1.0.0 / November 16, 2013
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The vision of Syntropolis was born fromthisidea in November 2011: to link energy professionals inanenvironment that stimulates discussion of the most pressingissuesand to aid these professionals in their career developmentthroughnetworking opportunities, education and constructivedialogue.Syntropolis seeks to bring together individuals fromtechnical,financial, policy, and academic backgrounds in order tofacilitatediscussion about the future of energy. Society as a wholeisinvited to take part as well, for we all have a stake in ourcommonenergy future.

App Information Syntropolis

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Seal For Life 1.0.1 APK
This app is an application tool made by SealFor Life Industries forprofessionals in the corrosion prevention and water stopindustry.Seal For Life Industries is the name of a closely associated groupofcompanies engaged in preventing and combating corrosion in thebroadestpossible sense.- AnodeflexAnodeflex is an impressed current, flexible cable anode for useincathodic protection systems for buried structures.- BlockrThe unique visco-elastic features of Blockr makes it easy to fixandrepair any object in and around your house.- CovalenceCovalence heat shrink sleeves provide strong mechanicalstrengthperformance and corrosion protection for oil, gas and watertransmissionpipelines.- PowercretePowercrete is a curing epoxy based polymer concrete.Its main purpose is to protect the fusion bonded epoxy coating onsteelpipe under severe handling conditions.- SEALTAQSealtaq provides safe, fast and secure protection for any kind ofcivilapplication to offer 100% waterproofing.- STOPAQStopaq supplies a wide range of patented visco-elastic solutionstoprotect assets from corrosion and water ingress.- PolykenPolyken pipeline tape coating systems provide pipeline protectionwithcold-applied and fused tape coating products for various climatesandenvironments.
VNO-NCW Noord 2.3 APK
VNO-NCW Noord is de grootsteondernemersorganisatie vanNoord-Nederland. Als gerespecteerd belangenbehartiger van 12.000bedrijven zet VNO-NCW Noord zich in voor een aantrekkelijkondernemersklimaat met een scherp oog voor het ondernemersbelang inhet Noorden. De kracht van VNO-NCW Noord schuilt in de combinatietussen deze belangenbehartiging en de toegang die wij bieden toteenbreed netwerk van werkgevers in Noord-Nederland, variërend vanmultinationals tot MKB-bedrijven.De app van VNO-NCW Noord is toegankelijk voor leden enniet-leden van VNO-NCW Noord en biedt een overzicht van het laatstenieuws en de activiteiten die VNO-NCW Noord organiseert. Het nieuwsbetreft zowel noordelijk als landelijk nieuws van VNO-NCW. Deagenda biedt degebruiker een overzicht van de komende bijeenkomsten van VNO-NCWNoord. Deze kunnen eenvoudig in de agenda van de gebruiker wordengezet. Daarnaast kan met één actie de navigatie worden ingeschakeldom naar de locatie van de bijeenkomst te rijden. Verder biedt deapp diverse mogelijkheden om met VNO-NCW Noord in contact tekomen.VNO-NCW Noord houdt zich bezig met thema’s die voor ondernemersbetekenisvol zijn, zoals verbetering van infrastructuur,vermindering van de regeldruk, de inrichting vanbedrijventerreinen, de aansluitingtussen onderwijs en de arbeidsmarkt en de bestuurskracht van lokaleoverheden. Rondom deze en andere onderwerpen worden regelmatigbijeenkomsten georganiseerd en initiatieven genomen. Voor meerinformatie: www.vno-ncwnoord.nlVNO-NCW Noord is thelargest employers ofNorthern Netherlands. As a respected advocate of 12,000 companiesVNO-NCW Noord committed to an attractive business environment witha keen eye for business interests in the North. The Power ofVNO-NCW Noord lies in the combination of these interests and theaccess that we provide towide network of employers in the Northern Netherlands, ranging frommultinationals to SMEs.The app of VNO-NCW Noord is open to members and non-members ofVNO-NCW Noord and provides an overview of the latest news andactivities organized by VNO-NCW Noord. The news includes bothnorthern and national news VNO-NCW. The calendar offers theuser an overview of the forthcoming meetings of VNO-NCW Noord.These can easily be put on the agenda. The user In addition, thenavigation will be switched to the location of the meeting todrive. An action Furthermore, the app offers various possibilitiesto get in touch. VNO-NCW NoordVNO-NCW Noord deals with themes that are meaningful forentrepreneurs, such as improving infrastructure, reducingadministrative burdens, the establishment of industrial parks, theconnectionbetween education and the labor market and the administrative powerof local governments. Around these and other topics are regularlyorganized meetings and initiatives. For more information:www.vno-ncwnoord.nl
Syntropolis 1.0.0 APK
The vision of Syntropolis was born fromthisidea in November 2011: to link energy professionals inanenvironment that stimulates discussion of the most pressingissuesand to aid these professionals in their career developmentthroughnetworking opportunities, education and constructivedialogue.Syntropolis seeks to bring together individuals fromtechnical,financial, policy, and academic backgrounds in order tofacilitatediscussion about the future of energy. Society as a wholeisinvited to take part as well, for we all have a stake in ourcommonenergy future.