Top 11 Apps Similar to HTML5 Aprenda Criar Jogos Free

KidTime 1.01
DoMobile Lab
KidTime lets children free to use the phone. In limitedtime,children can only open apps which are selected by parents.KidTimemakes the phone into a good friend to the kids.When you want the naughty kid to be quiet, give them phone isagood idea. How ever, they may mess up Settings, makeunnecessarycalls, delete important messages, or play games, watchYoutube fora long time, etc. Don’t worry, KidTime can solve allthis problemsby setting limited time and locking apps.With KidTime, the phone can be changed into a goodlearningassistant. Add education apps and brain training apps inKidTime,kids can learn from the games about math, drawing,commonsense.Let the children have their own space and free to use appsforkids. In KidTime, they can find their own smartphone worldwiththeir curiosity.Features:1. Lock apps for kids2. Protect important apps.3. Set limited time4. Password lock5. Advanced protection, customized password6. Set your favorite backgroundYou can create a free and healthy play zone for your kidwithKidTime.
Aprender Magia 1.0
Una Aplicación para quien quieraaprenderahacer trucos de magia, o conocer como se hacen algunosdelostrucos mas utilizados por los magos, para sorprender atusamigos ono dejar que te intenten engañar.Cada quince días se añadirán varios trucos de magianuevosparaque tu aprendizaje esté en continua evolución.No olvides que lo importante en un truco espracticarhastaconseguir que tus movimientos sean fluidos y lasartimañaspasesdesapercibidas para los demás, la magia no existepero conmuchapractica podemos conseguir que la gente crea enella.*Versión de prueba, corrigiendo errores ...seagradecencomentarios que ayuden a mejorar la aplicación*En algunos dispositivos hay 2 trucos que no sevencompletosdebido al tamaño de la pantalla, intentado solucionarelproblema,pronto estará la actualización..*Marcar actualizar automáticamente para que cada vez que seañadauntruco nuevo este se instale en la aplicación sin que elusuariodebahacer nada.An applicationforanyonewho wants to learn how to do magic tricks, or know howtheymakesome of the most used by magicians tricks to amaze yourfriendsortry to not let you cheat.Every fortnight several new magic tricks will be addedtoyourlearning is evolving.Do not forget that the important thing is to practice atricktoget your movements are fluid and passes unnoticed bytheothertricks, magic does not exist but with much practice wecangetpeople to believe in it.* Trial version, correcting errors ... comments tohelpimproveimplementation thank* On some devices there are 2 tricks that are notcompletebecauseof the size of the screen, tried to solve theproblem, willupdatesoon..* Mark to automatically update whenever a new trick thisisinstalledin the application without the user having to doanythingisadded.
Pocket Code: Learn programming your own game apps! 1.2.4
Program, play, and share your own games, animations,interactiveart,music videos, and many kinds of other apps,directly on yourphone!Pocket Code allows you to create, edit,execute, share, andremixCatrobat programs in a visual programmingenvironment andprogramminglanguage. You can remix programs thatothers have madeand share themwith your friends and the world. Allpublic Catrobatprograms can bedownloaded under a free open sourcelicense tomaximize learning,remixing, and sharing. Feedback: Ifyou find abug or have a goodidea to improve Pocket Code, write usa mail orgo to the Discordserver and give usfeedbackin the"🛑app-feedback" channel. Community: Get in touchwith ourcommunityand check out our Discord server Visitour wiki at Contribute: a)Translation:Want to helpus translate Pocket Code into yourlanguage? Pleasecontact us [email protected] telling usfor which languageyou would beable to help. b) Othercontributions: If you can help usin otherways, please check out --- Weare allpro-bono unpaidvolunteers working in our free time onthisnot-for-profit freeopen source project aiming atincreasingcomputational thinkingskills in particular amongteenagers allaround the world. Aboutus: Catrobat is an independentnon-profitproject creating freeopen source software (FOSS) underAGPL andCC-BY-SA licenses. Thegrowing international Catrobat teamisentirely composed ofvolunteers. The results of many ofoursubprojects will be madeavailable in the months and years tocome,e.g., the ability tocontrol more robots, or to create music inaneasy and fun way.
