1.2 / Aug 22, 2013
(0/5) ()


Players must glimpse at the photo, remember key features, andanswer questions.

App Information Slide Show

  • App Name
    Slide Show
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    Aug 22, 2013
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.2
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  • Developer
  • Installs
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
    3801 Nutmeg Way Oceanside CA 92057
  • Google Play Link

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Isopod 1.8 APK
Xylem and Phloem LLC, is proud to announce"Isopod: The Roly Poly Science Game".This full version has all levels available depending uponcompletion.This truly unique app is best described as an integrated synthesisbetween arcade-quality gameplay and scientific encyclopedia, withthe intention of inspiring a fascination with insects and theirrelationship to a variety of life science subjects.Playing the game is instant access to fun: The Isopod rolls upinto ball and is then controlled by accelerometer-based"tilt-physics" that transforms the android into a game controller.As the user rolls and bumps their way through levels, newenvironments filled with indigenous creatures appear. Everyinteractive element has its own set of topic pages, and new topicsopen as the player succeeds in gameplay.Explore photos, links and much more in the Isopod LearningCenter, featuring 24 scientific topics, with a deep focus on theinterconnected world of entomology and ecosystems. Also covered aretopics such as bioluminescence, mycology, camouflage and more. Thetopics covered are authored by a variety of professionals,entomologists, researchers, biologists, teachers as well as Xylemand Phloem LLC staff.Isopod: The Roly Poly Science Game features 24 photo-realistic,interactive creatures inhabiting their natural environments fromother locations around the world.GAMEPLAY TIPS:Env1: Beetles will come to you if you can stay in one general area.Bumping the blue butterfly means you can go anywhere quicklywithout a problem but make sure you are not behind an ant line whenthe power runs out.Env 2: Follow the yellow butterfly as much as possible, bumpwhenever you get a chance and free as many gladiators as you can inyour enlarged and invulnerable state.Env 3: Learning to bump twice is easy enough, but when multiplekatydids are on screen a good strategy is to bump each one once,and then come back and bump again later, if you can move fastenough.Env 4: When the millipede stops, get far away...the cyanide gashas an extended reach. Also, wait until a group of 8-10 firefliesappears all at once before bumping the female glowworm power up,that way you can free a bunch at once.Is it a video game that kids absolutely love? Or is it asophisticated entomology textbook covering important sciencetopics, such as beneficial insects in agriculture, biodiversitypreservation and invasive species awareness?It’s BOTH.At it’s heart, Isopod is a physics-controlled “roly poly” sciencegame that feels a bit like many of the popular marble/maze apps youmight have played. However, instead of a wooden box with walls,Isopod takes place in a realistic nature setting with the goal ofsaving important insects, not killing them. Each interactiveelement in the game has a topic written about it, penned by avariety of authors including biologists, teachers, researchers andentomologists. Parents will delight in the fact that Isopod is notjust a game, but a carefully constructed science lesson thatcovers, in detail, much of the scientific data associated with eachanimal featured in the game. Kids will be shocked that one of their“edu-games” is actually fun and loaded with quality arcade-stylegameplay. For home schoolers, it’s a fantastic plan of study inentomology designed to be enjoyed by both child and educator.Isopod aims to inspire a new generation of tech-savvy children toexplore the wonders of the natural world, and to value the creativebeauty of real science.Amazing graphics; scary build up; addictive and difficultgameplay; educational.- Apps400.comA perfect game-cum-educational tool that is bound to attractchildren and adults.- AskYourAndroid.com***** - Appsforhomeschoolers.com***** - Smartappsforkids.comTeachers and parents of kids in third or fourth grade will lovethis app. ****. - PadGadget.com
Isopod - Teacher 1.0 APK
Isopod: The Roly Poly Science Game!
World Geography Fun! - Lite 1.0 APK
