/ July 3, 2015
(4.2/5) ()


The Sisters of Garlic deep in the Monastery ofMondane hold Varney the Vampire and his vampire brethren andsistren captive.

Good news for the vampires, bad news for the sisters -- Varney hasescaped. Now, he is on a mission to save each and every trappedcomrade.

To free his flappy furry friends (a.k.a. vampire bats) from thesister's hypnotic domination, Varney gives each a bit of his ownblood. This revives the bats ushering them on their way tofreedom.

To keep his own life up, Varney quickly refills by eating a sisteror two. Actually it takes two sisters to replenish the sacrificedblood for each bat.

Once Varney's vampire bat buddies are out from under hypnoticcontrol they will head straight toward the exit.

Whenever Varney dies the current room will reset. This is useful ifthe current puzzle becomes unsolveable because of bat deaths orother calamity.

App Information Varney the Vampire

  • App Name
    Varney the Vampire
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    July 3, 2015
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 4.0 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
  • Installs
    5 - 10
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
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    Gateways Apps P.O. Box 370 Nevada City, CA 95959
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