1.0.1 / December 5, 2013
(5.0/5) (1)







Shake to go with me
Many people when entering a certain attractions will know whattodo, I do not know where to start first, or among the acts donotknow the current location, surroundings, etc. So, we addedthisfeature, you can randomly appear different The route guidanceusersto the destination, the phone will vibrate informed nowarrived,and the creature will be displayed here, so that users donotunderstand the biological through the head or missedopportunities.

That is the eternal moment
In response to today's young people like to take picturesFunny,here are exclusive frames, in addition to leave a memorial,butalso add more richness.

In order to attract users to understand the ecology and designofthis game, can scratch the same with different biologicalscrapeddeepen understanding of these species to attract adultsandchildren with fun, entertaining learning fast and deep.

Enjoy music fight
Like conservation designed to attract the user's game beforethegame starts, it will appear randomly in three differentspeciesphotos, description, after reading it, there will be acreature ofthe puzzle which allows users to crack, crack completedAfter,there will be three different species name choice questionstoimpress.

Innovative map function
Interactive guide
Intuitive Interface
Entertaining game
Species maps: shake out your new route
New version of "blowing" species illustrations
Fancy vivid reminder "scratch" mode
Walk will leave marks, special frames

App Information 趣趣欖仁溪

周宇若 Show More...

電子發票記帳小幫手 4.0 APK
電子發票與記帳功能完美的結合,只要透過本軟體掃描紙本電子發票功能,就可對紙本電子發票做記帳,並且可以跟傳統流水帳做結合,記載支出或是收入都不是問題。另外,捐贈發票也變得相當容易,只要選擇您想要捐贈的愛心機構條碼,並且在結帳的時候出示,便可以直接將這次消費的發票捐贈出去,是不是既簡單又快速呀?在我們開發此軟體初步階段的時候,發現有關記帳App或是電子發票App的介面都大同小異,時常會找不到需要的功能,或是太多不必要的版面元件;既然如此,我們秉持著顛覆傳統的想法並且絞盡腦汁的研究,最後終於決定就以Windows8Metro UI的設計主題:「光滑、快速、現代」來打造本軟體全新的App UI。另外,最方便並且有創意的功能莫過於載具匯入,這樣一來不管是紙本電子發票還是載具裡的電子發票,通通都可以統一記帳,並且可以針對載具內的電子發票做查詢消費明細、自動兌獎等功能喔!本軟體還導入財政部今年7月才剛新增的全新功能手機載具申請、手機載具歸戶、手機載具發票捐贈、設定收款帳戶等完整功能,這樣就可不必去7-11的ibon申請手機載具,也不用特地上財政部網站申請,只要直接使用我們開發的軟體,沒錯!就是我們強大的「電子發票記帳小幫手」,我們已經幫您整合好這一切所有功能了!1、 全新的App的介面風格(Windows8 Metro UI)2、 將傳統流水記帳和電子發票記帳結合3、 整合手機載具來做電子發票匯入4、 電子發票自動對獎功能5、 手動快速對獎功能 (3碼對獎或8碼對獎)6、 快速顯示結帳手機條碼7、 快速顯示愛心捐贈條碼8、 與財政部即時同步的電子發票教學、最新活動資訊9、 至今電子發票軟體前所未有的功能!(手機載具申請、手機載具歸戶、手機載具發票捐贈、設定收款帳戶)
臺北市公廁快搜 2.1 APK
簡單又直覺地搜尋方式,快速有效的找到你需要的公廁!更可以直接以你所在位置來搜尋離你最近距離的公廁,這樣就不在需要像無頭蒼蠅一樣亂找,只要直接使用我們的軟體就對了!Simple and intuitive wayto search, find what you need quickly and efficiently toilets! Moredirectly to your location to search for your nearest public toiletsin the distance, so as not needed like a headless flies find chaos,as long as the direct use of our software on the right!
i台灣生物辨識 1.1 APK
