3.0 / September 29, 2016
(5.0/5) (1)


This App helps you to overcome languagebarriers on your trip through French speaking countries. Inenvironments like hotels, taxis, restaurants, or bars the CORRECTtranslation is important. Yocoy offers you 100% correcttranslations because all sentences, phrases, and words have beenchecked by expert linguists. Each dialog consists of questions andanswers in both languages and the app works offline, so you neverpay roaming costs to get a translation.

With just a few taps and slides you can also generate your ownsentences. The most important sentences are collected in differentscenarios (shopping, hotel, restaurant, on the way, personal,sightseeing, and essentials) for easy access.

The download is free and includes two scenarios and the wholedictionary, with other scenarios are available for a low price. Formore languages please check Google Play.

App Information Yocoy English - French

  • App Name
    Yocoy English - French
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    September 29, 2016
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 4.4 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
  • Installs
    100 - 500
  • Price
  • Category
    Travel & Local
  • Developer
    Visit website Email [email protected]
    Yocoy Technologies Alt-Moabit 91c 10559 Berlin Germany
  • Google Play Link

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Yocoy Deutsch - Chinesisch 3.0 APK
Ohne Internetverbindung, offline, keineRoaming-Kosten, schnell, immer richtige Übersetzungen für Millionenvon Chinesischen und Deutschen Sätzen für alle Alltagssituationenund Konversationen im Ausland, großes Wörterbuch, Sprachausgabe vonDeutsch und Chinesisch, bequeme Suche für Phrasen und Wörter,Kombination von Phrasen mit Fotos in Ihrem iPhone und iPad.Die App beinhaltet in der Gratis-Version das Wörterbuch mit mehrals 70.000 Einträgen, zwei gratis Dialoge und eine eingeschränkteSprachausgabe (Audio Version). Weitere Dialoge können bei Bedarfzugekauft werden, die gesamte Sprachausgabe wird dann sofortaktiviert.Diese App ist ein Audio-Sprachführer App der neuen Generation,ein Deutsch-Chinesisch und Chinesisch-DeutscherKommunikationsassistent und sogar ein sprechender Dolmetscher fürDeutsch und Chinesisch! Die App funktioniert ganz ohneInternetverbindung und arbeitet immer schnell, zuverlässig und vorallem korrekt! Es entstehen keine zusätzlichen Roaming-Kosten!Unabhängig davon, ob Sie nach China reisen möchten oder ob Sie ausChina kommen und Ihre nächste Reise in die Europäischen Länder wieÖsterreich, Deutschland oder Schweiz planen, Yocoy bietet IhnenMillionen nützlicher deutscher und chinesischer Sätze und derenÜbersetzungen für jede nur vorstellbare Alltagssituation, mit einemriesigen Wörterbuch von über 70.000 Wörtern. Finden Sie Wörter oderSätze aus dem Wörterbuch und den gewünschten Situationen mit derschnellen und komfortablen Suchfunktion des neuen und intuitivenInterfaces von Yocoy. Mit Yocoy können Sie so sogar Chinesisch undDeutsch lernen!Funktionen von Yocoy Deutsch-Chinesisch Sprachführer App mitAudioausgabe:- Funktioniert komplett offline! Keine Internetverbindungnotwendig, kein Daten-Roaming, keine zusätzlich entstehendenKosten!- Deutsch-Chinesisch und Chinesisch-Deutsch Übersetzungen undKonversationen- Bietet die Möglichkeit vorgegebene Schablonen für Sätze durcheigene Wörter zu ergänzen und wird damit jeder kommunikativenSituation gerecht- Intelligente, veränderbare Vorgaben für Wendungen, die so gut wiejede Alltagssituation abdecken- Integration von gespeicherten Fotos in die variablen Sätzemöglich- Riesiges Wörterbuch aus über 70.000 Wörtern- Sprachausgabe für alle Wörter und Sätze in klarem Deutsch undMandarin Chinesisch mit guter und korrekter Aussprache- Einfache und bequeme Suchfunktion für alle Wörter und Sätze- Intuitive Kategorien, die jegliche Alltagssituation abdecken unddas Finden von passenden Ausdrücken erleichtern: Essentials, On TheWay, Hotel, Restaurant, Sightseeing, Shopping, Personal (enthältauch Small Talk) und Emergency (beinhaltet auch Gespräche mitÄrzten, medizinische Untersuchungen und Infos überKrankenhausaufenthalte)Die chinesischen Übersetzungen werden dann nicht nur alschinesische Schriftzeichen dargestellt und in