/ January 8, 2015
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《杰德影音 Portico Media -- 官方app》歐美娛樂大放送,包括代理頻道最新最快、與英美同期首播的影集預告,各國賣座強片和影展佳作預告,以及台灣國際酷兒影展的片單預告和哈哈台原創幽默短片內容,即時更新串連,讓你輕鬆掌握一睹為快。


杰德影音推動數位內容多年,期間曾獲得金馬獎、台北電影節、新聞局輔導金等各項肯定。2010年起整合旗下節目資源,於中華電信MOD及數位有線等平台提供觀眾國外優質電視內容,並多元行銷頻道節目讓台灣觀眾更加了解代理頻道及節目樣貌,合作夥伴包括:NBCU集團:UniversalChannel環球影劇頻道、Syfy超自然科幻頻道、Diva頻道及E!Entertainment娛樂頻道;Viacom集團:COMEDY CENTRAL爆笑頻道、MTV Live音樂頻道、NickJr.兒童頻道;A&E集團:Lifetime娛樂頻道、History歷史頻道、CI罪案偵緝頻道、fyi生活頻道及H2頻道;更多優質頻道還包括CinemaWorld世界影城電影頻道、FashionTV時尚頻道、Z Living健康頻道、DW德國之聲電視台、CNBC Asia Channel財經台,以及The GolfChannel美國高爾夫頻道。



All videos are provided by the public third-party media serviceYouTube. All trademarks and copyrights belong to their respectiveowners and are used here under the terms of Fair Use and theDigital Millennium Copyrights Act (DMCA).

[Content Features]

"Jed video Portico Media - official app" European and Americanentertainment big run, including the latest and fastest proxychannel, and the Anglo-American premiere of the album earliernotice, national blockbuster masterpiece trailer and filmfestivals, as well as Taiwan International Queer Film Festival chipsingle trailer Originality and humor Haha movie content, real-timeupdates in series, let you easily master to see it.


Jed video promoting digital content for many years, won theGolden Horse Film Festival in Taipei, the GIO gold and otheraffirmative counseling period. 2010 integration of its programresources to provide high-quality TV content to viewers abroadChunghwa Telecom MOD and digital cable platforms, and multivariatemarketing channel program for Taiwan viewers a better understandingof the agent channel and program appearance, partners include: NBCUGroup: Universal Channel Universal's movie channel, Syfysupernatural Sci Fi Channel, Diva and E Entertainment channelentertainment channel; Viacom Group:! COMEDY CENTRAL ComedyChannel, MTV Live music channel, Nick Jr. children's channels; A& E Group: Lifetime Entertainment Channel, History Channelhistory, CI Crime Detective channel, fyi Life Channel and H2channels; more premium channel also includes CinemaWorld WorldStudios Movie Channel, Fashion TV Fashion Channel, Z Living HealthChannel, DW Deutsche Welle TV, CNBC Asia Channel Finance, and TheGolf Channel Golf Channel.

2015, Jed comedy video website launched "Haha Taiwan", launchedhomemade humor original movie content, the rich channel resourcesmore closely integrated with the Internet, creating a newexperience high texture entertainment content. Jed video with"original content production, combined with a new path, to launchdiversified portfolio," as the goal, to take the new pace,continued to send the reputation of Europe's most videocontent.

[Additional Notes]

All videos are provided by the public third-party media serviceYouTube. All trademarks and copyrights belong to their respectiveowners and are used here under the terms of Fair Use and theDigital Millennium Copyrights Act (DMCA).

