Top 24 Apps Similar to UltimateEnderDragon Mod MCPE

GUI Hack PE Mod MCPE 3.2
This is an addon which GUI Hack PE ModMCPEyoucan use to change the scale of graphical user interface(GUI)scaleto extreme limits. For example, you can either makeitextremely bigor you can make it very small and barely possibletosee. It’sdifficult to see what the benefit would be for eitherofthese GUIscales but it’s still pretty cool to be able to editthesettingslike this. If you do find any actual uses for itin-gamemake sureto let us know in the comments!How does it work?To change the scale of the GUI open Settings and go toVideo.Thenuse the slider to adjust the scale.I began by changing the size to max (and by the way, I amusingaNexus 9 tablet). I guess it could be useful if you haveverypooreyesight.Everything besides the action buttons (e.g. movement,jump)looksbigger than before. I’m not sure why but there doesn’tseemto be away around it.This is what the interface looked like when I changedittominimum. The text and buttons are barely possible to read.How to reset the GUI scale back to normal?Locate /games/com.mojang/minecraftpe/Delete options.txtRestart Minecraft PEDISCLAIMER: This GUI Hack PE Mod MCPE is anunofficialapplicationfor Minecraft Pocket Edition. Thisapplication is notaffiliated inany way with Mojang AB. TheMinecraft Name, theMinecraft Brand andthe Minecraft Assets are allproperty of MojangAB or theirrespectful owner. All rightsreserved. Inaccordancewith
Secret Dev Edition Mod MCPE 3.2
The idea of this addon is Secret DevEditionModMCPE to reveal option settings which have been hiddenforunknownreasons or concepts for features which we could hope fortobe addedin one of the next versions of Minecraft PE. Most ofthemare notfunctional, meaning, you can’t enable the options. Thisismore justa visual visual thing to give you an idea ofmaybefeatures to come.The only options you will be able to use aretheMax Framerate (FPS)option and an option to disable the betatext.Hidden Option SettingsOnce again, I would like to clarify that the majorityofthefollowing settings are none functional! Functionalfeaturesaremarked with bold.World Options:Audio:Debug:Keyboard and Mouse, Controller Settings:VR UI Mouse SensitivityVR SensitivityVR Auto JumpDebug Settings:The following options will most likely only be availableforthedevelopers. When the creator was editing the settingsfileshenoticed that there is an option for F3 (debug UI)whichisimplemented but ignored. He tried to unlock this featurebutwasunable to do so.Offers UnlockRender bounding boxRender PathsRender goal stateReset client IDShow chunk mapEnable debug HUD (partly functional, set this option to Basicandyouwill disable the white beta text in the top centerofthescreen)Enable ProfilerAchievements always enabledUse local serverUse IPv6 OnlyUse FPS-independent TurningUse Retail XBL sandboxCreate realm without purchaseRealms EnviromentRealms endpointRealms Endpoint PaymentRealms Relying PartyRealms Relying Party PaymentVolume Settings:Master VolumeWeather VolumeHostile Creatures VolumePlayer VolumeJukebox and Note Block VolumeBlock VolumeFriendly Creatures VolumeEnvironment VolumeWorld Settings:Expert difficulty levelGamemodes: spectator, adventure, hardcoreBonus chestDisable structuresCustom flat layersWorld types: large biomes, amplifiedDISCLAIMER: This Secret Dev Edition Mod MCPE isanunofficialapplication for Minecraft Pocket Edition.Thisapplication is notaffiliated in any way with Mojang AB.TheMinecraft Name, theMinecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assets areallproperty of MojangAB or their respectful owner. Allrightsreserved. Inaccordancewith
T Rex Mod MCPE 3.2
T Rex Mod MCPE is probably one ofthemostfrightening creatures you could come across if you took atripwitha time-machine back to the Cretaceous era. This addonturnsthecreeper into a T-Rex which you can tame, ride and useforstoringyour items. If you enjoyed the Raptor Addon then youwillprobablyenjoy this as well!Taming & Growth StagesTo tame a t-rex you will need to find a juvenile. Astheyreplacecreepers they can be found spawning mostly everywhereinMinecraft.If you find one with its parent then prepare yourselftokill thebig one first.iOS / Android: Hold any piece of meat in your hand andlong-taponit and press TameWindows 10: Hold some meat in your hand a right-click on itThere are two ways to make a dinosaur grow. Either youcanwaitfor 30 minutes to make it grow to full size by itself oryoucanaccelerate the growth progress by feeding it lots ofmeat.Growth Stages:Stage 1:Baby t-rexHealthWild: 10 heartsTamed: 12 hearts, harmless,Follows their motherTame with meat (taming chance: 50%)Can be ordered to sit/standSpawn chance: 30%Stage 2:Quite smallHealthWild: 14 heartsHealth: 20 heartsFollows their motherTame with meat (taming chance: 33%)Can be ordered to sit/standStage 3:Small, but clearly are a bit largerHealthWild: 20 heartsTamed: 35 heartsAttack damage:Wild: 6Tamed: 8Independent (no longer following their mother)Hunts big mobs such as cows, sheep, other