of contradiction. Try to see it and think, too.
All year round you hear about many different languages ​​anddialects and during "the season of Light" as we call ourselves,when the sun never yields to night visits intensify. But what hasbeen said to Stavanger is also valid here in Bergen. The Norwegiansand Norway are very hospitable but we take a lot of privacy andeducation. The crowds and the euphoria balorde are not welltolerated and remember that the values ​​of blood alcohol fordrivers is 0.0 per cent, means that either drive or drink!Distances, especially in Bergen, is very small between the hotelsand the various meeting points then, follow the example of Norway:Leave your car or motorbike and go on foot to enjoy.

The city offers all the attractions you wish to be artistic,cultural and recreational activities.
Tourist accommodation and hotel are first class and the hotel sothat you can crop the excursions according to your interests andyour budget.

Around Bergen there are numerous attractions such as we have twochoices:
- The church of wood or stavkirke Fantoft
- Troldhaugen - The house museum of the great composer EdvardGrieg.

The Square Fish Market is the real city center from where therange of tours and also Floibanen, the cable car to the top ofMount Floyen, where there is a beautiful lookout dominating theentire city, with points of relaxation and refreshment.

Norway in a nutshell - it's a very attractive route that can betranslated as "Norway in a nutshell." The itinerary on a dailybasis, we start early in the morning by train, you reach anarrow-gauge train that .... with the boat across a fjord and ...returns late in the evening in Bergen.
Why do we put so many ...? Why this itinerary is available in theAPA-guide dedicated sale in this market and on our website.

The village of Gjesvaer (English)
The northernmost Forest (English)
The Reserve of Gjesværstappan (English)
The Fjords Region 1 - Stavanger - Prekestolen - Lysefjord(Italian)
Norway in a nutshell (Italian)

This app-guide is made by World On Communications.
Director and texts: Angelo Giammarresi

Have a look at our other products on this course and on ourwebsite www.wocmultimedia.com.
Copyright 2011 - World On Communications
Via Carlo Marx 101-27024 Cilavegna - Italy
Email support: [email protected]

Launch the app after the splash screen you are immediately in theinformation.
Scrolling this card until the end there is a button to start thevideo.
From the menu you can go to the map, or choose any otheroptions.

App Information Norvegia - Fjordi 2 - Bergen

  • App Name
    Norvegia - Fjordi 2 - Bergen
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    April 4, 2013
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.2 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
    WOC - Multimedia
  • Installs
    10 - 50
  • Price
  • Category
    Media & Video
  • Developer
    Visit website Email [email protected]
    VIA MARX 101 - 27024 Cilavegna
  • Google Play Link

