App Information VIP Backgammon Free : Play Backgammon Offline
- App NameVIP Backgammon Free : Play Backgammon Offline
- Package Namecom.casualino.tablabg
- UpdatedSeptember 21, 2020
- File SizeUndefined
- Requires AndroidAndroid Varies with device
- Version1.16.49
- DeveloperCasualino Games
- Installs50,000+
- PriceFree
- CategoryBoard
- Developer58 Debar street
- Google Play Link
Casualino Games Show More...
Spades Offline - Single Player 2.0.63 APK
Spades Offline - Single Player Card Games is a free version of theclassic free spades trick-taking card game. Spades is a 52-cardtrick-taking game similar to Hearths, Bridge and Euchre. This is afree spades game and easy to play! Spades Offline - Single Playeris very fast and responsive, with card animation for more realisticgameplay. 👑👑👑WHAT ARE THE KEY FEATURES OF THIS FREE GAME👑👑👑 ♠ Playsingleplayer ♠ Play offline ♠ No need for Internet connection ♠Entertaining gameplay and amazing HD graphics! ♠ The most real andcorrect official rules for pairs and solo! ♠ Play against computerplayers (AI) ♠ Improved AI and score summary ♠ Nice and simplegameplay ♠ 5 game modes ♠ Game design is optimized for allsmartphones ♠ Can be played on both Tablet and Phone ♠ Portrait andLandscape orientation 5 GAME MODES • Pairs • Solo • Mirror • Whiz •Suicide Spades Offline - Single Player Card Games allows you toplay at your pace and level. Whether you’re a beginner or a pro,Spades Offline is ideal for all players and card games lovers.Spades Offline Options: • Option to enable disable nil and blindnil • Penalty for 10 bags (5 if solo) • Penalty for failingnil/blind nil • Requiring spades to be broken • Round limit -endless to 15 • No turn limit - take as long as you like for a turn• Multiple winning/losing scores Love trick-taking card games? Thisfree Spades game is just for you! Download Spades Offline -SinglePlayer for free! 📣📣📣NEED TO PLAY SPADES ONLINE?📣📣📣 We offeryou a step beyond! Go Online, Meet real people, play with the bestplayers! If you want to play with real players - CHECK OUT SpadesOnline: VIP Free Spades. Spades Online: VIP Free Spades offers youan amazing multiplayer experience with the best spades community! *Play Spades plus friends and strangers alike - send gifts andsocialize; * Invite your Facebook friends to play and get a bonus!The rules are not that hard when you play with friends! * Dailybonus and weekly/monthly raffles and rewards. * Blitz Tournaments -Classic and Quick with prizes! 🎉🎉🎉TRUE FANS OF Spades Offline -Single Player Card Games?🎉🎉🎉 Your opinion is important to us!Contact us at [email protected] or write us on Facebook This game is intended for an adult audienceand does not offer real money gambling or an opportunity to winreal money or prizes. Practice or success at social gaming does notimply future success at real money gambling. Disclaimer: The gameis optimized for high-end devices, however, you will get a greatexperience with all other phones and tablets. On some low-enddevices is possible to see flicker or the screen.
