1.4 / November 9, 2014
(3.7/5) (6)


The atlas contains 23 maps.
As well as photos, a summary of the training materialandquestions
the answers to which can be found using the map.

Note: The captions on pictures only in Ukrainian.

History of Ukraine = 5 class =
Introduction to historical maps
Historical and ethnographic land Ukraine
Eastern Slavs
The formation of Kievan Rus. The first princes
Russ times Volodymyr the Great and Yaroslav the Wise
Ancient Kyiv
Russia during the disintegration
Mongol invasion
Galicia-Volyn state
Ukrainian lands in XIV - XIV centuries
Ukrainian lands in the sixteenth century
The emergence of the Ukrainian Cossacks. ZaporizhzhyaJanuary
National War. The emergence of Ukrainian Cossack state
Hetman in the second half of the seventeenth - earlyeighteenthcentury
Ukraine in the eighteenth century
Ukraine as part dvoyi Empires
Ukraine in the nineteenth - early twentieth century
Ukrainian revolution
Ukraine in the interwar period
Ukraine in World War II (1939 - 1942 gg.)
Ukraine in World War II (1943 - 1945 gg.)
Ukraine in the USSR
Independent Ukraine

App Information Ukraine History Grade 5

  • App Name
    Ukraine History Grade 5
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    November 9, 2014
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 1.6 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
    Oleksandr Avoyants
  • Installs
    500 - 1,000
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
    Visit website Email [email protected]
    Oleksandr Avoyants st. Cherepin 14, apartment 29 Sumy Ukraine 40034
  • Google Play Link

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Ukraine History Grade 5 1.4 APK
The atlas contains 23 maps.As well as photos, a summary of the training materialandquestionsthe answers to which can be found using the map.Note: The captions on pictures only in Ukrainian.============================History of Ukraine = 5 class =============================Introduction to historical mapsHistorical and ethnographic land UkraineEastern SlavsThe formation of Kievan Rus. The first princesRuss times Volodymyr the Great and Yaroslav the WiseAncient KyivRussia during the disintegrationMongol invasionGalicia-Volyn stateUkrainian lands in XIV - XIV centuriesUkrainian lands in the sixteenth centuryThe emergence of the Ukrainian Cossacks. ZaporizhzhyaJanuaryNational War. The emergence of Ukrainian Cossack stateHetman in the second half of the seventeenth - earlyeighteenthcenturyUkraine in the eighteenth centuryUkraine as part dvoyi EmpiresUkraine in the nineteenth - early twentieth centuryUkrainian revolutionUkraine in the interwar periodUkraine in World War II (1939 - 1942 gg.)Ukraine in World War II (1943 - 1945 gg.)Ukraine in the USSRIndependent Ukraine
Географія, 10-11 кл. 1.5 APK
Атлас містить 52 географічні карти, об'єднаніврозділи.А також: фотографії, короткий виклад навчального матеріалуітестуванняУвага: підписи на зображеннях тільки українською мовою.===================== ПОЛІТИЧНА ТА ФІЗИЧНА КАРТА СВІТУ =====================Політична карта світуДержавний устрійРівень економічного та соціального розвитку країн світуМіжнародні організаціїУкраїна на карті ЄвропиФізична карта світу===================== НАСЕЛЕННЯ СВІТУ =====================Розміщення населенняУрбанізація. Тривалість життяПриродний приріст населення. Склад населення за статтюЗовнішні міграціїРелігіїНародиЗайнятість населення в сільському, лісовому, рибномутаіндустріальних галузях господарстваЗайнятість населення в обслуговуючих галузяхгосподарства.Безробіття===================== ВЗАЄМОДІЯ СУСПІЛЬСТВА І ПРИРОДИ. =====================Мінеральні ресурсиПаливні та геотермальні ресурсиРесурси світового океануЗемельні ресурсиВодні ресурсиБіологічні ресурсиАгрокліматичні ресурси. Типи зимиРекреаційні ресурси. Туризм. Напрямки світового туризму===================== СВІТОВЕ ГОСПОДАРСТВО =====================Нафтова та газова промисловістьВугільна та уранодобувна промисловістьЕлектроенергетикаЧорна металургіяКольорова металургіяМашинобудування та металообробкаХімічна промисловістьТекстильна промисловістьСільське господарствоЗернові культури. Технічні (цукрові, бульбоплідні татонізуючі)культуриТехнічні (олійні та волокнисті) культури. ТваринництвоТранспорт. Мережа міжнародного зв?язкуМіжнародні економічні зв?язки===================== ГЛОБАЛЬНІ ПРОБЛЕМИ ЛЮДСТВА =====================Політична напруженістьКалорійність харчування. Охорона здоров?