0.0.8 / January 23, 2017
(5.0/5) (1)





Noush Olsun
Bahram Bagirzadeh
Azerbaijani cuisine
Aserbaidschanische Küche
Azərbaycan mətbəxi
Cucina azera
Азербайджанская кухня
"Azerbaijan Recipes" appis for those who love a gourmet Azerbaijan passengers. It not onlyhelps them understand foodies delicious Azerbaijani dishes andcooking methods, but also the Baku tourists looking to taste thesedishes restaurant guide. Some of these restaurants are located inthe historic district. So, foodies are in a delicious touch whilethe history, traditions, the way of life, and her beautifulbuildings of the Old City.

"Azerbaijan recipe" is based Bahram 巴蒂尔扎迪 Hz "my favorite dishes,"a book published in Baku in 2011 developed. In this book, theauthor tells the story of his favorite recipes Azerbaijani cuisine.When reading this book, readers will feel strongly Bahram his deeplove for the motherland Azerbaijan, as well as his country'shistory, culture, customs, traditions of pride, of course, avariety of dishes deep feeling.

After obtaining the author's permission, we decided to ContentAvailable to those who have not visited Baku, Azerbaijan are notfamiliar with, not tasted wonderful cuisine Bahram described in thebook of food lobbyists.

Noush Olsun
Bahram Bagirzadeh
Azerbaijani cuisine
Aserbaidschanische Küche
Azərbaycan mətbəxi
Cucina azera
Азербайджанская кухня
Azerbaijan Recipes

App Information 阿塞拜疆食谱

  • App Name
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  • Updated
    January 23, 2017
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  • Requires Android
    Android 4.1 and up
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  • Developer
    Elshan Siradjov
  • Installs
    5 - 10
  • Price
  • Category
    Food & Drink
  • Developer
  • Google Play Link

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Azərbaycan mətbəxi 0.0.8 APK
"Azərbaycan mətbəxi" proqramı Azərbaycanaşbazlığı ilə maraqlananlar üçün nəzərdə tutulmuşdur. Onun köməyiilə siz həm özünüz ləzzətli Azərbaycan xörəklərini bişirə, həm dəBakı şəhərinin qonağı olduğunuz zaman bu xörəklərin dadına baxabiləcəyiniz restoranları ziyarət edə bilərsiniz. Bəzi restoranlartarixi məkanlarda yerləşdiklərinə görə onlar səyahətçilərıntəəssüratlarına xüsusi rəng qatacaq və qonaqlar Bakı şəhərinintarixi, onun sakinlərinin məişəti və ənənələri ilə, füsunkarmemarlıq abidələri ilə yaxından tanış olmaq fürsətini əldə etmişolacaqlar."Azərbaycan mətbəxi" Bəhram Bağırzadənin 2011-ci ildə Bakıda çapolunmuş “Mənim sevimli xörəklərim” kitabı əsasında yaradılmışdır.Müəllif bu kitabında Azərbaycan xörəklərindən ən çox sevdikləriniöz oxucularının diqqətinə çatdırır. Kitabı oxuyarkən Bəhramınvətəni Azərbaycana, onun tarixinə və mədəniyyətinə, adət vəənənələrinə və eləcə də Azərbaycan mətbəxinin rəngarəngliyinə nəqədər məftun olduğunun şahidi olursan.Müəllifin icazəini alaraq biz bu kitabın məzmununu indiyə qədərAzərbaycan təamları ilə tanışlığı olmayan, gözəl Bakı şəhəriniziyarət etməmiş və Bəhramın kitabında təsvir etdiyi xörəklərdəndadmamış insanların diqqətinə çatdırmaq qərarına gəldik.Noush OlsunBahram BagirzadehAzerbaijani cuisineAserbaidschanische KücheAzərbaycan mətbəxiCucina azeraАзербайджанская кухня阿塞拜疆食谱"Azerbaijani cuisine"Program is designed for those interested in asbazlıgı. With itshelp you Azərbaycan delicious dishes and cook for yourself, butwhen you're a guest of the city to visit restaurants where you cantaste the dishes. Some restaurants will add a special colorimpressions of historic places yerləsdiklərinə travelers andvisitors because of the city's history, and traditions of itsresidents, the beautiful architectural monuments will