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古典生活 2.1.9 APK
發現「美式風格」的靈魂就像咖啡剛煮沸那一瞬間,當白蒸氣裊裊而升,以優雅姿態氤氳一室,每個空氣分子都被裝載上細膩的濃香甘醇,發散自由大度的均衡美好。即使啜的是最簡單的Americano,仍然可在黝黑的液體裡窺見豆子的身世,嚐出獨一無二的自然風土和歲月刻痕,這種「摩登中見古典」的繁複滋味,正是我們鍾愛AmericanStyle的因由。「古典生活」為《尚展空間設計SIMPLE INTERIORDESIGN》的官方App,《尚展設計》以專精歐美風格鼎立業界,總監吳啟民(Alan)留學加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學(UBC)建築與都市計劃學系,2004年成立《尚展設計》開啟台灣美式風格先鋒,其設計手法擅長運用好萊塢時髦元素,以現代裝飾主義(NewArt Deco)結合巴黎人風格,創造出獨樹一格的居家品味,深獲各界名流青睞。「古典生活」的誕生正是《尚展設計》推廣歐美設計的重要里程碑,吳啟民從人本價值出發,秉持國際級標準構思空間的美感與機能,同時播下居住者理念與情感的種子,以有形創作無形,淬煉歐美血液中的古典高貴,留待用心的生活家幸福經營。永恆價值的美式風華,「古典生活」與您一同發現傳揚。吳啟民現任/尚展設計 設計總監學歷/加拿大UBC建築與都市計劃學系。在加拿大求學的經歷,打開了他的視野、啟發了靈感,尤其對法語區蒙特婁情有獨鍾,對日後設計風格產生巨大影響。回到台灣後,任職於匯僑設計,與國外數個設計公司配合作業,累積了大量國際設計個案實作經驗。2004年成立尚展設計,將個人設計生涯推至顛峰,也開啟台灣美式風格設計風潮。他以現代裝飾主義 (New Art Deco)結合巴黎人風格,巧妙運用好萊塢名人常用的元素,及所謂Chic時髦手法,創造出獨樹一格的居家品味,不僅深獲各界名流青睞,也讓其他設計師開始關注美式風格。得獎記錄*2008 獲TID Award台灣室內設計大獎 TID獎*2009 獲TID Award台灣室內設計大獎 入圍*2011 獲 中國 現代裝飾國際傳媒獎─年度家居空間*2012 獲 中國 最成功設計大獎*2013 獲 中國 現代裝飾國際傳媒獎─年度傑出設計師著作《給自己一個自在的窩居:吳啟民的多漾美式居家》
澔漢設計 2.1.5 APK
一個空間對於生活在裡面的人的影響,通常是潛移默化的,它可能使你每天心情都很好,也可能讓你們天天都在吵架,你可能想說是不是風水問題,其實更細微的包括格局、色彩、材質與設備,它無時不刻透過視覺、聽覺、觸覺、嗅覺甚至使用的便利性,在在都會對於居者產生身、心、靈的各種刺激,進而改變你的情緒。因此,回到設計原點,我們首先思考的-「到底人對家的原始渴望是什麼?」其實簡單的說就是「休息」,人不管在事業上、在感情上累了就會想到要回家。因此,將休閒元素融入到居者所喜好的風格裡,將居家環境打造成一個輕鬆的、沒有壓力的空間、適合「休閒」的環境,才能產生所謂的幸福空間,也可以在流行之中創造出個人的特色,讓你的居家空間更耐看更有價值。好的設計可以改變居住者情緒與生活品質,杜曉峰設計總監不只是幫居住者設計裝潢一間房子,而是幫每位業主創造一個美好的新生活。身兼教師與設計總監的杜曉峰,期許自己與學生都能以更合理的價格與更踏實的態度的去肩負起這個責任。設計專長在滿足居者各種風格需求下,結合空間美學與收納、機能,並融入休閒元素,創造人與自然、空間三贏的設計。擅長都會大宅之時尚品味、自然休閒之輕鬆寫意、新式古典之低調奢華、東方禪風之人文氣息。聯絡澔漢室內設計電話:02-2500-6758地址:台北市建國北路二段129號5樓信箱:[email protected]官網:http://hhtd.co/粉絲團:澔漢室內設計For people living in aspace inside the effects are usually subtle, it might make you agood mood every day, it may let you fight every day, you might wantto say feng shui is not a problem, in fact, include more subtlepattern , colors, materials and equipment, it has kept through theconvenience of vision, hearing, touch, smell and even used in thehome for those who will produce the body, mind, and spirit in avariety of stimuli, and then change your mood.So, back to the origin of the design, we first thought - "What inthe end who is the original desire for home?" Is actually simplymeans "rest", who regardless of the cause, emotionally tired, thinkof going back to home. Therefore, the casual elements into homeownership in the preferred style, the home environment playing arelaxed, no pressure space suit "casual" environment, in order toproduce the so-called happy space, you can also create popularamong the the personal characteristics, make your living space moreengaging and more valuable.Good design can change the occupants mood and quality of life, DuXiaofeng, director of design and decoration design not only helpthe occupants of a house, but to help each owner to create awonderful new life. Teachers, who is also director of Du Xiaofengand design, and students can expect yourself to a more reasonableprice and more pragmatic attitude to shoulder this responsibility.Design expertiseHome Ownership in a variety of styles to meet demand, combined withstorage space aesthetics, function, and integration into theleisure elements to create man and nature, space design win. Thefashion house will taste good, a relaxing natural leisure, newclassical low-key luxury, oriental cultural atmosphere of Zen.Contact Hao Han Interior DesignTel :02 -2500-6758Address: Sec Jianguo North Road, Taipei 129, 5th FloorMail: [email protected] website: http://hhtd.co/Fan group: Hao Han Interior Design