Estudo OO UML 1.2
80 Questões variadas sobre OrientaçãoaObjetose UML.Use em qualquer lugar e treine seus conhecimentos em OO eUML!Funciona sem Internet, Corrige as questoes e mostrarelatoriodeacertos.Treine para o próximo concurso da Dataprev, agora em dezembro!UML / Objetos Concurso CESPE FCC TRT PetrobrasCesgranrioDataPRevINMETRO80 differentquestionsonObject Oriented and UML.Use anywhere and practice their skills in OO and UML!Works without Internet, corrects issues and showsreportofhits.Train to the next contest Dataprev now in December!UML / Objects Contest CESPE FCC TRT PetrobrasCesgranrioDATAPREVINMETRO
Learn programming
Jan Tursky
Application was created for the purposeofthesis on "interactive textbook of Internet technologies."Itcontains a list of all elements used in HTML 5 Explanation, seethebrowser and source code. The tests, which are then evaluated intheform of statistical tables. Sand, where one can try to writecodethat will automatically display it in the browser.OVERVIEW• more than 70 programming languages (Ada, Android, AngularJS,Apache Ant, ASP.NET, AWT, Bash, Bootstrap, C, CISC, Clojure,COBOL,C++, C#, CSS, CSS2, CSS3, CSS Basic, EJB, Erlang, Git, Go,Gradle,Apache Groovy, Guava, GWT, Apache Hadoop, Haskell, ApacheHbase,Hibernate ORM, Apache Hive, HTML5, IBM IMS, Jackson, Java,Java 8,JavaScript, Java XML, JCL, JDBC, jQuery, jQuery Mobile, JSP,Junit,Lisp, Apache Log4j, Lua, Magento, MATLAB, Apache Maven,MVC,Node.js, OBIEE, Pascal, Perl, PHP, Python, Regex, RSS, Ruby,Scala,Spring, Apache Sqoop, Apache Struts 2, Apache Subversion,SVG,Swift, TeX, VB.NET, VBScript, XML Schema, XPath, XSD,XSL-FO,XSLT...)• other languages, frameworks, schemas, shortcuts, commandsetc.(Apache Ant, AWT, Bash, Bootstrap, Canvas, FTP, Git, Googlemaps,Gradle, Guava, Hadoop, HTTP codes, Jackson, jQuery mobile,JUnit,Linux, Maven, Node.js, Regex, Rss, Subversion, TeX, VBScript,Vi,XML schema, Xpath, XSD...)• interview questions - be prepared for the every type ofquestionsfrom programming languages for your job• sandbox - create your own code, display it in thebrowser,customizable• award system - earn points, obtain medails• skills quiz - prove, that you know answer every question• fully customizable app in the settings• HTML5 tools, details about tags and even more...• simple statistics• option to remove ads + support development-----------------Enjoy Learn programming and have a nice day.
Learn Java 4.2.21
Learn Java Programming with programming lessons, tutorials,programs& more
Learn C++ 4.2.21
Learn C++ Programming with programming lessons, tutorials,programs& more
FACOM/UFMS 15.03-7-alpha
Portal da Faculdade de Computação (FACOM)daUniversidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS), localizadaemCampo Grande - MS - Brasil.A área de Ciência da Computação na UFMS teve seu ponto departidaem 1987, com a implantação do Curso de Bacharelado emCiência daComputação, no então Departamento de Matemática da UFMS.Ospioneiros dessa implantação foram os Professores EdsonNorbertoCáceres e Sergio Roberto de Freitas. Com a implantação docurso,mais professores da área foram contratados e, com ocrescimento dogrupo, o Departamento de Computação e Estatística(DCT) daUniversidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS) foicriado no mêsde outubro do ano 1992, como resultado de umasubdivisão do entãoDepartamento de Matemática da UFMS.Em 1996 o Curso noturno de Bacharelado em Análise de Sistemasfoiimplantado, com o intuito de prover mais uma possibilidadedeformação aos ingressantes, priorizando as atividades finsdaInformática, principalmente na área de desenvolvimentos desistemasaplicativos.Com o crescimento ainda maior da área de Computação na UFMS,ocurso de Mestrado em Ciência da Computação foi implantado em1999,solidificando de vez a área no âmbito da UFMS.Em 2009 a Faculdade de Computação (FACOM) foi implantada, comacriação de dois novos cursos para funcionamento já em2010:Tecnologia em Análise e Desenvolvimento Sistemas e TecnologiaemRedes de Computadores. Também em 2009, o Doutorado em CiênciadaComputação da UFMS, em associação com a UFG, foi aprovadopelaCapes e com início em Agosto/2010.Em 2011 a Facom recebe a primeira turma do Curso deBachareladoem Engenharia de Computação, ampliando ainda mais oleque de opçõespara a comunidade, totalizando 330 vagas anuais paraa graduação,sendo 210 em cursos noturnos.Atenta à necessidade regional de formação de recursos humanosnaárea de computação aplicada, visando primordialmenteodesenvolvimento e inovação tecnológica, a