App Information 杰德影音 FLIPr

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天下影音 FLIPr APK
《天下雜誌》影音,記者說天下、人物專訪、專題報導等最具特色的影音內容,3分鐘掌握最具深度、最即時的財經管理到國際時事脈動與名人訪談內容,完整提升從經營管理到人文素養的知識。1) 特色節目:用最深入淺出的影音報導,傳遞最具知識性與學習化的內容。2) 最即時節目:天下雜誌影音推出新內容,毫無時差立即觀賞。3) TV觀看體驗:輕鬆滑動可切換不同節目與特企,像看電視一樣的簡單。上下滑動切換單元、左右滑動切換不同集數。4) 分享影音:天下影音報導分享給朋友與同事,為自己專業度加分。5) 個人節目表:蒐藏喜愛的節目,自訂專屬節目表。6) 節目商店:訂閱其它特色的影音頻道。7) 電視收看:可將節目轉到家庭電視上觀看,把手機當搖控器,全家一起收看並提升經營管理到人文素養的知識。天下影音成立於2006年,為最早開始拍攝影音紀錄的媒體,是華人媒體最權威的影像紀錄片教學平台,每年約推出超過50支影音。主題包括:生涯職場、全球趨勢、人文教育、健康生活、財經理財、經營管理、產業科技、創意美學等,完整提升每位觀眾現代具備的6大能力:學習力、創新力、競爭力、整合力、美學力、健康力等。天下影音皆具有版權,若有授權需求,請電洽天下雜誌 02-26645266"WorldMagazine"Audio, told reporters that the world, interviews, featurestories, such as the most unique audio and video content, 3 minutesto master the most depth, the most immediate financial managementto the pulsating international affairs and celebrity interviews, acomplete business management to enhance the knowledge from thehumanities .1) Features Shows: video coverage with the most simple terms,the transfer of the most informative and Learning content.2) The most immediate program: CommonWealth Magazine launch newvideo content, there is no time difference to watchimmediately.3) TV viewing experience: Slide easily switch between differentprograms and special prices, as simple as watching television.Slide up and down switching unit, switch to a different set ofnumbers sliding around.4) Share Video: World video stories to share to your friends andcolleagues for their professional degrees plus.5) Personal Program Guide: wishlists favorite programs, customexclusive listings.6) Program Store: Subscribe Other features audio and videochannels.7) TV viewing: You can watch TV programs to the family, the phonewhen the remote control, the whole family to watch together andimprove management to humanities knowledge.World Audio was founded in 2006, is the earliest record of themedia began shooting video, the Chinese media is the mostauthoritative teaching platform video documentaries, each year morethan 50 audio and video release. Topics include: Career workplace,global trends, humane education, healthy living, financial banking,management, industrial technology, creativity and aesthetics,modern audiences have a complete upgrade every six majorcapability: learning, innovation, competitiveness, integrationforce, the force of aesthetics, health ability.AV world are copyrighted, if licensing requirements, please call02-26645266 CommonWealth Magazine
灣區華人電視 CTV Bay Area FLIPr APK
灣區華人電視FLIPr,立足灣區,放眼全球,彙集各大英語、華語主流媒體,全面覆蓋各大中英文主流媒體,時事聚焦,深度評論,娛樂時尚,熱播影視,當紅綜藝。今日頭條:每日最重要的新聞和時事懶人包,彙集各方觀點,一次看清楚。英語新聞:彙集各大英語媒體華語新聞:彙集中港臺華語新聞華語時事深度報導:中港臺新聞專題節目,深入了解一週時事。生活在灣區:灣區新聞、吃喝玩樂資訊大彙集同步綜藝節目:同步華語電視臺熱播綜藝同步劇場:同步播出華語電視臺熱播電視劇正在直播:精選頻道,高清直播在線看沒事看看:嚴選網絡節目,彙集線上當紅短片,潮流影視內容,每天都有新驚喜。[產品特色]1) 嚴選節目:內容豐富,一次推播。2) 數位匯流:我們將影片匯流成節目,滿足您方便、看更多的需求。3) 電視體驗:輕鬆翻閱,便可切換至不同節目、不同集數,就像看電視一樣的簡單。上/下翻可切換節目,左/右翻可切換不同集數。4) 分享節目:可分享整個節目、或單一集數。好東西與朋友分享。5) 我的最愛:喜歡就訂閱,滿足您收納節目的需求。打造專屬的最愛節目表!6) 節目商店:擴充您的喜好。"[免責聲明]灣區華人電視 FLIPr 為 FLIPr.tv所開發之播放清單彙整平台,旨在作為影音內容的索引與目錄,以方便讀者瀏覽與發現。灣區華人電視 FLIPr 之影音內容來源,係索引自網路上 YouTube 等「第三方網站」網址。喇新聞嚴格遵守「第三方網站」之使用條款。與影音內容有關之商標、著作權等智慧財產權,係屬於「第三方網站」與「第三方網站使用者」之間相互約定之權利義務關係。灣區華人電視 FLIPr 所引用的所有資訊(包含但不限於公司、節目、產品的名稱與標識),其商標、著作權等智慧財產權,皆屬於其相對應的原合法權利人所有。喇新聞遵守並保障國際通用之相關智財概念與精神,包含合理使用原則與數位千禧年著作權法。[品牌介紹]FLIPr.tv是新世紀電視影音的導覽 (目錄)服務平台,內含精心建立的多螢互動機制,完善且靈活多變,可為影音內容產製者量身訂作最具效益的合作方案,行銷全球受眾。FLIP.tv邀您攜手:- 建立共創、共用、共銷、共生之媒體聯盟。這當中可包含:平台合作、內容創用、商業模式、電子商務、行銷活動等層面;- 一起在電視影音領域裡面,定義主流的使用情境、功能標準、互動體驗,甚至是產業標準、遊戲規則。聯絡我們:[email protected]"
