Top 21 Games Similar to 麻将.卡五星(单机版)

四川麻将.血战到底(单机版) 2.7.6
无需联网,不耗流量,随时随地陪你血战到底!四川麻将,又称成都麻将,流行于四川、重庆、贵州一带。其核心是打缺门,刮风下雨,计番,血战到底,流局查叫、查花猪。一局牌中,一家胡牌并不结束牌局,而是未胡的玩家继续打,直到3家胡牌或剩余的玩家流局。牌局结束一并结算。这样先胡的玩家并不一定获利最多,点炮的玩家也能翻身,提高了趣味性。四川麻将由四人进行游戏,使用万、筒、条共108张牌,没有字牌和风牌。胡牌规则四川麻将的基本规则是打缺,即胡牌时玩家手牌中万、筒、条至少要缺一门 。血战到底:一家胡牌并不结束牌局,而是未胡的玩家继续打,直到3家胡牌或剩余的玩家流局。自摸胡:自己抓牌成胡牌(包括杠上开花和抢杠胡)。点 炮:胡他人打出的牌。可以一炮多响。特殊规则游戏流局后,会有查花猪和查叫两种处理方式。查花猪是指对流局后所有未胡牌的玩家手牌进行检查,如果没有打缺的就叫花猪。花猪要向所有其它非花猪玩家(包括已胡牌的)赔付16番的金币。查叫是指对流局后所有未胡牌的玩家手牌进行检查,如果有玩家没有下叫(也就是听头),就要向已下叫的玩家赔付其手牌最大胡牌番数相对应的金币。如果有两家或以上玩家均已下叫,则对已下叫玩家的手牌最大可能胡牌番数进行比较,番数小的要向番数大的玩家赔付两者前的差价,称为补差价。流局查叫时,未下叫者(包括花猪)将退回所有刮风下雨的所得,此称为退税。Without networking, donotconsume flow, bloody battle in the end to accompanyyouanywhere!Sichuan Mahjong, Mahjong, also known as Chengdu, popular inSichuan,Chongqing, Guizhou area. Its core is playing void, rain,wind,namely Fan, bloody battle in the end, the investigationbureaucalled streaming, check the flower farms. A bureau cards inawinning hand is not the end of the Board, but not HUplayerscontinue to play until the three remaining players winninghand orstream Bureau. Board ends together with the settlement.Suchplayers are not necessarily the first HU most profitable,pointguns players can stand up, raise the fun. Sichuan Mahjong byafour-game, use a wildcard, tube, of a total of 108 cards,nolicense plates and wind.Winning hand ruleThe basic rule is to play Mahjong, Sichuan missing, thatplayer'shand when the first player in the square, tube, bar missingatleast one door.Bloody battle in the end: a winning hand is not the end oftheBoard, but not HU players continue to play until thethreeremaining players winning hand or stream Bureau.Zimo Hu: they draw a card into a winning hand (including barsandgrab bars on flowering HU).Point gun: Hu others played cards.Can be a multi-gun sound.Special rulesAfter the game flow Bureau, there will be a pig and CharlesRichardcalled two approaches.Richard Spotted refers to all of the players are not winninghandafter hand convection Bureau check, if not hit a pigcalledmissing. Spotted Pig would like to spend all the othernon-players(including winning hand of) payment 16 Fan ofgold.Charles called refers to all of the players are not winninghandafter hand convection Bureau check, if there is no nextplayercalled (that is, listen to the head), it is necessary to havetheplayer called payment under his or her hand maximum numberofpoints to win the corresponding fan gold. If there are two ormoreplayers have been called down, then told the players that havebeenhand under the maximum possible number of points to winfancompares the number of small fan fan would like a fewbigdifference between the two players before payment, called makeupthe difference.Bureau of investigation is called when the stream is notcalled(including a pig) will return the proceeds of all the windandrain, this is called tax rebate under.
Pop Lines
No matter who you are, what you are,PopLineswill give you the ultimate joy for sure.No any kind of restriction, Pop Lines suite every kindofperson;every kind of place.You can play Pop Lines when you are sitting on a bus, waitinginaline or even in the toilet, Pop Lines will help you killthetimewe want to pass.Remember this, you can pause Pop Lines anytime,save andresumeitwhenever you want, Pop Lines will bring a lot of fun toyoureverymoment.Like other cool ball game, try to line up 5 of your pearlsthathavesame colour so you can destory them all and getmorepoint.Login with your Facebook, Wechat or other social accountsandshareyour score on the leaderboard with all the playeraroundtheworld.