яЕкологічні проблемиОхорона природиЗабруднення атмосферного повітря. НеграмотністьОсвіта і наука===================== ЕКОНОМІЧНІ КАРТИ =====================Країни ЄвропиВелика Британія, Франція, Італія, Бельгія, Швейцарія,Нідерланди,ЛюксембурґНімеччина, Чехія, Словаччина, Польща, Білорусь, ЛитваРосіяКраїни АзіїКитай, Монголія, Корея Північна, Корея ПівденнаІндія, Банґладеш, Непал, Бутан. ЯпоніяКанада, СШАЛатинська АмерикаАфрикаАвстралія та ОкеаніяThe atlas contains 52mapscombined in sections.Also: pictures, a summary of training material and testingNote: The captions on pictures only in Ukrainian.===================== POLITICAL AND PHYSICAL WORLD MAP =====================The political map of the worldPolityThe economic and social development of countriesInternational organizationsUkraine on the map of EuropePhysical map of the world===================== = WORLD POPULATION====================Placement of the populationUrbanization. LifeNatural population growth. The composition of the populationbysexExternal migrationReligiousThe peopleEmployment in agriculture, forestry, fisheries andindustrialsectors of the economyEmployment in service sectors of the economy. Unemployment===================== Interaction between society and nature. =====================Mineral resourcesFuel and geothermal resourcesOcean resourcesLand resourcesWater resourcesBiological resourcesAgroclimatic resources. Types of winterRecreational Resources. Tourism. World tourism destinations====================World economy = =====================The oil and gas industryCoal and uranium mining industryPowerSiderurgyFerrous metallurgyOil and GasChemical industryTextile industryAgricultureCereals. Technical (sugar, bulboplidni and tonic) cultureTechnical (oil and fiber) culture. StockbreedingTransportation. Network International called? CommunicationInternational economic BC? Yazky===================== = Global problems====================Political tensionsCaloric intake. Health care? IEnvironmental issuesConservationAir pollution. IlliteracyEducation and Science===================== Economic map =====================Countries in EuropeUK, France, Italy, Belgium, Switzerland,Netherlands,LuxembourgGermany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Belarus, LithuaniaRussiaAsian countriesChina, Mongolia, North Korea, South KoreaIndia, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan. JapanCanada, USALatin AmericaAfricaAustralia and Oceania
World History, Grade 7 1.4 APK
The atlas contains 42 maps combinedintosections.As well as photos, a summary of the training material and testNote: The captions on pictures only in Ukrainian.======================================== = Birth of Medieval Europe=======================================Beginning of the Great Migration. The death of theRomanEmpireThe emergence of the barbarian kingdomsThe emergence of Islam and the Arab CaliphateEurope in the second half of VI. Byzantium under JustinianByzantium and the Slavs in VII-IX centuries.Byzantium and the Slavs in X-XI centuries.Frankish EmpireViking Age (VIII-XI).================================= European countries in the X-XIII centuries. =================================Germany in the X-XIII.Central and Eastern Europe IX-XI.The Crusades 1096-1192 biennium.The Crusades 1202-1291 biennium.England in the XI - beginning of the fourteenth century.France in the eleventh to thirteenth centuries.=================================================================== The struggle of the peoples of Europe and Asia againstthebarbarian invaders ===================================================================North-EasternEconomic rozvtytok Europe and the Middle East in theXIII-XVcenturies.Germany and Italy in the XI-XIII centuries. Mongol invasionofCentral EuropeRuthenian principality in XII-XIII centuries. Mongol invasionBritain and France in the XII - at the beginning of the XIVcentury.State of the Iberian Peninsula during the VIII-XIIIcenturies.ReconquistaThe Crusades 1096-1291 biennium.Turkish conquest and the formation of the Ottoman Empire(XIV-XVcenturies.)Asia in the XIII-XV centuries. Mongol conquest.StateChynhisydivRuthenian principality in XII-XIII centuries. Mongol invasionGermany and Italy in the XI-XIII centuries. Mongol invasionofCentral Europe=============================== = Medieval Society==============================Peasants and nobles in