VIP Backgammon Free : Play Backgammon Offline 1.16.49 APK
Backgammon Offline is the newest and most excitingsingle-playerboard game. Also known as Tabla, Tawla 31 ( طاولة زهر), Tavla,Длинные нарды, Gamão, Fevga, Moultezim, Portes, Tavli,Πόρτες,Πλακωτό, Φεύγα. The game is played offline with a backgammonset,consisting of a board, which has a track of 24 longtriangles,called points, two sets of 15 checkers, and a pair ofdice. Whatmakes our Backgammon app so exciting? - A famous boardgame withhigh-quality AI opponents, which you will like and enjoy!- It isavailable on all mobile devices! - It has a modern designandhigh-quality graphics! Why play Backgammon Offline and whicharethe key features of the game? - True RNG system for throwingdice -no advantages, just pure luck. - Different game modes -Tabla,Tapa, and Backgammon (with Doubling Cube). - Play in bothportraitand landscape mode of your device. - Practice offline on aniPhoneor an iPad and keep your progress. - Daily bonus - Come backeachday to claim your free bonus chips! - Rewarded videos - Watchashort video and enjoy another free way to earn even more chips!-Invite your friends - Share the joy of playing Backgammonandreceive free chips! - Play anywhere without fear ofbeingdisconnected. - Train your skills against superb AI botsanytime.Even more benefits of choosing our Backgammon app: - Tip ofthe day- Enjoy a variety of professional advice that will take yourgameto the next level. - Challenges - With our challenges, youwillalways have something to do! Earn chips when you completethem,have fun and progress! - High-quality AI - Ourstate-of-the-art AIensures a unique experience against bots, makingevery gamechallenging but rewarding! - More games - Whenever youfeelconfident in your skills, you can start playing Backgammonwithother players in our online social gaming platform VIP Games!Findthe most played card, board, and dice games all in oneplace.Backgammon Offline - Enjoy the best possible gameplayandenvironment tailored to beginners and professionals alike.Takeyour time to learn the rules and do not be afraid toexperimentwith different strategies against our AI. Take control ofyourgameplay and get better in no time! What is planned nextforBackgammon Offline? We will continue to evolve with plannedupdatesand new surprises. We are not just the team behindBackgammonOffline, we are avid players and members of the globalbackgammoncommunity! Are you a true fan of backgammon? Your opinionisimportant to us! Contact us at [email protected] to improve the game will be highly appreciated andtakeninto account so together we could develop the bestsingle-playerbackgammon! Thank you for your support!
Belote Offline - Single Player Card Game 2.5.37 APK
Play Belote Offline! Enjoy Belote free, the most popular card gamein France! There are several variants of Belote, namely: ★ ClassicBelote ★ Coinche ★ Belote with declarations Play Belote singleplayer anywhere, anytime! Download your favorite card game - BeloteOffline! The game of belote attracts many card players thanks tothe fun, engaging and strategic aspect of the game. Solo playershave the opportunity to measure their skills with robots and learndifferent strategies that will be useful when the time to duel withreal belote players comes. Belote is a card game suited to allskill levels. No matter if you are a beginner or a professional,this free Belote card game is perfect for you! *** Maincharacteristics of Belote Offline *** ★ Play Belote withoutinternet anywhere ★ Enjoy our high-level artificial intelligence ★Free Belote is a game with rules that are easy to remember! ★ Theopportunity to train and improve your skills ★ Play solo against AIrobots ★ Belote Offline utilizes HD graphics *** A real offlineBelote experience *** ★ Improve your skills as a Belote player onthe move ★ Play the game Belote at any time ★ No WiFi connectionnecessary ★ Train without the pressure of competing with otherplayers ★ Experiment and try different strategies A version ofBelote that is very appreciated by the players is Coinche. Thisgame can also be considered as the most famous variant of theBelote card game. Many players love it because of how easy it iswhen compared to other card games. Coinche and Belote can be foundon any card games forum, blog or website. The games are extremelypopular and there are coinche and belote players all over theworld. While there are many belote apps and games, few can compareto Belote Offline. All of the many versions of this card game arepopular and played by millions of amateurs and even professionalsevery day. That's why the popularity of belote and coinche isalready quite large and continues to increase daily. DownloadBelote Offline and start playing right away!
