Top 19 Apps Similar to Cross Word Search

Сканворды 2.08
3000+ Scanwords and crosswords for every taste. New every day.
Кроссворды и головоломки 11.0.11
Fascinating crossword puzzles with a fair amount of humor thatwillnever end!
Новые сканворды 1.8.0
A large set of Scandinavian crosswords - skanvordov.
Сканворд Дня 1.11.4
"Scanword of the Day" - a FREE daily scanwords
Кроссворды 1.7
Приложение содержит 1000 кроссвордов.Для удобства все номера кроссвордов разбиты порциями по 20 штукнакаждом экране.Листать экраны можно с помощью горизонтального свайпа.Последний разгадываемый кроссворд выделяется желтым цветом.Номер угаданных слов будет отображаться под номером кроссворда,еслибыло угадано хоть одно слово.Если кроссворд разгадан полностью его номер будетзеленымцветом.Для того чтобы выбрать слово можно нажать на ячейки кроссвордаиливыбрать вопрос из списка.После ввода буквы в ячейку, в случае если все буквы словавведеноправильно, оно подсветится серым цветом и в дальнейшем егоуженельзя будет изменить.Все вводимые в ячейки буквы автоматически сохраняются иможновернуться к разгадыванию кроссворда в любое удобноевремя.The applicationcontains1,000 crosswords.For convenience, all rooms crossword broken portions of 20 piecesoneach screen.Scrolling the screens, you can use a horizontal swipe.Last crossword puzzles is highlighted in yellow.Number guess the word will appear under the number crosswordpuzzle,if a single word has been guessed.If a crossword puzzle unraveled all his number will be green.To select a word, you can click on the crossword puzzle or selectaquestion from the list of the cell.After entering letters in a cell, if all the letters of the wordiscorrect, it is highlighted in gray and in the future, it can notbechanged.All letters are entered in the cell are automatically saved andcango back to solving a crossword puzzle at any time.
Crossword puzzles - My Zaika 2.22.63
Solve crossword puzzles in a new way - in your mobile! We sharetheachievements
Кроссворды, кейворды и прочее 9.0.22
Fascinating crosswords and cross puzzles with a certain amountofhumor
Найди слова 2.44
Try to find the words of one subject in the big square!
Word Riddles: Guess & Learn 4.4.2
Boost your vocabulary and spelling with fun word guessing puzzles!
Crosswords KWRGoogleInApp70
Attention puzzle lover's: with the Crossword app you won't getboredanymore.
Поиск Слова 2.2
Download the best "Word Search" game. Find the hidden words! Aplayon words.
Филворды. Записки друидов
Новый оригинальный вид классическихвенгерскихкроссвордов "Филворды". Несколько сотен уровней, накоторых вампредстоит отыскать все загаданные слова. Отгадывайтеслова,набирайте очки, делитесь достижениями и сравнивайте свойрейтинг сосвоими друзьями.Правила игры.На квадратном поле расположены буквы. Ваша задача отыскатьвсезагаданные слова выделяя буквы, стоящие рядом по горизонталииливертикали. Для завершения уровня необходимо заполнить веськвадрат.Не все, а только загаданные слова подходят длязаполнения.Если вы растерялись и ни как не можете отыскать слово, то напомощьвам придут подсказки.Чем быстрее вы найдёте слова и чем меньше используете подсказок,темвыше будет ваш рейтинг.Игра предназначена для тех, кто любит разгадывать кроссворды,игратьв виселицу, заниматься поиском слов, составлять слова избукв илипросто угадывать их.New original formofclassical Hungarian crossword "Feelwords". Hundreds of levelsatwhich you will find all of the hidden word. Guess the word,collectpoints, share achievements and compare your rankings withyourfriends.Rules of the game.On the square field located letters. Your task is to find allthehidden word highlighting letters, standing next horizontallyorvertically. To complete the level you need to fill thewholesquare. Not all, but only the hidden word fit to fill.If you are confused and not as you can not find the word, thenyouwill come to the aid tips.The faster you find words and less use of tips, the higheryourscore.The game is designed for those who like crossword puzzles, playthegallows, to engage in the search for the words, form wordsfromletters, or just guessing them.
