App Information Solar Clock: Circadian Rhythm
- App NameSolar Clock: Circadian Rhythm
- Package
- UpdatedOctober 12, 2016
- File Size4.6M
- Requires AndroidAndroid 4.0 and up
- Version3.0.1
- DeveloperAqreadd Studios
- Installs10,000 - 50,000
- PriceFree
- CategoryLifestyle
- DeveloperVisit website Email [email protected]AQREADD Systems S.L. Bembrive Segade 58 36214, Vigo (Pontevedra) Spain
- Google Play Link
Solar Clock: Circadian Rhythm Version History
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Solar Clock: Circadian Rhythm 3.0.1 APK File
Publish Date: 2017 /4/30Requires Android: Android 4.0+ (Ice Cream Sandwich, API: 14)File Size: 4.6 MBTested on: Android 7.0 (Nougat, API: 24)File Sha1: c197dd1a64697aab506cb74dc2d87aa4b34bce28
Aqreadd Studios Show More...
New Year Countdown premium APK
Welcomes New Years with this livewallpaper!Set a countdown to New Year with a 2017 full of sparks on a scenewith lot of colorful lights and fireworks.Change theme colors interactively by tapping twice on the homescreen, or you can choose it between more than 20 themes! Also, youcan set a random color after a time.Enjoy the automatic camera mode, you will see how the camera movesaround the New Year and how it focuses on the scene details. Seethe awesome scenes and enjoy the slow motion scenes. Choose manualcamera mode if you want to change the camera perspective whenscrolls home screens.Set the shape for the 2017, choose between sphere, sprinkle, radialor stretch radial.The New Year's Countdown is fully configurable, you can show days,days and hours left or disable it.Now screensaver - daydream with android tv support.Happy New Year!INSTRUCTIONS to set manually:Long press on Home screen -> Wallpapers -> select New YearCountdownVisit Our Website: us on Facebook: us on Twitter: us on Google+: us on Pinterest: Sending your feedback and suggestions [email protected] downloading this app, you agree to the EULA at
Christmas Live Wallpaper Santa 3.1.0 APK
Christmas live wallpaper 3D: run, run Rudolph!Santa has a lot of work this year over Christmas; many people areexpecting their Xmas gift! So, here is Santa making his magicaljourney to earth from the North Pole.Do you like Christmas music? Shake your device and you couldlisten to Christmas carols: “Jingle Bells”, “We wish you” and moreChristmas songs. Maybe, you like more Christmas sounds, so you cantap twice on the screen to listening to the sleigh bells andSanta's "HO, HO, HO" (disabled by default).Help Santa Claus to achieve his Christmas’ goal: deliver as manyChristmas gifts as he can. Let him teleport himself to your mobilephone in order to get your present in time. The more apps download,the more gifts will be delivered. Join us on social media to knowhow many gifts have been delivered!Now, this Christmas live wallpaper uses the gyroscope to give 3Dperspective, just move your device. If your device doesn't have agyroscope, it uses the accelerometer as a fake gyroscope in orderto get a 3D perspective effect. Of course, you can enable/disableHologram mode on Settings.Ready for Android Lollipop!HO, HO, HO! Merry Christmas!Features Christmas live wallpaper:★ Speed control.★ Sky light.★ Christmas snowfall (select amount, speed and direction)★ Fireballs gifts (select color and amount)★ Magic dust that is used by reindeers in order to fly (selectcolor and amount)★ Christmas carols: “Jingle Bells”, “Deck the halls”, SilentNight”, “Twelve days of Christmas”, “We wish you”, “What child isthis”, “Fairy”, “Sleighride”, “Rudolph”, “we three Kings”, “Iwonder as I wander”, “Oh Holy Night”How to set Christmas live wallpaper on the screen of yourphone:Home->Menu->Wallpaper->Live Wallpaper->select Christmaslive wallpaper SantaBy downloading this app, you agree to the EULA at out our account or website for more free beautiful livewallpapers: us on Facebook: us on Twitter: free to contact us for any issue or suggestion by e-mail:[email protected]
Little Witch Planet LW 3.1.0 APK
