0.0.2 / August 27, 2015
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App Information 晶華牙醫診所

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非常機車盤點系統 1.11 APK
此應用程式做為非常機車內部進銷與存貨管理使用,整合每間分店與原來內部系統的整合並搭配BarcodeSanccer硬體設備讓使用者與商品管理上更有效率。Barcode Scanner 類似目前市面上一般商店可見的掃描機器,但BarcodeScanner除了體積較小、價格較低,最為方便的是掃描後的進銷存貨數量與相關資料可以直接雲端更新到資料庫不用在連結電腦或其相關設備作上傳動作亦增加其機動性。This application insidethe locomotive as much into the sales and inventory management anduse, integration and consolidation of the original internal systemseach with Barcode Sanccer outlets and hardware devices allow theuser and the product management more efficient.Barcode Scanner similar to the current market shop visible scanningmachines, but Barcode Scanner in addition to smaller, lower prices,the most convenient is the number of inventory goods scanned andupdate the relevant information directly to the database withoutthe cloud in computer link Upload or its related equipment for theoperation also increase its mobility.
177 掃描寶 1.4 APK
● 讓掃描變得更輕鬆。 ● 簡單的操作模式,讓智能手機變成一個強大的一維、二維掃描設備,讓你在個人或是公司企業工作上更為輕鬆。
Meal 智慧型點餐 1.0.0 APK
Quick and easy ordering, efficient management
晶華牙醫診所 0.0.2 APK
iPin 1.2 APK
INTRODUCING iPin www.ipinlaser.com Designed by ConaryEnterpriseCo., Ltd. All rights reserved. Notice: iPin App isworking with theiPin laser. Visit www.ipinlaser.com to find whereto buy the iPinlaser. iPin redefined laser presenter Powered bysmartphone andengineered to fit right inside the earphone jack,iPin Laserdelivers portable convenience and battery-free benefitsto itsusers. The hybrid 90 degrees ON/OFF switch allows iPin Lasertostay plugged in without interfering with the phone speaker.Viasimple Wi-Fi connection, the iPin App and iPin Hostcomputerprogram enable you to control the presentation straightfrom thephone with intuitive finger gestures. iPin is truly aninnovativeintegration of laser and mobile technologies for allprofessionals.iPin雷射簡報器:智林企業股份有限公司設計製造,保留一切權利。 請注意:iPinApp需與iPin雷射搭配使用。請造訪www.ipinlaser.com查詢何處購買iPin雷射 超乎想像 - iPin重新定義雷射簡報器使用智慧手機供電來擁抱無電池的節能趨勢;與耳機孔完美結合的精緻工藝,呼應個人行動裝置時代的優雅俐落。獨到的90度複合開關設計能快速地讓您自然從容的接聽電話。iPin的簡報控制設計以人為本,手機下載iPinApp與電腦下載iPinHost程式後,透過設備內建的Wi-Fi連線,讓您在手機屏幕上以手指直覺式地操作簡報翻頁及無線滑鼠。iPin,光電科技與行動裝置的創新整合,為您的專業表現而存在。