1.1.5 / September 7, 2015
(5.0/5) (1)


Every year nearly a quarter of a millionpeoplesuffer from a STEMI (ST segment elevation myocardialinfarct). Wehave developed an app that will decrease the time ittakes for aphysician to receive the critical information needed inorder toprompt the start of interventions before the patient evenreachesthe hospital. The benefit of using this app compared to thecurrentemail based system is its speed, reliability, costeffectiveness andease of use. Any healthcare provider that has thepotential to lay ahand in the care of a STEMI patient needs tohave this app.

The STEMI Alert app allows the healthcare provider to startthechain of life-saving interventions in a matter of secondsforpatients suffering from a STEMI. EMS Agencies that utilize thisappare able to activate early transmission to destination hospitalsbyusing everyday technology. We believe that simple

concepts, such as self-explained text input and cameracapturing,make this app stand out for its ease of use. Thisenables employersto equip quick service-wide training whether itbe for EMS agencies,hospitals, urgent care centers or Dr.offices.

The STEMI Alert team works to customize the app to eachspecificcommunity including EMS agencies, hospitals and otherhealthcareoffices utilizing the STEMI Alert app. The app connectshealthcareresources throughout communities by providing a directlink tothose services.

The app’s simple and user-friendly design quicklyprovidesphysicians with the necessary patient information and aclear ECGso that early detection results in early activation of acath-lab.Early activation of the cath-lab in the field has beenproven toshave off the time it takes to provide the patient withalife-saving intervention. One study concluded that 92% oftheirpatients reached a balloon to door time of < 60 minuteswithearly activation. Referencelink:http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4427229/

In 2013 the American Heart Association recognizedthesignificance that cellular technology could play in theearlytransmission of ECG. Displaying the results of a study fundedbythe University of Virginia, it was proven that this technologywasquicker, more reliable and cost effective. That idea hadnotreached our fingertips until now with the potential tosavemillions of lives. More information on the study may be foundbyaccessing thelink:http://newsroom.heart.org/news/diagnosing-heart-attacks:-theres-an-app-for-that.

The STEMI Alert app was created by a team of medics who wantedtobuild an easier and more cost effective way to providebetterpatient care for their cardiac patients. Through thedevelopment ofthis app, smaller companies and departments now havetheopportunity to be an integrative part in early transmissiontolocal hospitals for STEMI Alert activation.

Currently, email based transmission for an EMS agency witharound20 med units can cost upwards of $15,000+ a year tomaintain. Onaverage, these transmission systems cost around $1,500per unit tostartup as well as monthly fees. With STEMI Alert thereis aonce-a-year activation fee of $20 per unit/device.

Remember that EMS service with 20 med units… they just cuttheiryearly transmission cost from $15,000 to $400 while alsoprovidinga quicker and easier route for doing so. No worries abouthaving touse a particular network service, because you can use yourlocalnetwork provider.

The STEMI Alert team provides excellent customer supporttoensure your system is established and working properly. Formoreinformation on the STEMI Alert app, visit ourwebsitewww.stemi-alert.com or contact us at [email protected] us also via Facebook and Twitter. @stemialertapp

App Information Stemi Alert

Med Apps LLC Show More...

Stemi Alert 1.1.5 APK
Med Apps LLC
Every year nearly a quarter of a millionpeoplesuffer from a STEMI (ST segment elevation myocardialinfarct). Wehave developed an app that will decrease the time ittakes for aphysician to receive the critical information needed inorder toprompt the start of interventions before the patient evenreachesthe hospital. The benefit of using this app compared to thecurrentemail based system is its speed, reliability, costeffectiveness andease of use. Any healthcare provider that has thepotential to lay ahand in the care of a STEMI patient needs tohave this app.The STEMI Alert app allows the healthcare provider to startthechain of life-saving interventions in a matter of secondsforpatients suffering from a STEMI. EMS Agencies that utilize thisappare able to activate early transmission to destination hospitalsbyusing everyday technology. We believe that simpleconcepts, such as self-explained text input and cameracapturing,make this app stand out for its ease of use. Thisenables employersto equip quick service-wide training whether itbe for EMS agencies,hospitals, urgent care centers or Dr.offices.The STEMI Alert team works to customize the app to eachspecificcommunity including EMS agencies, hospitals and otherhealthcareoffices utilizing the STEMI Alert app. The app connectshealthcareresources throughout communities by providing a directlink tothose services.The app’s simple and user-friendly design quicklyprovidesphysicians with the necessary patient information and aclear ECGso that early detection results in early activation of acath-lab.Early activation of the cath-lab in the field has beenproven toshave off the time it takes to provide the patient withalife-saving intervention. One study concluded that 92% oftheirpatients reached a balloon to door time of < 60 minuteswithearly activation. Referencelink:http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4427229/In 2013 the American Heart Association recognizedthesignificance that cellular technology could play in theearlytransmission of ECG. Displaying the results of a study fundedbythe University of Virginia, it was proven that this technologywasquicker, more reliable and cost effective. That idea hadnotreached our fingertips until now with the potential tosavemillions of lives. More information on the study may be foundbyaccessing thelink:http://newsroom.heart.org/news/diagnosing-heart-attacks:-theres-an-app-for-that.The STEMI Alert app was created by a team of medics who wantedtobuild an easier and more cost effective way to providebetterpatient care for their cardiac patients. Through thedevelopment ofthis app, smaller companies and departments now havetheopportunity to be an integrative part in early transmissiontolocal hospitals for STEMI Alert activation.Currently, email based transmission for an EMS agency witharound20 med units can cost upwards of $15,000+ a year tomaintain. Onaverage, these transmission systems cost around $1,500per unit tostartup as well as monthly fees. With STEMI Alert thereis aonce-a-year activation fee of $20 per unit/device.Remember that EMS service with 20 med units… they just cuttheiryearly transmission cost from $15,000 to $400 while alsoprovidinga quicker and easier route for doing so. No worries abouthaving touse a particular network service, because you can use yourlocalnetwork provider.The STEMI Alert team provides excellent customer supporttoensure your system is established and working properly. Formoreinformation on the STEMI Alert app, visit ourwebsitewww.stemi-alert.com or contact us at [email protected] us also via Facebook and Twitter. @stemialertapp