Top 16 Apps Similar to Versiculos Biblicos

Frases de amor para enamorar a mi novia romanticas 2.0
¿Buscas frases de amor bonitas para conquistar a tu novia onovio?¿Buscas frases de amistad para dedicar a tu amiga o amigo?¿Buscasfrases de motivacion para reflexionar sobre la vida?¿Quierespiropos para enamorar a una mujer? En la App Frases de amorparaenamorar a mi novia romanticas encontraras la mejores frasesconimagenes de amor, frases de amistad y motivacion para lavida,esperamos que ellas sean de utilidad para enfrentar tu día conunasonrisa. Puedes usar estas frases para whatsapp, facebook o laredsocial que prefieras. A quien no le gusta recibirmensajesromanticos de amor, amistad o frases de motivacion para lavida,animate y comparte estas Frases de amor y versos bonitosenimagenes a tus seres queridos, amigos y la persona queamas.Imágenes de piropos de amor para dedicar y conquistar a tuparejaque amas. Imágenes de piropos de amor para mi enamoradaoenamorado. Las frases de amor a distancia y mensajes romanticossonmuy especiales y llenaran de alegria el alma y corazon detupareja. Se iran actualizando periodicamente nuevas bonitaspalabraspara enamorar, frases lindas de amistad, palabras dealiento ymotivacion,, exito y superacion personal, citas y frasescelebresde amor, frases de amor aniversario y mucho mas que sean detuagrado!! Todos queremos recibir mensajes: Un te quiero a tiempo,unte extraño en su momento, una frase de motivacion y aliento, unteamo por siempre etc. .... el amor y la amistad se tienen quecuidardia a dia. ¿Qué estás esperando?...Da clic en DESCARGAR,disfruta ycomparte las mejores Frases de amor para enamorar a minoviaromanticas GRATIS * Sus comentarios, observaciones y votos enlaparte inferior de la página son importantes para poder irmejorandola plicacion. * Actualizamos mas Frases Bonitas de AmorconImágenes Románticas
Imagens com Frases de Deus 5.0
Share the best messaging app with GOD Images.
Love and Flowers images 1.0
Like apps
The App Love and Flowers, will help yousayIlove you, I love you, I miss you. A romantic App for thosewhoarein love or who want to express their feelings to theirlovedonesHere is a collection of images and pictures oflove,flowers,roses. It is an excellent opportunity to say withprettypictureshow much you appreciate a person, when it is not easytosay inwords. Do not forget that a picture says a thousandwords.Theimages in this application will feel the people whoreceive it,howmuch you want them and do not forget your beautifuldetailbyremembering them.You can use them at all times as the day of loveandfriendship,Valentine's Day, Father's Day or Mother'sDay,birthdays, etc.,will show your sincere appreciation. If youwishyou could edit themessage you want on the image of your choiceandcustomize it evenfurther. These phrases and images are a collection of internet chosethebestfor you, you can use your mobile phone, once theapplicationisinstalled if you press on the image then you will haveenoughtoshare where you choose social networks an options box. Oryoucanset it as wallpaper, profile photo, home screen, contactpictureorlock screen.You can share them with your friends directlyonFacebook,twitter, whatsapp, instagram, and all socialnetworksyoulove.If you liked this application you can help calling it5stars,leaving a comment and do not forget to press +1.Onceinstalled donot need to connect to the Internet to open and toseethe photogallery. We will continue working to bring you the bestofwhat youlike best in Likeapps.
mensagens de jesus 4.0
Em Mensagens de Deus você encontraráumaexcelente coleção com o melhor frases de Deus em imagens, quevocêpode compartilhar com os amigos.Quando não encontramos as palavras adequadas para expressar oquequeremos transmitir palavras para um pessoas da igreja ouamigo;Esta aplicação vai ajudá-lo a encontrar a imagem. que teráFrasesde Jesus, Salmos, Evangélico e Citações bíblicas.★ O aplicativo é totalmente gratuito.★ Compartilhar via SMS, mensagens multimídia, facebook,twitter,whatsapp, Viber, linha e mais redes sociais com o toque deumbotão.★ As Mensagens de Deus são selecionadas para oferecer amelhorqualidade.Messages of God youwillfind an excellent collection with the best phrases of Godinimages, which you can share with friends.When we do not find the right words to express what we wanttoconvey words for church people or friend; This applicationwillhelp you find the image. which will take phrases of Jesus,Psalms,evangelical and biblical quotes.★ The application is completely free.★ Share via SMS, multimedia messaging, facebook, twitter,whatsapp,Viber, line and more social networks at the touch ofabutton.★ The Messages of God are selected to offer the best quality.