tyrannosaurusesandevenvillagersAttacks their own speciesNeutral towards the playerTame with any meat (taming chance: 25%)Can be ordered to sit/standStage 4:Medium sized and hostileHealthWild: 40 heartsTamed: 60 heartsAttack damage:Wild: 8Tamed: 10Hostile towards the playerAttacks other t-rex, sheep, villagers, cows,playersandskeletonsCan’t be tamedCan be saddled (if tamed)Tie with a leashStage 5:Big and hostileHealthWild: 60 heartsTamed: 80 heartsAttack damage:Wild: 10Tamed: 16Attacks other t-rex, large animals, players, horses,mules,donkeysand wolvesTie with a leashSpawn chance: 70%Untamed tyrannosauruses will attack other t-rex,animals,monstersand sometimes even players can become their victimsif theyaren’tcareful.Riding & StorageOnce you’ve tamed one you can saddle it and then mountit.Itwon’t look any different once it’s saddled.DISCLAIMER: This T Rex Mod MCPE is an unofficialapplicationforMinecraft Pocket Edition. This application is notaffiliated inanyway with Mojang AB. The Minecraft Name, theMinecraft Brand andtheMinecraft Assets are all property of MojangAB or theirrespectfulowner. All rights reserved. Inaccordancewith
Shulker Defense Mod MCPE 3.2
Upgrade the security of your base tousethelatest Shulker Defense Mod MCPE. The shulker’s behaviorhavebeenchanged to make it friendly towards player and hostiletowardsmobslike zombies, skeletons and other evil mobs which areusual intheMinecraft universe. This addon will only work forversion 0.17/1.0 (or above) for Minecraft Pocket Edition.How does it work?Place the shulkers on a few different strategicpositionsaroundyour base. (You can find them in the creativeinventory asspawneggs.)They are no longer hostile towards the player so socansafelyswitch back to survival mode once you’ve spawned them.A shulker projectile will inflict both damage andalevitationeffect. Every hostile mob runs the risk of being shotatif it getstoo close to a shulker. It’s the perfect defensesystemfor yourbase.The only downside which I have noticed on a few occasionsisthatit sometimes teleports. Hopefully this can be resolved inafutureupdate of the addon.DISCLAIMER: This Shulker Defense Mod MCPE isanunofficialapplication for Minecraft Pocket Edition.Thisapplication is notaffiliated in any way with Mojang AB.TheMinecraft Name, theMinecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assets areallproperty of MojangAB or their respectful owner. Allrightsreserved. Inaccordancewith
Ender Wither Mod MCPE 3.2
Do you think that the Ender Wither ModMCPEistoo easy to defeat? Personally, I think it’s waytoopowerfulalready but that’s just me! This addon gives thewitherboss andwither skeletons some new abilities. The mostdangerousability isthat they can now teleport similar to anenderman. Theyare alsostronger and have much more health thanbefore.How does it work?The spawning process works just the same way as before.Youwillneed four soul sand blocks and three witherskeletonskulls.Place them as seen in the image down below and then placethelastskull in the center next to the two other skulls (itdoesn’tmatterwhich order you place them in).As soon as it has spawned it will start shoot fireexplosionsatwhatever it sees and that includes mobs as well asplayers.Other features:450 full hearts (before: 300)Slightly faster (0.3) (before: 0.25)Random teleportingYou should soon notice that it’s quite difficult to get agoodhitat it as it teleports every few seconds. As long as youareinsurvival mode it will stay within proximity but as soon yougetincreative mode it will quite soon be gone unlessyouconstantlyfollow it around.DISCLAIMER: This Ender Wither Mod MCPE isanunofficialapplication for Minecraft Pocket Edition.Thisapplication is notaffiliated in any way with Mojang AB.TheMinecraft Name, theMinecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assets areallproperty of MojangAB or their respectful owner. Allrightsreserved. Inaccordancewith
Cake Mode Mod MCPE 3.2
Cake Mode Mod MCPE was created tomakesurvivalin Minecraft easier. If you are going to use thisadd-onwerecommend setting the difficulty to easy. This willmakehostilemobs spawn but your chances of killing them are muchgreaterthanbefore as you will have stronger punches andseveralotheradvantages.New Survival AdvantagesLet’s have a look at the new features which CakeModeintroducesto the game.Creepers are no longer dangerous. If you hit one it willjustpuffup but not explode. Adventure in peace without having toworryaboutthese otherwise frustrating creatures.The loot has been increased for most mobs. It’s stillthesametype of items which drops but the amount is different.Wolves have had their health increased. This isespeciallyusefulif you’ve tamed a wolf as then it will be able toprotectyou for alonger time.The Enderman is now friendly. This means that youcanstarestraight into their eyes and they won’t attack you.Most other hostile mobs such as zombies or skeletonsarestillhostile. The difference now is that you have betterabilities,e.g.more punch strength, to kill them.All of the villagers have been replaced by YouTubers andaweirdcake dude.The iron golem loot has been changed to make it drop a cakeifitis slain.You can now breathe in water for an infinite amount of time.DISCLAIMER: This Cake Mode Mod MCPE is anunofficialapplicationfor Minecraft Pocket Edition. This applicationis notaffiliated inany way with Mojang AB. The Minecraft Name,theMinecraft Brand andthe Minecraft Assets are all property ofMojangAB or theirrespectful owner. All rights reserved. Inaccordancewith
