0.0.76 / October 19, 2015
(5/5) (12)


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App Information 國立故宮博物院手語導覽

  • App Name
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    October 19, 2015
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 4.0 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
    National Palace Museum
  • Installs
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
  • Google Play Link

國立故宮博物院手語導覽 Version History

Select 國立故宮博物院手語導覽 Version :
  • 0.0.76 (103028) - Latest Version
  • 國立故宮博物院手語導覽 0.0.76 APK File

    Publish Date: 2016 /3/3
    Requires Android: Android 4.0+ (Ice Cream Sandwich, API: 14)
    File Size: 3.2 MB
    Tested on: Android 4.0.3 (Ice Cream Sandwich, API: 15)
    File Sha1: 9a9bee39a7aaefce4d479065ba15a843e6d9ea27
    APK Signature: 3eeb526d805a49d7a11c924637dbec02dacbd5f1
  • 國立故宮博物院手語導覽 OBB Main File

    File Size: 446.2 MB
    Data: main
    Fetch Date: 2016/3/3
    File Sha1: af06ddb745b0fbfc9842d1d0fd8b0b4e8aaeb9d7

How to Install the OBB File (APK Expansion File)

  1. Firstly, Download APK file of the app 國立故宮博物院手語導覽 0.0.76 for Android.
  2. Copy the APK file to your Android device's SD card and Install it. (Don't open it after installation)
  3. Download Obb files and copy the *.obb file named '' into the required location:
  4. The full/absolute path of the obb file should look like as the following (Case-sensitive):

    If there is no such location, you need to create the path or folder manually on your SD card.

