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The electric power P "consumed" byanelectrical device is the product between the voltage V attheterminals (in Volts) and current I passing through it (in amps):

P = V x I

The SI unit of power is the Watt (W).
For direct current, P = V x I
For alternating current used with resistance type components(lamps,heaters), P = VRMSx IRMS where VRMS and IRMS are the RMSvalues ofvoltage and current.
The electrical energie consummed by an electrical appliance istheproduct of electrical power (P) and the duration of timeused(t)
E = P x t
The unit of energy is the Joule (J). Another frequently used unitisthe Watt-hour (Wh). Look at your home electricity bill.
1 WH = 3600 J
In the power animation, click and slide the voltage icon toadjustthe voltage supplied to the circuit.

In the DC and AC Energy animations, click and slide themeter(s)to see changes in energy consumption.

App Information Electric Power and Energy

  • App Name
    Electric Power and Energy
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    May 30, 2012
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  • Requires Android
    Android 2.2 and up
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  • Installs
    10 - 50
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  • Google Play Link

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eduMedia is the largest online repository ofinteractive resources for science, technology and math teaching.• Really interactive and highly visual simulations• Virtual experiments• Understanding sciences through videos and engagingsimulations• Knowledge testing with quizzeseduMedia is trusted by thousands of teachers and students acrossthe world to prepare lectures, illustrate, review or simply sparktheir own curiosity.Download this free app to discover an amazing collection ofsimulations.If you already have a username and password, you can log in andaccess eduMedia content directly from the app at no additionalcost.eduMedia covers subjects such as: chemistry, biology, physics,earth science, and technology.An other eduMedia app is available for primary schoolcontents.
Rust 1.0 APK
Iron nails are placed in fiveenvironments:Tube 1: Just in airTube 2: A part of the nail is immerged in waterTube 3: A part of the nail is immerged in salt waterTube 4:The nail is completely immerged in boiling water and a layerof oil separates the water from the airTube 5: A dehydration product (Calcium chloride or Copper Sulfate)absorbes the humidity contained in the air.The different hypotheses or this experiment allow us to explain theformation of rust:Only the nails in the three tubes on the left rust, at a fast rate.The two experiments on the right slow down or stop the formation ofrust.This allows us to confirm that iron does not rust until it is incontact with air and water.
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Click on the buttons to fill or empty theballast tank.
Crookes Tube 1.0 APK
This animation describes J. J. Thomson’ssecond experiment involving the deviation of an electron beam in avacuum tube, called a Crookes Tube.A partial vacuum (less than 10-6 atm) is maintained in the tube. Ahigh voltage (between 10 and 100 kV) is applied between twoelectrodes. The very intense electric field that results from thisaccelerates the few ions present in the tube which, via coliisions,ionize other particles. The lower the pressure , the more theelectrons thus liberated and accelerated travel great distancesuntil they strike the screen at the opposite end of the tube.By studying the deviation of this beam, J. J. Thomson, in 1897,isolated a new elementary particle carrying a negative charge – theelectron.This apparatus constitutes the first particle accelerator. As aresult of his work, Thomson proposed a completely new model of theatom (Thomson’s Plum Pudding Model) that one of his students,Ernest Rutherford, would improve upon 10 years later.Click and drag the cursor to change the intensity of the voltageapplied between the plates.
Puissance, énergie électrique 1.0 APK
La puissance électrique P "consommée" par unappareil électrique est le produit entre la tension U à ses bornes(exprimée en Volts) et le courant I qui le traverse (exprimé enAmpères):P = U x IL'unité de la puissance est le Watt (W).En courant continu, P = U x IEn courant alternatif, pour les composants de type résistance(lampes, appareil de chauffage), P = Ueff x Ieff avec Ueff et Ieffles valeurs efficaces de la tension et du courant.L'énergie électrique "consommée" par un appareil électrique est leproduit entre sa puissance et la durée d'utilisation:E=PxtL'unité d'énergie est le Joule (J). Il est fréquent d'utiliseraussi le Watt-heure (Wh).1 Wh= 3600 JCliquer sur l'ampoule lorsqu'elle est grillée pour lachanger.Cliquer puis faire glisser les afficheurs sur la frisetemporelle.The electrical power P"consumed" by an electrical device is the product of the voltage Uat its terminals (expressed in volts) and the current I through it(in Amps):P = V x IThe unit of power is the Watt (W).DC, P = U x IAlternating current for resistance-type components (lights,heater), P = Vrms x Irms Vrms and Irms with effective values ​​ofvoltage and current.Electrical energy "consumed" by an electrical device is the productof its potency and duration of use:E = PXTThe unit of energy is the joule (J). It is also common to use theWatt-hours (Wh).1 Wh = 3600 JClick on the bulb is burned out when to change it.Click and drag the display on the temporal frieze.
Power dissipated by a resistor 1.0 APK
The circuit is made up of a variable powersupply, a variable resistor R and, a light bulb all connected inseries.An ammeter, placed in series, allows the current, I, to bemeasured. A voltmeter connected in parallel with the resistor, R,allows the voltage across the resistor VR to be measured.The light bulb acts like a resistor, RA, with resistance equal to10Ω.The curve shows the power dissipated in the the resistor. The unitof power is the Watt (W).P = VR x I = R x I2When the voltage is increased, the current, I, increases and thepower dissipated by the resistor, R, increases.When the value of the resistor is increased, I decreases and thepower dissipated by the resistor, R, decreases.The variable resistor, R, allows control of the current intensityin the circuit.Slide the cursor on the voltage and/or resistance tab toestablish the desired values.
Kirchhoff's Laws 1.0 APK
Electrical quantities like voltage and currentare measured for three simple circuits to demonstrate thefundamental laws governing electrical circuits:- Ohm’s law- node laws- circuit lawsFor each circuit, a graph allows us to follow the development ofcurrent intensity as a function of voltage for different values ofresistance.Move the voltage and resistance tabs to change their values.
Résistance (codes couleurs) 1.0 APK
Onglet "couleur → valeur": Cliquer sur un codecouleur pour le sélectionner.Onglet "valeur → couleur": Cliquer puis faire glisser le curseurpour fixer une valeur.Tab "color → value":Click on a color code to select it.Tab "value → Color": Click and drag the slider to set avalue.