1.0.1 / April 8, 2017
(5.0/5) (26)


"War Map - Ongoing armed conflicts" providesthe position of all the armed conflicts ongoing in the world.

This app provides direct access to the encyclopedic page, thelatest tweets and videos related to each and every ongoingconflict.

Don't miss anything anymore, keep tabs on what's going on and tweetabout it.

Conflicts database is periodically updated, and markers are coloredbased on deaths number in 2016.

Your opinion is important for us!
Give us suggestions and feedback on how to improve this app.

App Information War Map - Ongoing conflicts

  • App Name
    War Map - Ongoing conflicts
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    April 8, 2017
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 4.4 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
    MaCesco Studio
  • Installs
    100 - 500
  • Price
  • Category
    News & Magazines
  • Developer
  • Google Play Link

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Pheidippides Run 0.1.1 APK
Marathon 490 BC, the Greek polis have justdefeated the Persians, war and chaos is about to end!Pheidippides is a hemerodrome, his task now is to announcevictory over the Persians at Athens, but the forces of Hades willtry to stop him...Test your reflexes and your skills in this simple endless runner!!Escape to the army of undead and try to go as far as possible!WARNING: If the game will make you swear you do it only againstthe Greek gods.You report any problem and let us advice on how to improve thisapp, Macesco Studio hopes that the application is to your liking... and start running!
Calcolo Taeg e Rate 1.0 APK
Utilizza questo strumento per calcolare ilTAEG (tasso di interesse effettivo) di prestiti dalle differenticaratteristiche (diverse spese iniziali, diverso tipo di rate,diverso tasso nominale annuo, ecc.).L'importo delle rate è simulato sulla base dei parametriinseriti.Solo così potrai stabilire qual è il finanziamento realmente piùconveniente!Note:Il campo spese varie fa riferimento alle spese accessorie inseritein ogni rata del prestito.Attenzione!!Le informazioni di cui al presente prospetto si intendono puramenteindicative in quantole condizioni effettivamente applicate saranno quelle pattuite almomento della concessione.Cos'è il TAEG?Il Tasso annuo effettivo globale (TAEG), detto anche Indicatoresintetico di costo (ISC), è l'indicatore di tasso di interesse diun'operazione di finanziamento (es. elargizione di credito) come adesempio prestito, o acquisto rateale di beni o servizi. È espressoin percentuale e indica il costo effettivo del finanziamento ed èstato introdotto dalla direttiva europea 90/88/CEE.Potete seguire MaCesco Studio anche sulle pagine FaceBook"MaCesco Studio"!https://it-it.facebook.com/MacescoGooglolMaCesco Studio: https://www.facebook.com/macescostudio?fref=nfUse this tool tocalculate the APR (effective interest rate) of loans with differentcharacteristics (different initial costs, different type of rate,other than annual nominal rate, etc.).The amount of installments is simulated based on the parametersentered.Only you can determine what is the funding actually cheaper!notes:Field miscellaneous expenses refers to fees included in eachinstallment of the loan.Caution!!The information referred to in this report are purely indicativeasthe actual conditions applied will be those agreed upon at the timeof grant.What is the APR?The annual percentage rate (APR), also called synthetic costindicator (ISC), it is the interest rate indicator for a financingoperation (eg. Giving of credit) such as loan or hire purchase ofgoods or services. It is expressed in percent and indicates theactual cost of funding and was introduced by the European Directive90/88 / EEC.You can also follow MaCesco Study on FaceBook pages "MaCescoStudio"!https://it-it.facebook.com/MacescoGooglolMaCesco Studio: https://www.facebook.com/macescostudio?fref=nf
LoL Soundboard (italian) 0.1 APK
Attenzione:Questa versione è solo una versione beta, abbiamo molto dalavorare, aggiungeremo presto tutti i suoni e campioni mancanti(TUTTI!) come ad esempio extra, nuovi campioni e skin.Vi preghiamo di essere pazienti, comunicateci qualsiasi problema oconsiglio per rendere migliore questa applicazione.Nota: Sono presenti solo le voci italiane!!LoL Saundboard (italian), anche se ancora incompleta e incostante aggiornamento (ci auguriamo che sia cosi), è la soundboarddi League of Legends italiana migliore che potete trovare su GooglePlay!!Grazie ad essa potrete scaricare i pacchetti audio completi delvostro campione preferito o scaricarli tutti (a patto che il vostrodispositivo abbia abbastanza memoria).Speriamo che l'applicazione sia di vostro gradimento.Nota 2: ricordate di aprire il menu e leggere le info perutilizzare in modo corretto l'applicazione.Macesco Studio non è in alcun modo affiliato a Riot Games, siamosolo dei fan di League