當你身處一個陌生的地方時,想知道你現在的所在地附近有些什麼生物嗎?沒錯!就是這種時候你就需要我們的APP了「i台灣生物辨識」,可以很輕鬆簡便地針對台灣各個區域,做範圍性的搜尋來得知台灣的物種分佈,更可以針對搜尋到的物種檢視:辨識情況、高解析圖片賞析、分享給好友、距離你的距離等,本APP實作了幾項物種地查詢如:蝴蝶、植物、青蛙、蛾類等的相關分布情形與辨識情形,為了更了解台灣生物多樣性與影響更多人重視生態保育觀念,那就快來使用我們的APP吧!When you're in a strangeplace, you are now wondering what other animals in the vicinity ofthe location of some of it? Yeah! That this time you will need ourAPP the "i Taiwan biometrics" can easily easily for Taiwan eacharea, make the scope of the search to find out the distribution ofspecies in Taiwan, but also for the search to view species:identification cases, high-resolution pictures appreciation, sharewith friends, your distance from the APP implements several speciesof ground queries such as: butterflies, plants, frogs, moths andother related distribution and identification circumstances, inorder to better understand Taiwan's biodiversity and affect morepeople attach importance to environmental conservation, then cometo use our APP now!
趣趣欖仁溪 1.0.1 APK
搖搖隨我走許多人在進入了某個景點時,都會不知所措,不知道要先從哪裡開始,或是在行徑間不知道目前位置、周遭環境等,所以,我們加入了這項功能,可以隨機出現不同的路線指引使用者,到了目的地,手機會震動告知現在已抵達,並顯示這裡會出現的生物,讓使用者不會走過頭或錯過認識生物的機會。剎那即永恆因應時下年輕人喜歡拍照搞怪,這裡提供專屬的相框,除了留下紀念,也增加更多的豐富性。刮刮樂為了能夠吸引使用者了解生態,設計出這款小遊戲,能夠跟刮刮樂一樣的刮出不同的生物,加深對這物種的了解,吸引大人小孩同樂,寓教於樂學習快又深刻。享拼樂一樣是為了生態保育設計出來吸引使用者的小遊戲,在遊戲開始前,會隨機出現3種不同的物種照片、介紹,看完後,會出現其中一張生物的拼圖讓使用者破解,破解完成後,會出現3個不同物種的名稱選擇題來加深印象。創新的地圖功能互動式引導直覺式介面寓教於樂的遊戲物種地圖查詢:搖出你的新路線新版”吹出”物種圖鑑新奇生動提醒”刮”模式走過必留下痕跡,特色相框Shake to go with meMany people when entering a certain attractions will know whattodo, I do not know where to start first, or among the acts donotknow the current location, surroundings, etc. So, we addedthisfeature, you can randomly appear different The route guidanceusersto the destination, the phone will vibrate informed nowarrived,and the creature will be displayed here, so that users donotunderstand the biological through the head or missedopportunities.That is the eternal momentIn response to today's young people like to take picturesFunny,here are exclusive frames, in addition to leave a memorial,butalso add more richness.ScratchIn order to attract users to understand the ecology and designofthis game, can scratch the same with different biologicalscrapeddeepen understanding of these species to attract adultsandchildren with fun, entertaining learning fast and deep.Enjoy music fightLike conservation designed to attract the user's game beforethegame starts, it will appear randomly in three differentspeciesphotos, description, after reading it, there will be acreature ofthe puzzle which allows users to crack, crack completedAfter,there will be three different species name choice questionstoimpress.Innovative map functionInteractive guideIntuitive InterfaceEntertaining gameSpecies maps: shake out your new routeNew version of "blowing" species illustrationsFancy vivid reminder "scratch" modeWalk will leave marks, special frames
新北市美食 1.0 APK
1. 開放性:資料完整公開:店面的位置、電話、照片以及評論…等等。開放的環境下能讓使用者快速搜索想要的資訊。2. 正確性:資料時常更新不用怕商家的資訊與您的實際不符合。3. 可行性:資料數量高達一千多筆,且與新北市政府資料開放平台做連結更新,不同於一般美食APP 有過期更新的煩惱。主打讓使用者能夠方便且快速的搜尋想要資訊。內容包含了使用者最迫切知道的商家位置、評論以及電話,只需輕觸一下即可撥打商家電話或是使用 GoogleMap查詢到商家位置。最主要的創新在於與「新北市政府資料開放平台」做資料的更新,如此便不同於一般 的美食 APP會有找不到店家、實境與照片不符合或是這家店根本不存在……的種種問題。儘管本作品主打簡單好上手,但是卻忽略了資深使用者的使用習慣,例如:喜好程度的分級、客製化的個人美食收藏、打卡分享的快捷鍵和使用介面的美觀…等,都會是未來的趨勢。所以統合 APP 使用者的習慣並整合出大眾能夠接受的慣用快捷鍵將會是本作品繼續改進的地方。