With Witch laugh sound and HalloweenCountdown!Slide your fingers to zoom out and out, up to see the wholeBewitched Planet, tap the witch and she use magic to so Halloweencountdown. Day and Night, three scenarios, pumpkin world, zooms,Halloween countdown, interactive and more!Zoom in the Pumpkin World and you can see three scenarios: Evilforest, Infernos and Oblivion Desert.★★Principal Features:★Slide to zoom in and zoom out★Day/Night mode and automatic change★Halloween countdown!★3 different scenarios plus Pumpkin world★Change color for all scenes★Config day/night mode★and more....Scenarios are filled of tombstones, crossings, Jack O' Lantern,scarecrows with gloomy hat and sometimes with two heads, eviltrees, evil fog in all scene, and more ... you can see screenshotsbut you need to see in your device to know how evil and funny itis.When zoom is totally out, you can see how Pumpkin Planet rotate,tap witch and she fly around planet while darkens with magic toshow countdown. Only in a Bewitched Planet this is possible!INSTRUCTIONS to set:Home/Menu/Wallpaper/Live Wallpaper-> select Pumpkin WorldLWBy downloading this app, you agree to the EULA at Our Website: us on Facebook: us on Twitter: Sending your feedback and suggestions [email protected]::
Solar Clock: Circadian Rhythm 3.0.1 APK
Widget available on Premium pack!Do you experience different levels of sleepiness and alertnessthroughout the day? Would you like improve your sleep cycle? Haveyou ever felt poorly because of jet lag?Improve your sleep cycle, productivity and reduce jet lag withthis app.Solar Clock: Circadian Rhythm syncs the Solar time with yourLocal time and shows important events based on Circadianrhythm.What is the Circadian Rhythm?All species have a timing mechanism, or 'clock,' that controlsperiods of activity and inactivity. These clocks are known ascircadian rhythms and refer the cycle of physiological andbiological processes that fluctuate on a roughly 24-hour timetable.You have probably noticed these tendencies yourself, feeling moreenergetic and alert during peak periods of the day and morelethargic and run-down at other times of the day. Circadian rhythmsalso impact body temperature, pain sensitivity, mental alertness,physical strength, and the senses. disruptions such as jet lag put us in conflict withour natural sleep patterns, since the shift in time and light cueson the brain forces the body to alter its normal pattern to adjust.This is why jet lag can leave travelers feeling poorly and havingmore difficulty thinking and performing well. But these symptomscan also occur in everyday life, when the circadian rhythm isdisrupted by keeping long and irregular hours.Solar Clock: Circadian Rhythm helps you to keep a regularsleep schedule and allow plenty of time for quality sleep,allowingthese two vital biological components, the sleep/wake restorativeprocess and the circadian rhythm, to help you perform at yourbest.The app will notify when a circadian event starts.The alarm will adjust gradually as sunrise time change throughoutthe year.Use the app as a natural alarm clock that you can set to wakeup.Enjoy Solar Clock and reconnect with your circadianrhythm!By downloading this app, you agree to the EULA at out our account or website for more free apps: us on Facebook: us on Twitter: free to contact us for any issue or suggestion by e-mail:[email protected]::
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Glimmer (luminous alarm clock) 2.0.32 APK
This gorgeous software softly wakes you up. It turns on thescreen30 mins before the alarm with the darkest screen andincreasesslowly the brightness. --- /!\ All the features of thissoftwareare usable, but an in app purchase allows you tocustomizeeverything ! (From only 1€) --- In the middle of theprocess it canplay birds sound, and if you didn’t wake up 1 minuteafter alarmtime, it plays a strong sound to be sure you don’t miss.It alsolet the phone check the emails by turning the notificationsoundoff and internet on. So when you wake up, you don’t have towait toknow what’s new :) If you sleep in a dark room it reallywakes youup with the light, and if the phone points at you, yourwifedoesn’t wake up ! One more thing: This alarmclock is able toturnyour phone in a "night mode" the evening, and turn back in daymodethe morning. And so it shuts down the notification sound,internet,lower the brightness... ***FOR ANY BUG, PLEASE SEND ME A"BUGREPORT" (menu/bug report). THANK YOU !!*** For those who care,hereis the explanation of the authorizations: CAMERA The app opentheflash in torch mode at end of the alarm to add light on yourroom.To access the camera flash, I need to ask access to all thecameramodule. But... I never take any picture. READ WRITE FILES ONSDCARD I record data about app crash when it occurs. Then, youhavechoice to send it to me or not by email. WIFI, SYNC, SETTINGSInnight mode, the app lower the brightness, mute sounds, turnoff,wifi, turn of sync (to not have email notification) PREVENTPHONETO SLEEP The alarm has a duration of 30 minutes. The screenhas tostay open. LAUNCH AT BOOT When you boot your phone, the appisactivated and setup the next alarm time.