Gomoku HD3
Before Studio
****App Store***** one of the mostpopularGomoku, ranks highest in the similar and ranks first inChina (andstable among TOP 3).Gomoku is originated from China(五子棋) and popular inJapan(五目並べ),korea(오목) and all over the world. It is also know asGomoku, Renju,Gobang or Five in a row.The rule is simple. Black plays first, and players alternateinplacing a stone of their color on an empty intersection. Thewinneris the first player to get an unbroken row of fivestoneshorizontally, vertically, or diagonally.Game Features-Single-player challenge computer AI, able to choosedifferentlevels of AI to challenge.-Standard 15x15 board-Accurately touching, moving and releasing the chess.-Clean and neat graphics-Nice background musicWelcome follow us:Twitter:@beforestudioSupport Email:[email protected]
暗棋爭霸2 1.9.2
GooglePlay / iOS can be downloaded cross-platformconnectivityVersus Dark Chess Game
Mahjong Shanghai Free  1.3.6
Free "Shanghai Mahjong" game with over 1500 boards, Get newpuzzlesdaily!
Hong Kong Style Mahjong
PS Games P/L
Mahjong according to Hong Kong Style rules
宽立麻将十三张 1.4.1
GB Mahjong thirteen, Fan unlimited number, brilliant
Mahjong Legend 1.5.5
GB Games
Addictive Mahjong Game.
中國象棋-天天殘局技巧 2.30
中國象棋與五子棋、圍棋一樣都是中國廣泛流傳的棋類遊戲。它是由兩人輪流走子,以“將死”或“困斃”對方將(帥)爲勝的一種棋類運動。産品特色:1、采用單機模式。在親戚家串門或者上廁所的時候想找人戰個痛又沒有網絡上不了QQ怎麽辦,沒關系我們的遊戲無須聯網,只要輕輕一點就能讓享受征戰沙場,斬將奪帥的快感。媽媽再也不用擔心我上廁所無聊了。2、難易度自由調節。在QQ、聯衆象棋上被巨巨虐了怎麽辦,沒事,在我們這把難度調到最低,把電腦虐個爽出口氣,再慢慢加難度鍛煉自己的棋力,回去找巨巨報仇!3、優化智能,開局多變。假如你厭倦了電腦一成不變的開局方式,那就來我們這吧,我們的遊戲采用最先進的智能算法,開局靈活多變,會用各種姿勢跟你大戰三百回合。4、增加殘局挑戰模式。這裏有最全的殺法大全、象棋名譜,等你來解,讓大家看看你特殊的破局技巧。5、雙人博弈模式。雙人博弈模式可以讓你和你的小夥伴同台競技,看看誰獲得勝利。Chinese chessandbackgammon, Go widespread as all Chinese board game. It is totakethe child in turn by two, with "the dead" or "trapped todeath,"the other will (handsome) as a chess movement wins.Feature of product:1, using the stand-alone mode. Relatives on the toilet whenstoppingor looking for someone to fight pain and no one on thenetwork cannot QQ how to do, it does not matter that we do notneed networkinggame, with just a little can make to enjoy theswords, cut the Fatalpleasure. My mother no longer have to worryabout my toiletboring.2, free to adjust the degree of difficulty. On the QQ, Lianzhongisa giant chess giant child how to do, all right, we put this totheminimum of difficulty, the computer child a cool air outlet,andthen slowly add difficulty to exercise their chess, go backandfind the giant Giant revenge!3, optimization of smart, start changing. If you're tired of thewaycomputers start immutable, it is to our right, our game usesthemost advanced intelligent algorithms, flexible start, will useavariety of positions with you battle three hundred rounds.4, increase the endgame challenge mode. Here are the mostcompletekill method Daquan, chess names spectrum, waiting for youto solve,let us look at your particular breaking skills.5, double game modes. Double Game mode lets you and yourlittlefriends competing against, to see who wins.
