1 / August 2, 2013
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Interaktives Lernspiel, bei dem Ihr Kindlernen kann, verschiedene Tierstimmen zu erkennen und demjeweiligen Tier zuzuordnen. Ihr Kind kann so auf unterhaltsame undspielerische Weise sein/ihr Gedächtnis trainieren und seine/ihreFähigkeiten ausbauen. Dieses Programm hat 24 Tierstimmen dreiSpiele und es enthält keine Werbung!
Interactive learning gamein which your child can learn to recognize different animal soundsand associate the individual animal. Your child can exercise in afun and playful way his / her memory and expand his / her skills.This program has 24 animal sounds three games and it contains noadvertising!

App Information Tierstimmen

  • App Name
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    August 2, 2013
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  • Requires Android
    Android 2.2 and up
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  • Installs
    1 - 5
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  • Developer
    Email [email protected]
    Bernhardstrasse 4, 01069 Dresden, Germany
  • Google Play Link

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Zelite da razmenite novac ? Kovertor valutavam pomaze da kovertujete cak 25 valuta ! Aplikacija poseduje iOffline mod, koji se preporucuje kada se nalazite u inostranstvu iza koji nije potrebna inernet konekcija ali je zato preorucljivo dase kurs preuzme neposredno pred putovanje kako bi imali najsvezijepodatke. Ukoliko smatrate da treba dodati jos neku valutu ostavitekomentar, u narednoj verziji ce biti ubacena.Want to exchange money? Aconverter currency kovertujete helps you as much as 25 currencies!Dashboard and Offline mode, which is recommended when you areabroad and that does not require access to the Internet connectionbut the preorucljivo to take the course just before the trip inorder to have the most updated data. If you feel you need to add acurrency more comment, the next version will be inserted.
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Taschenlampe 1.0 APK
Taschenlampe für Android handy. DiesesProgramm enthält keine Werbung!Flashlight for Androidmobile phone. This program contains no advertising!