Disable PvP Mod MCPE 3.2
This is an addon which Disable PvPModMCPEcombat in Minecraft PE. It’s very useful formultiplayerservers ifyou want to play in survival mode andencourage teamworkinstead ofkilling one another. It’s also usefulif you don’t wantto be ableto unintentionally kill other players,for example,accidentallystriking a player with a sword.How does it work?It’s very simple. You will no longer be able to hurtanyotherplayers.You can still kill mobs such as cows and spiders.It’sjustplayers you can’t kill.DISCLAIMER: This Disable PvP Mod MCPE is anunofficialapplicationfor Minecraft Pocket Edition. Thisapplication is notaffiliated inany way with Mojang AB. TheMinecraft Name, theMinecraft Brand andthe Minecraft Assets are allproperty of MojangAB or theirrespectful owner. All rightsreserved. Inaccordancewith
Ender Dragon Live Wallpaper 1.0
Embark on a journey into the realmoffantasyand magic! Get ready to meet one of the mostfearsomedragons inthe world of video games as we bring you one ofthe mostunique andrecognizable fantasy world creatures – EnderDragons. Ifyou are abig fan of these mythical, magical, scaled,horned andwingedcreatures, then this is the right wallpaper app foryou!Awakenyour inner dragon with  Ender Dragon Live Wallpaper andmakeyour phone screen look cool and mighty. Enjoy the sight ofalargehostile mob boss hovering above the ground every timeyouglance atyour smartphone. Enter the dragon world of horrorandmysticism andfind the best "dragon pictures" to set themasanimated livewallpaper on your tablet or mobile device.Theselegendary mythicalcreatures can be your new cool home screenrightnow if youdownload Ender dragon wallpapers and livebackgroundthemes forAndroid™. Set these "free live wallpapers" andwatchdragons riseand come to life on your smartphone screen!★Free Ender dragon wallpaper with pictures and backgrounds★Full support for landscape mode and home-screen switching★It looks stunning on both tablets and smartphones★Optimized battery usage★Compatible with 99% mobile phone devices★ Easy-to-use app: tap once to preview the background and holdtosetitInstallation instructions for Android:Home ➤ Menu ➤Wallpapers ➤ Live Wallpapers➤  EnderDragonLiveWallpaper ; Lose yourself in the kingdom of magic, myth andhorrorandencounter the majestic rulers of the skies flying onyourphonescreen with their wings spread wide. Download thisdragon"livewallpaper" free and witness these mighty lords of war inalltheirfire-breathing splendor and glory. With their aura ofdangerandpower, they'll be a jaw-dropping background image onyourphonescreen! Choose your favorite "background images" andadmirethepowerful mythical creatures from up close on your homescreen!Get Ender Dragon Live Wallpaper  completely free of chargeandenjoymesmerizing dragon images that will perfectly fit yourtabletormobile phone screen! Welcome to the era of fairy tales. If you are a true MCfan,setbeautiful free dragon photos as your background with one ofthebest"HD wallpapers" apps for mobile phone. Endercreaturewillbeautify your phone and make it look fierce. This apphas alovelycollection of awe-inspiring dragon pics for you tochoosefrom and itwill help you personalize your phone with themostbeautiful dragonart! This impressive "3D wallpaper"featuringfire-breathing dragonswill completely change the look ofyourphone. Download freewallpaper app  Ender Dragon LiveWallpaper and try out our freeanimated screensaver with celestialflyingcreatures that will be theperfect decoration for yourphonescreen! Display your love for sensational mythical beings withthehelpof our "free wallpaper" app. We offer a collectionofgiganticreptilian-like beasts wallpapers specially designedforyou. Clickon a wallpaper of your choice and set it asbackgroundof yourdesktop screen. Enjoy the view of Ender dragonwithbat-like wingsand sharp claws roaming freely while swipingthroughyour homescreens. These monsters with fiery breath willdefinitelymake yourphone screen look powerful and eerie. Thanks to these fairy tale "live wallpapers" withdragonsflyingover your screen, your device will look ferociousanduntamed! If youlike dragon mythology, you'll have fundecoratingyour tablet withfierce and scary images of these divinecreatures.Experience all ofthe dynamic interactive effects thatthis freeapp has to offer! Getyour virtual pet dragon with thehelp of oneof the coolest livebackgrounds on the market! Downloadone of themost popular wallpaperbackgrounds  Ender Dragon LiveWallpaper and enjoy HD dragonwallpapers and backgrounds on thescreen!*Android™ is a trademark of Google Inc.