Coinche Offline - Single Player Card Game 2.1.31 APK
*** Coinche - the most loved version of Belote by card game playersfrom all over the world *** Coinche can also be considered as themost famous variant of the Belote card game. Many players love toplay Coinche because of how easy it is when compared to other cardgames. While Belote comes in different modes and ways of playing,in this case, Coinche Offline is meant for solo players to practicetheir coinche and belote skills against robots and artificialintelligence. Our FREE Coinche offline game is the best way toimprove as a coinche player. Experiment with different strategies,get familiar with bidding properly, as well as the trump cards. ***Main features of our free game Coinche *** ★ Play Coinche withoutan internet connection ★ Enjoy our high-level artificialintelligence ★ Free Coinche is a game with rules that are easy toremember ★ The opportunity to train and improve your skills ★ Playfreely against good robots ★ Offline Coinche comes with HD graphicsCompared to other single player card games, Coinche Offline can beconsidered as a better replacement to them, as it is both free andmore accessible than its alternatives. *** A real offline Coincheexperience *** ★ Improve your skills as a Coinche player on themove ★ Play the card game Coinche at any time ★ No WiFi connectionnecessary ★ Train without the pressure of competing with otherplayers ★ Experiment and try different strategies ★ Versions ofthis variant of the Coinche card game are popular worldwide ★Played by millions of amateurs and even professionals card gameplayers ★ The popularity of the coinche is already quite large andcontinues to increase daily The goal of 1000 points to win a gameof Coinche is a real challenge. The big difference is essentiallyin the existence of declarations which explains the preference forthis game compared to other versions of Belote. Coinche Offlineinvites the player to show his abilities, his reactions, hisflexible mind and his passion, his nerve during the game againstartificial intelligence. These types of players are endowed with astrategic and fast mind. Coinche and Belote can be found on anycard games forum, blog or website. The games are extremely popularand there are coinche and belote players all over the world. Whilethere are many coinche apps and games, few can compare to CoincheOffline. Wait no more! Download our FREE Coinche Offline game nowand become a Coinche expert!
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Bingoti - short and long backgammon online 1.6.9 APK
Bingoti is a modern and popular application for playing longandshort backgammon and not only. In our application you can findsuchtypes of games as: short backgammon, long backgammon, thegameBingoti (an analogue of a dice game). Long backgammon takesintoaccount the main points underlying this game, and Shortbackgammonwas made according to the rules of the Federation ofSportsBackgammon of Russia, which means that the game isabsolutelypredictable and understandable to everyone. Such optionsas"auto-double", "beaver", "The Jacoby rule" are introduced intothegame, and there is the Crawford's rule. You can play an opengameof backgammon - this means that everyone can go in and watchyourgame, or create private parties - in this case, viewing thegame byother participants will be impossible. When creatingtheapplication, our consultants are the acting strongestbackgammonplayers in Russia and other countries. Extendedstatistics of thegames and information about all manipulations withthe gamecurrency are available for each user. We work constantly ontheplatform’s functionality, making Bingoti more convenient andstablefor all users. We release updates constantly that take intoaccountthe user's experience and feedback from our players. Weintroduceadditional options for games, such as matches,tournaments, etc. Weprocess the users' disconnects in a more gentleway. We implementedfor experienced players in short backgammon suchfunctionality as -unloading the game or the entire match in matformat, for furtheranalysis on third-party services of the game.Bingoti comparesfavorably with its competitors because we use adecentralizedrandom number generator. This means that the finalresult of thedice is affected by both users of the game only, andinterferencefrom outside is absolutely excluded. You can know moreabout theprinciples of the random number generator in thecorrespondingsection of the application.
