2.16.0 / January 3, 2017
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H&J 時尚女裝 2.16.0 APK
H&J-行動商城app天天提供爆殺優惠及當季最流行單品– 超多商品讓妳逛不完– 天天(定期)上架最新商品– 高解析手機瀏覽,商品圖超美– 活動推播通知,好康活動絕對不會錯過– 超快速加入會員-用 Facebook帳號或手機號碼就可輕鬆加入會員– 收藏商品好方便– 手機電腦同步收藏商品、購物車– 手機付款快速又安全-使用SSL128 bits最高安全等級加密信用卡快速結帳,也有超商付款取貨
Sesedior希希娣兒 2.19.6 APK
安琪兒 婦嬰百貨行動購物網 2.11.0 APK
歡迎光臨,安琪兒婦嬰百貨在這裡我們推薦最新最in的育兒新知識給爸比媽咪們,千種商品購物好easy。安琪兒Facebook粉絲團: https://www.facebook.com/angel.babyfamily安琪兒商城官網: http://www.babyfamily.net媽咪口袋中的育兒寶典生兒育女小祕方大哭大鬧俏媽咪有辦法24小時行動購物不打烊隨時隨地都能滿足您購物的需求!!特價商品- 給您好康小確幸門市活動一把罩特惠活動- 及時通知爸比媽咪們最新的門市促銷活動會員紅利點數累積及兌換,可至門市換購商品門市地址一目了然更多活動好康等著你各式活動,豐富獎勵,快上Angelbaby安琪兒婦嬰百貨官方粉絲團掌握第一手資訊
時尚美麗TONYMOLY 2.11.0 APK
TONYMOLY台灣總代理東霖興業有限公司官方購物商城平台,提供最新最齊全的正貨商品,即時更新當期活動特惠,內有官網 官方FB直營門市 專櫃資訊等 讓時尚女王們用手機APP也能輕鬆掌握專屬自己的彩妝保養。TONYMOLY distributor inTaiwan Dong Lin Industrial Co., Ltd. official shopping mallplatform to provide the latest and most complete are genuine goods,preferential immediate updating current period activity, there arethe official website of the official FB Direct store counters andother information to fashion queen who could use the phone APP Easyto master their own makeup exclusive maintenance.
愛的世界童裝LOVEWORLD 2.10.3 APK
愛的世界童裝LOVEWORLD特色:1.愛的世界童裝官方24hrs線上購物2.安全等級加密,行動付款簡易快速好安心3.線上折價券4.門市優惠券5.最新商品訊息6.最佳穿搭組合7.小熊親子團FB活動訊息8.活動訊息推播9.好看、好逛、最好價值的購物世界每一件衣服都是爸爸媽媽的愛,愛的世界跟您一起把世界第一的愛帶給您最寶貝的孩子。愛的世界自1975年創立以來,不斷引進法國、義大利、德國、日本、美國等世界各國嬰幼兒用品、嬰幼兒服、童裝、童鞋及親子服飾,以鮮艷豐富的色彩及舒適健康的高級素材,推出最時尚的Totallook。愛的世界衷心期盼,為所有的孩子建構一個沒有邊界的愛的世界。孩子的世界,愛的世界。Kids love the worldLOVEWORLD Features:1. World Kids love online shopping official 24hrs2. The level of security encryption, mobile payments quick and easygood peace of mind3. Online coupon4. Store Coupons5. New Product Information6. Best outfit combinations7. Winnie the parent-child group FB Event Calendar8. Push Event Calendar9. A good-looking, good shopping, the best value shopping worldEvery piece of clothing is the father and mother love, love ofthe world with you to put together the world's first love bring youthe most precious child.Love the world since 1975 inception, the introduction of France,Italy, Germany, Japan, the United States and other countries aroundthe world baby products, infant clothing, children's clothing,shoes and parent-child costumes, with bright rich colors andcomfortable and healthy senior footage launch the most fashionableTotal look.Love of the world and sincerely hope to construct a world withoutlove borders for all children.Child's world, the love of the world.