Mahjong Solitaire 2.4.1
Addictive mahjong game
Mahjong Solitaire Free
Mahjong Solitaire Free
Mahjong 1.3
Mahjong Connect is a game that tracesitsroots2000 years from Shanghai China. The current game variesinmany waysfrom the original Mahjong game. The game was playedbythe Royalsand therefore many ordinary citizens did not have aclueof itsexistence till many years later when the Japanese learnedofitsexistence. The western world came to know of itsexistencemanyyears later.Features of the Connect GameOriginally the Mahjong game consisted of 144 tilepieceswhichwere ivory. With the global outcry on the usage of thehorn,thetiles changed to other varied materials dependingonavailability,price, and quality. The game board consists of140tiles which arearranged in a particular pattern. Fourteen tilesarearrangedhorizontally in each row while ten tiles areorganizedverticallyin each row. The original game consisted ofseasons,dragons, andflowers among other unique features, thecurrent gamehas notdeviated much from the original game and as suchthe ruleshaven'tchanged a lot.Mahjong Tactical MovesThis unique solitaire game that involves solving thepuzzlebymatching open pairs of tiles which are identical and assuchremovethem from the board. There will be hidden object.Theprocessexposes the tiles which are underneath, and thegamecontinues. Thegame has a timer; therefore, one has a limitedtimeto play thegame, if one is using a shared computer, a PC thathaslow internetconnectivity or any other limiting factor, one maybetime barredto make a move. Mahjong connect game limits aplayersmovement inthat one cannot make any move unless theyeliminatetiles borderingthe tile one is planning to remove. As sucheverymove a playermakes while playing the game has to be wellthoughtand tactical innature.Amazing characteristics of Mahjong ConnectThere are different tactics that one can use to win thegame.Forinstance, one can play the tiles that are arranged onaperimeter.The move has rules which involve clicking on anymatchingtiles andsuch it is not a good move to use if one is notsure ofitsapplicability. Another tactic that is used by manyplayers iswherea player connects tiles. The tile connectionrequiresconnectingmoves within three steps failure to which oneloses. Thesetacticalmoves require critical thinking andcreativity because forone toadvance in the game the moves come inhandy regardless ofhowadjacent the tiles are together.This amazing game is worth playing because it not onlyimprovesone'sthinking capacity but also brings out the creativityin you.The gameis played online as such you can rate your skillsin realtime tomeasure how you rate as compared to other players.Thereare onlineresources all over that one can use to boosttheirchances of winningand becoming pros in the game. The game hasatimer; therefore, ifyou are not a quick thinker, you may loseyourchances of winning ormastering the game.The reason why Mahjong Connect was played by royals isbecauseitmade them make wiser decisions by looking objectivelyatdifferentscenarios. As such, it is a free game that is goodforthe brain asit exercises it.
经典单机麻将 1.5.3
1、无解锁、无道具,无任何收费情况,完全免费2、支持2.2以上的android手机,屏幕最小要在480*800以上(320*480也可玩,效果差些),高效性能,省电3、支持单机游戏,无需登录,无需注册直接游戏4、超强人工智能,高超的出牌技巧,为玩家提供了强劲的对手5、精美画面1, no unlock, no props,nofees, completely free of charge2, support more than 2.2 android phone, the screen to beminimized(also playable 320 * 480, less effective) than in 480 *800, highperformance, low power3, support for stand-alone game, no login, no registrationdirectlyfrom the game4, super artificial intelligence, superb skill cards, givesplayersa strong opponent5, exquisite picture
国标麻将单机版 1.0
最热门的单机麻将火爆来袭,游戏采用国标麻将规则,但取消了8番起胡的规定,游戏操作简单清晰,玩家可以轻松的进行休闲娱乐,体验国粹的博大精深。1 超强人工智能,高超出牌技巧2 无道具,无收费3 无登录,无注册4 节奏紧凑、强烈推荐!The mostpopularstand-alone struck popular mahjong game mahjong rules usingthenational standard, but canceled from 8 Fan Hu provision isclearand simple game play, players can easily be entertainment,thequintessence of profound experience.A powerful artificial intelligence, high-skillbeyondlicensing2 no props, no charges3 No login, no registration4 paced, highly recommended!