Backgammon online and offline - King of Dice 0.10.1 APK
The app for real lovers of backgammon, the legendary board gamefortwo players, where experts can find worthy opponents from alloverthe world and novices can learn the rules of backgammon andbecomebackgammon masters free. An ancient intellectual game not forbeachbum. Dozens of boards, a variety of tournaments, simplecontrolsand great audio - all this comes completely free in King ofDice 🎲Backgammon has a place of honor in the pantheon ofinternationalboardgames alongside such games as chess, checkers,Poker,Blackjack, Mahjong, and Yahtzee. ✅ Fair games only! No moreloadeddice, "lucky" double sixes at the worst moment or othersimilar"coincidences". Real dice flight physics and genuinerandomizationreproduce the element of chance in the game ofbackgammon, whereevery throw can change the game completely. 🎲Offline mode! Accessto backgammon offline even with no internet -just start an offlinetournament and compete against AI. You canpause a game at any timeand come back to it later. ✈️ Tour theworld! Check out the world'smost high-stakes boards, moving fromcountry to country andcompeting for ever-greater rewards! In everynew league you'll findexclusive boards, chips, dice, and evensoundtracks. 🏆 Compete intournaments! Compete for huge prizes intricky knockout tournamentsor risky pair-on-pair battles - eachplayer can find their favoriteformat. 🛋 Real comfort! Throw thedice and have fun - the AI willfollow all the rules of backgammonand long narde, and tell youimmediately if your move is permissibleor if there are exceptionsto the rules. Play the way you like - bytapping on the relevantpoint, dragging your chips ordouble-clicking. King of Diceresponds to any prompt and adapts toyour playing style. ☝️ Bybackgammon fans for backgammon fans -Adherence to all rulesapproved by the World Backgammon Federation -Ability to throw thedice yourself, controlling the force of thethrow and the twist ofthe dice cup - Honest randomization,physically realistic diceflight, and no lucky "coincidences" foryour opponent - Excellentgraphics with realistic, carefully craftedboards - Tournaments indifferent countries, from Moscow to Dubai -Ambient soundtrack tohelp immerse you in the atmosphere of the game- All variants ofbackgammon available - standard, long narde, anddoubling! King ofDice is not a gambling game for real money, it's abackgammonsimulator played to the genuine rules. All prizes arein-game only,and match results depend on your skill.
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Shobo: strategy board game 2.0.2 APK
SHOBO™ - stab, smash and maneuver your way tovictory in this single and multi-player board game specificallydesigned for mobile social gaming.SHOBO™ is very easy to learn, but difficult to master. Gamesnever repeat themselves, and an average game takes just a fewminutes from start to finish.In SHOBO™ part of the skill comes in guessing your opponent'snext move, and every decision is deadly. Strategy and Agility.Intellect and Domination. How you play, how you survive, is up toyou!Play Single Player to train and entertain yourself, or challengeyour friends and see how you do on the leaderboard.Originally a highly successful Facebook app with tens ofthousands of players, the game's original developers have turned tomobile specialists, Leo Tech, to make a mobile version with morefeatures and plenty of exciting gameplay.
Chess - Play & Learn 4.3.5-googleplay APK
Play chess with millions of players around theworld! Enjoy free unlimited games and improve your chess ratingwith 50,000+ tactics puzzles, interactive lessons and videos, and apowerful computer opponent. Unlock your inner chess mastertoday!PLAY CHESS- Challenge your friends and chat with opponents- Play real-time blitz or daily correspondence chessTACTICS PUZZLES- Solve more than 50,000 puzzles- Adjusts to your skill level to help you improveLESSONS- Thousands of videos and interactive lessons from topGrandmasters- Interactive tutorials with helpful tips and highlightsCOMPUTER- Adjust the computer's strength- Analyze your game to learn what went wrong… AND MORE- Daily articles by top authors and coaches like IM JeremySilman- Opening explorer helps you learn and play the rightopenings- Make friends & send messages- 20+ gorgeous themes for boards, pieces, and backgrounds- Detailed performance stats and ratings- Active community forumABOUT is built by chess players and enthusiasts who really lovechess!Team:
