Top 29 Apps Similar to Salvation II: Who is Jesus?

12 Steps To Intercession 1.3
This app contains a training course based on 12 Biblical stepstoIntercession
Becoming A Prayer Warrior 1.3
This app contains Becoming A Prayer Warrior by Elizabeth Alves.
Growing Up Spiritually 3.0
This book Growing Up Spiritually is lovely. I've just readaportionof it and frankly, I know that by the time I completeit,I'll bepositively transformed Waoh! this is a very good bookandit isreally what d name is. It has helped me built the r/shipIhavealways longed for with God. The Body of Christ is in needofmemberswho are spiritually mature .. book, closer, great,grow,love,powerful, spiritual, thanks, very, wonderful, Hagincomparesstagesof spiritual growth to those of physical growth. Itwillhelp youlocate where you are spiritually and then show you howtogrow intothe next stage of spiritual development... book,closer,great,grow, love, powerful, spiritual, thanks, very,wonderful,All of usbegin as spiritual babes in Christ when we arebornagain. But Goddoesn't intend for us to stay that way. Goddesiresfor us to growinto Christian maturity. In his book GrowingUp,Spiritually,Kenneth E. Hagin .. book, closer, great, grow,love,powerful,spiritual, thanks, very, wonderful, compares thestagesof spiritualgrowth to those of physical growth. AmazingBook!Helpful forspiritual growth, and I love it. book closer greatgrowlovepowerful spiritual thanks very wonderful 👌 I give it afivestar.thanks to late Daddy Keneth Hagin To experiencegrowthspirituallyis prime, but just wanting to grow would nottranslateto reality.NOW, HOW DO WE GROW SPIRITUALLY? ''As newbornbabes,desire thesincere milk of the Word, that ye may growthereby'' (1Peter 2:2).God starts us in the spiritual, just like wegetstarted in thenatural. When babies are born they start offonmilk. They certainlycould not eat meat. And God's Word saysthatthis sincere milk ofthe Word will aid our growth. WHAT ISTHESINCERE MILK OF THE WORD?It is the first principle of thedoctrineof Jesus Christ. When youstill have to be taught thefirstprinciple, you are still on themilk (See Hebrew 5:13-14,6:1-2).BUT HOW ARE WE GOING TO GROW UP?''... the knowledge of theSon ofGod, unto a perfect man ...''(Ephesian 4:13). Receivingtheknowledge, feeding upon God's Wordwill get us out beyond milkandcause us to become full grown. TheAuthor categorizedspiritualgrowth into 3 stages: 1) Babyhood 2)Childhood 3) ManhoodorAdulthood . Characteristics of Babyhood a)Innocence EventhoughINNOCENCE falls into this stage, it is onefeature we shouldneveroutgrow. The reason is that if we don'tmaintain this state,wewill fall under the condemnation of thedevil and sufferdefeatspiritually. b) Irritability Babies areeasily spoiled. Andwhenthey become spoiled they become irritable.Babies areeasilyfrustrated, distracted, hurt. Abba Father wants tobring us totheplace where we are not so easily frustrated,distracted, hurt..Characteristics of Childhood a) UnsteadinessSpiritual childrenareunsteady, spasmodic. b) TalkativenessChildren have neverlearnedthe value of silence. Folks who aretalking all the timeareusually guilty of these shortcomings: 1]Evil SpeakingTalkingabout and discussing the faults and failuresof people notpresent.2] Vain Speaking Always talking aboutthemselves: What Ihave done;What I'm going to do; Where I havebeen. . CharacteristicsofManhood a) Esteeming earthly thingslightly b) Deadness toCensureBaby Christians are self-conscious.And ever-conscious ofwhatothers are thinking about them.Therefore, they are easily''tossedto and fro'' childishly tryingto be popular. The maturebelieveris God-conscious. Andever-conscious of what God's Word saysabouthim and to him. c)Ability to Recognise God at work When youcansee God at work inthings, you can rejoice in whatever is goingon.. Besides theabove, you will find other captivating topicsdealtwith extensivelyby the author such as The Natural Man, CarnalMan,Spiritual Man andalso the amazing transformation that tookeffectin his own lifeafter he prayed Ephesians
Deliverance prayer from evil 1.5
Prayer Apps
Deliverance prayer agains evil. Say this prayer if youneeddeliverance.
