2015.10.01 / October 1, 2015
(4.0/5) (4)




(2) 在繪畫掌紋時用戶可先用相機拍攝掌紋照片,從而加載到繪畫界面,這樣能增進掌紋輸入的準確度。

(3) 用戶亦可從「圖片庫」中載入掌紋圖片到繪畫界面,從而增進掌紋輸入的準確度。


Develop "intelligentfortune" The main objective of the application software is based onadvanced digital technology to achieve fortune automaticidentification. The basic principle is based on three main linespalm "lifeline", "head line" and "emotions" of "start", "length"and "rad" to identify personality and health.

(1) The user interface software first on a specific line drawingof the three major "lifeline", "head line" and "emotions", and thenthe software will automatically find the "start" and "end point" ofeach line of "labeled" to calculate the length of each line andarc.

(2) When a user can first painting palm palmprint pictures takenwith the camera, which is loaded into the graphical interface,which can enhance the accuracy of palm inputs.

(3) Users can also load palmprint image from "Gallery" in thegraphical interface, thus enhancing the accuracy of palminputs.

This software analyzes fortune for reference only, contents andprocedures may be inadequate, but does not guarantee their accuracyand reliability of the information generated by this software, andshall not on account of any relevant information that is inaccurateor omission of any loss or damage arising from any liability. Thepublic should understand metaphysics numerology is not an exactscience, fate always rely on ourselves.