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國書B計畫 1.3.1 APK
依據當初「送不出去的國書」的歷史背景,清廷推動君主立憲並未成功,因此規劃B計畫,需要玩家分別在紫禁城中著名的三個地點:乾清宮、養心殿的三希堂以及漱芳齋的多寶格,尋找國書遺留下來的歷史碎片。將他們一一找出後復原成完整的國書,並順利將國書送出去完成B計畫。According to the history, the Qing Dynasty did not become aconstitutional monarchy. As a result, they created a Plan B.The player is asked to look for the broken pieces of the Letters ofCredence in three famous spots of the Forbidden City: the Palace ofHeavenly Purity 乾清宮, the Sanxitang 三希堂 of the Hall of MentalCultivation 養心殿 and the Miniature Curio Cabinets 多寶格 of theShufangzhai 漱芳齋.The pieces must be found and put together so the player can sendthese letters and finish the Plan B.Based on the historicalbackground of the original "send out the credentials" of the Qingpromote constitutional monarchy did not succeed, so plan B planrequires players were famous in the Forbidden City in threelocations: Palace of Heavenly Purity, Hall of Mental Cultivation ofthree Greek Church and curio Fangzhai, look credentials debris leftover from history. After restoring them one by one to find a fullcredentials, and successfully completed the credentials to send outB program.According to the history, the Qing Dynasty did not become aconstitutional monarchy. As a result, they created a Plan B.The player is asked to look for the broken pieces of the Letters ofCredence in three famous spots of the Forbidden City: the Palace ofHeavenly Purity Palace of Heavenly Purity, the Sanxitang threeGreek Church of the Hall of Mental Cultivation Hall of MentalCultivation and the Miniature Curio Cabinets curio of theShufangzhai Fangzhai.The pieces must be found and put together so the player can sendthese letters and finish the Plan B.
會動的門票 6.0.1 APK
國立故宮博物院「會動的門票」結合數位技術,與觀眾進行創新互動。請透過智慧型手機及平板電腦下載APP後開啟,以鏡頭對準門票即可體驗。NPM Animated ticket ,integrated NPM's ticket and new technology, isa new interactive application to audiences .To experience augmented reality, please use your smart phone ortablet to initiate APP installation. Next, launch the APP beforeplacing your smart device camera lens in front of the ticket toenable viewing .
Discover NPM 1.14 APK
Discover NPM App: In addition totransportation and visit information, it also comes withinteractive 3D animated artifacts! Download and tour the NationalPalace Museum the fun way!◎Transportation:Provides information on public transportation,weather report and several day tours in the National PalaceMuseum.◎Visit Info: Provides visiting information, opening hours,ticket pricing, guide services, news, film schedule and informationon different exhibitions.◎Maps: Offers floor maps with exhibition information and livenavigation on museum campus.◎Collection: Showcases 100 National Palace Museum's treasurescollection with 20 interactive pieces.◎Learn More: Offers dictionary, timeline, ranking, learningcenter, with fun games.◎Share: Allows you to share the app with different social mediasuch as Facebook, twitter and blogger.
神筆郎世寧AR 1.0.4 APK
穿越時空300年 科技賦予藝術新生命力2015年為故宮90周年院慶,適逢郎世寧來華300年因此策劃舉辦〈藝域漫遊─郎世寧新媒體藝術展〉。觀眾可以見到300年前清雍正年間,義大利傳教士畫家郎世寧在北京以獨創的「交點透視」(Linearperspective)成就了百駿圖的風光;300年後在科技輔助下,栩栩如生「會動的百駿圖」將清代御馬的磅礡氣勢再度呈現在世人面前。科技融貫古今、穿越時空,賦予藝術新的生命力,也吸引數位世代進入博物館體驗新的藝術文化。此次展覽以「藝域漫遊」為理念、4G漫遊精神為設計方向,運用新媒體科技虛實整合手法,引領觀眾「跨越時空、穿真透時」體驗中西藝(異)域「擬真現實主義」的新美學意境。〈神筆郎世寧AR〉為本展的行動服務多功能APP擴充,創新結合AR、拍照合成、動畫等技術,使民眾可隨時隨地透過行動載具與郎世寧畫作角色互動。歡迎下載使用。
神筆郎世寧 APK
穿越時空300年 科技賦予藝術新生命力2015年為故宮90周年院慶,適逢郎世寧來華300年因此策劃舉辦〈藝域漫遊─郎世寧新媒體藝術展〉。觀眾可以見到300年前清雍正年間,義大利傳教士畫家郎世寧在北京以獨創的「交點透視」(Linearperspective)成就了百駿圖的風光;300年後在科技輔助下,栩栩如生「會動的百駿圖」將清代御馬的磅礡氣勢再度呈現在世人面前。科技融貫古今、穿越時空,賦予藝術新的生命力,也吸引數位世代進入博物館體驗新的藝術文化。此次展覽以「藝域漫遊」為理念、4G漫遊精神為設計方向,運用新媒體科技虛實整合手法,引領觀眾「跨越時空、穿真透時」體驗中西藝(異)域「擬真現實主義」的新美學意境。〈神筆郎世寧App〉為本展的行動服務多功能APP,創新結合、QR、藍牙、4G/LTE行動網路、並高速下載觀賞動畫影片等創新互動技術,使民眾可隨時隨地帶著博物館展覽資訊移動,讓所有人透過行動載具更方便、更快速、更清晰輕鬆悠遊博物館文物世界。歡迎下載使用。* 使用 iBeacon 請記得打開藍芽功能* 支援 iBeacon 手機具備藍牙4.0以上,例如-- hTC One, M8-- Samsung Galaxy S3 以後 Note 2 以後-- Sony Xperia Z2a,Z3, C3, Z5, Z6 以上-- Asus Zenfone 4, 5 , PadFone e-- Google Nexus 4, 5,7,10-- LG G3,G5-- 紅米手機 1S
國書擴增實境 1.2 APK
AR技術是利用電腦生成一種逼真的視、聽、力、觸和動等感覺的虛擬環境,通過各種傳感設備使用戶「沉浸」到該環境中,實現用戶和環境直接進行自然交互。此APP可將與國書相關的歷史人物以3D模型方式出現在行動裝置上。用手觸碰螢幕上的Q版歷史人物,還會說故事給你聽喔!AR (Augmented Reality) technology is to utilize computer tocreate a virtual reality with lifelike visual, hearing, power,touching, moving and other senses. Through these sensual devices,users will be drawn into this virtual reality and will be able tointeract freely with the virtual environment. This APP projectshistorical characters related to the Diplomatic Credentials onmobile devices as 3D models. Touch the cute little animatedhistorians on your screen with your fingers, and they will betelling you amazing stories!
滿文小學堂 1.1.1 APK
為了引起民眾對滿文的興趣並加深認識,故用Q版人物設定;由玩家選擇扮演的主人翁,以太和殿、天壇祈年殿、雍和宮、古觀象臺、頤和園石舫以及熱河避暑山莊萬樹園等名景為背景,運用復古典雅的手法來刻畫,加上逗趣的動態玩法讓原本嚴肅的議題,以活潑的方式來學習。In order to raise people’s interests in Manchurian language, wehave created cute avatars.A player can choose an avatar to play and learn to speak and readManchurian in Qing’s imperial settings such as the Hall of SupremeHarmony 太和殿, the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests of the Temple ofHeaven 天壇祈年殿, Yonghe Temple 雍和宮, Beijing Ancient Observatory 古觀象臺,Marble Boat of Summer Palace 頤和園石舫 and the Forest Garden of ChengdeMountain Resort 熱河避暑山莊萬樹園.
Giuseppe Castiglione APK
Three hundred years ago, GiuseppeCastiglione(1688-1766), a Jesuit missionary from Milan, Italy, cameto Chinato preach. He made a landfall in Macao where he adopted aChinesename ─ Lang Shi-ning. Even though he came to China as amissionary,he became a full-time court painter thanks to hisexcellent artskills. As an artist, he served three Emperors, Kangxi(1661-1722),Yongzheng(1723-1735) and Qianlong (1736-1795), for aperiod of 51years.Three hundred years have passed since Lang Shining came toChina.In 2015, the National Palace Museum and the Opera di SantaCroce,Italy, jointly present “The Giuseppe Castiglione - LangShining NewMedia Art Exhibition” to bring Castiglione’s work backto hishomeland in both original and modernized forms. Thisexhibitionconsists of four sections: “When China Meets Europe”,“All theGlories of the Originals: A Gallery of Selected GiuseppeCastiglioneHigh-Quality Replicas”, “Paintings Come Alive: NewMediaInstallations Inspired by Giuseppe Castiglione’s Works”,“NationalTreasure under the Spotlight: A Documentary andAnimations”.The APP is provided the excellent guiding experience forthevisitors to enjoy above Giuseppe Castiglione achievement inChina.Welcome to download the APP and enter the GiuseppeCastiglioneworld of art and paint.