Promises of God 1.0
Promises of God, This app has a collectionofPromises from the Holy Bible to get you inspired andmotivatedevery day.Features-• Material Design App.• Contains about 1000 Promises and are freely accessibletoyou,• Works Completely Offline.• Share Promises with loved ones, friends and family via anysocialmedia app in your phone.• Add the ones you like the most to favorites.• Get Notifications, A new Promise Every Day.• No Ads, No Ads and No Ads.The promises are taken from the United PeopleFellowshipMinistries(UPF)( and thebible verses used are taken from the bible translation"Bible inBasic English"( )And even after plenty of effort there might be some typos orsomewrong reference, I'll be fixing them while if you find anyplease dolet me know.All Suggestions are welcomed.New Features are always been worked on.Though there are plenty of promises in this app I thinkitsimportant for us to remember what Jesus Christ Said ,"Father,....,not my will, but yours, be done " - Luke 22 : 42Thank you.
60 Christian Chaplets 1.6
Glory to God
A Chaplet is a form of Christian prayer which uses prayer beads.
Deliverance prayer against evi 1.2
prayers against evil dreams and collection of deliverance prayer
Faith Point Holy Spirit 1.5
Faith Point - Holy Spirit helps you understand Bible info ontheHoly Spirit.
Unlocking Revelation 1.0.0
Discover the most accurate interpretation of the book ofRevelation.
God Promises – Blessing, Deliv 1.1.2
Bible verses about promises of God. Trust God's Word to livebyGod's plan.
St Jude Novena Prayers 1.0.8
Joseph V P
Novena Prayers to St. Jude Thaddeus with all the prayers for 9days.
Mary Undoer of Knots Novena 1.3.0
Application that guides you through Mary Undoer of Knots Novena.
Bible Prophecy And Truth free book 3
Free book on Biblical prophecy, Biblical truth, andCreationvsEvolution based on Biblical facts. Search within all 3bookswiththe search utility. Make notes for yourself ondifferentchaptersand interesting finds! World War 3 is looming onthehorizon! Is itin Bible prophecy? When is the End of theWorld?What's going onright now in Biblical prophecy? Did you know,thattoday's news waswritten 2500 years ago? It's all in the Bible!Thisapp isdedicated to the study of Biblical Truth, BiblicalProphecy,andexposing the lies of the devil. Who is Jesus Christ?What isthetruth of Gods Word? Can prophecy really be understood?
Divine Mercy
The Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception, whohavepromotedthe authentic message of Divine Mercy since 1941,arepleased torelease the OFFICIAL Divine Mercy App. This FREEappoffers thecomplete Divine Mercy message and devotion in an easytonavigateformat. The app has three main chapters withthesefeatures: THEMESSAGE • Introduction to the message of DivineMercy• Biographyof St. Faustina • Hundreds of quotes from theDiaryof St.Faustina organized according to themes. • DivineMercyTimeline •Collection of the top 10 quotes on Divine Mercy fromthe“MercyPopes”: John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI • ListofrecommendedDivine Mercy resources THE DEVOTION• InteractiveChaplet ofDivine Mercy with an audio option •Detailed explanationof thethree ways to observe the Hour of GreatMercy • Stations oftheCross, complete with images and the text ofSt. Faustina’s Wayofthe Cross • Images of Divine Mercy •Explanation of the FeastofDivine Mercy, also known as Divine MercySunday, completewithanswers to frequently asked questions • Novenato Divine Mercyandother popular Divine Mercy prayers MERCY PLUS •Informationaboutthe Congregation of Marian Fathers of theImmaculateConception •Introduction to the Association of MarianHelpers •Links to theaward-winning Marian Helper magazine •Informationabout DivineMercy apostolates • Information about theNationalShrine of TheDivine Mercy, including pilgrimage informationandspiritualrenewal opportunities • Frequently updated articles onthemessageof Divine Mercy • A link to the online religious catalogoftheMarian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception According toPopeJohnPaul II, "There is nothing that man needs more thanDivineMercy."Moreover, Pope Benedict XVI said, "Devotion to DivineMercyis nota secondary devotion, but an integral dimension ofaChristian’sfaith and prayer." Get this app, and discover whythemessage ofDivine Mercy is the largest grassroots movement inthehistory ofthe Catholic Church. Divine Mercy — Love it. Liveit.Tell afriend.