have theopportunity to become familiar with."Azerbaijani cuisine" Bahram Bagirzadeh published in 2011 in "Myfavorite xorəklərim" was created based on the book. The author ofthis book, most of the dishes they loved her to the attention ofreaders. Bahram reading the book to his native Azerbaijan, itshistory and culture, customs and traditions, as well as a range ofAzerbaijani cuisine have witnessed how impressed.Icazəini the author of the contents of the book, we are not sofamiliar with the Azerbaijani dishes, beautifully illustrated book,Bahram did not visit Baku to draw the attention of people havedecided to taste the dishes.Whether NoushBahram Bagirzadehazerbaijani cuisineAserbaidschanische KücheAzerbaijani cuisineCucina AzeraАзербайджанская кухня阿塞拜疆 食谱
阿塞拜疆食谱 0.0.8 APK
“阿塞拜疆食谱”应用程序是面向那些钟情于阿塞拜疆菜肴的美食客的。它不仅能帮助美食客们了解美味的阿塞拜疆菜肴和烹饪方法,也是巴库城的游客们寻找能品尝这些菜肴的餐馆的指南。其中一些餐馆是坐落在历史悠久的城区内。所以,美食客们在品尝美味的同时还能触摸到这个老城的历史、传统、居民的生活方式,以及她美轮美奂的建筑。“阿塞拜疆食谱”是基于巴库2011年出版的巴赫拉姆·巴蒂尔扎迪赫的《我最钟爱的菜肴》一书开发的。在这本书中,作者讲述了他最喜爱的阿塞拜疆菜肴的烹饪方法。阅读此书时,读者会强烈地感觉到巴赫拉姆对他的祖国阿塞拜疆的深沉的爱,以及他对这个国家的历史、文化、习俗、传统的自豪感,当然还有对各种菜肴深厚的感情。在得到作者的许可后,我们决定将其内容推介给那些还没到访过巴库的,不熟悉阿塞拜疆的,没有品尝过巴赫拉姆在书中所描述的美妙佳肴的美食客们。Noush OlsunBahram BagirzadehAzerbaijani cuisineAserbaidschanische KücheAzərbaycan mətbəxiCucina azeraАзербайджанская кухня阿塞拜疆食谱"Azerbaijan Recipes" appis for those who love a gourmet Azerbaijan passengers. It not onlyhelps them understand foodies delicious Azerbaijani dishes andcooking methods, but also the Baku tourists looking to taste thesedishes restaurant guide. Some of these restaurants are located inthe historic district. So, foodies are in a delicious touch whilethe history, traditions, the way of life, and her beautifulbuildings of the Old City."Azerbaijan recipe" is based Bahram 巴蒂尔扎迪 Hz "my favorite dishes,"a book published in Baku in 2011 developed. In this book, theauthor tells the story of his favorite recipes Azerbaijani cuisine.When reading this book, readers will feel strongly Bahram his deeplove for the motherland Azerbaijan, as well as his country'shistory, culture, customs, traditions of pride, of course, avariety of dishes deep feeling.After obtaining the author's permission, we decided to ContentAvailable to those who have not visited Baku, Azerbaijan are notfamiliar with, not tasted wonderful cuisine Bahram described in thebook of food lobbyists.Noush OlsunBahram BagirzadehAzerbaijani cuisineAserbaidschanische KücheAzərbaycan mətbəxiCucina azeraАзербайджанская кухняAzerbaijan Recipes
المطبخ الأذربيجاني 0.0.8 APK
أما الملحق "أذربيجاني" قد تم إعداده للأشخاصالمهتمين بالمطبخ الأذربيجاني فهوعبارة عن دليل يشرح طرق طبخالمأكولات الأذرية اللذيذة وأيضا سيقوم بدورالمرشد لضيوف مدينة باكوحينما يزورون المطاعم حيث يمكنهم التذوق تلك الأطباق.وتقع بعض المطاعم بداخل بعض المبانى التاريخية التي تمنح الرواد قليلامن المذاق الخاص بالمدينة كما تعطى الفرصة للقيام برحلات قصيرة إلىتاريخ المدينة والتعرف على تقاليد و طريقة المعيشة الخاصة بساكنيهاوأيضا بالمعالم المعمارية للمدينة القديمة.أذربيجاني" مقتبس من كتاب " أحب أطباقى" لمؤلف بهرام باقرزادة الذينشر سنة 2011 بباكو.لقد عرض المؤلف فى كتابه وصفات لطبخ الأطباق المفضلة لديه المأخوذة منالمطبخ الأذربيجاني. فعندما سيقرأ القارىء الكتاب فسيشعر بمدى حبالكاتب و اعتزازه بوطنه أذربيجان وبتاريخه وثقافته وعاداته وتقاليده ومدى تنوع مأكولات الأذرية.Noush OlsunBahram BagirzadeAzerbaijani cuisineAserbaidschanische KücheAzərbaycan mətbəxiCucina azeraАзербайджанская кухня阿塞拜疆食谱The Appendix"Azerbaijanis" have been set up for people interested AzerbaijaniVhoabarh kitchen for cooking guide explains the Azeri cuisinedelicious ways and will also Bdoralamrushd guests of Baku whenvisiting the restaurants where they can taste these dishes.Some