Pinyin umschrieben,sondern auch akustisch wiedergegeben in fehlerfreiem MandarinChinesisch oder Deutsch. Yocoy übernimmt nicht nur die Aufgabeneines sprechenden Sprachführers, sondern vermittelt wie einintelligenter Übersetzungsassistent zwischen Ihnen und IhremGesprächspartner, indem er Ihrem GesprächspartnerAntwortmöglichkeiten anbietet und diese Antwort dann wieder in Ihreeigene Sprache zurückübersetzt. Yocoy ist der perfekteReisebegleiter für die nächste Reise in englischsprachige Länderoder nach China und zudem auch der perfekte sprechende Sprachführerfür Chinesen, Engländer, Australier, Amerikaner und Europäer, dieim Ausland leben.Yocoy Sprachführer wurde von einem Team aus Spezialisten fürInformatik, Sprachtechnologie und chinesische Kultur entwickelt,die brandneue Forschungsprojekte auf dem Gebiet derSprachtechnologie vorantreiben. Wir erforschen und gestalten dieTechnologie der nächsten Generation und implementieren sie direktin unsere Produkte!Without an Internetconnection, offline, no roaming charges, fast, always correcttranslations for millions of Chinese and German sentences for alleveryday situations and conversations abroad, large dictionary,speech output of German and Chinese, easy search for phrases andwords, combination of phrases with photos in your iPhone and iPad.The app includes the free version of the dictionary with over70,000 entries, two free dialogues and impaired speech (audioversion). Further dialogues can be purchased if required, the wholespeech will be activated immediately.This app is an audio phrasebook application of the newgeneration, a German-Chinese and Chinese-German communicationsassistant and even a talking translator for German and Chinese! Theapp works without Internet connection and works always fast,reliable and accurate, especially! There are no additional roamingcosts! Regardless of whether you want to go to China or if you arefrom China and plan your next trip to the European countries likeAustria, Germany or Switzerland are planning Yocoy offers millionsof useful German and Chinese sentences and their translations forevery conceivable life situation, with a vast dictionary of over70,000 words. Find words or phrases in the dictionary and thedesired situation with the fast and convenient search for the newand intuitive interfaces of Yocoy. With Yocoy way you can evenlearn Chinese and German!Functions of Yocoy German-Chinese phrasebook app with audiooutput:- Works completely offline! No internet connection required, nodata roaming, no extra cost!- German-Chinese and Chinese-German translations andconversations- Provides the ability to preset templates for sentences with newwords and thus will complement each communicative situationneeds- Intelligent, Scalable requirements for phrases that covervirtually any everyday situation- Integration of pictures stored in the variable ratespossible- Huge dictionary of over 70,000 words- Voice output for all words and phrases in clear German andMandarin Chinese with good and correct pronunciation- Easy and convenient search for all words and phrases- Intuitive categories covering any everyday situation andfacilitate finding matching expressions: Essentials, On The Way,hotel, restaurant, sightseeing, shopping, personal (includes smalltalk) and emergency (includes interviews with doctors, medicaltests and information on hospitalization)The Chinese translations will be presented not only as describedin Chinese characters and pinyin, but also acoustically rendered inflawless Mandarin Chinese or German. Yocoy not only takes over theduties of a talking phrase book, but gives as an intelligentassistant translation between you and the other party by the otherparty answers, and offers this answer then translated back intoyour own language. Yocoy is the perfect travel companion for yournext journey in English-speaking countries or in China and also byfar the perfect talking phrasebook for Chinese, British,Australians, Americans and Europeans living abroad.Yocoy Voice was developed by a team of specialists in computerscience, language technology and Chinese culture, the brand newresearch projects ahead in the field of language technology. Weresearch and design the next-generation technology and implement itinto our products!