Chaplet of Divine mercy audio 1.8
Prayer Apps
How To Pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy Step 1 - Using a regularsetof Rosary beads, you begin at the cross by doing the sign ofthecross. (Optional Opening Prayer) You expired, Jesus, but thesourceof life gushed forth for souls, and the ocean of mercyopened up forthe whole world. O Fount of Life, unfathomable DivineMercy, envelopthe whole world and empty Yourself out upon us.(Repeat three times)O Blood and Water, which gushed forth from theHeart of Jesus as afountain of Mercy for us, I trust in You! Step2 - On the threebeads of the rosary pray the Our Father, the HailMary and theApostles Creed. Step 3 - You begin each decade withthe Our Fatherbeads by praying this prayer: Eternal Father, Ioffer You the Bodyand Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearlybeloved Son, Our LordJesus Christ, in atonement for our sins andthose of the wholeworld. Step 4 - Complete the decade on the 10Hail Mary beads bypraying this prayer: For the sake of Hissorrowful Passion, havemercy on us and on the whole world. RepeatSteps 3 and 4 for eachdecade on the rosary beads Step 5 - Once youhave prayed all 5decades, you finish the Chaplet by praying thefollowing prayer 3times: Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy ImmortalOne, have mercy onus and on the whole world. (Optional ClosingPrayer) Eternal God, inwhom mercy is endless and the treasury ofcompassion inexhaustible,look kindly upon us, and increase Yourmercy in us, that indifficult moments, we might not despair norbecome despondent, butwith great confidence, submit ourselves toYour holy will, which isLove and Mercy itself. Amen. If you arelooking for more audioprayers: or textprayers: where you can add your own textprayersand with text to speech conversion you can choose the voiceand thespeed. Christian T-shirts andgifts
King Jesus 1.3.1
The King Jesus Now app features content from ApostleGuillermoMaldonado
The great controversy story 2.0.18
The Great Controversy, the story between God and Satan
Divine Healing Codes 1.0.1
Reiki Doc
Quantum Healing Tools that are safe to use on everythingandeverybody.
Unveiling the Secrets of Magic 1
Unveiling the Secrets of Magic and Magicians
Weapon of Prayer 22
Zavarise Apps
Weapon of Prayer - Edward M Bounds To remind readers thatGod'spresence endures
Titles of God 1.0
Title as defined by the dictionary its"Anamethat describes someone's position or job.". So, wanna knowwhatalltitles are given to God from the Holy Bible?, Presenttoyou,Titles of God,This app has a collection of Titles from theHolyBibleto get you inspired and motivated every day.Features-• Material Design App.• Contains about 1000 Titles and are freely accessible toyou,• Works Completely Offline.• Share Promises with loved ones, friends and family viaanysocialmedia app in your phone.• Add the ones you like the most to favorites.• Get Notifications, A new Title of God Every Day.• No Ads, No Ads and No Ads.The Titles are taken from the UnitedPeopleFellowshipMinistries(UPF)( and thebible verses usedare taken from the bible translation"Bible inBasicEnglish"( even after plenty of effort there might be some typosorsomewrong reference, I'll be fixing them while if you findanypleasedo let me know.All Suggestions are welcomed.New Features are always been worked on.Thank you.
Seven Our Father 28
R. Guyot
Seven Our Father of Saint Bridget of Sweden.
Psalms 1.7.40-gp
The Holy Apps
Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comesfromGod.
God's Promises in the Bible 1.04
App filled with truly RELEVANT promises from God's own words intheBible.
Powerful Prayers: Catholic 2.2
FloApps Inc
Collection of prayers for Catholic, with Bible Daily Readings.
The Book of Jubilees 3.0
Igor Apps
The Book of Jubilees - translated by R. H. Charles. And KingJamesVersion Bible
Daily Devotion Holy Rosary 2.21
A guide to the daily devotion and love of The Holy Rosary
Prayer points with bible verse 2.0.7
Powerful & wholesome prayers for Christians. Answeredmorning& evening prayers
Bible: Audio Prayer & Devotion 1.11.02
Daily Bread
Bible Lite is designed for people who need a quick access toBible,with more than 800+ versions of Bible offline in 40+languages, andDaily Devotions to study Christian Bible, as well asselectedPrayers with Holy Word which help you pray to God at anymoment.ALL FREE. RESOURCES AND FEATURES OF BIBLE LITE • UsingOffline:Download Bible versions that you need and read them evenwithoutnetwork/ wifi. New and Old Testaments are all available. •AUDIOprayers + sermons: Listen while walking, no need to focus onthescreen. • BEST Reading Experience: Customize graphics byadjustingfont or text size. • Process-Keeping: Leave your notes,bookmarksor add colored labels to verses, add articles to Favoritesand readthem anytime. • One-tap to Share: Share verses withfriends: socialmedia, email, or SMS/text. • Daily Devotion: Readand study Bibleby reading TOP daily devotional articles, dailytimely reminderpresent. • Daily Verses: Read different versesregularly withdetailed explanation. • Selected Prayers: Stay intouch with God byregular praying. Pray together with your brothersand sisters allaround the world. Download the free Bible Lite andtake your Biblewith you wherever, whenever, and share with whomeveryou want!Study more about Bible Anywhere.