Сканворды Крепость 2.22.61
Many scanwords in Russian from the editorial office of themagazineFortress.
Сканворды, филворды, сотовые 9.0.10
Fascinating scanwords, fieldwords and cell scanwords with acertainamount of humor
Кроссворды на русском 1.18.2
Litera Games
Large selection of crossword puzzles in Russian! Works offline!
Words AI, Online & Offline 2.4.0
Classic words game. Play offline & online. Strong AI. 5minigames. Elo Ranking
Codeword 6.0.3
Havos Ltd
Codeword is an application to play thepopularword game known as codewords in puzzle magazines (also knownasCipher crosswords or Cyptograms). This game uses USEnglishspellings.For those unfamiliar with Codeword puzzles, they provide a gridofwords, similar to a normal crossword, but with no clues, ratherafew initially provided letters, and a number in each square inthegird to indicate its (as yet unknown) letter. All boxes withthesame number must use the same letter. From that information andthefew initially provided letters it is possible to work outwhichwords will fit in the boxes. Hence you are decoding(ordecyphering) the numbers into letters to reveal the hiddenwords.Usually all 26 letters of the alphabet are used in thecodeword,although not always (and unused letters appear crossed outin thekeyboard). It is fun, challenging, and a real brainteaser.Feature list:1) Unlimited number of codewords!! They are created on-the-flyusingthe application's advanced generator engine and it's built-inwordlist.2) The player decides the number of rows and columns (from 3 to20).This allows the game to be suitable for all kinds ofmobile-phonesand tablets.3) Difficultly level can be specified by the user, whichdeterminesthe pool of words the generator will use. The larger thepool thegreater the difficulty. There is even an early learner modewith alimited number of words, aimed at children and Englishlanguagelearners. The number of starting letters can also bespecified.Higher scores can be obtained with more difficultcodewords.4) Selecting a square in the grid will highlight all places thesameletter is used in that grid (i.e. has the same number todecipher).This is really handy and of course not possible whendoing codewordsin a magazine.5) If a game is too difficult, the application provides twousefultools to help you (see below).6) For any word in the grid for which all squares are assignedtoletters, Codeword Unlimited will highlight if that word is NOTanallowed word in the word list it uses to generate itscodewords.This helps you when you have mistakes in your currentassignments(saving you lots of time and frustration!).7) An on-screen keyboard means it is much easier andmorecomfortable to play.8) The definition of a completed word can be viewed. This isusefulif you do not know it, or you are learning a foreignlanguage(internet connection required).9) Choose the language of the word list, from a large rangeofdownloadable dictionaries. 26 languages are currentlyavailable(see below).10) Can be played in portrait or landscape mode. Just rotateyourdevice and the display adjusts automatically.11) Game contains achievements integrated into Google Play's"GameServices".Other similar applications want you to pay for more Codewords,butthis game provides you with endless puzzles, all forfree!!Each game is assigned a difficulty level from 0 (easy) to 9(veryhard). The difficulty level is determined by the settings.Eachdifficulty level maintains the high scores (measured byfastesttime to complete the game). The game displays the best 20scoresfor each difficulty level.Compare your high scores with others around the world byusingGoogle Play's "Game Services".If the player is in difficulty, the application provides twoveryuseful aids. (1) The game can provide another decoded letter.(2)The game can show you potential answers for an uncompletedword.The game uses the letters that you have already decodedanddisplays the matching words.Word lists are available to play in the followinglanguages:English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese,Russian,Arabic, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Finnish,Greek,Hungarian, Indonesian, Polish, Norwegian, Romanian,Serbian(Latin),Serbian(Cyrillic), Slovak, Slovene, Swedish,Turkish, Ukrainian andmore coming later
Word Games 25.6
It is time to train your brain and vocabulary! Find as many wordsasyou can!
Word Fit Puzzle 3.2
Can you solve these fun puzzles by working out where all thewordsfit?