香港衛視 FLIPr APK
[內容特色]香港衛視的特色,是能夠以熟練駕馭中文的外籍主播、主持人,以西方習慣的敘述方式,報導全球新聞,介紹中華文化。從而以更加貼近西方的形式,進入西方主流社會。香港衛視彙集了來自全球10多個國家的優秀人才,構成了香港衛視一大特色:“西方臉,東方心”。延伸兩岸,融入世界,給您全球觀點。[產品特色]1) 嚴選節目。2) 邀請您以全新方式,體驗數位匯流:一次享受多節目的推播。我們將影片匯流成節目,滿足您方便、看更多的需求。3)TV觀看體驗:輕鬆翻閱,便可切換至不同節目、不同集數,就像看電視一樣的簡單。上/下翻可切換節目,左/右翻可切換不同集數。4) 分享節目:可分享整個節目、或單一集數。好東西與朋友分享。5) 個人節目表:喜歡就訂閱,滿足您收納節目的需求。邀請您打造專屬的節目表!6) 節目商店:擴充您的喜好。[品牌介紹]香港衛視於2010年9月11日試播,2011年擁有6個衛星電視頻道的電視台牌照。香港衛視總部設於香港九龍紅磡德豐街海濱廣場,在北京有演播室,深圳設有基地,以24小時開路不加密的方式,通過亞太5號、亞太6號、亞太7號三星雙波段播出,已經覆蓋亞太、北美、歐洲、中東、非洲等150多個國家和地區。收視範圍達100萬戶。香港衛視提供資訊性節目,包括潮流、娛樂、財經及體育等方面。同時充滿知識性及娛樂性,對觀眾而言,有親切感和新鮮感。同時在中國內地網路電視實質性落地,在港澳臺電視機構中是第一家,收視範圍達3000萬戶。香港衛視已經在北京、上海、江蘇、浙江、四川、江西、廣西、福建、貴州、山西等地,設立分支機構或辦事處,並在臺灣、倫敦等地設立記者站及辦事處,以後還將陸續組建派駐世界各大洲的辦事機構,佈局全球資訊網路。[其他附註]All videos are provided by the public third-party media serviceYouTube. All trademarks and copyrights belong to their respectiveowners and are used here under the terms of Fair Use and theDigital Millennium Copyrights Act (DMCA).[Content Features]Hong Kong TV features is the ability to skillfully control theChinese foreign anchor, host to the Western habit of narrative,global news coverage, introduce Chinese culture. Thus closer to theWest in the form of access to Western mainstream society. Hong KongTV brings together the best talent from more than 10 countriesaround the world, constitute a major feature of the Hong Kong TV:"West Face, Oriental mind." Extends on both sides, into the world,to give you a global perspective.[Features]1) Carefully selected programs.2) invite you to a whole new way to experience Digital convergence:push once more to enjoy the show. We will film the bus into theprogram to suit your convenience to see more demand.3) TV viewing experience: easy to read, you can switch to adifferent program, a different set of numbers, as simple aswatching TV. Up / Down to switch programs, left / right to switchto a different set of numbers doubled.4) Share program: You can share the entire program, or a single setof numbers. Good things to share with friends.5) personal program list: like to subscribe to meet your storageneeds program. Invites you to create exclusive listings!6) Program Store: expand your preferences.[Brand]Hong Kong TV on September 11, 2010 pilot, 2011 TV license hassix satellite channels. Headquartered in Hong Kong TV Tak FungStreet, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong waterfront plaza, there is astudio in Beijing, Shenzhen, a base to open 24 hours non-encryptedway through the 5th Asia-Pacific, Asia-Pacific on the 6th, the 7thAsia-Pacific Samsung dual-band broadcast out, has covered more than150 countries and regions in Asia Pacific, North America, Europe,Middle East and Africa. Viewing range of up to one million.Hong Kong TV offers informative programs, including trends,entertainment, finance and sports and so on. Full of informativeand