Take a journey around the world with this funand educational geography app. World Geography Fun challenges youto test your geography knowledge with a series of questions andaccompanying satellite imagery for 197 countries!You are presented with 3 random countries (full version has 5)and then quizzed in multiple choice format for country, capital,currency, language, and population. Watch as the globe rotatesuntil it finds a region to quiz you, zooming in and out across thedifferent areas highlighted for each question.Score points for answering basic questions. (this free versiondoes not have flag or bonus questions). Use your touchscreen topunch in the answers as you go--the faster you make your selection,the higher the score.(get the full version to play without ads)Features:* Zoom in and out of a rotating globe!* Learn fun geography facts about countries, capital cities,currencies, language, and population!* Test your knowledge across 197 different countries!* Score points for answering basic questions, and keep an eye outfor bonus flag questions and general geography as well!**** This app will put you on your toes trying to figure out thestatistics for the countries of the world. It's a greatbrain-stretcher!The game covers all countries and the questions are quite good.The game is informative and improves your geographical knowledge -APPs400.com
World Geography Fun! 1.2 APK
See The World with World Geography!
Slide Show 1.2 APK
Players must glimpse at the photo, remember key features, andanswer questions.
Geografia del Mondo 1.3 APK
Fai un viaggio intorno al mondo con questadivertente ed educativa applicazione geografica. Geografia delMondo sfida la tua conoscenza geografica attraverso una serie didomande e immagini satellitari per 197 nazioni!Prima sarai introdotto a 5 nazioni a caso e poi ti verrannoposte domande in formato risposta multipla su nazione, capitale,moneta, lingua e popolazione.Osserva come il globo ruota fino a quando non trova una regione perle domande, entrando e uscendo via zoom attraverso differenti areemarcate per ogni domanda.Guadagna punti rispondendo a domande di base e tieni d’occhio ledomande di bonus sulle bandiere e altre domande di geografiagenerale. Usa lo schermo digitale per inserire le risposte mentreprocedi ricordandoti che più velocemente rispondi più aumenta iltuo punteggio.Particolari:· Entra e esci in modalità zoom intorno al globo rotante!· Impara informazioni geografiche divertenti riguardo nazioni,capitali, monete, lingue e popolazioni!· Scopri la tua conoscenza geografica su 197 nazioni!· Guadagna punti rispondendo a domande di base e tieni d’occhiodomande bonus per punteggio speciale e domande di geografiagenerale!· Guarda il mondo con Geografia del Mondo!Take a trip around theworld with this fun and educational geographic application. WorldGeography challenge your geographical knowledge through a series ofquestions and satellite imagery for 197 countries!First you will be introduced to 5 random countries and then youwill be asked questions in multiple choice format of the nation,capital, currency, language and population.Watch as the globe rotates until it finds a region for questions,entering and exiting via zooming through different areas marked foreach question.Earn points by answering basic questions and keep an eye on thequestions of bonuses on the flags and other questions of generalgeography. Use the digital screen to enter the answers as you goremembering that the faster you answer the higher your score.Details:· Enter and exit zoom mode rotating around the globe!· Learn how funny geographic information about countries,capitals, currencies, languages ​​and peoples!· Discover your geographical knowledge of 197 countries!· Earn points by answering basic questions and keep an eye onbonus questions to score special and general geographyquestions!· Look at the world with World Geography!
世界地理 1.2 APK
ここにお見せする楽しく教育的な地理のプログラムで世界旅行をしてみてください。ワールド・ジェオグラフィが幾つもの質問と197ヶ国の衛星画像を使って貴方の地理に関する知識を試します!まず任意表示で五ケ国が提示されますから、国名、首都、通貨、言語及び人口に関して、それぞれ幾つかの回答例からひとつずつ選択して戴きます。スクリーン上の地球が、質問に該当する地域に至るまで回転を続け、各々の質問地区にズーム・インしたりズーム・アウトを行います。ゲーム進行上の基本的な質問に回答して行く内に、特別ボーナスとか一般地理に関する質問の出題も在ったりして得点が増える機会が増します。回答はタッチ・スクリーンを使い、進行が速ければ速いほど高得点に繋がります。特徴:* スクリーン上の地球にズーム・イン、ズーム・アウト!* 楽しみながら、地理学上の現実、国名、首都、通貨、言語及び人口に関して学ぶ!* 貴方の地球上、百九十七ケ国に関する知識を考査してみる!*得点はゲーム進行上の基本的な質問への回答からだけでは無く、特別ボーナスとか一般地理に関する質問の出題も在ったりして、これらに正解すると次々と加点されます!Please try to travel theworld in a program of geography educational fun to show you here.World Photography oh will test your knowledge about the geographyof your using the satellite picture of the 197 countries and anumber of questions!Five Ke-koku because is presented in any display first, countryname, capital, currency, and population and language, it willcharge by selecting one by one from the responses Some examplesrespectively. Earth on the screen, continues to rotate up to thearea that corresponds to the question, do the zoom out or zoom inon questions of each district.While I responded to basic questions on the game progress,opportunity to score more questions of general questions aboutgeography such as special bonuses or even if there is a willincrease. Answer using the touch screen, I can lead to high scoreas fast progress is fast.Features:* Zoom-in, zoom-out the earth on the screen!* Have fun, to learn reality, country, capital, currency, andlanguage population and geographical!* On earth you, I try to examination your knowledge of one hundredninety-seven countries!* Not only answers to basic questions on the game progress,questions of general questions about the geography such as specialbonuses or even existed, score will be additional points insequence when you answer to these!
Word Whiz 1.1 APK
Complete a word or phrase by guessing the correct letters.