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Media Composer - Chroma Key 1.0 APK
ENGLISH VERSION NOT AVAILABLE!!! EFFETTITIMELINE E CHROMA KEY - LINGUA: ITALIANO - Videoclip durata: 16minutiDopo aver utilizzato il corso base vi verrà facile seguire questaapplicazioneche è dedicata a 2 nuove funzioni di Media Composer 5.x:a) La regolazione degli effetti direttamente sulla timelineb)L'utilizzo avanzato dell'effetto chroma key.L'effetto chroma key di cui sovente si parla a sproposito è uneffetto apparentemente semplice da usare ma che invece, si presentaabbastanza complicato da utilizzare quando il soggetto èposto di fronte ad uno sfondo non omogeneo oppure si trova moltovicino allo sfondo e, pertanto, prende riflessi indesiderati checomplicano le operazioni di montaggio.Utilizzando l'effetto Chroma Key messo a disposizione da MediaComposer vedremo che sono disponibili numerose funzioni ricche diregolazioni che permettono di correggere al meglio tutti glieffetti indesiderati, ovviamente bisogna armarsi di pazienza ecostanza per ottenere il risultato desiderato.Questa app-guida è realizzata da World On Communications. Regia etesti: Angelo GiammarresiVi invitiamo a scoprire il corso base completo e gli altrinostri prodotti su questo Marketplace e sul nostro sito web.CONTATTI e SUPPORTOweb: www.wocmultimedia.comCopyright 2011 World On CommunicationsVia Carlo Marx 10127024 Cilavegna - Italiasupport email: [email protected] VERSION NOTAVAILABLE! TIMELINE AND EFFECT CHROMA KEY - LANGUAGE: ITALIAN -Video Clip duration: 16 minutesAfter using the basic course will be easy to follow thisapplicationthat is dedicated to two new features in Media Composer 5.x:a) The adjustment of the effects directly on the timelineb) The use of advanced chroma key effect.The Chroma Key effect is often to speak out of turn is an effectseemingly simple to use but instead, is quite complicated to usewhen the subject isplace in front of a background not homogeneous or is located veryclose to the background and, therefore, takes unwanted reflectionsthat complicate the assembly operations.Using the Chroma Key effect made available by Media Composer willsee that there are many features rich settings that allow you toadjust the best of all possible side effects, obviously you have toarm yourself with patience and perseverance to get the desiredresult.This app-guide is made by World On Communications. Director andtexts: Angelo GiammarresiWe invite you to discover the basic course and complete ourother products on this course and on our website.CONTACT and SUPPORTWeb: www.wocmultimedia.comCopyright 2011 World On CommunicationsVia Carlo Marx 10127024 Cilavegna - Italysupport email: [email protected]
Media Composer Chroma Key Demo 1.0 APK
ENGLISH VERSION NOT AVAILABLE!!!Questa è la versione demo gratuita della Lezione Avanzata.EFFETTI TIMELINE E CHROMA KEY solo in Italiano.In questa demo la video clip è limitata a circa un minuto emezzo. Vi invitiamo ad acquistare la Versione Completa dove laVideoclip dura 16 minuti con informazioni guidate passo passo.Dopo aver utilizzato il corso base vi verrà facile seguirequesta applicazione che è dedicata a 2 nuove funzioni di MediaComposer 5.x:a) La regolazione degli effetti direttamente sulla timelineb)L'utilizzo avanzato dell'effetto chroma key.L'effetto chroma key di cui sovente si parla a sproposito è uneffetto apparentemente semplice da usare ma che invece, si presentaabbastanza complicato da utilizzare quando il soggetto è posto difronte ad uno sfondo non omogeneo oppure si trova molto vicino allosfondo e, pertanto, prende riflessi indesiderati che complicano leoperazioni di montaggio.Utilizzando l'effetto Chroma Key messo a disposizione da MediaComposer vedremo che sono disponibili numerose funzioni ricche diregolazioni che permettono di correggere al meglio tutti glieffetti indesiderati, ovviamente bisogna armarsi di pazienza ecostanza per ottenere il risultato desiderato.Questa app-guida è realizzata da World On Communications. Regia etesti: Angelo GiammarresiScoprite il corso base completo e gli altri nostri prodotti suquesto Marketplace e sul nostro sito web.CONTATTI e SUPPORTOweb: www.wocmultimedia.comCopyright 2012 World On CommunicationsENGLISH VERSION NOTAVAILABLE !!!This is the free demo version of the Advanced Lesson.TIMELINE AND EFFECT CHROMA KEY only in Italian.In this demo, the video clip is limited to about a minute and ahalf. We invite you