Dots and Boxes - Squares (Classic Board Games) 6.8 APK
Thank you all for your downloads! Thanks toyou the game has surpassed the 1M downloads mark.Game is also known as Dots and Squares, Dot Box Game, Dots andLines, Dots and Dashes, Connect the Dots, Dot Game, Smart Dots,Boxes, Squares, Paddocks, Square-it, Dots, Dot Boxing.Maybe the most feature-rich and challenging implementation of theclassic Dots and Boxes / Squares game on Google Play.This application offers very challenging Artificial Intelligence aswell as many other features. The AI in the advanced difficultylevels is able to predict and anticipate the future moves.Also the application is very lightweight with the apk size notexceeding the 1.5MB.Features:1) Play against friends or against computer.2) Clever Artificial Intelligence which anticipates futuremoves.3) Four AI difficulty levels: very-easy,easy, medium, hard. The AIis well designed with each next level being a bit harder than theprevious level.4) Multiple board sizes (from 3x3 dots to 12x12)5) Ability to choose player name and your favourite colour6) Quick match. No irritating menus just hit the launch icon andyou are inside the action.( Of course after entering the application you have the ability toselect your favourite settings by hitting the MENU button. Yourpreferences will be saved so you won't have to change them eachtime you open the application. )7) Ability to set the game speed. 3 game speed level : slow,normal, fast. Fast level is appropriate for experienced player,slow is more appropriate for people who just started playing dotsand boxes.8) Statistics section for viewing your results against thecomputer9) Ability to share your statistics and end-game screenshots withfriends10) Undo buttonFor those who don't know the gameTo be good in the game you must have good observation skills and beable to predict the opponent's moves.So are you ready to take the challenge??The rules are1) Touch in between two dots to mark a line (vertical orhorizontal). Your goal is to complete a four side box /square.2) The player that completes a four side box / square has theopportunity to play one more time.3) The player that will complete the most boxes / squares wins thegame.Start closing your Boxes / Squares now! Free!Enjoy!For any issue or suggestions about Dots and Boxes / Squares gamecontact us at [email protected]
The Sex Game (DEMO) 2.9.6 APK
******** THIS IS JUST A DEMO VERSION OF THEORIGINAL GAME, PLEASE READ CAREFULLY *******In this version, only 5 cards of each type are inserted into thegame.The Sex Game is a board game created for the amusement of thecouple between four walls.Increases the intimacy of the couple because helps to reveal thethoughts and intentions of the partner, The Sex Game provides amore pleasurable sexual intercourse due to internal events andexcitement created by the game.The objective of the game is to reach the end of the board. Theloser will do your partner's sexual desires for 3 hours!The game so far has more than 80 cards of internal events plus theevents of the board, such as: kiss, drink a dose, take a piece ofclothing, etc..Download, enjoy and have fun with your partner!It just depends on you to improve your relationship having somefun!If you find any bugs, please report us!
It’s “GO” time! Take a ride on the ReadingRailroad. Buy Boardwalk. Go directly to Jail. Buy, sell, and tradethe famous MONOPOLY properties, and see the game jump to life withanimated features and easy gameplay. Challenge friends and evencustomize the game rules!EMPLOY HANDS ON MANAGEMENTTap the screen to manage your properties – from Marvin Gardens toWater Works to Park Place. Building hotels or taking a “Chance” issimple and intuitive.CHOOSE YOUR LEVEL AND LOOKPlay through 3 levels of difficulty and save games in progress.Also customize the number of players, the game rules, and even thegame environment.Enjoy MONOPOLY in the tradition of the beloved, best-selling boardgame!Be the first to know! Get inside EA info on great deals, plus thelatest game updates, tips & more…VISIT US: US: US: US: Agreement: terms.ea.comVisit for assistance or inquiries.EA may retire online features and services after 30 days’ noticeposted on Consumer Information. This app: Contains direct links tothe Internet.Requires acceptance of EA’s Privacy & Cookie Policy and UserAgreement.