Taxi-Book China 1.3.1 APK
Taxi-Book is your travel and city guide to*30*Chinese cities, a way to speak and talk in Chinese withlocalswithout internet connection, with free versions forBeijing,Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. It provides a big talkingEnglishChinese dictionary and helps English Chinese translationswithtalking phrasebooks in its full versions.It is made to help you travel in Chinese cities and makeyourtrip in China comfortable. Taxi-Book talks to Chinesetaxi-driverswho can bring you to your destinations.The available cities are: (all full versions provide speakingandtalking function for Chinese)Beijing 北京 (free Lite version)Beijing 北京Changsha 长沙Chengdu 成都Chongqing 重庆Dalian 大连Dongguan东莞Foshan佛山Hangzhou 杭州Harbin 哈尔滨Hong Kong 香港Guangzhou 广州 (free lite version)Guangzhou 广州Guilin 桂林Lijiang 丽江Kunming 昆明Nanjing 南京Ningbo宁波Qingdao 青岛Sanya 三亚Shanghai 上海 (free lite version)Shanghai 上海Shenyang 沈阳Shenzhen 深圳 (free lite version)Shenzhen 深圳Suzhou 苏州Taiyuan 太原Tianjin 天津Wuhan 武汉Wuxi 无锡Xi`an 西安Xiamen 厦门Yantai 烟台More cities are coming soon!The app also features dialogue options for talking with localsinChinese. Note that you may fill gaps in the phrases usingourEnglish-Chinese dictionary containing more than 12,000 wordstocreate your own phrases. For example, in a restaurant you maysay"I'm allergic to ... (select/dictionary). Could you make thisdishwithout it?" in perfect Chinese. Some phrases also featurelikelyanswer options that the dialogue partners may choose asareply.This free app comes with free versions of four cities. Inthefree version, e.g., the Beijing city guide contains more than500locations in China's capital. And if that's not enough foryou,just upgrade through buying the full content of Beijing tounlockmore than 1,500 locations and speaking function foralldialogues.Taxi-Book also offers more city guides for all key Chinesecitiesfor hotels, restaurants, banks, sightseeings, hospitalsandadministrations etc. And if you don't feel like browsingthroughthe lists, just use the fast search option on each city'shome pageto find the locations you are looking for.Note: Buying another city means you pay just one time and canuseit forever. There are NO HIDDEN COSTS.Features:- Locations: Hundreds of locations divided into 10 categoriesarefeatured.- Locations come with detailed information like EnglishandChinese name, address, phone number, and GPS coordinates.- View locations on Maps and find nearby places easily(requiresonline connectivity).- Once you've chosen a location, press the Taxi-Card buttontobring up a simple yet effective page that allows you to tell ataxidriver clearly where you want to go. Show the page to thedriverand shake the phone to make it pronounce the phrase withyourdesired destination.- Taxi-Card: Choose between different color styles tocustomizethe page to your liking.- Dialogues: Special dialogues for use in a taxi situationlike"Turn on the meter, please" or "How long will the ridetakeapproximately?"- Basic Phrases: For everyday situations to say thingslike"Hello", "Thank you", tell others your name or ask wheretherestrooms are.- Favourites: Pick your favourite locations out of allthelocations and add them to your favourites list for quick andeasyaccess.*Please note that while the app is designed to work in offlinemode,using Map view and buying in-app purchasable contentrequireinternet access.
Fahum 0.14.0 APK
Translate Arabic to German and German toArabic, always correct. With manually audited dialogues andtranslations you understand your interlocutor and you understandhim - 100% accurate.Dialogs have been developed for specific situations: policestation, BAMF, immigration authorities, Bürgeramt, welfare office,employment agency, registration, accommodation, banking, insurance,school, kindergarten, language course, leisure and specialsituations for women.Moreover, we provide dialogues for emergencies, shopping, personalissues, travel, and other essential situations.In addition to overcoming the language barriers, there is moreinformation and forms for:BAMF, LaGeSo, Employment Agency, health care, emergency, morephrasebooks, accommodation, banking and more.