of Legends.Molte delle icone presenti su questa applicazione sono staterealizzate da Raindropmemory, potete seguirla e osservare altre suecreazioni qui:http://raindropmemory.deviantart.com/http://www.raindropmemory.com/Potete seguire MaCesco Studio anche sulle pagine FaceBook"MaCesco Studio"!https://it-it.facebook.com/MacescoGooglolMaCesco Studio: https://www.facebook.com/macescostudio?fref=nfCaution:This version is only a beta version, we have a lot of work, we willadd soon all sounds and missing samples (ALL!) Such as extra, newsamples and skin.Please be patient, give us any problem or suggestion to make thisapp better.Note: There are only Italian voices !!LoL Saundboard (italian), although still incomplete andconstantly updated (we hope that it is so), is the soundboard ofthe best Italian League of Legends that you can find on Google Play!!With it you can download the complete audio packets of yourfavorite sample or download them all (as long as your device hasenough memory).We hope that the application is to your liking.Note 2: Remember to open the menu and read the details to makecorrect use of the application.Macesco Studio is in no way affiliated with Riot Games, we areonly at the League of Legends fans.Many of the icons on this application were made by Raindropmemory,it can follow and observe his other creations here:http://raindropmemory.deviantart.com/http://www.raindropmemory.com/You can also follow MaCesco Study on FaceBook pages "MaCescoStudio"!https://it-it.facebook.com/MacescoGooglolMaCesco Studio: https://www.facebook.com/macescostudio?fref=nf
Flappy Meme 0.1 APK
This is the first version!Flappy Meme is an addictive arcade game.Simple rules:- Tap the screen to fly;- Avoid pipes;- Go as far as you can.Contain:- 30 meme!- Classic game mode!You can also follow MaCesco Studio on FaceBook pages"MaCescoStudio" and "Googlol" or on our blog!Blog MaCesco Studio: http://macescostudio.altervista.org/Googlol: https://it-it.facebook.com/MacescoGooglolMaCesco Studio: https://www.facebook.com/macescostudio?fref=nfAttention!We are two young programmers , this is just one of ourfirstjobs.We apologize in advance for any bugs or other problems That You'llfind in this application and ask you to be patient andtocommunicate to us any problems :)You can also follow MaCesco Studio on FaceBook pages"MaCescoStudio" and "Googlol" or on our blog!Blog MaCesco Studio: http://macescostudio.altervista.org/Googlol: https://it-it.facebook.com/MacescoGooglolMaCesco Studio: https://www.facebook.com/macescostudio?fref=nf
Frazzanò Folk Fest 1.1 APK
Nota:Questa è la versione 1.1 dell'applicazione!-Se scaricate il programma del festival lo troverete nellacartella download;-La photogallery contiene tutte le foto della scorsa edizione esaranno presenti anche le nuove quando verranno postate sulsito;-L'applicazione NON è ottimizzata per Tablet;-Segnalare qualsiasi problema.FRAZZANO’ FOLK FEST – Ethno World Music – è un grande eventoturistico/culturale organizzato dal Comune di Frazzanò (ME), con ladirezione artistica e organizzativa dell’Assessore allo Sport,Turismo e Spettacolo Dott. Marco Imbroscì.Una grande manifestazione sulla cultura della musica, sulturismo e sull’arte dell’artigianato. Frazzanò Folk Fest (primaedizione) vuole essere un Festival di musica etnica popolare delSud Italia, della Sicilia e del bacino del Mediterraneo, dove poterpromuovere, valorizzare, conservare la tradizione della musicapopolare. Il festival della musica popolare e delle suecontaminazioni (Frazzanò Folk Fest) risulta essere di notevoleimportanza non solo sotto l’aspetto culturale, ma anche come mezzoper comunicare l’autenticità, la ricchezza e la varietà del Sudd’Italia e dell’intero bacino del Mediterraneo.Il Frazzanò Folk Fest si svolgerà presso il Monastero San Filippodi Fragalà, nella Piazza e sulla via principale, in un territoriostraordinario e segreto del Parco dei Nebrodi. Il Parco dei Nebrodiè una terra meravigliosa: i suoi centri storici, la sacralità deiluoghi, la natura selvaggia dell’affascinante entroterra, tuttequalità note al “villaggio globale”, a testimonianza di una naturastraordinariamente generosa e una spiritualità millenaria ma sempremolto presente. Ma vi sono altri aspetti che rendono il Parco deiNebrodi una terra unica, motivo di orgoglio per la Sicilia e tuttoil Paese prima ancora che motivo di competitività come destinazioneturistica: le sue matrici culturali, che affondano le radici in unricchissimo insieme di tradizioni che si rende necessariosalvaguardare, tutelare, rivalutare, far conoscere e valorizzare.Quest’anno verrà maggiormente valorizzato l’Abbazia San Filippo diFragalà, un convento antichissimo, costruito intorno all’anno 1090,restaurato e recuperato quasi del tutto, in un ottimo stato diconservazione.Frazzanò vuole diventare un paese-teatro dove accogliere decine dimigliaia di amanti della musica popolare e tradizionale di tutte leetà, dove trascorrere delle giornate alla scoperta di nuovi luoghi,molti dei quali sconosciuti a più, ma di notevole importanzastorica e culturale, alla scoperta di antichi sapori degni dellapiù famosa tradizione culinaria di Sicilia, alla scoperta dellanatura incontaminata.Note:This is version 1.1 of the application!