Rolling Sky APK
Rolling Sky,Google Play Best Game of2016,which is a game that pushes the boundaries of your speed andreaction. The splendid 3D effect scene enables you to experiencethe imaginary traps and barriers. Now, let's control the ball andconquer the world by overcoming challenges.How to play?Drag the ball left or right to avoid all obstacles and try not tofall off the track! Challenge your speed with the rhythm of themusic and try your best to win each round!Features:• One-touch control with simple operations• Stunning 3D worlds and effects• Rich scenes (including Massif, Cosmos, Forest, Snowfield, Infernoand lots more!)• A challenge to test your ultimate speed and fast reflexes!Follow and contact us:It’s always pleasant to receive your valuable suggestions.We inviteyou to suggest game improvements, bugs or general feedback! [email protected] Cooperation:Cheetah Mobile is now sincerely inviting all the amazing mobile game developers globally to achieve mutual success! we are looking forward to the great games! Contact us on: [email protected] Privacy Policy :
iWin Online - Game Bài 6.2.2 APK
iWin Online (Phiên bản 6.x) đem lại cho ngườichơi những trải nghiệm danh bai tuyệt vời và hoàn toàn miễn phí vớicác thể loại game danh bai truyền thống như : Tiến lên, Xì tố,Mậu binh, Bài cào, Xì dách, Phỏm.Đặc sắc game danh bai iWin Online:✓ iWin hấp dẫn với giao diện bắt mắt, âm thanh sốngđộng.✓ Hơn 12 game bài đẳng cấp đa dạng : Tiến Lên (Tien len miennam), Xì Tố ( xi to ), Mậu Binh ( mau binh ), Bài Cào ( bai cao)…✓ Và 5 game cờ trí tuệ : Cờ Tướng, Cờ Vua, Domino,Caro…✓ Cùng các minigame giải trí khác : Tài Xỉu, Mini Poker, NổHũ (Jackpot)…✓ Hệ thống đăng nhập nhanh, dễ dàng: Chơi Ngay, Facebook,Gmail.✓ Tính năng tương tác danh bai cùng bạn, bạn càng đông càngvui.✓ Quà khởi nghiệp cực to, tặng win miễn phí hàng ngày.✓ Game hiện chơi mượt mà trên các hệ điều hành Android 4.0trở lên.Các thành tích nổi bật:★ Top 1 game bài tại thị trường Việt Nam.★ Vượt qua cột mốc 5 triệu người chơi chỉ sau 1 năm ra mắt.LƯU Ý: - Hãy xác thực để bảo vệ tài khoản chơi game của bạn, cũng như nhậnđược rất nhiều ưu đãi và chơi được nhiều tính năng Đặc Biệt kháccủa game.- Các trò chơi chỉ dành cho người ở độ tuổi trưởng thành.- Các trò chơi không cung cấp "cờ bạc tiền thật" hay đổi thưởngsang hiện vật.- Kinh nghiệm đã chơi hoặc chơi thắng ở trò chơi game bài trên mạngxã hội không đồng nghĩa với sẽ thắng trong các hoạt động cácược/giao dịch bằng tiền thật sau này.-----------------------------------------------------THÔNG TIN HỖ TRỢ :Trang chủ: http://iwin.meHỗ trợ: http://hotro.iwin.meEmail: [email protected] Fanpage: The games are intended for an adult audience.- The games do not offer "real money gambling" or an opportunity towin real money or prizes.- Practice or success at social casino gaming does not imply futuresuccess at "real money gambling.iWin Online (version 6.x)gives players the great experience bai list and totally free withgenres such as traditional card games: Onward, Poker factors, Mauwar, all Scratch, Poker dách, Phỏm.Signature iWin game Beat Online:✓ iWin attractive interface with eye-catching, dynamic sound.✓ Over 12 games all diverse class: Len (Tien len mien nam),Cistercians (xi loud), the sample mean (sample mean), all Rakes(bai high) ...✓ intellectual chess game and 5: Chinese Chess, Chess, Domino, Caro...✓ Along the other entertainment minigame: OU, Mini Poker, ExplosionHu (Jackpot) ...✓ login system fast, easily: Play Right, Facebook, Gmail.✓ Interactive features list bai with you, the more themerrier.✓ Offers pole to start a business, win free gifts every day.✓ Game does play smoothly on Android OS 4.0 and above.The outstanding achievements:★ Top 1 game all in Vietnam market.★ Pass the 5 million users milestone after only 1 year debut.NOTE:- Be authentic to protect your gaming account, as well as getting alot of deals and play many other special features of thegame.- The game is only for people in adulthood.- The game does not provide "real money gambling" or change to thebonus artifacts.- Experience played or play in the game to win the game all onsocial networks does not mean going to win in the betting / tradingwith real money later.-------------------------------------------------- ---SUPPORT INFORMATION:Home: http://iwin.meSupport: http://hotro.iwin.meEmail: [email protected] Fanpage: The games are intended for an adult audience.- The games do not offer "real money gambling" or an opportunity towin real money or prizes.- Practice or success at social casino gaming does not imply futuresuccess at "real money gambling.