Yocoy English - German 3.0 APK
Offline, no roaming costs, fast, alwayscorrect translations of millions of English and German sentencesfor all everyday situations and conversations, big dictionaries,voice output of German and English, comfortable search function forphrases and words, combination of phrases with your photo albums.The free version contains a dictionary with more than 70.000entries, two free dialogs and a voice output for some sentences (sothat you can see and hear how it works). More dialogs can bepurchased when needed, the full voice output for all sentences andwords in the dictionary will be activated at once in that case.Yocoy provides a next generation language guide app and mobileinterpreter, an English-German and German-English communicationassistant and even a talking translator between German and English!It works without any internet connection (no roaming costs),functions fast and always correct! Whether you will travel toEnglish-speaking such as USA, UK, Australia or Canada orGerman-speaking countries such as Austria, Germany or Switzerland,Yocoy phrasebook provides millions of useful German and Englishphrases and their translations for everyday situations, with a hugedictionary of over 70,000 words. With Yocoy, you can even learn tospeak English and German. This is the best and a fantastic iPhoneapp for People who want to travel to foreign countries, dobusiness, study or even learn English or German.Features of Yocoy English and German language guide app:- Functions completely offline! No internet connection needed,No data roaming, no additional costs!- German to English and English to German translation andconversation- Convenient search function for all phrases and words- Flexible phrase templates, covering almost all everydaysituations and contexts- Insert your own words and phrases in phrase templates- Include pictures from your photo album on your device intophrases- Dictionary with over 70,000 words- Voice output for all words and sentences in clear and wellpronounced German and English for every situation category(purchasable through the app)- Intuitive categories for all relevant everyday situations andtheir conversations: Essentials, On The Way, Hotel, Restaurant,Sightseeing, Shopping, Personal (including Small Talk), Emergency(including Health and Medical examinations by doctors and inhospitals)More like a smart translation assistant than only a talkingphrase book, Yocoy offers your conversation partner the option toselect answers that will then be translated back into your ownlanguage. It is the perfect travel companion app for travelers andalso the perfect talking phrasebook for expats!The intelligent talking translator assists you in all everydaysituations such as ordering a taxi, ordering food or drinks inrestaurants, asking for directions, chitchatting, shopping and evenbargaining for a good price. In cases where you do not know how toname or describe an object, a building, some Chinese characters ora dish, you can even use a photo in combination of phrases, e.g.,inserting a picture of a business card with the address of yourbusiness partner into the taxi sentences. Yocoy will prevent youfrom getting lost in translation and above all it covers manyemergency situations such as talking with doctors and understandingabout hospital stays.Yocoy was developed by a team of specialists in computerscience, language technology and chinese culture, who do cuttingedge research in language technology. We create the next generationtechnologies and implement them directly into our products.
Yocoy German - French 3.0 APK
Überwinde mit dieser App die Sprachbarrierenauf Deiner Reise durch französischsprachige Gebiete. Mithandgeprüften Dialogen und Übersetzungen versteht Dich DeinGesprächspartner und Du verstehst ihn - und das 100% korrekt. Fürneue Phrasen bietet Yocoy eine automatische Übersetzung an, umweiterhin Kommunikation zu ermöglichen. Unser Team verbessertkontinuierlich die Ergebnisse der automatischen Übersetzungen, umDir höchstmögliche Qualität anbieten zu können.Bei Gesprächen im Hotel, Taxi, im Restaurant oder an der Bar musszudem eine Kommunikation ohne Internet möglich sein. Yocoy bietetimmer eine 100% korrekte Übersetzung in Form von Dialogen an. JederDialog besteht aus Frage und Antwort in jeweils beiden Sprachen undfunktioniert dann offline, es entstehen also keine Roaming-Kostenbei Gebrauch im Ausland.Mit ein paar Taps und Swipes kannst Du die gewünschten Sätzezusammenstellen. Die wichtigsten Sätze sind in Szenarien (Shopping,Hotel, Restaurant, Unterwegs, Essentielles, Sightseeing, Notfallund Persönliches) zusammengefasst und damit leicht zu findenProbiere es einfach aus! Schon weit über 200.000 Downloads. DerDownload ist kostenfrei. Drei Szenarien und das Wörterbuch sindsofort frei verfügbar.Weitere verfügbare Yocoy Sprachen sind im AppStore erhältlich fürDeine Reise nach: China, Südamerika, Australien, Spanien usw.Bei Ideen Fragen und Anregungen besuche uns unter:www.yocoy.comOvercome with this app,the language barrier on your journey through French-speaking areas.With hand