frases amor em imagens 5.0
O amor deixa a gente maravilhado,extasiadoefascinado. Encontre aqui frases que retratam essesentimentotãomaravilhoso e que nos preenche totalmente.Frases recheadas de amor para você mandar para aquelapessoatãoespecial. Compartilhe seus sentimentos e emocione suaalmagêmea.Este aplicativo é simples, fácil, leve e extremamenteútilaqualquer hora para compartilha nas redes sociais.★ Grátis:★ Baixar: Gostou salvo. você pode salvar todas as imagensquequiserem seu aparelho.★ Qualidade: São as melhores imagens disponívelemumaplicativo.★ Compartilhar: disponível para todas redes sociais com o toquedeumbotão.Love leaves usamazed,awedand fascinated. Here are phrases that depict thisfeelingsowonderful and that fills us completely.Stuffed phrases of love for you to send to that personsospecial.Share your feelings and thrill your soul mate.Thisapplication issimple, easy, light and extremely helpful atanytime to share onsocial networks.★ Free:★ Download: liked saved. you can save all the images you wantinyourphone.★ Quality: They are the best images availableinanapplication.★ Share: available for all social networks at the touchofabutton.
Frases Românticas p/ Whatsapp
Conquisar aquela pessoa nunca foi tãofácil,envie frases romanticas, do dia dos namorados, de amor emuito maismensagens que vão deixar o seu amor apaixonado porvocê!Você pode compartilhar via whatsapp, facebook, twitter, smsoucopiar e colar a frase onde quiser!Além disso você pode salvar as frases que você mais gostanosfavoritos!Você pode deixar o aplicativo escolher uma frase aleatóriap/você!Não perca mais tempo conquiste a pessoa amada, baixe oappagora!Os papeis de parede do aplicativo mudam ao passar de frase!Conquisar that personhasnever been easier, send romanticas phrases, Valentine's Day,loveand more messages that will leave your passionate loveforyou!You can share via whatsapp, facebook, twitter, sms or copy andpastethe sentence where you want!Also you can save the sentences that you like toyourfavorites!You can let the app pick a random phrase w / you!Do not waste time conquer a loved one, download the app now!The application wallpapers change when passing sentence!
Frases de Amor 3.0.3
Kanzig Inc.
Win your love with many romantic phrases
Quotes about Love 171127
Quotes about love is an app that contains the bestlovemessagescreated so you can share them with the person you love.*This appwill be of great help to say something nice, expressyourlove toyour couple or just to romantically conquer someoneyoulike, thisapp is just perfect for any of these situations. * Ifyoudon’tknow how to create love postcards or if you can’t come upwithgoodmessages, sentences or poems, don’t worry, we’ve createdsomeofthe best so you can use and share them through yourSmartphoneortablet. Main features of “Quotes about love” *We’vecreateddifferent categories so you can get a hold of avarietyofpostcards to choose: love quotes for him, for her,sentencestofall in love, for that impossible love, longdistancelove,farewell, to wish a good morning, etc. * You can editany ofthepostcards to insert your custom text thanks to theeditorincludedin the app. *Share all these love thoughts throughyourpreferredapps, no matter if they are instant messaging appsorsocialnetworks. You’ll be able to send all these love imagesviaanyinstalled app on your Smartphone. *We encourage you tousetheselove texts/messages that MuchoApps have exclusivelycreatedforSaint Valentine's day, anniversaries, or just to rememberthatthemost important thing in your life is that person youlove.We’veselected some of the best cute love quotes that willmakeyoureflect on one of the deepest and most beautifulhumanfeelings:love. However, since in the world of love noteverythingis alwayshappiness, we have also included some sad lovequotes,heartbreaksentences for you to express your feelings in thebestway. Whoknows, maybe thanks to this app you can conquer thelove ofthatgirl or guy you like. You don’t lose anything by trying,donothesitate to go ahead and express all your feelings. Wehopeyoulike this application of true love quotes, please leaveussomepositive rating and comment to help us continueimprovingandincluding new love messages so you can use them onyourmobiledevice. Legal notice/Disclaimer: All love picturesincludedin thisapp have been exclusively created by designersforMuchoApps,therefore, the commercial use of any image within theappisprohibited without the prior consent of MuchoApps.Imagesfrompublic domain have been used for the photomontages, asthey arenotidentified in any way that states the reservedexploitationofsuch. Any natural or legal person who claims to bethe owner ofanyimages or backgrounds contained therein, mayaccredit it bygoingto , emailing us through the“Contact” section,wecommit ourselves to the immediate withdrawal ofthe imageafterverification of the protected image or textownership.