Hallmark賀曼嬰童服台灣 2.10.3 APK
Hallmark Babies台灣區官方經營手機購物平台,所有出售的商品是官方正品,我們只對本店出售的商品提供質量保證、客戶服務支持及售後服務。源自美國的Hallmark Babies,專注設計與生產優質的0-8歲嬰兒服及童服,HallmarkBabies擁有全球1300位精英設計師、以提供龐大設計資源,以寶寶的安全為主,由選料、生產至出售,經過多項嚴格檢查。每件貨品均以優質面料縫製,給寶寶最佳保護和最舒適的觸感。::Hallmark Babies 官方APP特色::1) 好康推播:全台門市活動主動推播,讓您第一時間掌握最新優惠訊息。2) 便利購物:清晰美觀商品圖,直覺優化操作介面,體驗舒適線上購物環境。3) 安全加密:提供多元付款方式,線上刷卡採最高加密系統,付款快速安全又方便。4) 專屬優惠:各項精選APP專屬活動及獨家特惠商品。5) 即時客服:加入即時LINE客服帳號,隨時為您貼心服務。更多關於 Hallmark Babies 的資料,請瀏覽:【官網】www.hallmarkbabies.com【FB粉絲團】www.facebook.com/HallmarkBabies
HOLA寢具香氛-好寢具好好睡 2.8.0 APK
HOLA 寢具提供顧客三大承諾:安心承諾-寢具商品通過國家標準安全檢測幸福承諾-100%誠實標示被胎材質貼心承諾-享有7天鑑賞期寢具是臥室佈置的重頭戲,HOLA 在花色、材質選擇上提供多樣化商品,讓您可以恣意裝扮您的睡眠環境。想讓居家充滿簡約氛圍,挑選大地色、暖色系的寢具是不錯的選擇,又或是都會的時尚設計,將室內鋪展化繁為簡的獨具品味。喜歡感性浪漫的氛圍,HOLA提供講究質感與雅緻的作工,讓室內空間散發無限迷漾柔美的魅力。喜歡自然療癒系的氛圍,可藉由花版中花葉光影的清新氣息,享受知性愉悅的臥室空間。HOLA擁有多種材質被胎,7成以上可水洗,可於家中方便洗滌收納,並提供五星級飯店的睡眠品質;枕頭亦提供多種材質及功能,例如:乳膠枕、記憶枕、羽絨枕、纖維枕…等,打造專業好眠,讓每一位顧客都能在HOLA找到一顆屬於自己的枕頭。HOLA兒童寢具全面100%防螨抗菌並使用棉、植物纖維..等純天然材質,避免過敏,讓媽媽輕鬆守護孩子的健康,安心陪伴小寶貝們入睡。HOLA提供精緻具質感的多樣化香氛商品,輕鬆營造放鬆愉悅的情境氛圍,以香味喚起嗅覺最原始的記憶,讓您享受身心靈平衡。馨香竹:提供多國進口商品選擇,透過虹吸原理,讓淡雅馨香盈盈圍繞空間中,質感高雅出眾,完美襯拖出個人風格與居家品味.水氧機:利用超音波震原理,添加自己喜好的精油,讓精油以冷霧型態散發於空氣中,完整保留精油的芳香因子,淡淡的薰香繚繞室內,營造舒適放鬆的生活環境。精油:芳香療法入門最佳首選,利用花草等植物產生的芳香因子,放鬆心靈,開啟感官敏感度.可搭配水氧機/薰香燈/香氛石等使用,讓香味散發於空間中。香氛袋:簡單的香氛使用方法,質感包裝設計,讓您視覺與嗅覺得到同等享受,可隨意使用於室內、車內、衣櫃、抽屜等空間,讓您生活中處處充滿芬芳的浪漫氣息。*產品特色*1.活動即時通知,最新資訊絕不錯過2.不定時推出限定優惠、好康活動3.用手機號碼即可輕鬆加入會員4.24小時行動購物不打烊,走到哪都能逛5.手機付款系統-使用SSL 128bit最高安全等級加密6.享有7天免費鑑賞期,讓您安心購物立即上 HOLA 寢具香氛館來逛逛吧~HOLA bedding to providecustomers three commitments:Reassuring promise - bedding merchandise through the nationalstandard safety testingHappiness is committed to 100% honest labeling fetal materialIntimate Promise - enjoy 7 days inspection periodBedding is a highlight of the bedroom arrangement, HOLA providea variety of goods in color, material selection, so you can dressup your sleeping environment arbitrary.Wanted home full of simple atmosphere, choose earth colors,bedding, warm colors are a good choice, or that will be the fashiondesign, interior spread to simplify the unique taste.Like sensual and romantic atmosphere, HOLA provides exquisitetexture and elegant workmanship, so the interior exudes femininecharm unlimited fans Yang. Natural healing system like atmosphere,may be the breath of fresh flowers edition mosaic of light andshadow, enjoy intellectual pleasure bedroom space.HOLA variety of materials have been births, more than 7 percentwashable, can be easily accommodated in the wash house, and providefive-star hotel quality of sleep; pillows also provide a variety ofmaterials and features such as: latex pillow, memory pillow,feather pillows, fiber pillow ... and so