entertaining at the same time, the audience is concerned, thereis intimacy and freshness. While in mainland China Internet TVsubstantive landing in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan televisioninstitution is the first, the ratings range up to 30 million.Satellite TV has been in Beijing, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Jiangsu,Zhejiang, Sichuan, Jiangxi, Guangxi, Fujian, Guizhou, Shanxi andother places to set up branches or offices, and the establishmentof reporters station and offices in Taiwan, London and otherplaces, in the future will be have been established in allcontinents of the world accredited offices, global informationnetwork layout.[Additional Notes]All videos are provided by the public third-party media serviceYouTube. All trademarks and copyrights belong to their respectiveowners and are used here under the terms of Fair Use and theDigital Millennium Copyrights Act (DMCA).
《逢甲大學 Feng Chia University -- 官方 app》內容特色 -逢甲大學積極創新與突破,迎接新媒體時代。跳脫傳統教學模式,"逢甲影音"提供熱愛學習的您,跨越時間、地點、空間的多螢幕互動體驗!暢快地上下左右翻翻逛逛,"逢甲影音"是行動教室,更是您無所不在的學習雲。啟動您的各種螢幕,一起互動、快樂感動!"逢甲影音"新媒體,帶給全球創新價值;將優質教學、深耕產業、重點研究、教育行銷、快速回應、健全財務、永續校園等發展主軸與成果,分享全世界。產品特色 -1) 嚴選節目:內容豐富,一次推播。2) 邀請您以全新方式,體驗數位匯流:您可以一次享受多節目的聯播網。我們將影片匯流成節目,滿足您方便、看更多的需求。3)TV觀看體驗:輕鬆翻閱,便可切換至不同節目、不同集數,就像看電視一樣的簡單。上/下翻可切換節目,左/右翻可切換不同集數。4) 分享節目:可分享整個節目、或單一集數。好東西與朋友分享。5) 我的最愛:喜歡就訂閱,滿足您收納節目的需求。打造專屬的最愛節目表!6) 節目商店:擴充您的喜好。品牌介紹 -本校以成為一所教學卓越、研究重點突破之亞太地區知名大學為校務發展願景,期能立足臺灣、縱橫亞太地區、進而放眼國際,並以培育兼具人文素養與專業知識之現代民主社會公民為教育目標。逢甲大學的前身逢甲工商學院創立於1961年。1980年8月1日正式改制為大學。目前有八學院,師生近二萬人,全臺唯一獲得教育部「辦理完善,績效卓著」讚譽之綜合大學。全國第一所通過永續發展查證之綜合大學。2009年世界網路大學排名402名,全亞洲排名44名。2013年獲全國最優教學卓越大學。2013年本校榮獲英國泰晤士報(TheTimes)高等教育專刊公布亞洲百大第98名。其他附註 -All videos are provided by the public third-party media serviceYouTube. All trademarks and copyrights belong to their respectiveowners and are used here under the terms of Fair Use and theDigital Millennium Copyrights Act (DMCA)."Feng Chia University,Feng Chia University - Official app"Content Features -Feng Chia University, positive innovation and breakthroughs, meetthe new media age. Multi-screen interactive experience escape thetraditional teaching mode, "Chia video" love of learning that youprovide, across time, place and space! Fun to stroll up and downlooking through, "Chia video" is a mobile classroom, is yourubiquitous learning cloud. Start your various screens, interactivetogether and happy moving!"Chia video" new media, to bring global innovation value; thequality of teaching, deep industry, focusing on research,education, marketing, quick response, and improve their financialsustainability on campus, such as the development of the spindleand the results, to share the world.Product Features -1) Carefully selected programs: rich content, a push.2) invite you to a whole new way to experience digital convergence:You can enjoy more than one program network. We will film the businto programs to meet your convenience, see more demand.3) TV viewing experience: easy to read, you can switch to adifferent program, a different set of numbers, as simple aswatching television. Up / Down to switch programs, left / rightturn can switch to a different set of numbers.4) Share program: to share