restaurants are located inside some of the historic buildingsthat give little pioneers from the private taste of the city alsogiven the opportunity to do as well as architectural monuments ofthe ancient city of short trips to the city's history and learnabout the traditions and way of living Bassaknyha.Azerbaijani "adapted from the book" Love Dishes "author BahramBagherzadh which was published in 2011 in Baku.The author has displayed in his book and recipes for cookingfavorite dishes has taken from the Azerbaijani cuisine. When youread the book the reader will feel how love of the writer and hispride in his homeland of Azerbaijan, its history, culture, customsand traditions and the diversity of Azerbaijani cuisine.Noush OlsunBahram BagirzadeAzerbaijani cuisineAserbaidschanische KücheAzərbaycan mətbəxiCucina azeraАзербайджанская кухня阿塞拜疆 食谱
Azerbejdžanska Kuhinja 0.0.21 APK
Azerbejdžan je zemlja sa veoma lepomprirodom,neverovatno zanimljivim istorijsko-arheološkimspomenicima,originalnom kulturom i tradicijom. Delom tradicije sesmatra inacionalna kuhinja, koja je, po mom mišljenju, jednaodnajinteresantnijih na Istoku. Nacionalna kuhinja bilo kojezemljeje njeno lice. Kroz nju se vide ne samo gastronomskespecifičnostiveć i karakter, temperament i mentalitet jednognaroda.U azerbejdžanskoj kuhinji se mogu naći sličnosti satradicijamadrugih naroda u svetu. Ali, s druge strane,azerbejdžanska kuhinjaima svoj identitet i kolorit. Jela našezemlje su raznolika, kao injeni pejzaži.Glavne komponente azerbejdžanske nacionalne kuhinje određujuseprirodnim uslovima u zemlji. Planinska, morska i suptropskaklimadozvolili su široku primenu jagnjetine, govedine, živine,rečnei morske (kaspijske) ribe, a takođe voća i povrća.Zaazerbejdžansku kuhinju je karakteristično korišćenjetakvihzačina kao što su šafran, semenke kima, komorač, anis,ljutepapričice, lovor, korijander i zeleno začinsko biljepoputmetvice, kopara, peršuna, celera, estragona, bosiljka,timijana islično. Veoma česta su jela sa kiselim mlekom, pilav ikebab. Odzačina je svakako najpopularniji šafran, koji dajeneverovatanukus hrani.Azerbejdžan je bogat različitim izvorima ribe, posebnosevrjugom(zvezdasta jesetra) i jesetrom.Jedno od najpoznatijih jela azerbejdžanske kuhinje je –plov(pilav). Postoji četrdesetak recepata za njegovu pripremu.Uzavisnosti od vrste dodataka, pilavi se zovu: kaurma-pilav(sjanjećim raguom), sabza kaurma (s janjećim raguom izelenimzačinskim biljem), tojug-pilav (s piletinom), širin- pilav(saslatkim suvim voćem), sudlu pilav (pirinač na mleku) isl.Pripremaiserviranjepilavaimajusvojeposebnosti i tradiciju.Zarazliku od drugih nacionalnih kuhinja, pirinač za pilav kuvaseposebno, a meso, povrće, suvo voće i drugi sastojci odvojeno.Svezajedno povezuje se u jedno jelo samo prilikom serviranjazastolom.Jedno od glavnih mesta u azerbejdžanskoj kuhinji zauzimaju ijelasa roštilja (kebab). Vrlo popularne su različite vrste„dolma“,poznate ovde kao „sarma“ – mleveno meso sa pirinčem,uvijeno uvinovo lišće, lišće kupusa ili dunje – ali i punjenpatildžan,paprika, paradajz i dr. Trpeza je nezamisliva bez hlebaispečenogu tandiru (glinena peć): lavaš (tanka tortilja) iličureka(tanka lepinja).Posle jela sa mesom često se služi hladna supa od kiselog mleka–dovga. Pretpostavlja se da dovga pomaže boljem varenju„teškog“masnog mesa. Tradicionalni ručak se završava raznimorijentalnimslatkišima, čajem ili šerbetom.U Azerbejdžanu je veoma omiljen crni čaj. Čaj u Azerbejdžanujesimbol toplog gostoprimstva. Piju ga bilo kada i bilo gde.Odpradavnih vremena postoji tradicija: kad dolaze gosti, prvoseposlužuje čaj. Čajem počinju i završavaju gozbu.Servirajučaj u specijalnim