1.03 / February 23, 2016
(4.4/5) (17)


= 輕鬆點擊,老少咸宜一起來挑戰 =

= 是左是右?方向感與速度的大考驗 =
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= 跨國排行,誰才是左左右右的世界冠軍?=

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= 溫馨小提醒 =

App Information 左左右右-愛跳封測版

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  • Updated
    February 23, 2016
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    500 - 1,000
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吞天食地 轟‧三國 1.0.8 APK
Ω搶錢、搶糧、搶奴隸,征服奴隸讓你糧草銅錢取之不盡!Ω關關難過關關過,與其他三國策略遊戲不同,勝利條件關關不同!Ω最神的文武之師,每場戰鬥都牽動你的神經!Ω最猛的襲擊怒戰,每次佈陣都左右勝負關鍵!Ω最強的歷史名將,再看一次三英戰呂布!Ω最悍的狂國霸主,唯有鑄不敗悍軍,才能立千秋之業!●奴役系統上線,唯有不停爭討,征服敵方,方能擁有源源不絕的資源。●展新關卡設置,不再是千篇一律的輾壓,適時佈陣、更換將領、調動裝備,才能在詭譎的戰場中獲得勝利。●軍團系統,不僅可以招募志同道合的人,更可以體驗團戰副本、爭奪資源礦區,並為日後的大規模團戰秣兵厲馬。●有別於其他眾多三國遊戲的模式,保有古早風味,更有嶄新多變得玩法。讓你遊玩之餘還能計謀策劃,享受三國策略遊戲的樂趣跟精髓!★遊戲介紹★《吞天食地轟‧三國》是一款以三國演義故事為背景,搭配武將的運用、佈陣策劃,讓你循序漸進的體驗這一幕幕驚濤戰役。喜愛三國類型遊戲的玩家們,絕對不能錯過這款遊戲。讓我們策孔明、周瑜之謀,立關羽、曹仁之武,在這紛亂的三國局面中,闖出一片江山。FB粉絲團https://www.facebook.com/sgzhzt客服信箱[email protected]★溫馨提示★適配機型系統版本:Android2.2及以上解析度:480*800,480*854,640*960及以上CPU:1G及以上ROM:512M及以上RAM:700M及以上注:安裝程式需保有300M及以上的記憶體空間,若您的硬體機能達到官方標準但仍無法順暢遊戲,請利用問題回報系統聯絡我們的官方營運團隊,感謝您的支持。※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。請注意遊戲時間,避免沉迷。※本軟體依中華民國遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為:輔導十五歲級。※本遊戲涉及不殘虐的血腥、殘暴、恐怖的畫面。Ω Robbers, Qiangliang, grab slave ,conquered slaves let you forage coins inexhaustible!Ω Off OffOff Off sad too , with the other three games of differentstrategies, different victory conditions shutoff!Ω most civil and military division of God , everybattle affects your nerves!Ω most fierce anger attackbattle , each about the outcome of the lineup are thekey!  Ω strongest historical name , take a look at三英战吕布!Ω most defended mad countryoverlord , the only undefeated cast defended the military, in orderto establish the ages of theindustry!● slavery system on-line,non-stop fight only discuss conquer the enemy before they can havean endless supply of resources.● exhibition set new levels, no longer fits the rolling, timelylineup, replacing the general mobilization of equipment, in orderto win in treacherous battlefield.● Legion system, not only can recruit like-minded people, but alsoto experience the team battles a copy of mine to compete forresources, and for the future of large-scale team battles Mo Ma LiBing.● Unlike many other three game modes, retains the old-fashionedflavor, becoming more and more new games are played. I'll let youplay the strategic planning, have fun with the essence of the ThreeKingdoms strategygame!★ GameIntroduction★"swallow three days of food toboom ‧" is a backdrop to the story of the Three Kingdoms, with theuse of military commanders, planners lineup, so you Thisprogressive experience Jingtao battle scenes. Three favorite typeof game players who absolutely can not miss the game. Let's policyMing, Zhou Yu's plan, Li Guan Yu, Cao Ren's Wu, in this chaoticsituation in the three countries, a countrybreak.FB fanshttps://www.facebook.com/sgzhztCustomer [email protected]★ Tips ★Fit modelsSystem Version: Android2.2 and aboveResolution: 480 * 800,480 * 854,640 * 960 and aboveCPU: 1G or aboveROM: 512M and aboveRAM: 700M or moreNote: The installation program and the need to maintain more than300M memory space, if your hardware performance but still can notreach the official standard smooth game, please contact us feedbacksystem utilization official operations team, thank you for yoursupport.※ Thisgame is free to use, and the other offers to buy virtual gamecurrency, items such as payment services within the game. Pleasenote that the game time, avoid indulging.※ This software according to the ROC Game Software RatingRegulations classified as: counseling fifteen levels.※ This game involves not maltreat bloody, brutal, horriblepicture.