the entire program, or single episodes.Good things to share with friends.5) Favorites: like to subscribe to meet your storage needsprograms. Create exclusive favorite program list!6) Program Store: expand your preferences.Brand -School to become a teaching excellence, the Asia-Pacific regionrenowned university research breakthroughs in key areas ofdevelopment vision for the school, hoping to be based in Taiwan,aspect Asia-Pacific region, and then look at the international, andto foster both the humanities and expertise of a modern democraticsociety citizens educational goals.Feng Chia Chia University Business School's predecessor wasfounded in 1961. August 1, 1980 officially transformed intouniversity. There are eight colleges, students and teachers ofnearly two million people, Taiwan's Ministry of Education, the only"perfect handling, performance remarkable," praised the university.The country's first comprehensive verification of sustainabledevelopment through the university. 2009 World University Rankings402 network, ranking in Asia 44. 2013 Teaching Excellence by theNational University of optimal. In 2013 the school won the BritishTimes (The Times) Asian Baida Higher Education Supplement publishedthe first 98.Other notes -All videos are provided by the public third-party media serviceYouTube. All trademarks and copyrights belong to their respectiveowners and are used here under the terms of Fair Use and theDigital Millennium Copyrights Act (DMCA).
丁丁電視, Ding Ding TV APK
The description of Ding Ding TV's branded appthat'll appear in the app store:Ding Ding TV is the first Chinese American Internet TV, SiliconValley Innovation Channel, Internet video content producer anddistributor. Founded by Diana WeiPing Ding. Ding Ding TV devoted tobringing out and enhancing the understanding by viewers ofinterdependent global realities. Ding Ding TV has being positionedas a hub, bridge and platform for US-China business relations. DingDing TV branding show Innovation Dialog, Battle Silicon and technews are delivered through multiple channels in US and China. DingDing TV is a trustworthy branding for High Tech professionals andinnovators in Silicon Valley and all over the world. For moreinformation, please visit www.DingDing.TV.丁丁電視是美國首創華語網絡電視,矽谷創新頻道,及視頻製作公司。坐落於矽谷的中心地>帶,由曾在高科技行業的資深媒體人丁維平2009年創立,是美國報導直播科技創新活動及行>業領袖人物訪談最多的華語網絡媒體。丁丁電視專注傳播創新,幫助創業者及促進中美交流>。丁丁電視的主要節目有:人物訪談《矽谷看世界》,提煉創業家及行業領袖的的思想,及>管理理念;矽谷第一個大型創業者投資人互動情景節目《西遊記》,與華源科技協會合作,>為草根創業搭建國際舞台;現場報導直播矽谷科技活動《矽谷動態》;聚集美國著名中醫的>《健康專家》,涵蓋地產,法律,財經等生活方方面面的《美國生活》等。除了在多個門戶>網站及社交媒體向全球播放以外,也在舊金山灣區多個電視頻道播出。丁丁電視長期服務社>區,始終在矽谷資訊的最前線,蒐集整理傳播各行業領袖及創業者的智慧思想,多次受到美>國各界嘉獎,在美國樹立起華人媒體的優秀品牌。Keywords: Ding Ding TV, Innovation Dialog, Battle Silicon,Amazing Diana, Diana & Maggie time, American life, SiliconValley, Chinese American Internet TV, Silicon Valley InnovationChannel, Science & technology, 9x9.tv, 9x9, 丁丁電視, 丁丁电视, 硅谷创新,中美科技, 中文電視, 硅谷创新频道, 西游计, 硅谷看世界,硅谷传说, 健康专家, 美国生活The description of DingDing TV's branded app that'll appear in the app store:Ding Ding TV is the first Chinese American Internet TV, SiliconValley Innovation Channel, Internet video content producer anddistributor. Founded by Diana WeiPing Ding. Ding Ding