Frases de Amor para Conquistar 1.12
¿Estás buscando imágenes románticas de amor? ❤️ Esta coleccióndefrases de amor para conquistar es la ideal, tienediferentescategorías y puedes escoger la que más te guste. Muchasveces nosabemos cómo expresar lo que sentimos, ni como decir frasesde amoro versos de amor y nos cuesta trabajo poder decirlo, así esque tebrindamos esta hermosa colección de Imágenes bonitas conmensajes yFrases de Amor para Conquistar con la cual podrásenamorar ysorprender en cualquier momento a esa persona especialpara ti y lomejor es que están acompañadas de imágenes de amor quede seguroquerrá conservar. Unas frases para conquistar valen pormil y estaapp permitirá que puedas expresar tus sentimientos de unaformanovedosa y creativa desde tu móvil y a través de lasredessociales. 💕 Esta aplicación con frases de amor para conquistary deimágenes bonitas y hermosas será tu as bajo la manga, ya queademástiene: *Divertidos Piropos para Enamorar que robaránsonrisas.*Frases de amor para enamorar a un hombre, frases paraenamorar auna mujer *Pensamientos Bonitos *Frases para Enamorados,no hay queesperar San Valentin puedes enviarlas hoy mismo *Saludosdiarios,Frases de buenos días, buenas noches, Categorías de Frasesde amorpara Conquistar, frases de amor para enamorar a una mujer,frasesde amor para amantes, piropos para enamorar y muchasotrascategorías que podrás compartir con un solo clic! Y MuchoMás...🙌Recuerda que son Frases de Amor Gratis para compartir así esqueDescarga Hoy Mismo esta Aplicación de Frases de Amor paraEnamorary Conquistar a Tu Pareja o a ese Ser Especial.
Ivan Moposita
Hola queridos y estimados amigos esungustopresentarle nuestra aplicación de frases bonitas conmensajesqueconquistaran tu corazón y llegaran al alma de la personaqueamas yde seguro robara una sonrisa a la persona amada.La presente aplicación cuenta con más de 60 imágenes de amorydeternura para que puedas compartirla en todas lasredessocialescomo: Facebook twitter, Gmail, blogger, etc.Esta aplicación una vez descargada a tu celular nonecesitasestarconectado a internet para poder disfrutar de lasmágicasyespectaculares frases de amor para dedicar a la personaideal.Todas estas imágenes de amor puedes utilizarlas comofondodepantalla en tu celular.Los, mensajes que aquí encontraras son:Te amare Por siempreTierna dulzura como la manzanaTe quiero mi princesaSé que algún día llegaras a buscarmeTe amo mi amorLlevo tu corazón conmigoTe amo porque has cambiado mi vidaJuntos por siempre amor míoJuntos por siempre hasta que llegue el invierno a tu vidaTú y yo por siempreYo te lo digo con el corazónComo no te voy a extrañarAquí estaré esperando tu regresoAquí estaré con la frente en altoTú y yo haremos un mundo nuevo para los dosSé que tus abrazos jamás se podrán reemplazarCuando una puerta se cierra otra se abreNo dejes que se marche lo que de verdad te interesaTu y yo le ensenaremos a todo dolor la alegríaNo llores nadie mereces tu lágrimas.Esta noche necesitaras de una sonrisaEsta noche tu tiempo tendrá mi nombre.Mi preciosa manzana dueña de mi alma.Se va huyendo el día.Los besos son como pepitas.Yo quisiera ser el aire.Quiero llenarte de pasión.Aquí estaré esperando tu regreso.Cierra tus ojos y dame tu mano.Estas en mí y te pienso.Eres una bella flor.Estoy pensando en ti.Yo nunca tenía un sueño.Hoy te extrañe.Decirte que te amo se queda pequeño.La flor más bella de mi jardín es mi musa inspiradora.No puedo sacarte de mi mente.Este osito es un regalo para ti.Eres ese zafiro que brilla en mi vida.Un abrazo suave que alimenta nuestras almasMi paraíso están en tus almas.Juro darte mi alma.Imagínate una cuerda.Hoy traigo una rosa.Vamos hoy a hacer una rima.Por una mirada un mundo.Por una sonrisa un cielo.Te amo.Prometo