Alarmy (Sleep If U Can) - Alarm clock 4.35.21 APK
■ "World's Most Annoying alarm clock app,featured by Cnet, Gizmodo,Huffington post etc."■ #1 in the category in 92 countries, including Germany, France,and South Korea. (Appstore)■ Features "Photo Mode" (Get out of bed and take a picture ofregistered place to turn off alarm)■ Also support "Shake Mode" (To turn off alarm, shake your phone)and "Math problem mode" (To turn off alarm, solve the mathproblem)■ No more late mornings for you■ How to turn off the alarm ? (Picture dismiss mode)- Register a place where you want to turn off the alarm.- When alarm starts ringing, you will have to go to the registeredplace and take a picture.e.g.) If bathroom is the registered place, wake up and take apicture of the bathroom.■ Tip- good place to register : far from bed (bathroom sink is thebest!)- bad place to register : brightness changes frequently or close toyour bed.- If the currently registered alarm picture is too easy or toodifficult to turn off, please register a new place :)Alarmy (Sleep If U Can) is the innovative solution for those whojust can’t seem to get up on time, even with an alarm clock. Thisapp has been cleverly designed to force you to get out of bed. Youset it up by registering a photo of an area or room in your house.Then once the alarm is set, the ONLY way to make it stop ringing isto get out of bed and go take a photo of the registered area.The World’s Most Annoying AlarmDubbed as “the world’s most annoying alarm”, Alarmy has quicklybecome a favorite mobile app among users. It has been featured inGizmodo, Cnet, and at Huffington Post, and is currently Number Onein its category in 70 countries, including France, Germany, andSouth Korea.Users are truly enjoying this app and many have devised their ownunique methods around the alarm’s requirements. For instance, youcould register the foot of the bed as your location, then you wouldonly need to wake up enough to take a pic of the foot of your bedand then go right back to sleep. Of course, this totallycircumvents the whole purpose of the app but has become a funpastime for many users.Works Better Than Other Alarm ClocksOther creative locations that users have come up with include theceiling of their room, a nightstand, or the floor. If you’re moreserious about really getting up on time, then how about registeringthe bathroom sink or an item in the kitchen?Though the app has sparked lots of interest and has proven to bereally entertaining, it will definitely get you out of bed. If youabsolutely MUST get up on time for an important appointment or jobinterview, then this would be the perfect solution.■ Permission informationCAMERA- Alarmy needs this permission for the picture alarm turn offmethod, which requires users take a pictureWRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE- Alarmy needs this permission to load external ringtones.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE- Alarmy needs this permission to save pictures taken by users whoare using the picture turn off methodACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION- Alarmy need this permission to get weather information.BIND_DEVICE_ADMIN- ALARMY need this permission to prevent app from uninstall- This app uses DEVICE MANAGER permissionPrivacy policy in english: : [email protected]
Bio Expert Lite:mood rhythms 1.11 APK
Our bodies respond rhythmically to the regular cycles of the earth,moon, and seasons. The circadian rhythm ("body clock") 24-hourday/night-activity/rest cycle is considered a key chronobiologicfactor. This expert system is based on numerous studies andresearch publications. It gives an instant picture of our biostate. It takes also into account the effect of weather conditions,moon phase and season on these bio parameters. The interpretationof functions with some advices is presented by amusing animationeffects which speed and color reflect the function value. There isalso a screen simulating the time flow with increasing/decreasingbio parameters which depends on season changes. Thus we may learnto harmonize our life with the rhythms of internal clocks. This isa lite version of adds-free Bio Expert It tracks the following bioparameters: ★ Mood States: • tired - awake • frustrated - satisfied• distracted - focused • impulsive - restraint ★ Cognitivefunctions: • short-term memory • decision making capabilities ★Performance functions: • reaction time • coordination • alertness •brain activity ★ Body conditions (Physiological functions): • bodytemperature • blood pressure • cardiovascular activity • musclestrength FEATURES: ✓ Location awareness: latitude and longitudecoordinates ✓ Weather: temperature, sunlight, precipitation, airpressure, wind power, humidity ✓ Sun set and sun rise, Moon phases✓ Possibility to select specific day (not available in liteversion) and see the prediction of your moods ✓ Monthly biorhythms✓ Intuitive user interface with vital information at a glance ✓Amusing animation effects ✓ Easy accessing the information andnavigation by click-able lists, icons, horizontal and verticalscrolling ✓ Colored text to increase legibility ✓ Context dependenthelp system ✓ Possibility to share bio info: moods, cognition,physiological state by e-mail, text messages, etc. HOW IT WORKSWhen the application starts, it locates geographical coordinates inthe background and connects to weather server. The data are used tocalculate the current state bio functions. Initially the usershould set his birthday and time to sleep to create activity/restcycle pattern. When using the time simulator or selecting specificday and hour, the app re-calculates and displays the states invarious ways. FURTHER INFO: DEMOVideo: NOTE: Some days the picture ofyour bio state may not be accurate because of anxiety, stress,diet, nutrition, exercise, environment, medications, incidents andother factors which cannot be predicted or tracked. Under nocircumstances will the developer of this app be held responsiblefor no accurate prediction or interpretation.