現代設計 2.1.7 APK
「現代設計」的空間構築者《大雄設計SnuperDesign》隆重推出首支官方app,內容除了分享《大雄設計SnuperDesign》的精彩案例,更有設計總監-林政緯的國際趨勢觀察及藝文活動推荐,有空間設計需求的朋友,歡迎隨時運用app線上諮詢聯絡《大雄設計SnuperDesign》團隊。成立於2008年的《大雄設計SnuperDesign》其核心設計理念為創造都市中的第二自然,名稱中的「NU」來自Nature(自然)的「N」與Urban(都市)的「U」。《大雄設計SnuperDesign》認為自然和都市從根本上相互衝突,都市中的花花草草並不自然,都市中的自然應是「空間的記憶,以及生活在都市中的回憶片段」,因此企圖在熟悉的都市地景中用設計再次創造自然,攫取有故事的空間,反映出環境特色、歷史痕跡,以及專屬個人的未來想像。《大雄設計Snuper Design》總監林政緯,2010年畢業於美國賓州大學建築碩士,2011年與日本建築師KeisukeToyoda於台灣交通大學建築研究所共同授課,作品曾以「傳承與重生」建案榮獲2011台灣室內設計大獎TID居住空間類複層大獎。讓設計介入空間,重新啓動居住者在城市中的生活意識,傳承真正屬於人與空間的故事及記憶,這就是我們的設計宣言。Space "modern design" thearchitect "Nobita design Snuper Design" grand released the firstofficial app, in addition to sharing content, "Nobita design SnuperDesign" wonderful case, more design director - international trendsobserved Lin Cheng Wei and cultural activities recommended spacedesign needs a friend, please feel free to use app onlineconsultation liaison "Nobita design Snuper Design" team.Founded in 2008, the "Nobita design Snuper Design" The coredesign philosophy is to create the city's second nature, in thename of "NU" From Nature (Nature) of "N" and Urban (Urban) of "U.""Nobita design Snuper Design" considered natural and urban conflictfundamentally, the city is not natural plants and flowers, the cityshould be a natural "memory space, as well as memories of life inthe city fragments" so familiar attempt urban landscape design usedagain to create a natural, grab a story space, reflecting theenvironmental characteristics, traces the history and future of theexclusive personal imagination."Nobita design Snuper Design" director Lin Cheng Wei, 2010,graduated from the University of Pennsylvania Master ofArchitecture, 2011 with the Japanese architect Keisuke Toyoda inTaiwan Jiaotong University Institute of Architecture lectures,works once "heritage and rebirth," won the 2011 construction of thecase Taiwan Interior Design Awards TID living space classstratified award.Let intervention design space, restart the occupants awarenessof life in the city, heritage stories and memories really belong topeople and space, this is our design statement.
賞建築 1.9 APK
從科隆教堂的哥德式尖塔到安藤忠雄的地中美術館,從北京天壇到威尼斯聖馬可廣場,建築就是時代的縮影,也都是有趣的故事和人的想法。「賞建築」每週提供你古典建築到當代建築大師的作品訊息,深入淺出介紹世界各地的區域建築物特色,建築之美輕鬆就能上手!From the Gothic spiers ofthe Cologne Cathedral Tadao Ando Art Museum, the Temple of Heavenin Beijing to Venice's San MarcoSquare, the building is a microcosm of the times, are alsointeresting story and people's ideas. "Architectural tours"Week to provide you with classical architecture to contemporaryarchitectural works message introducing different regions aroundthe worldBuilding features architectural beauty easily able to getstarted!