llenarte de cariñoMi corazón late de amor por ti.En cada gota de lluvia.Gracias por descárgate esta aplicación espero sea de tuenteroagradoy disfrute de cada una de las frases que estánrealizadasparaconquistar a la mujer ideal.Que tenga un excelente día Dios lo bendiga.GRACIAS.Hello dear anddearfriendsis a pleasure to introduce our application prettyphraseswithmessages conquer your heart and reach the soul of thepersonyou loveand surely steal the beloved smile.This application features over 60 images of love andtendernesssoyou can share it on all social networks like Facebooktwitter,Gmail,blogger, etc.This application once downloaded to your phone does not needtobeconnected to the internet to enjoy the magical andspectacularwordsof love to devote to the right person.All these images of love can use as wallpaper on your phone.The messages that here you will find are:I love you foreverTender sweetness like appleI love you my princessI know someday you got to get meI love you my loveI carry your heart with meI love you because you changed my lifeTogether forever my loveTogether forever till winter comes to your lifeYou and me foreverI tell you with heartAs I will not missI'll be here waiting for your returnHere I am with my head held highYou and I will make a new world for bothI know your hugs never be replacedWhen one door closes another opensDo not let him go what really interests youYou and I will teach you to all pain joyWeep not nobody deserve your tears.This night will need a smileTonight your time will my name.My lovely lady apple of my soul.He flees the day.Kisses are like nuggets.I would like to be the air.I want to fill you with passion.I'll be here waiting for your return.Close your eyes and give me your hand.You are in me and I think.You are a beautiful flower.I'm thinking of you.I never had a dream.I missed you today.Say that I love is too small.The most beautiful flower in my garden is my muse.I can not get you off my mind.This bear is a gift for you.You're that sapphire shining in my life.A gentle hug that feeds our soulsMy paradise is in your souls.I swear to give you my soul.Imagine a rope.Today I bring a rose.Today we are going to make a rhyme.For a look a world.For a smile sky.I love you.Fill promise of loveMy heart beats with love for you.In each raindrop.       Please please download this application hope will be your cupofteaand enjoy each of the phrases that are made to conquertheidealwoman.Have a great day God bless you.THANK YOU.
Frases de Músicas 1.3
Frases de Músicas organizadas por: * Temas ("amor","cantada","dando troco", "ostentação...") * Cantores (AVINCII,Adele,Henrique e Juliano, Ivete...) * Gêneros (Pop, Reggae,Sertanejo,Samba...) Milhares de frases pra você compartilhar nasredessociais, enviar para o(a) namorado(a), etc.
Quotes and status for whatsapp 4.3
Quotes and status for whatsapp In this application you canfindpretty phrases of all kinds such as love, friendship or life,whichyou can use to share by WhatsApp with your friends or lovedones,you have a variety to read and share, plus they areconstantlyupdating because anyone can add very easily, withoutbeingregistered, you just have to access the form to add newphrases,select the category to which type it belongs and put yourname as asignature, or if you prefer you can put anonymous . Theother Userscan rate your written sentences , and thus know whichliked morepeople, or you can also rate those of others that are toyourliking. The application always show at the top for the bestvalued,and in the last places for receiving the fewest votes insuccessiveorder. All sentences sent by users will be reviewed bytheadministrator of the application to decide whether or notincluded.We hope you like the app and you enjoy it.