SleepyTime: Bedtime Calculator APK
Nothing is more important than getting a goodnight's sleep, and waking up in a good shape lets you make the mostof your day!SleepyTime is an app designed to help you wake up in-between sleepcycles and allows you to start the day with a clear mind. 🌙Every time you sleep, you enter into a series of sleep cycles thatlast for around 90 minutes, but even if you seem to get plenty ofhours of sleep, waking up during one of the cycles can make youfeel groggy and exhausted. SleepyTime for Android allows you to tryand work around this issue.The app supports calculating when to wake up, when to go to sleep,and when to wake up if you sleep now, and you can set up an alarmwith the app. Perfect for those with a tight schedule, andstudents!Read more about how it works here: to Plus version with widgets and no ads: the app? Find us on Facebook and get future updates! on the New York Times this app does===✅Calculates when to wake up and when to sleep to feel great✅Calculate when to wake up if you sleep now✅Add an alarm by clicking on a time✅Widgets on homescreen and lockscreen (Jellybean 4.2 +)✅Light and Dark theme✅(Plus Only) Enhanced widget.✅(Plus Only) No Ads===What this app does not do ===❎ It's not an alarm app by itself, it only adds it to your androidalarm clock app❎ Cook for you❎ Do your homework 🐶Inspired by (by David Shaw).Spanish translation thanks to Carlos VázquezUkrainian/Russian translation thanks to VladCatalan translation by AriadnaItalian translation by ZokruGerman translation by IlianPortugese translation by Antonio PereiraJapanese translations by Yudai Kai (甲斐 雄大)French Translation thanks to Vincent AiriauArabic Translation thanks to i7mmodiHungarian translation thanks to Bihari KristófCzech translation thanks to Vilém DanzigDutch translation thanks to Perry K.Indonesian translation by Nurahmat AgustiantoTurkish translation by Can KaratepeContact me if you wish to translate this app!Permissions:-SET ALARMAllows you to quickly set alarms based on when you want to wakeup.-INTERNETAdMob Ads and statistics.
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mCent - Free Mobile Recharge 2.0 APK
Use mCent and get free recharge to top-updata, talktime, and SMS.How it works: Discover. Earn. Recharge.1. Discover new apps we picked just for you2. Earn credit for each of the free apps you try3. Use the credit to recharge your phone for free!Earn free recharge money on mCent your first day and everyday afterthat. You can use your free data recharges anyway you want. Visitwhatever website you want, download any app, or give your rechargeto friends.Never worry about data charges again.Mobile recharges are supported on all major operators.