落櫻散華抄 1.1.5 APK
【戀愛校園生活】手機 Online Game!(繁體中文版)結合【戀愛約會】【打工經營】【卡牌戰鬥】!體驗不可思議的校園冒險AVG!● 全3D畫面.純愛冒險AVG● 結合戀愛育成.打工經營● 學習升級.體驗校園生活● 卡牌戰鬥.封印魔界妖物● 超過500張華麗卡牌等你收集● 自由配搭你的戰鬥卡組合!櫻華學園;充滿著貴族氣息和現代化設施的一所高級學校,你因為父母工作的關係而轉學至此,進而認識了各式各樣充滿個性的女主角們。然而,沒想到身為一介學生的你,竟然因為一場意外發現了現代社會竟潛藏著無數的妖怪,進而捲入與妖怪的戰爭之內。是要認真的成為好學生呢?還是賺一堆錢成為億萬長者?抑或是和女角們共譜一段戀曲?或許,你將成為世界的救世主也不一定。究竟,你會走上哪一條道路?現在,你的選擇將會決定一切…….◎◎◎遊戲特色◎◎◎本遊戲備有數百種各式各樣的美麗卡片,讓玩家可以自由選擇搭配自己的出戰內容!人物風格採用日式風格,絕對讓你看的目不轉睛!在戀愛模式中,女角們皆採用最高級的3D技術製作,再搭配栩栩如生的動作與表情,讓你一看了就愛上她們!◎日式輕小說般的主線探索內容製作群用心撰寫的劇情,內容之多宛如一本輕小說。遊戲劇情的演出皆採用AVG模式,透過不時出現選項還可以讓你體驗各種不同的分歧劇情!保證讓你徹底融入本遊戲的世界觀!現在就快點來體驗這款日式卡片冒險遊戲吧!◎3D+2D的最佳示範。我們採用UNITY3D引擎技術製作,讓3D和2D做了最完美的結合!舒服的2D介面和卡片,再搭配可愛的3D角色們和美麗的3D建築物!保證讓你愛不釋手!◎卡片系統!讓你自由搭配!角色卡、裝備卡、寶具卡、道具卡、應援卡。透過各式各樣的卡片組合,讓你越變越強大!本遊戲提供了多樣化的卡片組合,就算是同一張卡片也還會有技能上的不同呢, 快來配置你的卡片,打敗妖怪來守護你最心愛的女主角吧!◎輕鬆的讀書打工系統!別忘了,和女角約會前可是需要提升自己的學力呢!成功約到女角了,可是約會還要花錢呢!唉呀,但是我沒有多少時間玩遊戲耶!?該怎麼辦呢?沒關係!本遊戲有最方便的讀書打工系統,讓你利用閒暇的時間來快速消費能量值來提高自己的學力和賺取金錢!幫助你輕鬆獲得美人心!FB粉絲團: https://www.facebook.com/Sakura1758落櫻散華抄官網: http://sk.1758play.com/客服中心: https://goo.gl/Ci9SLH本軟體依中華民國遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為:輔導十五歲級。遊戲情節涉及暴力、戀愛交友;部份內容需另行支付費用,請避免沉迷遊戲。
吞天食地 轟‧三國2 1.0.1 APK
Ω最激昂國戰系統,磅礡國戰系統正式上線,攻城掠地唯主稱王Ω關關難過關關過,與其他三國策略遊戲不同,勝利條件關關不同!Ω搶錢搶糧搶奴隸,奴役俘虜壓榨,資源取之不盡Ω千百位文臣武將,每次佈陣都左右勝負關鍵!Ω神猛強枕戈待旦,多元裝備系統,唯有神兵助萬世功名Ω登龍頂俯視蒼生,演武場排名,人中龍鳳顛峰霸主唯有一人●三國經典,精髓任主公遊玩。大規模國戰即將磅礡上線,為國!為君!豈能少一人?●奴役系統傳承,壓榨敵人;享用資源,取之不盡。●不同於其他三國遊戲普通推關,關關不同勝利條件,唯有運籌帷幄排兵布陣方能一舉突破。●多元百變鍛造系統;豈止強化,回爐重造、淬鍊;神兵巔峰由您掌握。★遊戲介紹★《吞天食地轟‧三國2》延續了一的系統,多元排兵布陣、神兵強化鍛造,國戰系統霸氣上線。喜愛三國類型遊戲的玩家們,絕對不能錯過這款遊戲。讓我們策孔明、周瑜之謀,立關羽、曹仁之武,在這紛亂的三國局面中,闖出一片江山。固定維護時間:每周三早上10:00FB粉絲團https://www.facebook.com/sgzhzt客服信箱[email protected]★溫馨提示★適配機型系統版本:Android2.2及以上解析度:480*800,480*854,640*960及以上CPU:1G及以上ROM:512M及以上RAM:700M及以上注:安裝程式需保有300M及以上的記憶體空間,若您的硬體機能達到官方標準但仍無法順暢遊戲,請利用問題回報系統聯絡我們的官方營運團隊,感謝您的支持。※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。請注意遊戲時間,避免沉迷。※本軟體依中華民國遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為:輔導十五歲級。※本遊戲涉及不殘虐的血腥、殘暴、恐怖的畫面。Ω most passionate country warfaresystems, 磅礡 formally launched the country battle system, only themainking to conquer new territoriesΩ Off OffOffOff sad too , with the other three games of differentstrategies,different victory conditions shutoff!