to purchase the Full Version where the videoclip lasts 16 minutes with information guided step by step.After using the basic course it will be easy to follow thisapplication that is dedicated to two new features of Media Composer5.x:a) The adjustment of the effects directly on the timelineb) Using advanced chroma key effect.The chroma key effect of which is often speaks out of turn is aneffect apparently simple to use but instead, is quite complicatedto use when the subject is placed in front of a background is nothomogeneous, or is very close to the background and, therefore, ittakes unwanted reflections which complicate the assemblyoperations.Using the Chroma Key effect made available from Media Composer willsee that there are a number of rich features that allow adjustmentsto correct the most of all the side effects, of course you have toarm yourself with patience and perseverance to achieve the desiredresult.This app guide is realized by World On Communications. Director andtexts: Angelo GiammarresiDiscover the full basic course and our other products in thisMarketplace and in our website.CONTACT and SUPPORTweb: www.wocmultimedia.comCopyright 2012 World On Communications
Sounds and Colours 2 - Eritrea 1.0 APK
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USEStart the app, after the splash screen you are presented with theinformation sheet which scrolled to the end reveals a button toplay the videoclip. Map and other otpions are available via themenu button. Since 1990, World On Communications has realized morethan 80 videoguides about several suggestive places around theworld. Every videoguide has been conceived how an itinerary thatpeople can easily retrace. Now, these videoguides and theirinformation are used to compile this new serial of androidapps.Every app is structured in 3 parts: - Map - Information Sheet -Video clipIn the video "ERITREA - Sounds and Colours 1" we show the littletown of Mendefera and its colourful houses and market. While inthis app "ERITREA - Sounds and Colours 2" the videoclip is focusedon some tradional marriage's scenes we filmed in Asmara.GETTING THERE \ ASMARABY PLANE: There some direct flights from Amsterdam and Frankfurtwhile the cheapest route it's via The Cairo.BY SHIP: Can be possible arrive to Massawa then head up by car orbus to Asmara, even it's a remote way to travel cause notpassengers ship harbour in Eritrea since many years ago. Maybe somecontainer ship can let you board.PRECAUTIONS AND VACCINATIONSNo vaccinations are required unless special you go off the beatentracktourist. Recommended in other cases, as a precaution, vaccinationagainst yellow fever, typhoid, dengue, hepatitis C.Do not drink tap water!!! Please, use bottled water or purifiedwater, that is cheaper and also available in plastic jar of 5\25litres. Food is safe as well as ice-cream.However, check with your clinic of infectious diseases, beforeleaving because the conditions of each country vary from month tomonth.NOTESASMARA, the capital town of Eritrea is set at about 2500 m.a.s.l.and, climate is quite mild all year round with some sporadicrainfalls. But, usually they last one or two hours and the sun comeout again clear in the sky to warm the air.Humidity is very low and if you are walking in the sunny side, juststop few second below a palm tree or in a shadow spot to soon berefreshed.Some DVD about Eritrea are available on sale at our website, inEnglish and Italian.This app guide is realized by World On Communications.Written and Directed by: Angelo GiammarresiWe invite you to look for our other products inthis Marketplace and in our websiteCONTACTS - SUPPORTweb: www.wocmultimedia.comCopyright 2011 World On CommunicationsVia Carlo Marx 10127024 Cilavegna - Italysupport email:[email protected]
Course Media Composer 5 app.2 1.1 APK
WOC - Multimedia