Cool Browser - Fast Download 3.1 APK
Download the best mobile browser -Cool Browser for android. Cool Browser provides you Breaking News,in-built HD video player, share center, multi tab browsing,incognito browsing and amazing speed to watch and download yourfavorite movies.Unique Features✓ Lightweight Browser✓ Personalized Search✓ Download & Share Videos✓ Download Manager✓ Inbuilt HD Video Player✓ Multi Tab Browsing✓ Suggestive Search✓ Image off mode✓ Incognito Browsing✓ Zoom In/Out✓ Offline Videos------------------------------------------------------------❖ Lightweight Browser- Very lightweight application provides you great browsingexperience. Enjoy superfast speed for watching your favorite movies& TV shows online❖ Personalized Search- Provides search suggestions based on intuitive algorithm. Selectyour preferred search engines conveniently for best result.❖ Download & Share Video- Now you can download & share videos to your Whatsapp &Facebook with a single click.❖ Download Manager- Now download your favorite files, videos with a single click.In-built download manager helps to enhance the download speed forany desired file.❖ Inbuilt HD Video Player- Enjoy HD viewing experience for your favorite movies within-built HD video player.❖ Multi Tab Browsing- It is allowing you to open multiple tabs while browsing. You canswipe & switch desired page according to your need.❖ Suggestive Search- Provides search suggestions based on intuitive algorithm.❖ Image off mode- Filters out photos for a faster browsing experience. Also savesdata cost for downloading photos & images.❖ Incognito Browsing- Surf your favorite websites in private browsing (incognito) modeand secure your privacy.❖ Zoom In/Out- Watch screening with zoom mode to enjoy enhanced visualexperience.❖ Password Protection- Password protection for your personal login information.❖ Offline Videos- Plays videos offline without internet. Get your favorite videosoffline.❖ Customizable Skin- Make your browser more personal with customizable features andattractive skins.❖ Share Center- Share your favorite videos with your friends and groupseasily.❖ Breaking News- Get top trending results daily with easy navigation. Watch &download them is not supported due to their terms of service.facebook:
Discover 1.0 APK
“Discover App” is a concept for global servicein which people can make friends and provide communication servicewhich enables smooth photo sharing and communication with globalfriends. Share your photo’s to enjoy and get new Inspirations fromothers by looking through photos. Also share your profile to newfriends and see others profile. Share your interesting photos andstories with global friends.Features• To meet new surrounding friends.• Sharing Photos with Global Friends.• Share interesting stories with global friends.• Like, share and comment in friend’s posts.• To communicate with new friends.
Double Tap: Screen Wake Up 1.2 APK
Stop the traditional way of waking up you mobile screen. This appwill enhance your mobile screen and double tapping on the screenwill wake up your mobile screen.Forget patterns, pin codes, or sliders to unlock your screen. Forthose who uses their mobile a lot, to them even a second counts.Using patten or pin passwords are time consuming. Using this lockscreen makes it easy for your to unlock your mobile. You need todouble tap on the customized lock screen of this app and the mobilewill unlock. Speed and security are integral part of thisapp.Lock Features :- Double Tap to unlock anywhere on your lock screen to openit.- Customize your lock screen page.- Add name, photo, date and time to your lock screen- Customize fonts, size and color of name, date and time.This feature is provided in all the latest phones of LG G serieslike the LG G3.So download this app and upgrade your mobile with the latestfeature of double tap.
Gigato: Free Data Recharge 3.14 APK
With Gigato, you’ll never have to wait forWiFi again! Gigato provides free unrestricted Internet data foryour Android.Use the apps you love and get megabytes recharged to your prepaidaccount, or store in your Gigato Data Wallet and give yourself aneasy recharge whenever you need one. No need to try for an onlinerecharge, we store them right on your mobile!Gigato users, please upgrade to v2.05 or newer to keep earningdata packs.Step 1: After you download and register with Gigato, all theapps that partner with us are able to refund you for the dataconsumed on their apps with unrestricted mobile recharge credit on2G/3G/4G.Step 2: Use apps you already have installed or install newones, either way you start earning data credits instantly!Share Gigato with your friends and you each earn bonus data!Step 3: Once you reach 150MB you can receive a recharge foruse on anything anywhere!We believe in giving users options when it comes to paying for dataand using their apps whenever and wherever they please. Our freerecharge offers are always changing too!Download Gigato Today! Visit our website at tolearn more.Please note:Gigato only works on prepaid accounts. Postpaid accounts will notwork.We support all mobile recharges across alll operators in Indiaincluding but not limited to:• Aircel mobile data packs• Airtel mobile data packs• Idea mobile data packs• MTNL mobile data packs• Reliance CDMA mobile data packs• Reliance GSM mobile data packs• UNINOR mobile data packs• Vodafone mobile data packsWe are always here to help you. If you have any issuesinstalling or receiving your data recharge, please email us:[email protected] allows users to access online connected computer,electronic, and mobile networks