App Information 智能掌相

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Feng Shui Compass (Pro) 2016.12.26 APK
Feng Shui is very popular in the Chinesecommunity, whether businessman or building owners hope to applyFeng Shui theory in designing their office or home as well as todetermine the location of the kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, or bed.Although there are a lot of Feng Shui books, but most of thereaders feel difficult in understanding and learning how to useFeng Shui Compass to measure the household azimuth.This professional version of Feng Shui compass provides powerfulfunctions, such as "home", "office", and "commercial" Feng Shuilayout analysis and recommendations for many industries. Theanalysis and suggestions are provided to the boss, employees andthe "professional Feng Shui master”, the annual flying star layoutsuggestions mainly focus on improving your prosperity, promotion incareer, luck and health. Professional version features include -"Period-5" to "Period-9", the "3-Cycle and nine period", "Eight-Mansion, "the Annual Flying Star" and "the Flying star"analysis and the layout suggestions, the income from theprofessional version of this app is used for sustainabledevelopment, therefore, we hope the public can support us.
智能风水罗盘 (专业版) 1.20200523 APK
智能風水羅盤 (專業版) 2016.11.26 APK
智能風水羅盤「專業版」提供「家居」、「辦公室」及「商業」風水佈局分析及建議,最適合各行各業的「老闆和員工」及「專業風水師」使用,其流年飛星佈局亦著重於催財旺運,升職加薪之功能。「專業版」其他功能包括︰「五運」至「九運」、「三元九運」、「八宅法」、「流年飛星」及「九宮飛星」的分析及建議佈局,「專業版」的收入主要使這項目能夠長期發展,因此希望大眾能多多支持。基本原理:本軟件是基於「三元九運」、「八宅法」和「九宮飛星」這三套相當有系統的理氣風水原理而設計。根據電子羅盤或輸入的大門方向,程序先使用「三元九運」確定這居室的整體吉凶性質如「旺財旺丁」、「損財傷丁」等等而提供風水指數。同時程序亦以「八宅法」找出居室內之吉凶位置如「財位」、「凶位」等等,從而提供建議讓用戶決定室內房間及家俱之最佳位置。最後本程序還使用每年的「流年飛星圖」找出當年之病位、桃花位、財位及文昌位,作催財、化病、催桃花或人緣、和旺考試及讀書之用,而「九宮飛星」功能是根據「玄空紫白訣」理論進一步詳細地分析家居與及辦公室的風水佈局。「專業版」主要功能:01. 電子羅盤02. 十字線、水平及準確度測量功能03. 支援手動輸入大門度數04. 支援五運、六運、七運、八運及九運 ***05.「格局分析」根據「三元九運法 」及「命格」06.「八宅法」之詳細解釋及佈局建議07.「流年飛星」之詳細解釋及佈局建議08.「九宮飛星」之詳細解釋及佈局建議09. 風水紀錄10. 風水錦囊11. 新增各式各樣家居平面圖選擇,使分析更易上手12. 相機佈局功能免責聲明:此軟件建議的風水布局只作參考,內容及程序都可能有所不足,惟彼等並不擔保這軟件產生的資料之準確性及可靠性,且概不會就因有關資料之任何不確或遺漏而引致之任何損失或損害承擔任何責任。大眾亦應明白玄學命理並非精密科學,命運總要靠自己掌握。
My Heart Rate 2016.12.11 APK
My Heart Rate app is designed with userinterface similar to a real pulse oximeter, which let you monitoryour heart rate anytime and anywhere, especially before and afterexercise. If you enter your age in the setup page, percentage ofthe measured heart rate based on your maximum heart rate will bedisplayed for monitoring your target heart rate in moderate andintense exercise.How to use this App and main features:(1) Place your index fingertip to the rear camera lens.(2) Ensure your fingertip covers the lens completely with thecamera window box appearing full red color.(3) Press the Start button to start the measure.(4) Hold your fingertip steady for at least 30 seconds, your heartrate and pulse graph will be shown. Press the Stop button to obtainthe final measurement.(5) If your age is entered in the Setting, your maximum and targetheart rates will be shown.(6) Auto stop after 30 seconds can be enabled in the setting.(7) Save function let you store your heart rate and pulse waveformin the history page.(8) Share function let you share your heart rate via Facebook,Twitter, Email and SMS. (Only available in the My Heart Rate ProVersion)Note: If your device does not have an LED flashlight, pleasemake sure to use this app in a good lighting environment.
Feng Shui Compass (Lite) 2016.12.05 APK
Feng Shui is very popular in the Chinesecommunity, whether businessman or building owners hope to applyFeng Shui theory in designing their office or home as well as todetermine the location of the kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, or bed.Although there are a lot of Feng Shui books, but most of thereaders feel difficult in understanding and learning how to useFeng Shui Compass to measure the household azimuth. Since thesmartphone contains embedded electronic compass, and we knew thatFeng Shui "Qi" theory can be achieve by a computer program, so westarted to design a smart Feng Shui compass application since 2009on the smartphone platform in order to measure the azimuth of themain door and provide analysis of the good or bad ofresidential/office location by artificial intelligence of thecomputer program, and the software based on the Feng Shui theorycan provide the Feng Shui layout recommendations to the users.Basic principle:There are two versions, which are the "Basic Edition”, and"Professional:• "Basic Edition" provides only general "home" and "office" FengShui analysis and layout recommendations, suitable for house owner,residential leaseholder and while-collar worker. The annual flyingstar layout suggestions mainly focus on improving your prosperity,luck and health."Basic Edition" provides Period-7 to Period-9, 8-Mansionfunctions.* "Professional Edition" provide powerful functions, such as"home", "office", and "commercial" Feng Shui layout analysis andrecommendations for many industries. The analysis and suggestionsare provided to the boss, employees and the "professional Feng Shuimaster”, the annual flying star layout suggestions mainly focus onimproving your prosperity, promotion in career, luck and health.Professional version features include - "Period-5" to "Period-9",the "3-Cycle and nine period", " Eight-Mansion, "the Annual FlyingStar" and "the Flying star" analysis and the layout suggestions,the income from the professional version of this app is used forsustainable development, therefore, we hope the public can supportus.
六碼筆畫 2023.01.13 APK
The "Six Code Strokes" interface is simple and supports traditionaland simplified Chinese input, which is most suitable for peoplefrom China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. The latest version has enhanced"one-handed operation", frequently used candidate words can bearranged from right to left.
智能掌相 2015.10.01 APK
開發「智能掌相」應用軟件的主要目標是以先進的數字科技實現掌相自動識別。其基本原理是以掌紋的三大主要線「生命線」、「頭腦線」和「感情線」的「起點」、「長度」和「弧度」識別個人性格和健康。(1)用戶先在軟件的特定界面上繪畫三大主要線「生命線」、「頭腦線」和「感情線」,然後軟件會自動尋找各線的「起點」和「尾點」的「在標」,從而計算出各線的長度和弧度。(2) 在繪畫掌紋時用戶可先用相機拍攝掌紋照片,從而加載到繪畫界面,這樣能增進掌紋輸入的準確度。(3) 用戶亦可從「圖片庫」中載入掌紋圖片到繪畫界面,從而增進掌紋輸入的準確度。免責聲明:此軟件的掌相分析只作參考,內容及程序都可能有所不足,惟彼等並不擔保這軟件產生的資料之準確性及可靠性,且概不會就因有關資料之任何不確或遺漏而引致之任何損失或損害承擔任何責任。大眾亦應明白玄學命理並非精密科學,命運總要靠自己掌握。Develop "intelligentfortune" The main objective of the application software is based onadvanced digital technology to achieve fortune automaticidentification. The basic principle is based on three main linespalm "lifeline", "head line" and "emotions" of "start", "length"and "rad" to identify personality and health.(1) The user interface software first on a specific line drawingof the three major "lifeline", "head line" and "emotions", and thenthe software will automatically find the "start" and "end point" ofeach line of "labeled" to calculate the length of each line andarc.(2) When a user can first painting palm palmprint pictures takenwith the camera, which is loaded into the graphical interface,which can enhance the accuracy of palm inputs.(3) Users can also load palmprint image from "Gallery" in thegraphical interface, thus enhancing the accuracy of palminputs.Disclaimer:This software analyzes fortune for reference only, contents andprocedures may be inadequate, but does not guarantee their accuracyand reliability of the information generated by this software, andshall not on account of any relevant information that is inaccurateor omission of any loss or damage arising from any liability. Thepublic should understand metaphysics numerology is not an exactscience, fate always rely on ourselves.
三國演義 1.20200407 APK