the eleventh to thirteenth centuries.The medieval city================================================== ======== Europe in XIV-XV centuries. The spiritual world ofmedieval=================================================== =======Hundred Years War 1337-1453 biennium.England, France and the state of the Iberian Peninsula duringthesecond half of XV century.Italy in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries.Britain and France in the XII - at the beginning of the XIVcentury.State of the Iberian Peninsula during the VIII-XIIIcenturies.ReconquistaEngland, France and the state of the Iberian Peninsula duringthesecond half of XV century.The death of the Byzantine Empire and the emergence of theOttomanEmpireGermany and Northern Europe in the fourteenth andfifteenthcenturies.HussitesPolish Kingdom and the Grand Duchy of LithuaniaEconomic rozvtytok Europe and the Middle East in theXIII-XVcenturies.Christian Church in Europe VI-XIII centuries.=============================================== Formation of Muscovy. Asia ===============================================Getting the land consolidation Northeast around MoscowState of Ivan IIIMedieval ChinaMedieval JapanMedieval India
World History, Grade 8 1.4 APK
The atlas contains 29 maps combinedintosections.As well as photos, a summary of the training material and testNote: The captions on pictures only in Ukrainian.================================== = Age of Discovery=================================Civilization and Culture of the World naprykyntsi XV.Age of Discovery trip late XV - first half of XVII century.Theestablishment of colonial empiresThe Anglo-Spanish struggle================================== Beginning of the Reformation in Europe ==================================Reformation and Counter-Reformation EuropeEurope in the XVI century.==================================== Liberation movement in the Netherlands ====================================Netherlands in the XVI - first half of XVII century.DutchRevolution 1566-1609 biennium.Europe in the XVI century.========================================== France in the XVI - first half of XVII century. ==========================================France in the XVI - first half of XVII century.Europe in the XVI century.Europe in the second half of XVII - the first thirdXVIIIcentury.===================== England in the XVI century. =====================England in the XVI - first half of XVII century.The Anglo-Spanish struggle XVI - XVII century. The colonial tradeinthe Atlantic======================================= Muscovy in XVI - XVII century. =======================================Muscovy in the XVI century.Muscovy in the XVII century.========================Thirty Years' War = =========================Thirty Years' War 1618-1648 biennium. The grouping of States inthewar. Battle Lyuttsenom November 16, 1632Europe in the middle of the XVII century. Devastation imperiallandsas a result of the Thirty Years War========================== Poland in XVI - XVII century. ==========================Poland in XVI - XVII century.=============================== Orient in the XVI - XVIII centuries. ===============================The Ottoman Empire in the XVI - XVII century. The Battle ofLepanto,October 7, 1571Asia in the XVI - XVII century.Asia in the XVIII century.========================================== English Revolution of the mid XVII century. ==========================================The English Revolution 1640-1660 biennium. Beginning oftheindustrial revolution in England. Education UK============================================== Russian state at the end of XVII - XVIII centuries. ==============================================Russia at the end of XVII - the first half of the XVIIIcentury.Battle of Poltava 27 June 1709Europe in the second half of XVII - the first thirdXVIIIcentury.Russian Empire in the second half of the XVIII century. Thegrowthof the Russian State in XVI - XVII century.Europe in the second half of the XVIII century.============================== German states in the XVII century. ==============================Austrian Habsburg Monarchy and Brandeburzko-Pruscka State in XVI-XVII century.Europe in the second half of XVII - the first thirdXVIIIcentury.Seven-year war 1756-1763 biennium. Seven years after WorldWarII===================== America in XVIII century. =====================North America in XVIII century. War of Independence theBritishcolonies in America. The formation of the United StatesofAmerica