malim staklenim čašama u formikruške –armudi. On se poslužuje s raznim džemovima: od dunja,smokava,kore lubenice, marelica, trešanja, belih trešanja,bresaka,šljiva, oraha, jagoda, kupina, grožđa, duda. Prilikompripremečaja radi posebnog ukusa ponekad se dodaju klinčići,kardamon idrugi začini.U vreme praznika su veoma popularni slatki proizvodi:pahlava(baklava), šakerbura (kolačići od testa punjeni orasimaišećerom), šeker-čurek (vrsta vanilica),kjata-karabahska,šorgohal (razne vrste slatkih i slanih pogačica)i dr.Veoma je poznat i došab – vrsta sirupa od grožđa, kao inaršarab– sirup nara, i mnoga druga jela i napiciazerbejdžanskekuhinje.Nadam se da ćete isprobavajući ove recepte osetitimirisAzerbejdžana, postati ljubitelji njegovih nacionalnih jelaipoželeti da posetite ovu lepu zemlju, gde Vasočekujugostoljubivi prijatelji.„Nuš olsun!“ („Prijatno!“) – tako govore u Azerbejdžanu,radopozivajuće goste na bogatu trpezu.Azerbaijan is acountrywith a very beautiful nature, an incredibly interestinghistoricaland archaeological monuments, original culture andtradition. Partof tradition is considered the national cuisine,which, in myopinion, one of the most interesting in the East.National cuisineof any country is its face. Through it you can seenot only thecuisine but also the specifics of character,temperament andmentality of a nation.In the Azerbaijani cuisine can be found in common withthetraditions of other peoples in the world. But, on the otherhand,Azerbaijan's cuisine has its own identity and color. Jelaourcountry are varied, and its landscapes.The main components of the Azerbaijani national cuisinearedetermined by natural conditions in the country. The mountain,seaand subtropical climate allowed the wide use of lamb,beef,poultry, freshwater and marine (Caspian) fish, but also fruitsandvegetables. For Azerbaijani cuisine is typical use of suchspicessuch as saffron, cumin seeds, fennel, anise, chilli, bayleaves,coriander and green herbs such as mint, dill, parsley,celery,tarragon, basil, thyme and the like. Very common dishes withsourmilk, rice pilaf and kebab. From spices is definitely themostpopular saffron, which gives amazing taste food.Azerbaijan is a rich variety of fish resources, especiallysevrjugom(star sturgeon) and sturgeon.One of the most famous dishes of the Azerbaijani cuisine is -plov(pilaf). There are about forty recipes for itspreparation.Depending on the type of supplements, pilaf called:kaurma-pilaf(with lamb ragout), Sabzi kaurma (with lamb ragout andgreenherbs), tojug-pilaf (with chicken), širin- pilaf (with sweetdriedfruit), südl pilaf (rice in milk) and the like.Pripremaiserviranjepilavaimajusvojeposebnosti and tradition.Unlikeother national cuisines, rice pilaf to cook separately,meat,vegetables, dried fruits and other ingredientsseparately.Everything connects together in one dish only whenserving at thetable.One of the main cities in the occupied Azerbaijani cuisineandgrilled dishes (kebabs). Very popular are the different typesof"dolma", also known here as "sarma" - minced meat withrice,wrapped in vine leaves, leaves of cabbage and quince - andfilledpatildžan, peppers, tomatoes and others. Maeda isunthinkablewithout bread baked in Tandir (clay oven): lavash (thintortilla)or stream (thin bread).After eating meat is often served cold soup of sour milk - dovga.Itis assumed that dovga helps better digestion "heavy" fatmeat.Traditional lunch ends with a variety of oriental sweets, teaorsherbet.In Azerbaijan is very popular black tea. Tea in Azerbaijan isasymbol of warm hospitality. They drink it anytime andanywhere.From time immemorial there is a tradition: when guestscome, firstserved