1.0 / Jul 9, 2013
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須下載 “基督教書庫” App來閱讀此書本書列舉六十條有關夫妻於不同階段碰到的問題,並按照聖經的教導具體解答,有助信徒改善夫妻關係、享受美滿婚姻,使神得榮耀。

App Information 夫妻相處60問

  • App Name
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  • Updated
    Jul 9, 2013
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    Android 2.2
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  • Developer
    The Grace of Lord Publisher
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  • Developer
    Hong Kong New Territories
  • Google Play Link

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118 Jawab Tentang Kekristenan 1.0 APK
Injil, Injil, InjilKekristenan Kekristenan Kekristenan KekristenanIni adalah buku Injil yang sangat populer. Telah diterjemahkan kedalam 4 bahasa yang berbeda. Lebih dari 3,5 juta hard copy telahditerbitkan.Ini adalah buku yang sangat populer dengan 118 pertanyaan yangsering diajukan oleh unbelivers dengan jawaban tentang agama,keyakinan dan kehidupan manusia.Ini adalah buku pemecahan masalah yang sangat baik untuk membantuunbelivers untuk memahami Injil dan menerima Yesus Kristus. Hal inijuga membantu orang percaya baru dalam memahami iman danmeningkatkan kepercayaan mereka pada Tuhan. Buku ini telahmenyebabkan ribuan orang kembali kepada Tuhan. Hal ini jugamenyediakan materi yang kaya untuk melengkapi pengkhotbah dipemberitaan Injil.Samuel ChingKristen, Kristen, Kristen, Injil, InjilGospel, Gospel,GospelChristianity Christianity Christianity ChristianityIt is a very popular gospel book. Has been translated into fourdifferent languages. More than 3.5 million hard copies have beenpublished.It is a very popular book with 118 questions frequently asked byunbelivers with answers about religion, faith and human life.This is a problem-solving book is excellent for helping unbeliversto understand and accept the gospel of Jesus Christ. It also helpsnew believers in understanding and increase confidence in theirfaith in God. This book has caused thousands of people back to God.It also provides rich material to equip preachers in spreading thegospel.Samuel ChingChristian, Christian, Christian, Gospel, Gospel
个人布道训练课程 (试阅版)(简) 1.0 APK
***须先下载 “基督教书库” 才可阅读。(请进入” 基督教书库”里阅读此书)***程蒙恩著本课程共十一课,先论及广传福音的负担,然后再教导怎样为主作见证、传福音者该有的装备、具体地传扬福音、作陪谈员等。本课程能加强圣徒对传扬福音的负担和装备,让他们能靠着主,无论得时不得时都能向未信者见证主、传福音,使父神得荣耀。*** Should download the"Christian stacks" can read. (Please go to "Christian stacks" inreading this book) *** Cheng grace bookThe course consists of eleven lessons, first addressed theburden of spreading the gospel, and then taught how to witness,evangelism by the others equipment, specifically evangelizeaccompany counselors and so on. This course can enhance the saintsto evangelize the burden and equipment so that they can trust inthe Lord, can be prepared in time to witness the mainnon-believers, evangelism, so that the Father may be glorified.
禱告範例60篇 (試閱版) 1.0 APK
***須先下載 “基督教書庫” 才可閱讀。(請進入” 基督教書庫” 裡閱讀此書)***程蒙恩著本書結集了信徒生活和事奉上的禱告範例六十則,藉此幫助初信者和信徒操練作謝飯、認罪、感恩、讚美、病患中、尋求神旨意等的禱告,以至不但曉得為自己、親人和有需要的人禱告,還懂得為福音的廣傳和教會的需要守望,進而常常禱告、隨時禱告、不住禱告,成為禱告、蒙福和事奉的人。*** Shoulddownload the "Christian stacks" can read. (Please go to "Christianstacks" in reading this book) *** Cheng grace bookBook a cluster of Christian life and ministry of prayer examplessixty, to help new believers and believers practicing their thanksmeal, confession, thanksgiving, praise, patients, such as prayer toseek the will of God, as well as not only know their own , lovedones and pray for those who need it, but also to understand thespread of the gospel and the church needs to watch, and then alwayspray and pray always, pray without ceasing, a prayer, blessed andserve people.
个人布道训练课程(简) 1.0 APK
***须先下载 “基督教书库” 才可阅读。(请进入” 基督教书库”里阅读此书)***程蒙恩著本课程共十一课,先论及广传福音的负担,然后再教导怎样为主作见证、传福音者该有的装备、具体地传扬福音、作陪谈员等。本课程能加强圣徒对传扬福音的负担和装备,让他们能靠着主,无论得时不得时都能向未信者见证主、传福音,使父神得荣耀。*** Should download the"Christian stacks" can read. (Please go to "Christian stacks" inreading this book) *** Cheng grace bookThe course consists of eleven lessons, first addressed theburden of spreading the gospel, and then taught how to witness,evangelism by the others equipment, specifically evangelizeaccompany counselors and so on. This course can enhance the saintsto evangelize the burden and equipment so that they can trust inthe Lord, can be prepared in time to witness the mainnon-believers, evangelism, so that the Father may be glorified.
禱告範例60篇 1.0 APK
程蒙恩讲道查经视频 2.0 APK
基督教、基督教、基督教、基督教、基督教、基督教程蒙恩讲道查经视频辑录程蒙恩长老的讲道影片,转载于网上供教会,弟兄姊妹和朋友使用。目的是让圣经的信息传扬开去,使未认识这信仰的朋友得以认识真神,弟兄姊妹生命得造就,让教会被建立,更能合符主耶稣的心意。有如圣经中所说:帖后3:1 《 弟兄们,我还有话说:请你们为我们祷告、好叫主的道理快快行开、得着荣耀,正如在你们中间一样。》愿一切的荣耀,颂赞和感谢,都归予主耶稣基督的父神!主内弟兄福音、福音、福音、福音、福音、福音Christian, Christian,Christian, Christian, Christian, ChristianCheng grace preaching Bible VideoElders preach grace journey featuring films, reproduced in theInternet for the church, brothers and sisters, and friends.The purpose is to spread the message of the Bible away, so did notknow this friend of faith to know God, brothers and sisters of lifewas created, so that the church was built, better comply with themind of the Lord Jesus.Like the Bible says:Thessalonians 3:1 "Brethren, I still saying: Please pray for us,that the main line of reasoning quickly open glorified, just as inthe middle, just like you. "May all the glory, praise and gratitude are the property of theLord Jesus Christ to God the Father!Christian brothersGospel, Gospel, Gospel, Gospel, Gospel, Gospel
The Best Blessings-Gospel Book 2.0 APK
a booklet to preach gospel from different perspectives.
每日甘泉(繁) 1.0 APK