Ω Robbers grab Qiangliang slave , enslavedcaptivespress, inexhaustibleresourcesΩ thousands of bits Wenchen,each about the outcome of the lineup arethekey!  Ω God fierce intensity combat readiness ,diverseequipment systems, only eternal famemagichelpΩ Gordon-top overlookingthecommon people , Yanwu ranked among the dragon overlord onlyonepeak● Three classic essenceRenzhuGong play. Large-scale national war 磅礡 upcoming on-line, forthecountry! King! How can one little person?● heritage of slavery system, crushing the enemy; accesstoresources, inexhaustible.● Unlike other three games, regular push off, shut offdifferentvictory conditions, only strategizing formations beforebeingbroke.● Multiple Variety forging system; more than juststrengthening,recycled remake, quenching chain; magic pinnacle byyourgrasp.★GameIntroduction★"swallow three days of foodtoboom ‧ 2" continuation of a system, multiple formations,magicstrengthen forging, the country battle system domineeringon-line.Three favorite type of game players who absolutely can notmiss thegame. Let's policy Ming, Zhou Yu's plan, Li Guan Yu, CaoRen's Wu,in this chaotic situation in the three countries, acountrybreak.fixedmaintenance time: every Wednesdaymorning10:00FB fanshttps://www.facebook.com/sgzhztCustomer [email protected]★ Tips ★Fit modelsSystem Version: Android2.2 and aboveResolution: 480 * 800,480 * 854,640 * 960 and aboveCPU: 1G or aboveROM: 512M and aboveRAM: 700M or moreNote: The installation program and the need to maintain morethan300M memory space, if your hardware performance but still cannotreach the official standard smooth game, please contact usfeedbacksystem utilization official operations team, thank you foryoursupport.※ This game is free to use,andthe other offers to buy virtual game currency, items suchaspayment services within the game. Please note that the gametime,avoid indulging.※ This software according to the ROC Game SoftwareRatingRegulations classified as: counseling fifteen levels.※ This game involves not maltreat bloody, brutal,horriblepicture.