Frases de Amor en Español 3.3
Nueva actualizaciónLa aplicación con las mejores frases de amor en imagenes ahoraseactualiza para poder realizar mejores detalles personalizados.La combinación perfecta para enamorar a tu pareja todos losdías.Imagenes de amor con frases de amor, ideales para compartirporwhatsapp y todas las redes sociales que tenga instaladas ensutelefono inteligente.Ahora puedes escribir sobre las fotos, eligiendo colores,tamañosy fuentes. Podrás dibujar simplemente con el dedo y variarel grosordel pincel.Ademas de estos detalles podrás editar tus fotos, crop,espejar,girar, zoom.Las fotos o wallpapers son nuevos, con nuevas frases ydistintosfondos con resultados muy románticos. No te olvidesderecomendarnos.Esperamos que te guste y tengas lindos resultadosutilizandonuestra aplicación gratuita!! Mas votos.. mas contenidoparasorprenderlos!! ★★★★★Algunas otras características de nuestraaplicacióngratuita:- Comparte la foto & wallpaper que te guste a travesdeWhatsApp- Presiona sobre la opción "Set Wallpaper" y estrena entusmartphone un nuevo wallpaper- Permite la descarga de la foto en excelente calidad paraarchivaren la memoria SD- Comparte la foto & wallpaper en tu muro de Facebook y Google+o enviasela por Facebook- Publica y comparti las fotos en Twitter- Envía la imagen por mensaje o por Email- Agrega la fotos que prefieras a tu Dropbox- Sube las imágenes que te gusten a Picasa- Agrega las fotos a InstagramNo te olvides de votarnos!! Mas votos —> Mas contenido!Actualizamos semanalmente —> No hay necesidad que actualizeslaapp!New updateThe application with the best quotes of love pictures now updatedtomake better personalized details.The perfect combination to love your partner every day. Imagesoflove with words of love, ideal for sharing by whatsapp andallsocial networks you have installed on your smart phone.Now you can write about the photos, choosing colors, sizesandfonts. You can simply draw with your finger and vary thethicknessof the brush.Besides these details you can edit your photos, crop, tomirror,rotate, zoom.Photos or wallpapers are new, with new phrases anddifferentbackgrounds with very romantic results. Do not forget torecommendus.We hope you like and have cute results using our free app !!Morevotes .. more content to surprise !! ★★★★★Some other features of our free application:- Share the photo & wallpaper you like through WhatsApp- Click on "Set Wallpaper" option on your smartphone and launchesanew wallpaper- Allows photo download in excellent quality for SDmemoryfile- Share the photo & wallpaper on your Facebook wall and senditby Google + or Facebook- Post and shared photos on Twitter- Send image by message or by Email- Adds photos to your Dropbox prefer- Add the images that you like to Picasa- Add photos to InstagramDo not forget to vote for us !! More votes ->morecontent!Weekly update -> No need that you update the app!
Belas Frases de Amor 2.1.0
O melhor app de frases de amor paraAndroid.Agora totalmente reformulado.Instale agora o app Belas Frases de Amor e tenha acessoacentenas de lindas frases de amor em imagens originais.[✔] App oficial do maior site de frases de amor do Brasil.[✔] 500+ imagens para salvar ou compartilhar nas redessociais(Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram)[✔] Atualizado constantemente.The best app oflovephrases for Android. Now completely reworked.Now install the app Fine Love phrases and get access tohundredsof beautiful love phrases in original images.[✔] Official App of the largest site of lovephrasesBrazil.[✔] 500+ pictures to save or share on social networks(Whatsapp,Facebook, Instagram)[✔] Updated constantly.
Frases de Amor
Fonti Apps
"Frases de Amor " es una bellacolecciónde inspiradoras imágenes y frases románticaspara compartir a través de tu red social favorita.Descubre formas de decirle a esa persona tan especial, chico ochicalo que hace tiempo tienes reservado en tu corazón,a travésdemensajes de amor, y pensamientos románticos.Comparte las frases de amor más hermosas, junto con unabonitapostal , ahora en tu móvil!.Esta aplicación es ideal para el día de San Valentín, para decirleaella o el lo mucho que lo amas y cuanto amor hay en ti.En esta aplicación encontraras las mejores frases pasionales,frasesde amor y odio, frases románticas, o simplemente paracuandonecesitas olvidar ese amor perdido tan especial. " Novedad:"Ahora puedes crear tus propios diseños de Amor, añadir textos ytuspropias fotografias, crear frases divertidas o amorosas,ademástienes unos alegres y estupendos stikers o pegatinas paracompletartus creaciones, y todo esto de una manera sencilla rápidaeintuitiva.Solo tienes que ir a las sección hazlo tú mismo escoger el fondoquemás te guste, escribe tu texto, coloca tus stikers guarda yenvíaasí de fácil.- Esta aplicación contiene publicidad.- Esta aplicación es Totalmente gratis."Love phrases" isabeautiful collection of inspiring images and romanticphrasesto share via your favorite social network.Discover ways to tell that special, boy or girl person makingtimeyou have booked in your heart, through love messages, andromanticthoughts.Share phrases most beautiful love, along with a pretty picture,nowon your mobile !.This application is ideal for Valentine's Day, to tell her orhowmuch you love him and how much love in you.In this application you will find the lowest passionatephrases,phrases of love and hate, romantic phrases, or just whenyou needforget that love lost so special."New"Now you can create your own designs Love, add your own textandphotographs, create funny or romantic phrases, have a happyandgreat stikers or stickers to complete your creations, and allthisin a simple fast and intuitive.Just go to the section it yourself choose the background youlike,write your text, place your stikers stores and sosendseasy.- This application contains advertising.- This application is totally free.
Frases de Amor com imagens 5.22
Best PHRASES LOVE WITH IMAGES, because only chose the bestPICTURES!