Top 2 Apps Similar to Food Label

Cook & Count 1.0.0
Health Apps Ltd
Cooking from scratch is much healthierandtastier than eating ready meals, processed foods and takeouts.Butmost people are not aware of how many calories are in whattheyeat. In the supermarket, if we want to see how many caloriesorcarbs are in a particular food or meal, we look at the label onthepackaging. But when we cook at home we don’t get a label withthenutritional information on it for the whole dish. So how do weknowwhat’s in there? Cook & Count calculates that nutri infoforus, for any dish we want to prepare. And it gives us theamountsper serving too. None of that fiddly maths any more.Cook & Count is a beautifully designed, easy and fun touseapp for creating and storing recipes in your own digitalrecipebook. It really helps with calorie awareness.Recommended by dietitians and nutritionists; andspecialistdiabetes dietitians, nurses and educators.Approved by the UK National Health Service (NHS) and listedinthe NHS Health Apps Library.User reviews• “I had no idea how many calories were in what I was cooking–now I’m eating smaller portions of the high calorie things andI’vealready started losing weight. So useful!”• "It is hard to imagine how the app could be improved - and thatisa very rare thing for me to say."• “we love this app … makes life so much easier forourdaughter”• “a very useful app for me as I count carbs in grams so Ifinallyhave an easy way to total up all my meals accurately ratherthan anapproximation based on a photo”What makes Cook & Count the best:• The only nutritional info app that works properlyandaccurately for home cooking and is recommended by themedicalcommunity• Unlike other health and fitness apps e.g MFP, custom data inCook& Count is not shared with other users. This protects youfrominaccuracies• This makes it really quick – no need to wade through 5millionfoods in a database!• Feel so much healthier because you can focus on eatingproperfood, not prepackaged or processed foods• Beautiful design – a joy to useFeatures:• No adverts or in-app purchases• Works offline• Carefully chosen recipes to inspire and get people started.• Make your recipe by choosing your ingredients and enteringtheamounts. Cook & Count will find all the nutritional info,addit all up and give you the nutritional info for eachportion.• Divide by number of portions or see the nutri info perweighedportion.• Create your digital recipe book with all your favourite recipesinone place together, and go back and edit them if you wantto.• US database: 3000 ingredients. From US government database:USDANational Nutrient Database for Standard Ref, Release 27.• UK database: 2000 ingredients. From UK government databasefromthe Food Standards Agency• Option to allow for reduction in weight of a recipe duringcooking= greater accuracy• Choose from weight or non-weight measures, such as cups,spoons,liquid measures. Also average measures e.g. small, medium orlargecarrot• Add custom ingredients if you can’t find them inthedatabase• Photograph your dish and save it in your recipe book• Share with friends and family on Facebook & TwitterCook & Count is perfect for:• Anyone following a diet that looks at calories,carbohydrate,fat, protein, sugars or fiber, or simply wanting tomake healthierfood choices• Carb counters such as people with type 1 diabetes, or with type2diabetes who need insulin, and their families, friendsandcarers• People with type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes, pre-diabetesorthose who have been identified as at risk of developing type2diabetes• Special diets such as 5-2, Newcastle or ‘If It FitsYourMacro’• Health Care Professionals who educate patients aboutspecificdiets or weight loss• Athletes or those doing sports training who need to increaseordecrease their carbohydrate, calorie, fat or protein intake• Perfect both for adults and for children starting to cook
Label GMO
The Label GMO app is filled withvital,eye-opening, whistle-blowing facts on the dangers of GMOs&Genetically Engineered Foods.Inside the app, you'll also find clear action steps you cantake,right now, to join with people everywhere to help get GMOsproperlytested, regulated and LABELED via voting, petitions,productboycotts, etc.The Label GMO app also gives you an easy way to share allthedangers and facts about GMOs with others via yourmobiledevice.As the conversation about GMOs becomes more prevalent,this"MUST-HAVE" app let's you get the WHOLE story fast and in oneplaceso you'll know everything you need to about this serious andtimelytopic.This issue is "time-sensitive" and we simply cannot afford todelaygetting fully informed and involved in the conversation aboutGMOsany longer. It's time you know that GMOs have been linkedtoallergies, autoimmune diseases, digestive disorders,cancer,Alzheimer's, diabetes, autism, infertility, and more.This app will pull back the curtain on the significant healthrisksof GMOs, the devastating impact of GMOs on our environment andtheunscrupulous actions biotech companies have taken to hidethehazards of their products.You'll discover how the same company that marketed DDT andAgentOrange as safe (when those running the company knew thedangers) isusing similar tactics when it comes to their GMOfoodproducts.BTW: Think you don't eat GMOs? Guess again. Some 70-80%ofconventional, processed food in the US contains GMOs andmany'healthy/natural' brands of foods also contain GMOs. It's timetoget all the facts.The Label GMO app will keep you up-to-date on currenteffortsagainst GMOs along with breaking NEWS and the latestscientificresearch on the topic.Whether you want to know the REAL TRUTH about GMOs or you'realreadyan avid supporter of the labeling, regulating and possiblebanningof GMOs, the Label GMO app is for you!In this app, you'll find:- Top Facts on GMOs- Videos on the Health Risks and Dangers of GMOs- Videos and Info on the Environmental Impact of GMOs- Who is behind the Biotech Industry and their UnscrupulousTrackRecord- Discover Award Winning Documentaries on the Dangers of GMOs- Ways to Spread the Message about GMOs- Easy Action Steps to Get GMOs Labeled, Regulated&Banned- Peer Reviewed Scientific Research Documenting the SeriousHealthRisks of GMOs- Discover the link between GMOs and allergies, autoimmunediseases,digestive disorders, cancer, Alzheimer's, diabetes,autism, andmore...