Playboy For Android (Old App) 1.1.1 APK
The Playboy App brings Playboy’s reverence oftruth, beauty and a better life into readers’ lives through theirmobile devices. Get instant access to photos of sexy Playmates andother world-class beauties, high-quality photo galleries andinsightful articles. Playmates, models and gorgeous amateurs arefeatured in our free, Safe for Work (SFW), NON-NUDE Playmate Redux,God Given Gorgeous, Miss Social and Exclusives galleries. Galleriesalso are available for purchase.Yes, some people do actually download the app for the articles.The Playboy App offers select reporting from the world-renownedprint edition of Playboy as well as original writing on Sex andCulture and The Good Life. You can rely on Playboy writers to serveup thoughtful journalism and opinion on sex, politics, travel,culture, music, style, cars, gear, food and drink.Added bonus: The World of Playboy feature gives users abehind-the-scenes look at Playboy’s Playmates, parties, events andpersonalities.The Playboy App is the purveyor of the bespoke Playboy lifestylefor the ultimate urbane guy, a must-have for the moderngentleman.For complete access choose between two subscription models: a30-day subscription and a 1-year subscription, which will save youmore than 40 percent compared to the monthly subscription.Free sample galleries and articles are available available whenyou download the app.
Kris+ by Singapore Airlines 5.0.0 APK
Meet Kris+, your lifestyle rewards app that lets you enjoyexclusive deals and privileges every day at over 1,000 dining andretail partner outlets in Singapore. Enjoy up to 6% rebates and getthe BEST miles rate in town of up to 9 miles per SGD spent, bysimply making payments through the app as you shop and dine! WithKris+, everything adds up: DEALS, PRIVILEGES, REWARDS & REBATES- Privileges with minimum of 10% off, 1-for-1 deals andcomplimentary treats. - Exclusive birthday privileges during yourbirthday month. - Earn rebates in miles for every payment madethrough the app, with no minimum spend or cap in the maximum numberof miles you can get. As good as cashback! - Your spend on Kris+lets you earn both rewards from Kris+ and your credit card, easilydoubling your rewards! - Convert reward points from your Citibank,CapitaStar, DBS or UOB account to miles. - Redeem your earned milesto offset your future purchases or transfer them to your KrisFlyeraccount to accumulate for your next Singapore Airlines flight.PARTNER MERCHANTS - In Singapore, there are 300+ partnering brandsand over 1,000 outlets across dining, retail, wellness, leisureactivities and services categories. - Local partners include –award winning restaurants like Braci, Amò, atout and Alma by JuanAmador; casual dining restaurants like Aburi-EN, Enjoy EatingHouse, Mrs Pho, The Coffee Academics and Nuodle; cafes and bistroslike Paris Baguette, Gong Cha, Cedele, Mellower Coffee and 25Degrees Burger; retail brands like Harvey Norman, Challenger,Simmons, In Good Company, PUMA, Bottles&Bottles and FairPriceFinest; services like Esso, Shunji Matsuo and PHS HAIRSCIENCE;attractions like Holey Moley Golf Club, Ola Beach Club and iFly;wellness salons like House of Traditional Javanese Massage LifeSpa,and Kenko Wellness. - Use Kris+ and enjoy privileges at countrieswith partnering merchants, including South Korea, India, Australia,Indonesia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, and more.FEATURE HIGHLIGHTS - Monthly flash deals for vouchers and promocodes. - Complete in-app challenges and get rewarded instantly. -Frequent bonus miles and miles-back promotions. - Transfer miles toand from your KrisFlyer account to your Kris+ app. - Discoverpartner outlets nearby where you can use Kris+. - Shop directly onKrisShop and earn miles for every transaction made. - Personalisedpush notification and recommendations. - Retrieve your SingaporeAirlines pass within 24 hours. before arriving in Singapore, orduring your stay in Singapore. SEAMLESS PAYMENT - Set up Google Payon your mobile phone with your desired debit / credit card; Kris+will automatically detect this as a payment option - Simply scanthe QR code at our partner outlets with your Kris+ app and proceedwith payment using Kris+. REFERRAL REWARDS - Earn SGD 5 worth ofmiles for both you and your friend for every successful Kris+referral. For more information, visit