on, to create aprofessional good sleep, so that every customer can find one atHOLA own pillow.HOLA children bedding full 100% cotton and use anti-bacterialanti-mite, plant fibers and other natural materials .. to avoidallergies, so my mother relaxed guard children's health, peace ofmind to accompany the kids to sleep.HOLA provides a texture of fine fragrance commoditydiversification, creating a relaxed atmosphere to relax pleasantsituation to smell the fragrance evokes memories of the mostoriginal, allowing you to enjoy the body and mind balance.Bamboo fragrance: Provides multi-national selection of importedgoods through the siphon principle, so graceful and elegantfragrance around the space, superior texture and elegant, perfectlining out of personal style and taste of home.Water oxygen machine: the use of ultrasonic shock principle to addyour own favorite essential oil, so oil to distribute cold fogpatterns in the air, aroma oils intact factor, a touch of incensefilled the room, creating a relaxed and comfortable livingenvironment.Oil: Aromatherapy Getting the best choice, the use of aromaticflowers and other plants produce factor, relax the mind, opensensory sensitivity can be used with water oxygen machine /aromatherapy lamp / fragrance stone used to make scent inspace.Fragrance bag: Simple to use fragrance, texture, packaging design,allowing you to get the same visual and olfactory pleasure, free touse in the room, car, wardrobe, drawers and other space for in yourlife is full of the fragrance of romance.* Features *1. Activities instant notification, never miss the latestnews2. The timing of the launch is not limited concessions, goodiesactivities3. Join Now you can easily use the phone number4.24 hours of action is not closing shop, where one canstroll5. phone payment systems - the highest level of security using SSL128bit Encryption6. enjoy 7 days free appreciation of, let your peace of mindshoppingImmediately on HOLA bedding fragrance museum to stroll ~
大嘴鳥易購 2.11.0 APK
大嘴鳥宅配通,是那個在大街小巷穿梭,365天全年無休,宅配到府的宅配通嗎?對,就是我們!因為我們的足跡遍佈全省的每一個角落,所以我們能提供最優質的商品給大家!想不出門就能享受各地的商品嗎?找大嘴鳥易購就對了!想品嚐最新鮮的農特產嗎?找大嘴鳥易購就對了!歡迎與我們一起進入大嘴鳥易購的天地!Toucan home deliverythrough, is that the shuttle in the streets, 365 days year-round,the government's Home Delivery Delivery to pass it?Yes, that's us! Because our footprint throughout every corner ofthe province, so we can provide the best quality goods foreveryone!Think of the door you can enjoy merchandise around it? Toucan findTesco on the right!Want to taste the freshest agricultural products it? Toucan findTesco on the right!Welcome us into heaven Toucan Tesco together!