5.62.3 / January 17, 2017
(4.8/5) (5)


Western Writers of America, Inc., was foundedin 1953 to promote the literature of the American West and bestowSpur Awards for distinguished writing in the Western field. Thefounders were largely authors who wrote traditional Westernfiction, but the organization swiftly expanded to includehistorians and other nonfiction authors, young adult and romancewriters, and writers interested in regional history.

Today it has over 650 members who write everything frommainstream fiction to local history. Its annual convention occurseach June. For the convention, members, guests, editors, and agentsgather together to renew friendships, do business, attend panels,go on field trips, and conduct the organization’s business. Eachconvention concludes with the Spur Awards banquet, the moment whenthe WWA honors those who win the coveted awards.

WWA actively helps its members promote their books and articles,and aggressively promotes the literature of the American West,which it considers this country’s unique contribution to worldliterature.

App Information Western Writers of America

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Calvary Chapel Healdsburg 5.61.3 APK
Calvary Chapel has been formed as a fellowshipof believers in the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Our supreme desire isto know Christ and be conformed into His image by the power of theHoly Spirit. We believe the only true basis of Christian fellowshipis His (Agape) love, which is greater than any differences wepossess and without which we have no right to claim ourselvesChristians. We believe the worship of God should be spiritual.Therefore, we remain flexible and yielded to the Holy Spirit todirect our worship. We believe the worship of God should beinspirational. Therefore, we give a great place to music in ourworship. We believe the worship of God should be intelligent.Therefore, our services are designed with great emphasis uponteaching of the Word of God that He might instruct us how He shouldbe worshiped. We believe the worship of God is fruitful. Therefore,we look for His love in our lives as the supreme manifestation thatwe have truly been worshiping Him. On Sunday mornings we meettogether to fellowship...
Calvary Chapel Downey 5.62.3 APK
With this app you can:- Listen to current messages- Watch video archives- Stay up to date with events- and moreWe are excited how the Lord has blessed us over the last thirtyyears. Through the teaching of His Word and the proclaiming of theGood News, many thousands have had their lives changed, and havebecome productive and involved in the kingdom of God.We believe in being an Acts 2:42 Christian – consistently,steadfastly staying in the Word, in prayer, in fellowship and intaking communion. We also believe in body ministry:“From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted bythat which every joint supplieth, according to the effectualworking in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the bodyunto the edifying of itself in love.” Ephesians 4:16We hope this website will encourage you to pray for theseministries and outreaches and involve yourself in what the Biblesays is an addiction to the ministry of the saints. (I Corinthians16:15)Remember Jesus is praying for you as He did for Peter that yourfaith will not fail and that when you truly get converted, you willstrengthen the brethren! (Luke 22:32)To God be the glory for all that He has done, is doing and willdo!Your fellow-laborer and servant,Pastor Jeff Johnson“And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses,the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teachothers also. Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier ofJesus Christ.” II Timothy 2:2-3
The Refuge 5.61.3 APK
With our app you'll be able to:- Listen to messages- Keep up with new events- Connect Socially- and MoreWE'RE A CHURCH ABOUT LIFEThey devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and tofellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Acts 2:42
Calvary Chapel Vallejo 5.64.13 APK
With this app you'll be able to: - Listen to messages - Connectthrough social media - Watch videos - Stay up to date with currentevents - And more!
Calvary Chapel Blythe 5.62.3 APK
With this app you'll be able to:- Listen to messages- Keep up to date with events- Prayer Requests- and more
Calvary Chapel Three Crosses 5.61.3 APK
Listen to the Messages of Pastor Dwayne fromCalvary Chapel Three Crosses. Send prayer requests, locate us onthe map, read daily devotionals and more.Welcome to the Calvary Chapel Three Crosses website. Withinthese pages you'll find information about our church, ourministries, and most importantly, who Jesus Christ is and how youcan begin a personal relationship with Him. That’s really the focusof what we do at Calvary Chapel-make disciples of Jesus Christ.
Global Youth Evangelism 5.62.3 APK
The vision of Global Youth Evangelism and itsassociated out reaches, had its origin in the late 1950s in a smallmountain house church near Los Gatos, California. In a miraculousmove of God, the Holy Spirit began to touch and call men and womento a renewed commitment to experience the reality of the presenceof the living God.In 1961, after construction of new facilities, the vision ofworld evangelism began to unfold. Following the scriptural pattern(Acts 1:8), the church body began to reach out to the local andnearby communities through a weekly radio broadcast and through"Released Time Evangelism" in the public schools. As young peopleresponded to the move of God, the church helped sponsor "YouthInvasions" throughout Northern California under what was called:“Teenage Evangelism.Then in the early 1970s, in response to an outpouring of God'sHoly Spirit on young people in the drug culture, an intensive oneyear Bible School was established. This was started in order totrain and disciple young Christians in Christian living and Kingdomprincipals for future service and ministry. Before long themissionary vision of GYE began to become more established andmembers of the congregation became involved in an outreach toMexican immigrant workers. In order to increase the effectivenessof the ministry by transcending denominational boundaries, GlobalYouth Evangelism was incorporated June 1, 1965. In the late sixtiesthe Holy Spirit began to direct the development of an internationalministry through the establishment of missionary training centersat Los Gatos, California and in Guadalajara, Mexico.