tea. Tea beginning and ending feast. Tea servedin specialsmall glass tumblers in the form of pear - armudi. Heserved withvarious jams: quince, figs, watermelon peel, apricot,cherry, whitecherries, peaches, plums, walnuts, strawberries,blackberries,grapes, mulberry. When preparing tea for special tastesometimesadd cloves, cardamom and other spices.During the holidays are very popular sweets: baklava(baklava)šakerbura (cookies from dough stuffed with walnuts andsugar),sugar-jet (type vanilica) kyat-karabahska, šorgohal (variouskindsof sweet and savory muffins) and others.It is also known DOSAB - a kind of syrup made from grapes,andnaršarab - pomegranate syrup, and many other dishes and drinksofthe Azerbaijani cuisine.I hope you will try on these recipes smell Azerbaijan, becomefansof their national dishes and want to visit this beautifulcountrywhere you can expect hospitable friends."Nus olsun" ( "Enjoy!") - Also mostly in Azerbaijan, happyinvitingguests to a table groaning.
Азербайджанская кухня 0.0.8 APK
Приложение «Азербайджанская кухня»предназначено для тех, кто интересуется Азербайджанской кулинарией.Оно поможет вам самим попробовать приготовить замечательныеазербайджанские блюда, а также послужит путеводителем для гостейгорода Баку при посещении ресторанов, где можно отведать эти блюда.Некоторые из ресторанов находятся в исторических помещениях, чтотакже привнесет некий особый колорит и даст возможность гостямгорода совершить своеобразное путешествие в историю города, быта итрадиций его жителей и ознакомиться с архитектурнымидостопримечательностями Баку.«Азербайджанская кухня» разработано на основе книги БахрамаБагирзаде «Мои любимые блюда», опубликованной в Баку в 2011 году.Автор представляет своим читателям рецепты приготовления еголюбимых блюд из азербайджанской кухни. Читая книгу проникаешьсяглубоким ощущением, того насколько Бахрам влюблён в свою родинуАзербайджан, в ее историю и культуру, обычаи и традиции, и конечноже в разнообразие азербайджанской кухни.Получив разрешение автора мы решили донести ее содержание до всехтех, кто еще не знаком с азербайджанской кухней, кто еще не посещалзамечательный город Баку и не попробовал те вкуснейшие блюда,которые Бахрам описал в своей книге.Noush OlsunBahram BagirzadehБахрам БагирзадеAzerbaijani cuisineAserbaidschanische KücheAzərbaycan mətbəxiCucina azeraАзербайджанская кухня阿塞拜疆食谱Appendix "Azerbaijanicuisine" is intended for those interested in the Azerbaijanicuisine. It will help you prepare yourself to try the wonderfuldishes of Azerbaijani, as well as serve as a guide for visitors tothe city of Baku when visiting a restaurant where you can samplethese dishes. Some of the restaurants are located in historicbuildings, which also brings a special flavor and will enablevisitors to the city to make a journey into the city's history,lifestyle and traditions of his people and to get acquainted witharchitectural monuments of Baku."Azerbaijani cuisine" developed on the basis of the book BahramBagirzade "My favorite dishes," published in Baku in 2011. Theauthor presents her readers recipes for his favorite dishes ofAzerbaijani cuisine. Reading a book imbued with a deep feeling ofhow Bahram love with his homeland Azerbaijan, its history andculture, customs and traditions, and of course in a variety ofAzerbaijani cuisine.After receiving permission from the author, we decided to bring itscontent to all those who are still not familiar with the cuisine ofAzerbaijan, who have not yet visited the wonderful city of Baku anddid not try those delicious meals that Bahram described in hisbook.Noush OlsunBahram BagirzadehBahram BagirzadeAzerbaijani cuisineAserbaidschanische KücheAzərbaycan mətbəxiCucina azeraAzerbaijani cuisine阿塞拜疆 食谱