鬼武三国志 1.31.070 APK
激情连杀 刀刀入肉创新武器 爽快连技策略对战 多元玩法▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△❖ 游戏介紹 ❖主角受诸葛孔明之托,穿越时光重返三国之初,伺机斩杀曹操削弱曹军势力,扭转蜀国天命。然而一切并没有计划般顺利,当主角回到234年的五丈原,却发现蜀国已亡,孔明已逝,整个世界已是一片炼狱,司马仲达统治着一切……主角悔恨不已,决定化悲痛为力量,拯救绝世猛将建立反抗军,重返华容道一战,阻止自己斩杀曹操……一段热血刺激的三国之旅开始了。三国的历史将如何改写,你做出抉择了吗?❖ 游戏特色 ❖【世界观设计:三国+东方幻想+穿越】以三国IP为基础进行了再拓展,并融合了幻想和穿越要素。带给玩家全新的游戏体验 。【无CD释放 华丽技能酷炫闪耀】快节奏战斗,极具力量的打击动作,酷炫的技能特效,体验不亚于端游的华丽动作演出效果。【创新武器 特色技能凸显策略对战】结束无脑砍杀,善用武器,策略对抗显奇招。【令人回味的配角设定】许多角色都拥有自己的小故事桥段,而且毫不拖泥带水,让人欲罢不能!【花样关卡 护送袭营单挑各色试炼】带給玩家感受斩将夺魁、独战千军的热血战斗!▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△❖ 联系我们 ❖如果您在游戏中遇到任何问题,请随时联系我们,我们将竭诚为您服务!【官方网站】http://ctk.1758play.com【客服中心】https://member.1758play.com/QandA【Facebook粉丝团】https://www.facebook.com/CTK1758※本游戏为免费使用,游戏内另提供购买虚拟游戏币、物品等付费服务。※Passion Liansha knifeintothe meatRefreshing weapons with technology innovationMultiple play war strategy▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △▼△ ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △Game description ❖ ❖Entrusted by the protagonist of Zhuge Liang, through time backtothe beginning of the Three Kingdoms, Cao Cao weaken Caobeheadedopportunistic forces, torsion Shu destiny. However, allthis didnot plan as well, when the lead back 234 years Wuzhangyuan,Shu hasbeen found dead, the late Ming, the whole world is apurgatory,Sima Zhongda ruled everything ...... protagonist remorse,decidedby grief the power to save Reggie peerless build rebelsreturn toHuarong a war, Cao Cao ...... stop himself beheaded aperiod ofthree blood stimulate journey began. How will rewrite thehistoryof the three countries, you make a choice yet?The game features ❖ ❖[Worldview Design: Three Oriental fantasy + + cross]In the three countries were based IP expand again, andcombineselements of fantasy and through. Give players a newgamingexperience.[No CD release cool skills gorgeous shine]Fast-paced fighting powerfully combat action, cool specialeffectsskills and experience as much as the end of tour operationgorgeousperformance results.Innovative Features [weapons] Battle SkillsStrategyhighlightsEnd no brain stabbed, use of weapons, the policy was againstthestyle all their own.[Setting] evocative supporting roleMany characters have their own little story plot, and notdraggingits feet, to pass up![Pattern Level escort battalion attack singledcoloredTrial]Will give players a feel cut first place, independence warbloodfighting Total Annihilation!▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼△▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △❖ Contact ❖If you encounter any problems in the game, please feel freetocontact us, we will be happy to serve you!Official Website http://ctk.1758play.com[Call center] https://member.1758play.com/QandA[Facebook fans] https://www.facebook.com/CTK1758※ This game is free to use, and the other offers to buyvirtualgame currency, items such as paid services within the game.※
落櫻散華抄攻略 1.0.1 APK
玩家自製落櫻散華抄攻略 APP版包含了新手常見問題以及活動相關訊息戀愛攻略、戰鬥攻略、生活攻略以便提供玩家查詢感謝維基工作團隊的資料整理資料勘誤回報: Line Id - qxes70315(楓雨葉)、cindyfans0809(cindy彤彤)官方粉絲團: https://www.facebook.com/Sakura1758http://sk.wiki.1758play.com/
搶救越南大兵 1.3.39 APK
落櫻相機 APK
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1758play 一起玩吧 (免費一起玩) 1.6.1 APK
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