EACH LESSON CAN BE BOUGHT SEPARATELY AND RUNSSTANDALONE.The video course was created using the trial version Avid MediaComposer v.5.0 which can be downloaded for free from www.avid.comsite and is fully functional for 30 days.Anyone can use this course because it was made a simpleschematic and preliminary to the construction of a project from thechoice of settings to export the final video.The course is divided into 6 lessons can be purchased separatelyas Android applications.Each application is composed of some screens selectable from themenu, containing general information about the course, anysuggestions and notes on the lesson, one or more video clips format480x320 H.264 MP4 codecs.The video content of the course consists of 11 video clips for atotal running time of about 90 minutes.This lesson include two videoclips for a total duration of 17minutes ca.- LESSONS OF THE COURSE -Lesson 1 - First and Second Part>>>>Lesson 2 - Part ThreeLesson 3 - Part Fourth and FifthLesson 4 - Part Sixth and SeventhLesson 5 - Part Eighth and NinthLesson 6 - Part Tenth and Eleventh- CONTENT VIDEO LESSONS -PART ONE -Introduction - Initial Settings - Create custom windows.PART TWO -Project Tabs - Set of items: Audio Settings - Audio Project - Bin-Bin View - Import - Interface.>>>PART THREE -Customize Keyboard - Set of items: Trim - Video Display - Capture -Deck Configuration - Media Creation - Capture Toolset (ImageCapture) - Batch Capture/Log Shot.PART FOUR -Bin: Opening Clip - Bin View - Background Color - Opening ExternalBin - Super Bin - AMA Files.PART FIVE -First Editing - Undo/Redo - Sequences/Source Window - Subclip-Timeline Tracks - Functions: Splice In - Add Edit - Lift -Extract.PART SIX -Pre-Editing in the Bin - Functions: Fill Window - Splice In -Overwrite - Segment Mode Splice In - Segment Mode Overwrite.PART SEVEN -Overwrite Trim - Ripple Trim - Locators.PART EIGHT -Quick Transition - Focus Function - Segment Effects - Effect Mode-Superimpose - Timewarp - Trim To Fill.PART NINE - Timecode Burn-In - Match Frame - Freeze Frame -Motion Effect - Stabilization Effect - Color Correction.PART TEN - Title Tool/Titling - Rendering Video Effects - AudioEditing.PART ELEVEN - Audio Track Options - Auto Gain - Auto Pan -Mixdown Video - Mixdown Audio - Digital Cut/Export.This video course is designed by the World On Communications –Via Carlo Marx 101 – 27024 Cilavegna – Italy, is not Avid videoofficial course qualification but a compendium the use of editingsoftware Avid Media Composer 5, based experience of the directorAngelo Giammarresi.We invite you to know even our video guides tours, and othermultimedia products on the Android Market and on the websitewww.wocmultimedia.com.Copyright 2011 \nWorld On Communications - Italy
Vi ringraziamo per aver acquistato questavideoguida.ISTRUZIONI PER L'USODopo lo splash screen si può usare il menù oppure con un toccopassare direttamente alla scheda informativa dove in fondo c'è unpulsante per avviare il video.La World On Communications, dal 1990, ha realizzato oltre 80videoguide su differenti e suggestivi luoghi del mondo.Ogni video-app è una piccola guida strutturata come un itinerariofacilmente ripercorribile durante le proprie vacanze ed è suddivisain 3 parti:- Mappa- Scheda Informazioni- VideoclipQuesta app intitolata "Norvegia - Capo Nord 1" è una della seriedi app-guide dedicate all'immenso patrimonio naturale e culturaledella Norvegia Settentrionale.Nel video 1 seguiremo l'itinerario Honningsvåg - Gjesvaer -Kamøyvaer.Mentre nel video della seconda app, "Norvegia - Capo Nord 2",seguiremo l'itinerario Skarsvåg - Nordkapp (Capo Nord) con unaserie di curiosità lungo il percorso.ITINERARIODa Oslo raggiungiamo in aereo Alta e proseguiamo per Honningsvågsull'isola di Magerøya che da qualche anno è collegata con untunnel alla terraferma e così, vi si può arrivare comodamente inauto.HONNINGSVÅG - è un paese di 3200 abitanti situato nel comune diNordkapp, il comune più a nord della Norvegia, nella contea diFinnmark e qui, vi si trovano tutti i servizi essenziali. L'ufficioturistico che si trova nei pressi del porto possiede un vastoassortimento di depliant, cartine....Honningsvåg si trova a 35 kmda Capo Nord (Nordkapp)GJESVAER - La seconda tappa dell'itinerario famoso per la suariserva naturale protetta, dove annualmente vengono a nidificarenumerosissime colonie di uccelli oceanici...si trova a 35 Km daHonningsvåg sempre in direzione di Capo Nord.KAMØYVAER - Questo piccolissimo paesino si trova a pochichilometri da Honningsvåg, offre l'opportunità di ammirare da moltovicino i gabbiani della specie tridattilo o kittywake...NOTERistoranti, hotels, campeggi e servizi turistici s'incontrano neiluoghi principali dell'isola però, preferiamo non segnalarnenessuno perchè in generale si equivalgono... Vi ricordiamo diportare sempre con voi degli indumenti caldi perchè anche se iltempo è bello non dimenticate che la variabilità metereologica quiè la regola principale.Il turista in Norvegia non ha corsie preferenziale e deveobbligatoriamente sottostare a