杰瑪室內設計 2.1.8 APK
設計總監 游杰騰設計師簡介|我認為設計是從生活開始,經過設計者與使用者間的對談,在生活中每一個細微處,透過設計價值的具體演繹,使融入生活中的物件與場域,能扮演提供美質生活的橋樑,並延伸到更廣大的每一處。這一路走來的設計作品,自然、清晰的風格,運用空間中隱藏著的軸線關係,創造出合諧的比例。公司設計理念|杰瑪的設計理念,充滿著對生活中的幽默情趣,強調自然、清晰的原始設計,代表了未來空間的發展方向,年輕、活力與多元化的融合。在此我們提供專業的室內空間諮詢與規劃,我們認為最好的設計,就是讓人體會生活最初與最終的感動。杰瑪室內設計電話:02-2717-5669地址:台北市松山區民權東路三段144號8樓825室信箱:[email protected]部落格:http://www.jmid.com.tw/Design Director TengJieTour Designer Profile |I think the design is from life, through the designers and usersofthe talks between the life of every minute, through thedesignvalue of the specific interpretation of the object into thelifeand Field, could play with savory quality of life bridges,andextends to the broader everywhere.Along the way the design works, natural, clear style, the useofspace hidden axial relationship, creating a harmony ofproportion.Company design |Gemma design, filled with fun humor in life, emphasizingnatural,clear original design, represents the future directionofdevelopment of space, young, dynamic and diverse integration.Herewe provide professional consulting and interior space planning,webelieve that the best design is to make people appreciate thelifeof the initial and the final touch.Gemma Interior DesignTel :02 -2717-5669Address: East Road, Songshan District, Taipei 144, CivilRights,Room 825, 8th FloorMail: [email protected]: http://www.jmid.com.tw/
和風主義 2.1.7 APK
喜歡日本旅遊時,親自體驗過的傳統日式空間嗎?溫泉旅宿、酒藏、茶室、依舊保留復古風情的合掌村,其木造結構的建築讓你印象深刻,京都成為你連訪數回的城市。安藤忠雄、隈研吾、伊東豊雄、妹島和世......等當代日本建築師的作品如數家珍,對「全能住宅改造王」裡那些用心面孔的工作職人感到佩服,超愛柳宗理的生活雜貨、松德哨子的玻璃製品、以及野田琺瑯的烹煮食器,這些都證明你已愛上「和風主義」。和風主義出刊頻道推薦:◎側邊欄訂閱:私藏日式建築大師作品賞析及空間小店推薦。◎日‧饗宴|日式和風空間饗宴挖掘城市內各角落的日式空間,亦連帶闡揚茶道、居食屋、琴道館…等日本民俗文化,可待逐漸擴充成和風旅遊文化小百科。◎經典案|「玳爾設計」經典空間日式空間搜尋,給鍾愛日式的你相關的案例推薦。◎隨筆印象|設計師的旅遊手札從室內設計師的思考模式與心情點滴,到旅遊行腳步步探索美學的痕跡。◎新宅主義|玳爾設計「宅」新聞本頻道匯整官方部落格圖文,有《玳爾設計》執行各案例詳細規劃及歷程點滴。◎和風攝影模組:特別推薦日式和風的相機風格,設計搭配情境選擇並可推薦日本名人勵志語錄精選,編好文字,就可以開心上傳至facebook跟大家分享囉!Like Japan, travel,personally experienced the traditional Japanese space? TravelodgeHot Springs, wine cellar, tearoom, palms still retains retro stylevillage, the wooden structure of the building impresses you, youcan not even visit a number of Kyoto back in the city. Tadao Ando,​​Kengo Kuma, Toyo Ito, Sejima ...... and other contemporaryJapanese architect's work familiar, right 'round residentialrenovation King "in those hard faces working staff who feeladmiration, super love Yoo reasonable living groceries , Ostersundwhistle glass products, as well as cooking Noda enamel tableware,which are proof that you have love "wind doctrine."Wind doctrine Chukan Channel Recommended:◎ sidebar Subscribe: possession of Japanese architecturemasterpieces Appreciation and spatial shop recommended.◎ Day ‧ feast | Japanese style space FeastDigging every corner of the city's Japanese-style room, but alsojoint extolled tea ceremony, Bou Izakaya, piano Road Museum ... andother Japanese folk culture, can be gradually expanded into windTourism Culture Encyclopedia.◎ Classic Case | "Daisy Seoul Design" Classic SpaceJapanese space search for your favorite Japanese-style casesrelated recommendation.◎ essays impression | designer travel noteFrom the interior designer of thinking and mood drip line footstepsto travel further explore aesthetic traces.◎ new house doctrine | Daisy Seoul Design "home" newsThe Channel compile official blog graphic, the "Seoul Design Daisy"detailed planning and implementation of the Case History drip.◎ Japanese Photography module: Special Offers Japanese stylecamera style design with situational choice and can recommend theJapanese celebrities featured inspirational quotations, compiled agood text, you can upload to facebook happy to share with youHello!
安產御守 Lite 1.0.4 APK
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圈台北 @Taipei 1.91 APK
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