World History 9th grade 1.4 APK
The atlas contains 14 maps combined into sections. As well asphotos, a summary of the training material and test Note: Thecaptions on pictures only in Ukrainian.======================================== = The French Revolution ofthe late XVIII century. = ========================================The French Revolution of the late XVIII century. War between Franceand consulates directory================================================== ========== =Board Napoleon Bonaparte. First Empire in France =================================================== ========== Warwith Napoleonic France ================================= = Europeancountries in 1815-1847. = =================================European countries in the years 1815-1847==================================== = Revolution of 1848-1849.Europe = ==================================== Revolution of1848-1849 in Europe================================================================================================ = Formation ofnation-states in Italy and Germany. Central Europe in 1860-1870-s ================================================================================================= Formation ofnation-states in Italy and Germany. Central Europe in 1860-1870years ============================================== =International Relations in 1840-1860's =============================================== World in1840-1860's. The formation of independent states in Latin America================================================== ================= US in the first half of the XIX century. Civil War (1861-1865gg.) = ================================================================== American Civil War (1861-1865 gg.). Growth in theUS ============================ = Empire in the XIX century. ============================= Russian Empire in the XIX century.Russian expansion in the Caucasus================================================== ========== =International relations in late XIX century. - Early XX century. =================================================== ==========European countries in the second half of XIX - early XX century.The World in 1879-1914, respectively. Anglo-Boer War of 1899-1902.================================================== == = TheAmericas in the late XIX - early XX century. =================================================== == Latin Americain the late XIX - early XX century.================================================== ==== = RussianEmpire in the late XIX - early XX century. =================================================== ==== RussianEmpire in the early XX century. The Asian part of Russia================================================= = Asia in thelate XIX century. - Early XX century. ================================================== South and EastAsia in the late XIX - early XX century. Countries of the MiddleEast in late XIX - early XX century. The Balkan Wars 1912-1913years
Географія, 6 кл. 1.5 APK
Атлас містить 31 географічну карту,картиоб'єднані в розділи.А також: фотографії, короткий виклад навчального матеріалуітестуванняУвага: підписи на зображеннях тільки українською мовою.=============================== ГЕОГРАФІЧНЕ ПІЗНАННЯ ЗЕМЛІ ===============================Уявлення людей про ЗемлюГеографічні відкриття і подорожі (до середини XVII ст.)Географічні відкриття нового часу===================== СТАРОВИННІ КАРТИ =====================Карта світу Ідрісі, XII ст.Карта Птолемея, опублікована в 1482 р.Карта Меркатора, XVI ст.Карта світу Н.Белліна, 1748 р.Карта півкуль, Ф. Сантіні, 1780 р.Карта півдня Росії, Чорного моря та Малої Татарії,Б. Гоманн,XVII ст.=========================== ЗЕМЛЯ НА ПЛАНІ ТА КАРТІ ===========================Глобус - модель ЗемліОкомірне знімання місцевостіПлан місцевості. Масштаб 1:50 000План місцевості. Масштаб 1:10 000 Умовні позначенняЗображення суходолу та вод на картіЗалежність зображення від масштабу карти. Найвищігірськівершини===================== ЛІТОСФЕРА =====================Внутрішня будова Землі. Літосфера. Дрейф материківБудова земної кориФізична карта півкульФізична карта України===================== ГІДРОСФЕРА =====================Карта океанівГідросфера===================== АТМОСФЕРА =====================Будова атмосфери. Пояси сонячного освітленняКліматична картаКліматичні пояси======================================= БІОСФЕРА ТА ГЕОГРАФІЧНА ОБОЛОНКА =======================================Природні комплексиГеографічні поясиҐрунтиГлобальні екологічні проблеми=========================== ЗЕМЛЯ – ПЛАНЕТА ЛЮДЕЙ ===========================Людські раси світу та найбільш чисельні народи.