audited dialogues and translations you understand yourinterlocutor and you understand him - and the 100% accurate. Fornew phrases Yocoy offers an automatic translation, to continue toallow communication. Our team continuously improves the results ofthe automatic translations in order to offer you the highestpossible quality.In conversations at the hotel, taxi, in the restaurant or at thebar also must be able to communicate without Internet. Yocoy alwaysoffers a 100% accurate translation in the form of dialogues. Eachdialogue consists of question and answer in each case bothlanguages ​​and then work offline, so there are no roaming costswhen using abroad.With a few taps and swipes you can compile highlight sets. The keyphrases are summarized in scenarios (Shopping, Hotel, Restaurant,On The Move, Essentials, Public Services, Emergency and Personal)and therefore easy to findTry it out! Already well over 200,000 downloads. The download isfree of charge. Three scenarios and the dictionary are immediatelyfreely available.Other available Yocoy languages ​​in the AppStore available foryour trip to China, South America, Australia, Spain, etc.For ideas and suggestions, visit us at questions: www.yocoy.com
Gold Edition 1.0 APK
Gold EditionGold Edition
Yocoy English - Spanish 3.0 APK
This App helps you to overcome languagebarriers on your trip through German speaking countries in a hybridway: Yocoy provides a 100% correct translation for phrases thathave been checked by expert linguists. For new phrases Yocoyprovides an automatic translation to solve your problems. Our teamconstantly checks the phrases and correct them in case of faultytranslations.In environments like hotels, taxis, restaurants, or bars offlinetranslation is important. Yocoy offers you 100% correct offlinetranslations in form of dialogs. Each dialog consists of questionsand answers in both languages and the app works offline, so younever pay roaming costs to get a translation.With just a few taps and slides you can also generate your ownsentences. The most important sentences are collected in differentscenarios (shopping, hotel, restaurant, on the way, personal,sightseeing, and essentials) for easy access.The download is free and includes two scenarios and the wholedictionary, with other scenarios are available for a low price. Formore languages please check the AppStore.
Yocoy German - Spanish 3.0 APK
Überwinde mit dieser App die Sprachbarrierenauf Deiner Reise durch spanischsprachige Gebiete. Mit handgeprüftenDialogen und Übersetzungen versteht Dich Dein Gesprächspartner undDu verstehst ihn - und das 100% korrekt. Für neue Phrasen bietetYocoy eine automatische Übersetzung an, um weiterhin Kommunikationzu ermöglichen. Unser Team verbessert kontinuierlich die Ergebnisseder automatischen Übersetzungen, um Dir höchstmögliche Qualitätanbieten zu können.Bei Gesprächen im Hotel, Taxi, im Restaurant oder an der Bar musszudem eine Kommunikation ohne Internet möglich sein. Yocoy bietetimmer eine 100% korrekte Übersetzung in Form von Dialogen an. JederDialog besteht aus Frage und Antwort in jeweils beiden Sprachen undfunktioniert dann offline, es entstehen also keine Roaming-Kostenbei Gebrauch im Ausland.Mit ein paar Taps und Swipes kannst Du die gewünschten Sätzezusammenstellen. Die wichtigsten Sätze sind in Szenarien (Shopping,Hotel, Restaurant, Unterwegs, Essentielles, Sightseeing, Notfallund Persönliches) zusammengefasst und damit leicht zu findenProbiere es einfach aus! Schon weit über 200.000 Downloads. DerDownload ist kostenfrei. Drei Szenarien und das Wörterbuch sindsofort frei verfügbar.Weitere verfügbare Yocoy Sprachen sind im AppStore erhältlich fürDeine Reise nach: China, Südamerika, Australien, Spanien usw.Bei Ideen Fragen und Anregungen besuche uns unter:www.yocoy.comOvercome with this app,the language barrier on your journey through Spanish-speakingareas. With hand audited dialogues and translations you understandyour interlocutor and you understand him - and the 100% accurate.For new phrases Yocoy offers an automatic translation, to continueto allow communication. Our team continuously improves the resultsof the automatic translations in order to offer you the highestpossible quality.In conversations at the hotel, taxi, in the restaurant or at thebar also must be able to communicate without Internet. Yocoy alwaysoffers a 100% accurate translation in the form of dialogues. Eachdialogue consists of question and answer in each case bothlanguages ​​and then work offline, so there are no roaming costswhen using abroad.With a few taps and swipes you can compile highlight sets. The keyphrases are summarized in scenarios (Shopping, Hotel, Restaurant,On The Move, Essentials, Public Services, Emergency and Personal)and therefore easy to findTry it out! Already well over 200,000 downloads. The download isfree of charge. Three scenarios and the dictionary are immediatelyfreely available.Other available Yocoy languages ​​in the AppStore available foryour trip to China, South America, Australia, Spain, etc.For ideas and suggestions, visit us at questions: www.yocoy.com