tutte le leggi in vigore che vengonoapplicate alla lettera. Rispettate la natura e non accendete fuochise non ove strettamente permesso.In Italia per ricevere informazioni su tutta la Norvegia si puòcontattare direttamente l'ufficio del turismo e del commercionorvegeseSito internet www.visitnorway.it - E-mail:[email protected] invitiamo a scoprire anche la seconda parte di questoitineario verso Capo Nord con le sue tantissime curiosità e glialtri nostri prodotti.Sul nostro sito www.wocmultimedia.com tutte le guide sonodisponibili anche in DVD. Questa app è realizzata da World OnCommunications.Regia e testi: Angelo GiammarresiCONTATTI- SUPPORTOweb: www.wocmultimedia.com© Copyright 2012World OnCommunicationsVia Carlo Marx 10127024 Cilavegna - Italiasupporto email:[email protected] Prodotto1.0Thank you for purchasingthis video guide.INSTRUCTIONS FOR USEAfter the splash screen, you can use the menu, with a touch godirectly to the details where the bottom is a button to start thevideo.The World On Communications, since 1990, has produced more than 80video guides on different and beautiful places in the world.Each video is a small guide app structured as a route easilyRetraceable during their holidays and is divided into 3parts:- Map- Card Information- VideoclipThis app called "Norway - North Cape 1" is a series of app-guidededicated to the immense natural and cultural heritage of NorthernNorway.In the first video we will follow the route Honningsvåg - Gjesvaer- Kamoyvaer.While the video of the second app, "Norway - North Cape 2", we willfollow the route Skarsvåg - Nordkapp (North Cape) with a series oftrivia along the way.ITINERARYReach by plane from Oslo to Alta and continue Honningsvåg island ofMagerøya that for some years it is connected by a tunnel to themainland, and so, it may be reached by car.Honningsvag - is a village of 3200 inhabitants located in themunicipality of Nordkapp, the most common in the north of Norway,in the county of Finnmark, and here you will find all the essentialservices. The tourist office is located near the port has a widerange of brochures, maps .... Honningsvåg is located 35 km from theNorth Cape (Nordkapp)Gjesvær - The second stop on the itinerary is famous for itsnature reserve, where annually come to nest numerous bird coloniesocean ... is located 35 km from Honningsvåg in the direction of theNorth Cape.Kamoyvaer - This tiny village is located a few kilometers fromHonningsvåg, offers the opportunity to see up close the three-toedspecies of gulls or kittywake ...NOTESRestaurants, hotels, campsites and tourist services meet theisland's main sites, however, we prefer not warning of anyonebecause in general are the same ... Please remember to bring warmclothes with you because even if the weather is nice, do not forgetthat the variability in weather here is the main rule.The tourist in Norway has not preferential lanes and must abide bythe laws that are applied to the letter. Respect nature and do notlight fires except where strictly allowed.In Italy to receive information on all of Norway you can directlycontact the office of the Norwegian Tourism and TradeWebsite www.visitnorway.it - ​​E-mail: [email protected] invite you to discover the second part of this Itinerario tothe North Cape, with its many curiosities and our otherproducts.On our site www.wocmultimedia.com all guides are also available onDVD. This app is made by World On Communications.Director and texts: Angelo GiammarresiCONTACT-SUPPORTWeb: www.wocmultimedia.com© Copyright 2012World OnCommunicationsVia Carlo Marx 10127024 Cilavegna - ItalyEmail support:[email protected] Version1.0
Sami - Traditions and Joiks 3 1.0 APK
Since 1990, World On Communications hasrealized more than 80 videoguides about several suggestive placesaround the world.Now, these videoguides and their information are used to compilethis new serial of android apps.Every app is structured in 3 parts:- Map- Information Sheet- Video clipIn these series of apps stages some Sami people living indifferent part of Norway, Sweden and Finland we met during ourfilming and that you can easily find if travel there insummertime.People appearing in these videos are filmed in their actualcamps, they give account of their lifestyle and tune some joiks,the traditional song accompanying any moment of Sami daily life.You can visit them in summertime during your journey in Norway,Sewden and Finland.They didn't act for us but