РозміщеннянаселенняПолітична карта світуАдміністративно-територіальний поділ УкраїниThe atlas contains31maps, maps combined in sections.Also: pictures, a summary of training material and testingNote: The captions on pictures only in Ukrainian.==============================GEOGRAPHICAL KNOWLEDGE OF EARTH = ===============================The idea of ​​people EarthGeographical discoveries and travel (to the middle ofXVIIcentury.)The geographical discoveries of modern times===================== = Old map====================World Map Idrisi, XII century.Ptolemy's map, published in 1482Mercator Map, XVI century.World Map N.Bellina, 1748Map hemispheres, F. Santini, 1780Map of southern Russia, the Black Sea and Little Tartary, B.Homann,XVII century.=========================== EARTH TO THE PLAN AND MAP ===========================Globe - model of EarthOkomirne removal areasPlan area. Scale 1:50 000Plan area. 1:10 000 Scale LegendImages of land and water on the mapDependence of the image on the scale of the map. Thehighestmountain peaks====================Lithosphere = =====================The internal structure of the Earth. Lithosphere. DriftofcontinentsThe structure of the crustPhysical map of the hemispheresPhysical map of Ukraine====================Hydrosphere = =====================Map OceansHydrosphere====================ATMOSPHERE = =====================The structure of the atmosphere. Belts sunlightClimatic mapClimatic zones======================================= BIOSPHERE AND GEOGRAPHIC SHELL =======================================Natural complexesGeographic zonesSoilsGlobal environmental problems=========================== EARTH - THE PLANET OF PEOPLE ===========================The human race the world and the most numerous peoples. Placementofthe populationThe political map of the worldSubdivisions Ukraine
Kiev Geography 1.4 APK
The atlas contains 36 maps combined into sections. As well asphotos, a summary of the training material and test Note: Thecaptions on pictures only in Ukrainian. ====================Geographical location = = ==================== world Europe.Ukraine. Neighborhoods Kyiv Distances from Kyiv to other cities==================== = Surface of Kyiv. Weather ===================== The relief. Rivers and Lakes Relief citycenter water supply Soils Seasons. Items observing nature==================== = Flora and Fauna = ==================== Floraand Fauna Central Botanical Garden. Mikhail Grishko The botanicalgarden to him. A. Fomin zoo Central Park of Culture and Leisure==================== = Population. Past and Present ===================== Administrative Region Historic areas andchange area Changes in population Kyiv Center Reserve "Sophia"Things to do Things to do downtown Museum of Folk Architecture andLife of Ukraine Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. Reserve and MonasteryCelebrities in Kiev ==================== = Economic activity ===================== industry Power air Pollution Transport andcommunications Vehicles in 1914 subway ==================== Kyiv =last = ==================== The oldest settlement in the city 945year in 1240 in 1648 in 1786 in 1914 1914. city Centre
World History 10th grade 1.4 APK
The atlas contains 13 maps. As well as photos, a summary of thetraining material and test Note: The captions on pictures only inUkrainian. ============================ = World History Grade 10 ============================= Europe before World War World War I(event 1914 - 1915) World War I (event 1916 - 1918) Europe afterWorld War I: TERRITORIAL CHANGES AND POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT (1919 -1923 gg.) The people of Central and Eastern Europe in the interwarperiod Revolution and civil war in Russia Formation of the Union ofSoviet Socialist Republics. The Soviet Union in 1924 - 1939 yearsEurope in 1924 - 1932 years Europe in 1933 - 1939 years The Worldin 1920 - 1939 years COUNTRY Near East and North-East Africa in theinterwar period South and East Asia in the interwar period UnitedStates and Latin America in the interwar period. State of theaggressor and the reallocation of Peace before World War II