GigaMobs Mod MCPE 3.2
GigaMobs Mod MCPE will completelychangeyourperspective of chickens, pigs and other animalswhichpreviouslyhave been smaller than yourself. This addon willmakethem larger,stronger and also run faster. Some of them you canridesuch aschickens and rabbits. Almost all mobs have had theirsizemodifiedand this makes the world look kind of funny but alsomuchmoredangerous.How does it work?Even though the horse is Godzilla-sized it’sstillentirelypossible to ride. Just make sure to set cameraperspectivein videosettings to Third Person Back. I also recommendsetting FOV(fieldof view) to max (51 is default in case you want toresetitlater).The horse is not only bigger but it’s also has morehealthandruns faster. And when it jumps it can literally jump overhillsandsmall mountains.Chickens and rabbits are also much bigger. And you canalsoride(Android, iOS = long-tap + press Feed, Windows 10=right-click)these mobs. Hold a carrot (for rabbits) or seeds(forchickens) inyour hand to control them.Don’t play around with creepers. Their explosion hasbeenslightlyincrease to cause some more damage.You can tame a skeleton by tempting it with a bow. As soonasitis tamed it will turn into a wither skeleton. It willthenfollowyou around and protect you whenever you arebeingattacked.You really don’t want to mess around with polar bearsunlessyouwant to get stomped in the head by a giant, viciousanimal.Here is a list of all mobs which are much larger thanbefore.Mostof them also have more health and the hostile onesarestronger.New (1.0 only): Ender DragonNew (1.0 only): ShulkerNew (1.0 only): Polar BearChicken (supports two riders) (control with seeds)CowPigSheepWolfBat (supports two riders)Rabbit (control with carrot)Horse (supports two riders)Skeleton HorseCreeperEndermanSlimeSpiderZombieWitchWither Boss (new!)Ocelot (new!)Villager (new!)Mooshroom (new!)Donkey (new!)Stray (new!)Blaze (new!)Squid (new!)Cave Spider (new!)Magma Cube (new!)ChangelogsLatest update (24 November, 2016):More big mobs:Ender DragonShulkerPolar BearSupport for 0.16 and 0.17Previous update (29 October, 2016):Mobs are 7x larger compared to 4x (hitboxes included)10 new giga mobsBats support two ridersSkeletons are stronger have wear iron armorSpiders attack skeletonHorses jump higher and run fasterAll mobs are fasterSeat position fixedFloating baby mob heads fixedDISCLAIMER: This GigaMobs Mod MCPE is anunofficialapplicationfor Minecraft Pocket Edition. This applicationis notaffiliated inany way with Mojang AB. The Minecraft Name,theMinecraft Brand andthe Minecraft Assets are all property ofMojangAB or theirrespectful owner. All rights reserved. Inaccordancewith
Doctor Slime Mod MCPE 3.2
Doctor Slime Mod MCPE is a colleagueofDoctorHusk (which is an other addon). The main advantage oftheDoctorSlime is that he will always follow you around. He’sreallyusefulif you want a companion who constantly look afteryourhealth.Sometimes he can seem a bit overprotective but then youcanjustlock him up in some cage.What does the doctor do?The husk has been transformed into a two-legged slimewearingadoctor’s coat. In survival mode he will constantly befollowingyouaround and give you health regeneration potions (whichlasts10minutes).If he gets 50 blocks away from you he will stop follow youYou can remove the health potion by drinking milkThe doctor doesn’t take fall damage10 minutes health regenerationDoctor Slime always wants to make sure that you stayhealthyforchallenges ahead. You might want to lock him up in acageduringthe time you don’t need him.Let’s say you are being crashed by some monsters. Wouldn’titfeelmuch better if you had a doctor chasing you as well?None of the hostile mobs will ever attack doctors. Inreallifemedics in warfare are protected under the GenevaConventions(whichis basically international rules of warfare) so itmakessense theyare protected in Minecraft as well.DISCLAIMER: This Doctor Slime Mod MCPE isanunofficialapplication for Minecraft Pocket Edition.Thisapplication is notaffiliated in any way with Mojang AB.TheMinecraft Name, theMinecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assets areallproperty of MojangAB or their respectful owner. Allrightsreserved. Inaccordancewith