TV devoted tobringing out and enhancing the understanding by viewers ofinterdependent global realities. Ding Ding TV has being positionedas a hub, bridge and platform for US-China business relations. DingDing TV branding show Innovation Dialog, Battle Silicon and technews are delivered through multiple channels in US and China. DingDing TV is a trustworthy branding for High Tech professionals andinnovators in Silicon Valley and all over the world. For moreinformation, please visit www.DingDing.TV.Tintin TV is the first Chinese American network television,Silicon Valley Innovation channels, and video production companies.Located in the center of Silicon Valley> belt, worked inhigh-tech industries by a senior media person Ding Weiping wasfounded in 2009, is an American live coverage technologicalinnovation activities and OK> interviews with industry leaders,the largest Chinese online media. Tintin TV focused disseminationof innovative, helping entrepreneurs and promote Sino-USexchanges>. Tintin TV's main programs are: Interview "SiliconValley to see the world," refining entrepreneurs and industryleaders of thought, and> management philosophy; Silicon Valleyentrepreneur first large-scale investment in human interactionscenarios show "Journey to the West", and the Huayuan TechnologyAssociation co> for the grass-roots entrepreneurs to buildinternational arena; live broadcast coverage of Silicon Valleytechnology activities "Silicon Valley News"; gather famous AmericanChinese medicine> "health experts", covering real estate, legal,financial and other aspects of life, "American Life". In additionto multiple portals> websites and social media to play outsideworld, also in San Francisco Bay Area TV channels broadcast.Long-term Service Tintin TV> area, and always at the forefrontof information in Silicon Valley, collected the industry leadersand entrepreneurs disseminate the wisdom of thought, many times bythe United> States all awards, the Chinese media in the UnitedStates to establish an excellent brand.Keywords: Ding Ding TV, Innovation Dialog, Battle Silicon,Amazing Diana, Diana & Maggie time, American life, SiliconValley, Chinese American Internet TV, Silicon Valley InnovationChannel, Science & technology, 9x9.tv, 9x9, Tintin TV, TintinTV, Silicon Valley, innovation, US Science and Technology, ChineseTV, Silicon Valley Innovation channels, Journey meter, to see theworld of Silicon Valley, Silicon Valley legend, health experts,American Life
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杰德影音 FLIPr APK
[內容特色]《杰德影音 Portico Media -- 官方app》歐美娛樂大放送,包括代理頻道最新最快、與英美同期首播的影集預告,各國賣座強片和影展佳作預告,以及台灣國際酷兒影展的片單預告和哈哈台原創幽默短片內容,即時更新串連,讓你輕鬆掌握一睹為快。[品牌介紹]杰德影音推動數位內容多年,期間曾獲得金馬獎、台北電影節、新聞局輔導金等各項肯定。2010年起整合旗下節目資源,於中華電信MOD及數位有線等平台提供觀眾國外優質電視內容,並多元行銷頻道節目讓台灣觀眾更加了解代理頻道及節目樣貌,合作夥伴包括:NBCU集團:UniversalChannel環球影劇頻道、Syfy超自然科幻頻道、Diva頻道及E!Entertainment娛樂頻道;Viacom集團:COMEDY CENTRAL爆笑頻道、MTV Live音樂頻道、NickJr.兒童頻道;A&E集團:Lifetime娛樂頻道、History歷史頻道、CI罪案偵緝頻道、fyi生活頻道及H2頻道;更多優質頻道還包括CinemaWorld世界影城電影頻道、FashionTV時尚頻道、Z Living健康頻道、DW德國之聲電視台、CNBC Asia Channel財經台,以及The GolfChannel美國高爾夫頻道。2015年起,杰德影音推出喜劇網站「哈哈台」,推出原創自製幽默短片內容,將豐富的頻道資源與網路更緊密結合,創造高質感娛樂內容的新體驗。杰德影音以「原創內容製作,結合全新通路,推出多元組合」為目標,踏出全新的步伐,持續送上最具口碑的歐美影視內容。