Mahjong Dragon 7.5
MORE 500 LEVELS, CUTE ORIENTALHEROES,FAIRY STORYLINE AND LOTS OF OTHER TREASURES! Mahjong Dragonis amiracle!FEATURES OF MAHJONG DRAGON:- a breathtaking quest with lots of levels, obstaclesandsurprises- lots of beautiful mahjong tiles includingseasons,butterflies and pandas- charming music- fairy mahjong backgrounds that will make you feel like inamagic world of Dragons- easy game mechanics- unique style of mahjong towers at each levelDon't hesitate while choosing between Japanese mahjong, HongKongmahjong or original mahjong game. Now you've got anamazingcombination of all mahjong games!Are you seized by mahjong mania and always looking for a newmahjongto connect different kinds of tiles? Do you want to trysome funnylogical games to play with or maybe something charming?Then choosethis solitaire with tiles of mahjong panda andbutterflies that willgive you a lot of fun!Among all other free mahjong games to play offline or onlinethissolitaire the most outstanding one. It comprises manydifferentcomponents which make this logical game so excitingandentertaining. Being one of the most popular pair matchingpuzzlegames and a challenging quest at the same time, SolitaireDragoncan satisfy each of you.How to play this free online mahjong classic:- click on a pair of identical tiles to remove them fromtheboard.- if a tile is grayed out it is not active and you can'tselectit- you can match different flowers or different seasons- make your own way along the magic mahjong map, earn coins,passthrough gates and discover more and more mahjong wonders!Do you feel lost among the abundance of puzzles games free? Trytheexotic Asian solitaire to check up the quickness of your witandmemory while taking a trip to the wealthy land ofDragon'streasures! One of the puzzle games for adults which canmake youfeel like a child seeking for adventures and picking upmagic giftsto become a real hero.This mahjong solitaire is so epic that you'll forget all otherfreelogical games with pairs once you play it. Just imagineyourself atraveler in a land of mahjong gold, an explorer and agambler atthe same time!Dare to start a super mahjong journey free, discover newhorizonsand enjoy playing tiles with original images whilelistening tomysterious music. Become a real mahjong master! Leavemore and morelevels behind and return to them whenever you want!All you need todo is choose a random mahjong function and pass yourfavoritelevels again and again!You've never had such a variety of tiles before! Mahjongbutterfly,panda mahjong along with classic mahjong tiles arewaiting for you!One of puzzle games for kids suitable for all agesand both sexes,since the choice of tile themes is limitless.Get ready to become the best among all mahjong titans passingthemost elaborate mahjong quest free until the end. Leave yourmahjongtrails on the map with the magic road to Chinesetreasures.Install this new game on your tablet and play mahjong solitairefreeoffline or online right now!
Mahjong Solitaire 1.0
The game of Mahjong solitaire is classifiedasacard or tile game and involves arranging and re-arrangingthetilesto match a certain order. It requires the useofskills,calculations, and applying the right strategy at therighttime.Mahjong game is played by 4 players and consists of144tiles.There are 36 bamboo suits, 36 Character suits, 36Circlesuits, 16Wind tiles, 12 Dragon tiles and 8 bonus tileswhichconsist of 4flowers and 4 seasons. The aim of the game is foraplayer tocollect the maximum number of sets containingsimilarflowers ornumber. The one with most sets wins the game.The Mahjong solitaire game is quite popularly and hasalargefollowing. You may have come across it under other namessuchas MaChiao, Mo Tsiah, Mah Jongg or Ma Cheuk. OriginallyinventedinChina, the game has continued to expand to otherregionsandappeals to both the young and the old. Courtesy ofonlinegamingand technology, playing the game is as easy as goingonlineanddownloading a suitable version. Nonetheless, in order tohavetheultimate experience, it helps to have good knowledgeaboutthegame. Knowing how to play it and which is the beststrategyortactics increases your odds of winnings.How To Play This Free GamePlaying Mahjong solitaire entails matching to similartilesandremoving them. It can be likened to the popularsolitairewhichinvolves matches similar tiles. However, a player canonlyremovetiles that are not bound. These are the ones thatarenotsurrounded by other tiles all around it or on three ofitssides. Abound tile may also have two tiles on its opposite sidesorisfound on the tower's top. The players targets "Free"tileswhichhave a tile on one side, are found on the setup's edge,or onthetower's top but are adjoined to two sides or morethatarefree.Why Play The Game of Match 2?The popularity of Mahjong solitaire game has led toinventionofdifferent types of versions that a can be played online.Thoughthemode of playing the game may vary slightly, the goal isalwaysthesame. Many people find Mahjong quite interesting courtesyofitscompetitive spirit and need to calculate the next move,fast.Ithas also been aid that the game helps in improvingmemoryandcognitive abilities because of using skills and memory tocreateawinning strategy. Online mah-jong can be played by multipleaswellas single players and can be easily accessed online atanytime.There are versions that come as apps and are suitableformobilegaming.There are different sequences and strategies that may leadtoawin. these include Kong, Pung,Chong and others. Thepersonwhoachieves the maximum combination( 4 sequences,tripletsorquadruplets) utters the term "Mahjongg" to state his win.Atthisstage , the player is awarded points and thegamebeginsgain.Individuals searching for a highly-rinteractive,engaging andthrilling experience will find Mahjongsolitaire gamequiteideal.