Dragon Mod For MCPE* 1.1
Dragon Mod For MCPE* makes it possibletobefriend dragons. A dragon could only be found by spawning itonyour own with a spawner egg and also once you've tamed one itwillsafeguard you in any way expenses as a loyal buddy and offers you hatch-able dragon eggs that can be tamed andridden.Now you could get some usage out of the egg you win frombeatingthe Ender Dragon. You'll simply have to position the egg andtouchit. It's ideal to minecraft dragon mods place it in anenclosureyou wish to keep the dragon in. Over a fantastic size oftime itwill eventually hatch into an infant dragon. Your brand-newdragonfamily pet will need a saddle for you to be able to use it.Simplytouch and you're off. However the cool component regardingridingthe dragon is that you minecraft dragon mods do not alwaysshouldfly it. And in addition with this mod you could craftnaturalleather from rotten flesh by preparing it in a furnace. ThisDragonMod For MCPE* does additionally include a couple of new mobsyoucan craft like Reindeer, Flowers, Chinese Dragons, Bunnies,andalso Dinosaurs. As well as in addition to those the majority ofthetypical mobs are craftable and also rideable.Dragon Mod For MCPE* is impressive mod to enhance your mcpeworld!This mod include wonderful of components in the game. Exactlywhatare you resting limited for?, Download Now!Dragon Mod For MCPE* can only be applied withBlockLauncherapplication and you need install the full version ofMCPE andBlockLauncher in your smartphone or tablet.This is an unofficial application for Minecraft Pocket Edition.Thisapplication is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.TheMinecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner. Allrightsreserved. In accordancewith
Dragons Addon for Minecraft PE 1.0
Do you have what it takes to becomethemother(or father) of dragons? Venture deep underground insearchforanswers. Look for a dragon to tame and then watch as itgrowstobecome your most powerful pet which will protect you nomatterwhatdanger lies ahead. Even though you can’t ride them theyarestillone of the most epic and powerful mobs you will everfindinMinecraft PE.Wild DragonsDragons replace bats and can be found spawning in caves.Eventhoughmost of them spawn as passive creatures (meaning, theywon’tattackyou) there’s always a 17% chance that a hostiledragoncanspawn.Wild dragons spawn in either of the following stages.Stage 1: 10 hearts, passive, tameableStage 2: 15 hearts, passive, tameableStage 3: 20 hearts, passive, tameableStage 4: 25 hearts, passive, tameableStage 5: 30 hearts, hostile, not tameableTamingYou can use any type of cooked meat to tame a dragon.Heartparticleswill appear if you successfully tamed it.A tamed dragon goes through a growth of six stages and eachstagecanbe accelerated by feeding it more cooked meat (orsomegunpowder forthe last stage).Stage 1: 15 hearts, passiveStage 2: 25 hearts, passiveStage 3: 40 hearts, passive:Stage 4: 65 hearts, helps its owner by spitting fireStage 5: 90 hearts, helps its owner by spitting fire(takes24minutes to reach this stage, accelerate with cookedmeat)Stage 6 : 125 hearts, helps its owner by spittingexplosivefireballs(takes another 20 minutes to reach this stage,acceleratewithgunpowder)A dragon will only protect its owner once it has growntostage4.Mature dragons have a special appetite for sheep. If theyseeoneyou can be sure that they will soon be preparingtheirdinner!DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application forMinecraftPocketEdition. This application is not affiliated in anyway withMojangAB. The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand andtheMinecraft Assetsare all property of Mojang AB or theirrespectfulowner. All rightsreserved. Inaccordancewith
Ender Dragon Keyboard Themes 1.0
