1.00 / April 10, 2014
(5.0/5) (3)


The Slot & Trade Game is mix ofgamblingand finance.

the game is totally free and unique by combining afinancialgraph and the ability to trade UP or Down Options.

Note in order to trade you will have to win the call orputcombinaison.

Good luck and enjoy our Trading slot machine.

App Information Slot & Trade

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Blackjack & Trade 1.10 APK
If you are a fan of Blackjack and know howtobeat the dealer to 21, why not give Blackjack & Trade ago.This app has a little twist though, bringing financialgamblingaction to your fingertips.Instead of simply getting paid out for a win, you will nowalsoget the opportunity to dabble in some binary options tradingtoincrease your winnings!Blackjack & Trade is the first of its kind combiningtheenjoyment of gambling with the excitement of trading – aperfectmix of thrill and adventure! Once you beat the dealer at agoodhand of Blackjack, you will then get the opportunity to doubleyourwinnings with the power of your prediction.In binary options trading, you simply need to predict iftheprice of an asset will move up or down. If you take a look atthegraph located under the Blackjack table, this reflects thetradingprice of the U.S. Dollar against the Euro. If you think thattheUSD will increase in exchange to the Euro, simply click on theUpor Call button and if you think that the USD will decreaseinexchange to the Euro, simply click on the Down or Put button.Nowsit back and watch the 6 second countdown to your Jackpotwinnings!Easy - right?With our $100 gift of fun money, you can easily masterBlackjack& Trade and once you are ready to make some real cash,why notsign up with one of our top, premium brokers from the withintheapp? As a Blackjack master, you can increase your winningswithease with binary options trading. It’s true – anyone cantrade,even with no prior experience at all. Sharpen yourpredictions andget started immediately.Our brokers will provide you with a welcome bonus,one-on-onetraining, advanced trading tools and more, giving youtheopportunity to trade and win with ease.Blackjack & Trade – Double the chances of doubling yourwinningstoday!
Candy Slot & Trade 1.00 APK
What a sweet combination of slot fun andfinancial excitement in this thrilling app that lets you spin thewheels and trade from the comfort of your smartphone or tablet.Candy Slot & Trade gives you the opportunity to hit the perfectslot combo and once you do, you can then double your winnings inthe thrilling world of binary options trading!With our 100 gift of fun money, we have opened the doors to thisfree game that combines a financial graph and the ability to tradeUp and Down options. Binary options trading has taken the world bystorm due to its simplicity and its high rewards. All you need inorder to get in on this trading action is your power ofprediction!Take a look at the financial graph. If you think that the U.S.Dollar (USD) will increase in exchange to the Euro, simply click onthe Up or Call button and if you think that the USD will decreasein exchange to the Euro, simply click on the Down or Put button.Now sit back and watch Lady Luck work her magic! If your predictionis correct, your winnings will be increased. Simple, right?Binary options trading provides you with the opportunity to boostyour investments and once you have mastered Candy Slot & Trade,why not sign-up with one of our premium brokers from the comfort ofthe app. To give you a head start, you will get VIP treatmentincluding an inviting welcome bonus, trading tools, one-on-onetraining and much more.So savor the sweet success of Candy Slot & Trade and getspinning and trading today!
BasketBall n Trade 1.00 APK
The BasketBall n Trade is the only appthatcombines basketball and trading.with our app, you will feel playing like a real NBA player,bysucceeding 3 times you'll be able to unlock the trading game.enjoy
Football Slot & Trade 1.00 APK
Have you ever wanted to combine theexcitementof football with the thrill of playing slots? FootballSlot &Trade brings you an entertaining combination of football,slots andbinary options trading all jam-packed into this powerfulappallowing you to trade, play and win at any time and fromanywhere.Now let’s get into some trading slot fun with Football Slot&Trade. We will give you $100 of fun money to get you startedso stepinto the trading arena for FREE and get in on thisexcitingaction…Simply place your bet and Spin your magic. If you hit 3 UporCall arrows or 3 Down or Put arrows, it is time to putyourpredictions into play. If you think that the price of the Euro–U.S. Dollar will go up in the graph, simply select Call and ifyouthink it will go down, select Put. Now sit back and watchyourmoney grow!If your prediction is correct, your winnings will be doubledandyou will soon be trading like a pro. Once you feel confidentthatyou have mastered your trading skills, why not trade for realwithone of our trusted and premium brokers? As a Football Slot&Trade expert, you will be entitled to some exclusive benefitssuchas a welcome bonus, advanced trading tools and features,personalone-on-one training and much much more!Binary options trading is easy to do and yes, even you can doitwithout any prior experience. It only requires the power ofyourprediction in deciding in which direction the price of anassetsuch as gold will move. That is, either up or down. If youpredictcorrectly, you can make up to 89% return on yourinvestment.Simple right?So let’s get started and have some fun with Football Slot&Trade today!
Slot & Trade 1.00 APK
The Slot & Trade Game is mix ofgamblingand finance.the game is totally free and unique by combining afinancialgraph and the ability to trade UP or Down Options.Note in order to trade you will have to win the call orputcombinaison.Good luck and enjoy our Trading slot machine.
Social Trading 2.5 APK
The Social Trading App is an authentictradingApp with real time charts and other advanced features, PLUSit is100% FREE.With the Social Trading App you can trade the EURO/USD,USD/GBPand many more currency pairs with real time data just likeaprofessional trader.Another fantastic feature is the Trader Leaderboard with theTop10 Traders.Challenge yourself, challenge your colleagues or challengeyourfriends to see who the ultimate trader is.Enjoy the Social Trading App Now.
iTrading 2 APK
Everyday thousands of people around theworldmake money trading binary options and you could too,all it takes is to learn how and it is not difficult atall.Start learning how to trade Binary Options for FREEon your smartphone with this exciting and interactivetradinggame.Get started with 100 of fun money and see if you can become aprotrader. In less than 30 seconds youcan learn how to trade binary options. Simply select an assettotrade such as EUR/USD, select the expirytime for the trade and make your prediction of “Call” ifyouthink the price will go up or “Put” if youthink the price will go down.With the iTrading app you will know and understand exactlyhowbinary options trading works,learn how to identify the trends and whether to make a CALLorPUT trade and best of all while youlearning it won’t cost you cent.The user friendly interface and easy to read graphs give youtheopportunity to perfect your trading skillsWhen you sign up through the iTrading app for a realmoneytrading account you will enjoy someexclusive benefits such as signup bonuses, access tolearningmaterials, trading tools and one on onecoaching from experienced consultants who will guide you onyourjourney to trading successfully andprofitably.Start trading on your phone or tablet, anywhere, anytime,rightnow!
Gold Slot & Trade 1.00 APK
The Gold Slot & Trade Game is mixofgambling and finance.the game is totally free and unique, it combines afinancialgraph and the ability to trade call or put each timeyou'll get thewinning combination.Note in order to trade you will have to win the call orputcombinaison.Good luck and enjoy our Gold Trading slot machine.