Azerbaijani cuisine 0.0.21 APK
The application is targeting those who areinterested in Azerbaijani cuisine. It will help you in cooking ofthe delicious Azerbaijani dishes, and will also serve as a guide tothe guests of the Baku city in visiting the restaurants where theycan taste these dishes. Some of the restaurants are located in thehistoric areas, bringing special touch and enabling visitors tomake a journey in the city's history, traditions and way of life ofits inhabitants and learn the interesting architecture ofBaku."Azerbaijani cuisine" was developed on the basis of the book ofBahram Bagirzadeh "My favorite dishes" published in Baku in theyear 2011. The author in his book presents the cooking recipes ofhis favorite dishes of the Azerbaijani cuisine. Reading the bookyou become inspired by Bahram’s deep love for his countryAzerbaijan, its history and culture, customs and traditions, and ofcourse variety of dishes.With permission of the author we decided to bring the content ofthis book to everybody who is not yet familiar with Azerbaijan, whohas not yet visited the great city of Baku and has not tried thewonderful dishes described by Bahram in his book.Noush OlsunBahram BagirzadehAzerbaijani cuisineAserbaidschanische KücheAzərbaycan mətbəxiCucina azeraАзербайджанская кухня阿塞拜疆食谱
Aserbaidschanische Küche 0.0.9 APK
Die Applikation „Aserbaidschanische Küche“istfür alle bestimmt, die sich für die aserbaidschanischeKücheinteressieren. Sie hilft Ihnen, die Zubereitung derherrlichenaserbaidschanischen Rezepte selbst zu probieren.Gleichzeitig istsie ein Reiseführer für die Besucher von Baku, wennsie in denRestaurants der Stadt zu Gast sind und diese Speisenkosten. Einigeder Restaurants befinden sich in historischenGebäuden, was ihremBesuch eine besondere Atmosphäre verleiht unddie Gäste auf eineReise in die Geschichte, Lebensweise undTraditionen der Stadt undihrer Bewohner mitnimmt und ihnen diearchitektonischen Schönheitenvon Baku erschließt.„Aserbaidschanische Küche“ wurde auf Grundlage des Buchs„MeineLieblingsgerichte“ von Bahram Bagirsadeh erstellt, das imJahr 2011in Baku erschienen war. Der Autor stellt darin seinenLesern dieRezepte seiner Lieblingsspeisen aus deraserbaidschanischen Küchevor. Bei der Lektüre dieses Buchs spürtman, wie sehr Bagirsadehvon der Liebe zu seiner HeimatAserbaidschan, ihrer Geschichte undKultur, ihrer Bräuche undTraditionen und natürlich zur Vielfaltder aserbaidschanischen Küchedurchdrungen ist.Mit Genehmigung des Autors haben wir uns entschieden, dieseVielfaltall jenen nahe zu bringen, die die aserbaidschanischeKüche nochnicht kennen, noch nie in der einzigartigen Stadt Bakuwaren unddaher auch noch nie die köstlichen Speisen probierthaben, dieBahram Bagirsadeh in seinem Buch beschreibt.Noush OlsunBahram BagirzadehAzerbaijani cuisineAserbaidschanische KücheAzərbaycan mətbəxiCucina azeraАзербайджанская кухня阿塞拜疆食谱Theapplication"Azerbaijani cuisine" is intended for all thoseinterested in theAzerbaijani cuisine. They will help you to tastethe preparation ofwonderful recipes Azerbaijan itself. It is also aguide forvisitors of Baku when they are guests in the town'srestaurants andtaste these dishes. Some of the restaurants arelocated in historicbuildings, which their visit gives a specialatmosphere and theguests take you on a journey into the history,lifestyle andtraditions of the city and its inhabitants and youreceive accessto the architectural beauty of Baku."Azerbaijani cuisine" was created on the basis of the book"Myfavorite dishes" by Bahram Bagirsadeh, which appeared in 2011inBaku. The