✮ The best free keyboard themes arehere.Cooldragon “keyboard themes” for all “Minecraft” fans awaityou!Loveto play Minecraft and slay the Ender Dragon? In theepicadventureof MC, the enemy is the huge blocky dragon known astheEnderDragon. With this amazing “Ender Dragon” Minecraft appyoudon'tneed to embark on a journey to The End to capturethefabledmonster! With ♥ Ender Dragon Keyboard Themes ♥bringthisfire-breathing creature to your phone screen right awayandadmirethe best “dragon pictures” on your keypad! Check outourlatestDragon Keyboard Theme for Android™! Discover a new wayoftextingwith “dragon images” that are going to look astonishingonyourkeypad! Embrace the best typing experience for yourAndroidphonewith Ender Dragon Keyboard Theme. These free mobilephonekeyboardskins with the Ender Dragon pics are the perfectdecorationforyour cell phone keypad! Enjoy the most beautifuldragonkeypadtheme on store that is a must have for everyMCadventurer!Download one of the best keyboard designs appswithdifferentdragon themes free of charge! Install it onyoursmartphone ortablet device and customize your keyboard with3Dflying EnderDragon HD background!❣ ♪ ❣ ♪‿ ♪ ❣ ♪‿ ♪ ❣ ♪ ❣Follow these 3 easy steps to set your MinecraftDragonKeyboardThemes:✮ Click on ‘Enable the Keyboard’, check the box-field nextto♥Ender Dragon Keyboard Themes ♥ and then click ontheOKbutton;✮ Return to the application, select ‘Set the KeyboardtoDefault’button and select ♥ Ender Dragon Keyboard Themes ♥;✮ You can now customize your keyboard (choose themes,languagesandshortcuts).❣ ♪ ❣ ♪‿ ♪ ❣ ♪‿ ♪ ❣ ♪ ❣✮ Find your favorite “Enderdragon“ themes!✮ Choose from a huge collection of “Minecraft images“!✮ We offer you beautiful “Minecraft pictures“ – the imagesoftheEnder Dragon, The End, the Ender Portal, the Nether,theNetherPortal and much more!✮Discover different types of cool emoticons and emojis!✮ Select the desired language and start typing on aFrench,Spanishor German keyboard!✮Options to turn on and off keyboard sounds and vibration!✮ Download our cool Minecraft dragons themes for tabletsandmobilephones and watch your phone screen come to lifewhiletypingmessages to your family and friends!❣ ♪ ❣ ♪‿ ♪ ❣ ♪‿ ♪ ❣ ♪ ❣✮ We added the amazing HD screenshots of the Ender bossmobthatwill show you just how great these themes will look onyourphonekeyboard! If you enjoy playing MC, customize the look ofyourphonewith these brand new keyboard skins representing themostuniqueand recognizable fantasy world creature in the videogamesfor boys– the Ender Dragon and put a beautiful picture of amightybeast onyour keypad. Download the best keyboard cover ♥EnderDragonKeyboard Themes ♥ free of charge encounter the majesticrulerofthe sky right now!✮ Upgrade your standard keyboard with the best keypad imagesofthemost fearsome dragon in the world of video games! Give anewcoolappearance to the keyboard of your smartphone or tabletwiththiskeypad theme covered in Minecraft Ender images! If youlovethesemythical, magical, scaled, horned and winged creatures,thenthisis the right free keypad app for you! Admire the sight ofalargehostile mob boss Ender Minecraft with glowing purpleeyeshoveringabove the ground every time you glance at yoursmartphoneor typeon your keyboard!✮ The best collection of dragon HD quality images isnowavailable!Don’t miss the opportunity to enjoy the bestthemekeyboard on themarket with this amazing free keyboard app!Download♥ Ender DragonKeyboard Themes ♥ and make your own coolkeyboardthat will drawattention whenever you start typing messages!Funpictures ofdragon, typing sound effects, and cute emoticonsaregoing to makeyour phone more awesome than ever!*Android™ is a trademark of Google Inc.
Mod PokeCraft Addon for MCPE 1.0
Cool Mods
PokeCraft Addon for MineCracft MCPE Modisanincredibly promising Pok?mon mod which is exclusivelybeingcreatedfor Minecraft MCPE Pocket Edition. This version is thefirstbetaand includes features such as a two new mobs andthepossibility tocatch Pok?mon using poke balls. This versionwasreleased to giveyou an idea of what’s to come but also togetfeedback and let youhelp shape the future of this mod.DownloadPokeCraft Addon forMineCracft Mod Now.
Mod Tornado Addon For MCPE 1.0
Cool Mods
The Tornado for MineCracft MCPE Modisbasicallyair which is rotating violently and destroys thethingswhich gets inits way. This mod makes it possible to spawnatornado. It’s verydangerous as it will destroy parts oftheterrain but it can alsoseverely hurt you if you get tooclose.Download Tornado Mod forMineCracft Mod Now.
