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golf psychology mental help 2 1.0
malcolm pugh
All four of these modules are nowcompletelyfree. I rethought and decided that every golfer deserveshelpcompletely free to let them completely enjoy improving theirgame.Very little compares to continually improving at golf. Usingthesefour apps, no matter what your handicap and age you can getdown tosingle figures.ive had a second (small) heart attack since i first wrote alltheseapps, and am now 62, but i am back down to 9 handicap andintend togo lower. these apps can take ANYONE with the rightattitude andopen mind and get them down to single figures. i wouldbe verysuprised if having read and reread all these apps and put itintopractice for a season you didnt lower your handicap by at least5shots. good luck. Malcolm Pugh, august 2014The second in a quadruple suite of golf applications thatattemptto help all golfers anywhere, any handicap. The aim is toknock fiveshots minimum off your handicap in one season, giventhat you try torun with it and not against it. Go with the flowand see how you go.;-)other 3 apps are on the more link to your left ;-)All the apps take account of golf psychology.This second application concentrates on the mental side ofgolf.Which is about eighty per cent of golf ;-)It takes whatever swing you have, whatever grip you have,whateverstance you have, whatever posture and ball position youhave, andwill still try to recuce your handicap by five shots inaseason.This is not by magic, but just by common sense, and justrequiresyou, and your having an open mind to fresh ideas.I played reasonably well to age 25, but i was heavily intowork,football and cricket, so i decided to retake up golf at 55when ihad the time, six years back.i have had to pretty much relearn everything fromscratch,starting for two years at a municipal, winning a few thingsthenmoving on to a nine hole private course, winning a bit morehereand there and reducing the handicap. Then i felt pretty bad forawhile which turned out id had a heart attack, so i moved to amuchbigger club (which was also flat ;-) )after two years there im starting to win a few things again.Along the way i had to examine every aspect of thesefourmodules, and progress to where i am now.i started back off 20, got down to 5 before heart attack,poppedback up to 12 and now im back down to 11. ;-)im 61 and i wont be pulling up any trees, but i thought itmighthelp others out there at varying levels within these modulesmoveon up to finishing the four modules.theres few better feeling than significantly improvingatgolf.Within these modules we will certainly discuss your golf game,andfitness, weight, gadgets, targets, grip, stance, ball positionandline up, but even if you change none of these, the full moduleoffour golf applications should still reduce yourhandicapsubstantially over a years golf, if followed with a freshmind anda view to improve.the website only gets 70p in the pound of that, but it helps paythebills ;-)i hope you enjoy the modules and that they help you improveyourgame ;-)golf psychology mental help 3Malcolm Pugh - Stiffsteiffs teddy bears - jan 2013
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