only gave us the permission to filmthem.Internet websiteswww.visitnorway.comwww.mikkelgammen.noIn the app 1 we met Mikkel, the owner of Mikkelgammen that everyspring leave Kautokeino with his family to Hammerfest (Norway), atranshumance of about 250 km, to bring reindeer herds pasture frommountain to coastal area.In the app 2 we met Nils Somby at his camp in North Cape (Norway)and Johan Eira in his camp nearby Alta (Norway)In the apps 3-4 we met different Sami people at Arvidsjaur(Sweden), Inari and Rovaniemi (Finland) both in summertime andwintertime.RELATED APPS ON NORWAYThe village of Gjesvaer (English)The Northernmost Forest (English)The Reserve of Gjesvaerstappan (English)La Regione dei Fjordi 1 - Stavanger - Prekestolen - Lysefjord(Italian)La Regione dei Fjordi 2 - Bergen - Troldhaugen - Fantoft(Italian)La Norvegia in un guscio di noce (Italian)Norvegia - Le isole Lofoten 1 (Italian)Norvegia - Le isole Lofoten 2 (Italian)Norvegia - Le isole Lofoten 3 (Italian)SAMI - Traditions and Joiks - 1 (English)SAMI - Traditions and Joiks - 2 (English)Some videos about Sami, Alta, North Cape and Hammerfest areaalso available in DVD, on sale at our website.This app guide is realized by World On Communications.Director and content writer: Angelo GiammarresiWe invite you to look for our other products in this Marketplaceand in our website www.wocmultimedia.com.Copyright 2011 World On CommunicationsVia Carlo Marx 10127024 Cilavegna - Italysupport email: [email protected] FOR USEStart the app, after the splash screen you are presented with theinformation sheet which scrolled to the end reveals a button toplay the videoclip. Map and other otpions are available via themenu button.
Gigolo 1.0 APK
WOC - Multimedia
Since Giorgio retired, his life has been peaceful, but now he'sabout to become involved in the life - and death - of Alberto, ayoung gigolo living in a flat below his. Giorgio lives in Pelleria,one of the working-class parts of Lucca. A picture frame will playan important part in Detective-Superintendent Luciano Renzi'sinvestigations. Another original, unusual murder story, with lifeand all its shadows and flashes of light. The author shows us thatbeside one truth there is always another like it. Bartolomeo DiMonaco was born in San Prisco (Caserta) January 14, 1942 and livesin Lucca from birth. He has directed the quarterly periodical"Stories and Poems" (1992 - 1999), whose entire collection can befound at the State Library of Lucca. He wrote "Lucca beautiful andmysterious - stories and legends"edited by Maria Pacini Fazzi. Someof them have been published in installments from The Nation in2006. The same publisher has published a collection entitled "Let'sread together the writers of Lucca", sponsored by the city ofLucca. By Marco Valerio Edizioni has published six volumes ofessays on Italian and foreign literature. An essay on the writer ofAlton Remo Teglia has been published on new topics, No 34, 2006. Onits website, the magazine is on www.bartolomeodimonaco.it Let'stalk about art, which together authors from all over Italy. Weinvite you to discover our other publications on this market and wewish you a pleasant reading!
3D-NORWAY-DEMO - LG Optimus 3D 1.0 APK
Other free trailers 3D are available atwww.wocmultimedia.com/main/trailer3D.htmITALIAN VERSION also availableThe clip apk has the following characteristics:Video format: mp43D Format: SBS (side-by-side) or tiled images SxDxResolution 800x480 or 960x540.INSTRUCTIONS FOR USEAfter the splash screen you can use the menu or, with a touchpassdirectly to the information sheet, where the bottom is thebutton tostart the video. For the correct viewing in 3D refer to yourmanual.The other buttons will redirect to our site to purchase the entireapkcomplete with clips that last about 30 minutes each.This app called "3D-NORTHERN NORWAY-Demo" is divided into 3parts:- Map- More Info- Video clips in 3D (Trailer)LIST APP-GUIDES 3D-NORTHERN NORWAY3D Norway Finnmark 1 - Alta and surroundings. Running Time: 30minutesca3D Norway Finnmark 2 - Hammerfest-Kvalsund. Running Time: 31minutes ca3D Norway Finnmark 3 - North Cape & the island of Magerøya.RunningTime: 33 minutes ca3D Norway Finnmark 4 - Gjesvaer. Running Time: 39 minutes caFor information prior to purchase, please contact our supportteam. Theemail address is shown inside the apkThank you for using our video guides.Free trailers 3D available atwww.wocmultimedia.com/main/trailer3D.htm