Medieval Mobs Addon for MCPE 1.0
This is an addon which adds(and/orreplaces)seven mobs in Minecraft Pocket Edition. Some ofthem arebased onmythical creatures, such as the giant, and othersarejustreplacements for current mobs to make them look moresuitedformedieval times. One really cool feature is that each newmobhasits own custom sounds.VillagersThere are three new types of villagers which can befoundnaturallyspawning in villages or by the use of the villagerspawnegg.Swordsman: wields a swordArcher: shoots arrowsShieldsman: blocks off the enemy with a shieldIf a hostile mob spawns nearby a village guard and there isalsoahorse somewhere close then the village guard will get onthehorseand ride it while attacking the target.Butchers are one of the default villager types and theyareeasilyrecognizable because of their white apron. If they seeanypigs,sheep, chickens, rabbits or cows then they will killthem.OrcZombies have been replaced by orcs. These are hostilecreatureswhichno longer burn in sunlight. This means you can comeacrossthembasically anywhere in your worlds. They are hostiletohumanoids ingeneral, so this means both the playerandvillagers.NecromancerStrays have been replaced by necromancers. This mob canshootfirecharges at his enemies. But you don’t have to worryaboutthemseeing as it is a friendly mob.(The structure in the image down below doesn’tgeneratenaturally.It’s just a fun picture to showcase the look ofannecromancer.)GiantsThey spawn in and around villages. If you want to spawnoneyourselfyou can use a zombie pigman spawn egg. Giants arehostiletowardvillagers and the player and can spawn inmultipledifferentsizes.RatsSilverfish are replaced by rats. Rats are horrendouscreaturesasthey will eat your crops. Villagers hate rats and ifthey getthechance they will try to kill them. Ocelots also haveahugeappetite for rats as they will attack and eat them.Changelog (v1.1):The villager guard is replaced by a swordsmanThere are now three new villagers: swordsman,shieldsmanandarcherCustom mob soundsGiants are hostileButcher butcher villagers kill pigs, chickens, rabbits,sheepandcowsOcelots kill rats (silverfish)Creepers are replaced by shieldsmen (but you can alsousethevillager spawn egg to spawn them)DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application forMinecraftPocketEdition. This application is not affiliated in anyway withMojangAB. The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand andtheMinecraft Assetsare all property of Mojang AB or theirrespectfulowner. All rightsreserved. Inaccordancewith
Mod Mutant Enderman Addon MCPE 1.0
Cool Mods
This is Mutant Enderman addonforMineCracftMCPE Mod makes the enderman become a two-headedmonsterwielding abig sword. It has more health and is muchstrongercompared to anordinary enderman. All in all, it’s a quitesimplemodification butit definitely makes the enderman morefrighteningso if that’s whatyou are looking for then you’ve foundthe rightmod. DownloadMutant Enderman Addon for MineCracft ModNow.
Mod GTA 5 for minecraft 1.0
GTA 5 mod for minecraft - it's a greatmodthatadds favorite characters, equipment and weapons for mcpeworldofthe same game.After adding this GTA 5 mod for minecraft to the game youwillbeable to engage in fun things - talk to Michael andTrevor,toarrange a showdown between the gangs ride on a tankorhelicopter.In the mod of the GTA 5 for minecraft is all forthefans of thegame and even more - it has fun.List of ID's more items for minecraft:Motorcycle - 2980Trevor - 2986Michael - 2976Tank - 2987Grenade - 2988Helicopter - 2995AK-47 - 2978Sniper - 2996Parachute - 3001Machine - 3002Dzhetpak - 3004Knife - 3005Flamethrower - 3007Money - 3008Machine gun - 3009Bazooka - 3010Bronizhelet - 3012Armor Ballas - 299Jeans - 304By this time, you can use our Mod GTA 5 for minecraftat0.15.0,0.15.1, 0.15.6. 0.16.0, 0.16.1, 0.15.2, 0.17.0verions.So we hope you will get fun and nice play with all new GTA5modfor mcpe. We also can make our gta addon powerful withyourhelpand much better.This application is not affiliated in any way with MojangAB.TheMinecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the MinecraftAssetsare allproperty of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.Allrightsreserved. Inaccordancewith
Gun MODS For MC:PE 1.0
Gun MODS For MC:PE is added to add oneofthemost adorable versions of the friendly mods versionstoMinecraftPE. It adds a total of 4 mods to the gameGun MODS For MC:PE lets you use a gravity gun similar totheonein Half-Life 2. Through the use of the gun you can pick upmobsandhave them thrown away in any direction you want.Have more minecraft mod for download & fun in this app- Gravity Gun Addon- Nyan Gun Mod- Weapons Extreme Mod- DesnoGunsEvery mod has title, description , screenshot anddownloadbutton.Search any mods for mcpe you want just browsefavourite modandpress DOWNLOAD ... Done!This Gun MODS For MC:PE is can only be appliedwithBlockLauncherapplication and you need install the full versionofMCPE andBlockLauncher in your smartphone or tablet.This is an unofficial application for Minecraft PocketEdition.Thisapplication is not affiliated in any way with MojangAB.TheMinecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the MinecraftAssetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.Allrightsreserved. Inaccordancewith MODS For MC:PEisadded to add one of the most adorable versions of thefriendlymodsversions to Minecraft PE. It adds a total of 4 mods tothegame.Gun MODS For MC: PE lets you use a gravity gun similar totheonein Half-Life 2. Through the use of the gun you can pick upmobsandhave them thrown away in any direction you want.Have more minecraft mod for download & fun in thisapp. - Gravity Gun Addon - Nyan Gun Mod - Weapons Extreme Mod - DesnoGunsEvery mod has title, description, screenshot anddownloadbutton.Search any mods for mcpe you want just browsefavourite modandpress DOWNLOAD ... Done!This Gun MODS For MC: PE is can only be appliedwithBlockLauncherapplication and you need install the full versionofMCPE andBlockLauncher in your smartphone or tablet.This is an unofficial application for Minecraft PocketEdition.Thisapplication is not affiliated in any way with MojangAB.TheMinecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the MinecraftAssetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.Allrightsreserved. Inaccordancewith