author in his readers before the recipes of hisfavoritedishes from the Azerbaijani cuisine. In reading this book,you canfeel how much is Bagirsadeh of love to his nativeAzerbaijan, itshistory and culture, their customs and traditionsand of coursepenetrated the diversity of Azerbaijani cuisine.With permission of the author, we have decided to bringthisdiversity to all those close to, who do not know theAzerbaijanicuisine, never been in the unique city of Baku and havethereforenever tasted the delicious food that Bahram Bagirsadeh inhis bookdescribes.Noush OlsunBahram BagirzadehAzerbaijani cuisineAzerbaijani cuisineAzərbaycan mətbəxiCucina azeraАзербайджанская кухня阿塞拜疆 食谱
Cucina azera 0.0.9 APK
L’applicazione “Cucina azera” e’ destinata acui e’ interessato della culinaria azerbaigiana. Quest’applicazionevi aiutera’ a provare a preparare i piatti eccellenti della terradell’Azerbaigian e svolgera’ il ruolo di una guida per gli ospitidella citta’ di Baku’ durante le visite loro dei ristoranti localidove potranno assaggiarli. Conviene sottolineare che alcuniristoranti sono sistemati nei locali storici che creera’ uncolorito particolare concedendo agli ospiti della citta’ di fare unviaggio indimenticabile nella storia, vita quotidiana e tradizionidegli abitanti di quella e prendere conoscenza delle curiosita’architettoniche di Baku’.“Cucina azera” e’ scritto in base al libro di Bahram Baghirzade “Imiei piatti preferiti” pubblicato nel 2011 a Baku’. Con questolibro l’autore presenta ai lettori le ricette di preparazione deisuoi piatti prediletti, i quali fanno parte della cucinaazerbaigiana. “I miei piatti preferiti” ti fanno profondamentecompenetrato della sensazione a quanto Bahram e’ appassiona todella propria patria Azerbaigian, della sua storia, cultura, usanzee tradizioni, bensi’ della varieta’ della cucina nazionale.Con licenza dell’autore vorremmo mettere al corrente il suocontenuto a tutti coloro che finora non conoscono la cucinaazerbaigiana, non sono mai stati nella citta’ eccellente di Baku’ ehanno mai assaggiato le pietanze squisite descritte nel libro diBahram.Noush OlsunBahram BagirzadehAzerbaijani cuisineAserbaidschanische KücheAzərbaycan mətbəxiCucina azeraАзербайджанская кухня阿塞拜疆食谱The "Azerbaijani cuisine"and 'destined to which and' interested in the Azerbaijani cuisine.This application will help you 'to try to prepare excellent dishesof the land of Azerbaijan and take place' the role of a guide forthe guests of the city 'Baku' during their visits of the localrestaurants where you can taste them. It should be stressed thatsome restaurants are housed in historic premises that will create'a particular color gives guests of the city' to make anunforgettable journey through the history, daily life andtraditions of the inhabitants of that and take note of curiosity'architectural Baku'. "Azerbaijani cuisine" and 'written based on the book byBahram Baghirzade "favorite food" published in 2011 in Baku'. Withthis book the author presents readers with the preparation recipeof his favorite dishes, which are part of the Azerbaijani cuisine."My favorite food" you are deeply penetrated by the feeling asBahram and 'passion to his homeland of Azerbaijan, its history,culture, customs and traditions, but rather' the variety 'of thenational cuisine.With the author's permission we would like to advise its content toanyone who so far do not know the Azerbaijani cuisine, I have neverbeen in the city 'excellent Baku' and have tasted the deliciousdishes in the book of Bahram.Noush OlsunBahram Bagirzadehazerbaijani cuisineAserbaidschanische KücheAzərbaycan mətbəxiAzerbaijani cuisineАзербайджанская кухня阿塞拜疆 食谱