开心大众麻将 131
开心大众麻将是一款人气火爆、玩法刺激的网络麻将游戏,无需注册、无需充值,安装后即可立即开始游戏。  ★★★游戏特色★★★  1. 和成千上万的真实玩家,在网络上合作对战,尽享游戏乐趣;  2. 支持私人房间,可以创建专属于自己的棋牌室,设定密码,与好友约战;3. 丰富的游戏功能,更有比赛可以参与,赢取话费和丰厚奖品;    4. 支持游客登录和正式账号注册,游戏完全免费下载和使用,每日登录自动获取奖励金币,破产即可获得救济金,助您在成为高手的路上走得更远。5. 智能出牌系统: 游戏也会有智慧, 支持手势操作超智能选牌(滑动), 点击屏幕牌面重选, 一指定天下。   6. 有趣可爱的表情包: 各种俏皮表情包让你在打牌之外寻找更多的乐趣!  7. 精致的游戏体验: 画面精美,界面简洁,功能丰富, 动画流畅, 智能打牌辅助, 游戏感受更美好。  8. 超低的手机流量:支持各种网络接入方式,优先检测并接入wifi网络,同时优化网络连接,使手机流量更低,一局游戏流量抵不上访问1个WAP页面的流量。9. 一款游戏,一个账号,更多棋牌游戏可供选择和下载:斗地主、锄大地、癞子斗地主、四人斗地主、炸金花(诈金花、扎金花)、梭哈(港式五张)、德州扑克、黑杰克 (21点)、升级(拖拉机、80分)、中国象棋、双扣、五子棋等游戏加入;每下载一款新游戏组件仅占用很小的内置空间(仅0.8M),运行时内存占用也很小,确保不影响手机性能; Happy Mahjong is apopularhot mass, stimulating play online mahjong games, noregistration, noneed to recharge, you can start the gameimmediately afterinstallation.★ ★ ★ Game Features ★ ★ ★1 and thousands of real players in the network cooperationBattle,enjoy the game fun;(2) support for private rooms, you can create a post of theirownchess room, set a password, and friends Yuezhan;3 rich game features, more competition can participate andwinprizes calls;4 support and official visitors login account registration, thegameis completely free to download and use, daily logautomatically getrewarded gold, bankruptcy can get relief, helpyou become a masterof the road to go further.5 smart cards system: The game will be wise to supporttheultra-smart card selection gestures (slide), tap the screen tosignface re-election, a designated world.6 lovely expression package: various playful expressionpackageallows you to play cards outside looking for more fun!7 exquisite gaming experience: beautiful screen, the interfaceissimple, feature-rich, smooth animations, smart cardsassistance,better gaming experience.8 ultra-low flow phones: support a variety of networkaccess,priority access to wifi network to detect and, whileoptimizingnetwork connection, the phone traffic lower, a game notworth thetraffic flow of a WAP page.9 a game, one account, more chess games to choose from anddownload:Landlords, dig the earth, Laizi Landlords, fourLandlords, friedGolden (Golden fraud, bar Jinhua), Stud (Hong Kongtype five), TexasHold'em, Black Jack (21:00), upgrades (tractors,80 points), ChineseChess, Twill, backgammon and other game; eachcomponent onlydownload a new game with a small built-in space(only 0.8M),run-time memory footprint is small, to ensure that thephone doesnot affect performance;
Nine Men's Morris Multiplayer 2.5.3
Play Nine Men's Morris against players from all over the world!
Mahjong Epic 2.7.1
Mahjong game with over 1800 boards. Enjoyed by millions of players!
Mahjong 3D
Clean The Universe of Mahjong
Jewels Journey 1.0.5
A completely free three consumer classsinglegame.Eliminating a set of casual puzzle games in one.A lovely children's picture-style mobile games.A beautiful fantasy female mobile games.Jewels Journey use of smooth R & D technology with astylishdesign, ultra high-definition picture sense, propsfrequent,bursting with surprises.________________________________________Jewels Journey features:1, cool beautiful game scene screen.2, the bright eyes of a variety of special effectsblinddesign.3, play simple and approachable.4, a variety of ways to share your pick.5, support for Google global rankings.6, multi-level design, challenging.7, attentive user guide.________________________________________Jewels Journey play:Using the traditional right touch play, match three ormoreidentical elements can be removed, eliminating more elementsgetmore scores, as well as the opportunity to generatedifferentprops, rational use of props, easily collect pets, earnscores.Within a specified number of steps needed to complete thenumberof elements in the collection of gems and scores, you cancross theborder._______________________________________For the crowd:Unisex, all ages