Armor Stand Mod for Minecraft 1.3
The armor stand MCPE mod is a realfeatureinthe PC version of Minecraft. For now though it’s onlyaccessibleinMinecraft Pocket Edition by the use of MCPE mods likethis one.Itadds one new item to the game which can be used forspawningthearmor stand entity.Armor stands are the perfect way to keep your armorsetsondisplay rather than keeping them hidden in chests wheretheyareeasily forgotten. And yes, it works for version 0.15!How to use?Find the armor stand item in your creative inventory. Theitemiconlooks like a stick. Tap with the stick on the ground tospawnthearmor stand. (Make sure you’ve set difficulty tomax.Otherwisethere’s a chance it won’t work.)By default it doesn’t have any items. Tap on the armorstandwitharmor items to add them to the stand.To retrieve the items again simply kill the armor standanditwill drop them.The armor stand mod for MCPE can be used to display any typeofarmorset, even mixed ones.Be sure to rate us and see our collection of thefreebestMinecraft PE Mods and game MCPE addons fordownloadincludingadventure, survival, parkour, creature, mini-gameandmodsDISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application forMinecraftPocketEdition. This application is not affiliated in anyway withMojangAB. Name, Brand and the Assets are all property ofMojang ABor theirrespectful owner. All rights reserved.Inaccordancewith
Mod Toolbox Addon for MCPE 1.0
Cool Mods
The Toolbox Addon for MineCracftMCPEMod(previously Too Many Items) is the ultimate solutionforquicklybeing able to access all kinds of blocks and itemsandchangingsettings in game (e.g. weather, gamemode and muchmore).The latestupdate includes an optional launcher. The launchercan beused forloading texture packs, X-ray, armor status andotheruniquefeatures for Minecraft Pocket Edition.DownloadToolboxforMineCracft Mod Now!
Mod More Chairs addon For MCPE 1.0
Best Mods
This is More Chairs for MineCraft MCPEModthefirst furniture add-on for Minecraft Pocket Edition. Itaddsatotal of four chairs and all of them can be used to siton.Itshould be mentioned that this mod replaces threemobsin-game(wither skeletons, creepers, strays and husks) butthegreatbenefit is that you’ll get three awesome chairs which youcanuseto decorate your worlds! Download More Chairs Add-onforMineCraftMod Now!
Dragon Mounts Mod 2.0
The Dragon Mounts Mod adds 7 dragonstoMinecraft PE. Each dragon must first be hatched using dragoneggsand once they have grown to their full sizes all of them canberidden and used as flying mounts. Not only do they look veryepicbut they are also proven to be a very neat addition forquickertraveling in Minecraft.Connect with DragonDragon Horse ImprovementMinecraft PE 7 dragon tree installation. To fall before youcanuse them, and can be used in each egg and flying dragon mountnotonly do they look good. But it has proven to be the longestinaddition to the normal Minecraft is very fast.Hatching a Dragon EggThe first thing which we recommend you to do is to build afencedarea which can be used for hatching a dragon egg.**** Please Note ****DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application forMinecraftPocket Edition. This application is not affiliated in anyway withMojang AB. The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand andtheMinecraft Assets are all property of Mojang AB or theirrespectfulowner. All rights reserved. In accordancewith
Feature Unlocker mod for mcpe 2
Feature Unlocker Addon Mods MCPE' r is anaddonthat use some capabilities that are not included in theversionzero. 14 of a specific characteristic now including videocamerasand. Rider is constantly changing, pearls, but morefeatures willprobably be added.Open repositories regarding creative ideas and make sure thatthe1st tab on the left, select that, and then scroll down to thelowerof the inventory to find Treasure, rider & camera. TWPearl itemthat can be used since brother Wah. press checklist inyour hotbarto chuck it, you will go to the Area, he. The camera isactually aSpecial Edition from the list, putting your camera downon theground. Decide on a camera tripod, long-press around thescreen, andthen tap the particular clear button in the centrebottom of thescreen.The particular camera seems to be similar to TNT blogpointmotion, but rather to blast is probably charms. While thistestinggame anytime we tried, but this time be certain that we willupdatethis information. Pics must be saved in the adhering todirectory.Is highly modern and fun bowling game your own bowlinglanes,resulting in the setting pins and then commenced playingminecraftfor baseball as well done with realistic-lookingproperties . Forexample , often the ball will start moving aroundjuly real and thepins will probably fall according to yourgoals.