[其他附註]All videos are provided by the public third-party media serviceYouTube. All trademarks and copyrights belong to their respectiveowners and are used here under the terms of Fair Use and theDigital Millennium Copyrights Act (DMCA).[Content Features]"Jed video Portico Media - official app" European and Americanentertainment big run, including the latest and fastest proxychannel, and the Anglo-American premiere of the album earliernotice, national blockbuster masterpiece trailer and filmfestivals, as well as Taiwan International Queer Film Festival chipsingle trailer Originality and humor Haha movie content, real-timeupdates in series, let you easily master to see it.[Brand]Jed video promoting digital content for many years, won theGolden Horse Film Festival in Taipei, the GIO gold and otheraffirmative counseling period. 2010 integration of its programresources to provide high-quality TV content to viewers abroadChunghwa Telecom MOD and digital cable platforms, and multivariatemarketing channel program for Taiwan viewers a better understandingof the agent channel and program appearance, partners include: NBCUGroup: Universal Channel Universal's movie channel, Syfysupernatural Sci Fi Channel, Diva and E Entertainment channelentertainment channel; Viacom Group:! COMEDY CENTRAL ComedyChannel, MTV Live music channel, Nick Jr. children's channels; A& E Group: Lifetime Entertainment Channel, History Channelhistory, CI Crime Detective channel, fyi Life Channel and H2channels; more premium channel also includes CinemaWorld WorldStudios Movie Channel, Fashion TV Fashion Channel, Z Living HealthChannel, DW Deutsche Welle TV, CNBC Asia Channel Finance, and TheGolf Channel Golf Channel.2015, Jed comedy video website launched "Haha Taiwan", launchedhomemade humor original movie content, the rich channel resourcesmore closely integrated with the Internet, creating a newexperience high texture entertainment content. Jed video with"original content production, combined with a new path, to launchdiversified portfolio," as the goal, to take the new pace,continued to send the reputation of Europe's most videocontent.[Additional Notes]All videos are provided by the public third-party media serviceYouTube. All trademarks and copyrights belong to their respectiveowners and are used here under the terms of Fair Use and theDigital Millennium Copyrights Act (DMCA).
GOOD TVFLIPr專為喜愛收看GOODTV節目之觀眾設計,讓您在任何時候、任何地點、任何裝置都能收看。簡易直覺的操作,上下左右翻,便能收看不同節目,或不同集數。GOOD TV所播出與製作之節目,適合家庭中各個成員,不同年齡層都歡迎。- 親子共賞:烤箱讀書會等- 家庭生活:幸福來敲門、健康新煮流、我們eye旅行等- 真理信仰:劉三講古、空中聖經學院、禱告大軍、特會精選等- 勵志心靈:真情部落格、心靈樂飛揚、寧靜時分、道在人間等產品特色:1) 嚴選節目,專屬於粉絲的您:內容豐富,一次推播給您。2)頻道、節目一把抓:邀請您以全新方式,體驗數位匯流。您可以一次享受多頻道、多節目的聯播網。我們將影片集結成節目、將節目匯流成頻道,滿足您更方便、看更多的需求。3)TV的觀看體驗:輕鬆翻閱,便可切換至不同節目、不同集數,就像看電視一樣的簡單。上/下翻可切換節目,左/右翻可切換不同集數。4) 個人節目表:喜歡就訂閱,滿足您收納節目的需求。邀請您打造專屬的節目表!5) 豐富的節目商店:超過1000個免費節目,提供您自由選,擴充您的喜好。6) 分享節目:可分享整個節目、或單一集數。好東西與好朋友分享。關於GOOD TV:GOOD TV 好消息電視台,是一個注重家庭價值的電視台。期待關懷社會中的個人與家庭,帶給人們信心、希望、真愛。All videos are provided by the public third-party mediaserviceYouTube. All trademarks and copyrights belong to theirrespectiveowners and are used here under the terms of Fair Use andtheDigital Millennium Copyrights Act (DMCA).