-If Download the festival program will find it in your downloadsfolder;-The Gallery contains all the photos of last year and there willalso be new when they are posted on the site;-The Application is NOT optimized for Tablet;-Segnalare Any problem.Frazzanò 'FOLK FEST - Ethno World Music - is a major touristevent / culture organized by the City of Frazzanò (ME), under theartistic direction and organizational Councillor for Sports,Tourism and Recreation Dott. Marco Imbroscì.A major event on the music culture, tourism and art crafts.Frazzanò Folk Fest (first edition) wants to be a festival of ethnicmusic popular Southern Italy, Sicily and the Mediterranean, whereto promote, enhance, preserve the tradition of folk music. Thefestival of folk music and its influences (Frazzanò Folk Fest)turns out to be of great importance not only in terms of culture,but also as a means to communicate the authenticity, the richnessand variety of Southern Italy and of ' entire Mediterraneanbasin.The Frazzanò Folk Fest will be held at the Monastery of San FilippoFragalà, in the Square and the main street, in an extraordinary andsecret of Nebrodi Park. The Nebrodi Park is a wonderland: itshistorical centers, the sacredness of the place, the wildlife ofthe fascinating hinterland, known to all as "global village",reflecting an extraordinarily generous nature and a millenaryspirituality but always very this. But there are other aspects thatmake the Park Nebrodi a unique land, the pride of Sicily and acrossthe country even before reason of competitiveness as a touristdestination: its cultural roots, which have their roots in a richset of traditions that it is necessary to preserve, protect,re-evaluate, raise awareness and promote. This year will be furtherenhanced the Abbey of San Filippo Fragalà, an ancient convent,built around the year 1090, restored and recovered almostcompletely, in an excellent condition.Frazzanò wants to become a country where theater accommodate tensof thousands of popular and traditional music lovers of all ages,where you can spend the days exploring new places, many of themunknown to most, but of great historical and cultural importance,the discover ancient flavors worthy of the most famous culinarytraditions of Sicily, to the discovery of nature.
Math Challenge 0.1 APK
Math Challenge will take you to discoverthehistory of mathematics, through his many achievements, and helpyouto improve your calculation skills!You are the new "Archimedes "?The game is really simple and intuitive, you have to solve50equations as quickly as possible and unlock all the achievementsinthe game!The game is divided into five phases , each phase is composed of10equations to be solved in less than 100 seconds!The first four stages are characterized by the fourbasicoperations, while the last step is a mixture of thepreceding.Too easy?have tried selecting "hard ";)The score of each stage will depend on how much time youhavespent to complete it.The game features more than 50 achievements, you be abletounlock them all?Eureka!!The game is linked to the Game Center, so you can see yourresultsand those of all the other players!!Attention!We are two young programmers , this is just one of ourfirstjobs.We apologize in advance for any bugs or other problems That You'llfind in this application and ask you to be patient andtocommunicate to us any problems :)You can also follow MaCesco Studio on FaceBook pages"MaCescoStudio"!https://it-it.facebook.com/MacescoGooglolMaCesco Studio: https://www.facebook.com/macescostudio?fref=nf
GeoSolutions 2.0 APK
Very simple application capable ofproviding(and perform) the geometric formulas of twelve figures!Theapplication is constantly updated, so do not worry and reportanyproblems. FREE and without advertising.The figures that you can find on this application shallbetwo-dimensional (square, rectangle, circle, triangle,trapezoid,and parallelogram) and three-dimensional (cone, pyramid,sphere,cube, cylinder, and rectangular parallelogram).Current Version: 2.0-Language: English
War Map - Ongoing conflicts 1.0.1 APK
"War Map - Ongoing armed conflicts" providesthe position of all the armed conflicts ongoing in the world.This app provides direct access to the encyclopedic page, thelatest tweets and videos related to each and every ongoingconflict.Don't miss anything anymore, keep tabs on what's going on and tweetabout it.Conflicts database is periodically updated, and markers are coloredbased on deaths number in 2016.Your opinion is important for us!Give us suggestions and feedback on how to improve this app.