Catan APK
"Catan", the legendary strategy game providesgaming fun anytime, anywhere.True to the original game, you can compete with up to four playersfor the most settlements, the longest roads and the largest army.You can trade with each other and claim the precious land with allits resources.Challenge other Catan fans online via cross-platform multiplayer toprove your strategy skill or play against the AI:Various computer opponents, each with their own individualcharacteristics, will prove themselves worthy competitors: thepirate Jean, who knows no compromise, Vincent the merchant, whonever allows himself to be cheated, Sean the knight, who takes whatis rightfully his...The popular Catan expansions "Seafarers" and "Cities and Knights"are available as In-App purchases.The complete Seafarers expansion includes more than 10 additionalscenarios with an extensive campaign. Become Harbormaster, discovernew islands and extra game elements like ships, gold fields,treasures and pirates. Ahoy!The Cities and Knights expansion introduces various new gameplaymechanics that add even more variety to Catan. Invest new tradegoods in city improvements to build one of the three metropolisesof Catan – but beware of the barbarians attracted by Catan’s newwealth! You’ll need your best knights to fend them off! C&Kcontains a short campaign and 7 challenging maps.Features:- Available languages: English, German, French, Dutch, Spanish,Portuguese- Optimized for smartphones and tablets- Original "Settlers of Catan" rule set- Smart computer opponents with individual strategies- Scrollable game board including zoom option- Freely combinable game settings- Game statistics- Comprehensive tutorial- Seafarers LITE: New scenario "The 4 Islands" and two additionalgame variants- Cities and Knights LITE: Test the new expansion in the scenario"The first Island"- 3 different graphic sets to choose from*****Catan FAQ:Question: Why do I have to download additional files afterpurchasing?Answer: The download from Google play includes the basic game dataand a tool that will determine your device’s display resolution andthen download the optimal graphics data for your device.Question: Which Android security permissions does Catan need andwhy?Answer: “Storage” to write data to the SD or move the game data,“Network communication” to download game data and access the In AppStore and “system tools” to check if Catan is already running toresume a game.Question: I bought one of the expansions but after an update,reinstallation of Catan or after restoring my phone the expansionseems gone?Answer: Don’t worry; your initial purchase is already saved in yourGoogle account. However for technical reasons you might have toselect “Buy” again. Confirm and a message will tell you that you’vealready purchased it. You will NOT be billed twice!Question: I lost my campaign progress after reinstalling, updatingfrom or when restoring my phone. Is there any way to restoreit?Answer: Savegames from old versions can usually be restoredautomatically. For all other cases we’ve integrated a cheat code:Enter campaign mode and go to select player. Enter „CatanWarp*“ (*= 1–15, e.g "CatanWarp5") as your player name and confirm. Exit thegame via the home button. Enter your phone’s settings menu. Selectapplications/manage applications/Catan/ and then “Force Stop”.Restart Catan. The campaign can now be continued from the specifiedlevel number by selecting “New scenario *”.**********Suggestions for improvements and feature requests?Mail to [email protected] are looking forward to your feedback!When contacting our support team, please provide details on thetype of device and Android OS version used as well as a detaileddescription of the issue. Thank you!For news and updates follow us on Facebook and Twitter.*****