Facom implanta em 2012oMestrado Profissional em Computação Aplicada, com ênfaseemTecnologias Computcionais para Agricultura e Pecuária dePrecisão.Esse curso tem parceria com a Embrapa Gado de Corte, comquem aFacom mantém projetos colaborativos desde 2001.A FACOM também mantém parceria com diversas empresas sediadasemCampo Grande para prestar serviços que englobam desdetreinamentoem softwares aplicativos a consultoria nas áreas deComputação.O Ponto de Presença (POP) da Rede Nacional de Pesquisa (RNP)emMato Grosso do Sul (MS) é administrado pela FACOM e sediadonoNúcleo de Informática (NIN) da UFMS. Além disso, a Redecomep,umainiciativa do Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia e Inovação(MCTI),coordenada pela RNP, que tem como objetivo implementar redesdealta velocidade nas regiões metropolitanas do país servidaspelosPontos de Presença da RNP, também é coordenada pela Facom,noâmbito de Campo Grande.Portal of the SchoolofComputing (FACOM) of the Federal University of Mato Grosso doSul(UFMS), located in Campo Grande - MS - Brazil.The Computer Science area in UFMS had its starting point in1987,with the implementation of B.Sc. in Computer Science at thethenDepartment of Mathematics UFMS. The pioneers of thisdeployment wereProfessors Edson Norberto Cáceres and SergioRoberto de Freitas.With the implementation of the course, moreteachers were hired andthe area, with the growth of the group, theDepartment of ComputerScience and Statistics (DCT) of the FederalUniversity of MatoGrosso do Sul (UFMS) was created in October ofthe year 1992 as aresult of a subdivision of the then Departmentof MathematicsUFMS.In 1996 the Evening course Bachelor Degree in SystemsAnalysiswas implemented in order to provide another means oftraining forfreshmen, giving priority to end activities ofInformatics,especially in application systems development area.With the further growth of Computer Science in UFMS, theMastercourse in Computer Science was established in 1999,solidifyingonce the area under the UFMS.In 2009 the School of Computing (FACOM) was established withthecreation of two new courses for operation in 2010:TechnologyAnalysis and Development Systems and Technology inComputerNetworking. Also in 2009, a doctorate in Computer ScienceUFMS, inassociation with UFG, was approved by Capes and beginningin August/ 2010.In 2011, Facom receive the first class of the course ofBachelorof Computer Engineering, further expanding the range ofoptions forthe community, totaling 330 students per year forgraduation, and210 in evening classes.Mindful of the regional need for training of human resourcesincomputing applied primarily for the development andtechnologicalinnovation, Facom deploy in 2012 the ProfessionalMaster's inApplied Computing, emphasizing ComputcionaisTechnologies forAgriculture and Precision Farming. This course haspartnership withEmbrapa Beef Cattle, with whom Facom maintainscollaborativeprojects since 2001.The FACOM also partners with several companies based inSingaporeto provide services that range from training insoftwareapplications consulting in the areas of computing.The Point of Presence (POP) of the National ResearchNetwork(RNP) in Mato Grosso do Sul (MS) is administered by FACOMandhosted by the Information Technology Center (NIN) UFMS.Inaddition, the Redecomep, an initiative of the Ministry ofScience,Technology and Innovation (MCTI), coordinated by RNP, whichaims toimplement high-speed networks in metropolitan areas servedbyPoints of Presence of RNP, is also coordinated by Facom,underCampo Grande.
Cellular Repair Course 75.0
Course cell repair, cell repair learns step by step.
Learn JavaScript 5.9.3
We're moving to our new free All-in-One app! Get ithere: in a greatly improved learning environment withmorelessons, real practice opportunity, and community support. Havefunand learn all the fundamentals of JavaScript with SoloLearn!Learnall the basic features of JavaScript programming: ways to makeyourwebsite more interactive, change website content, validateforms,create cookies, and so much more. Complete a series ofexercisesand hands-on practice sessions, designed to guide youthrough theprocess of creating your own JavaScript code in anentertaining andeducational way totally FREE. Have fun learning thefundamentals ofJavaScript, while collecting colorful points andcompeting withother players from all over the world! Further yourcareer - orsimply gain a new skill - while playing along withSoloLearn’sengaging FREE JavaScript tutorial.
Programming Principles 5.3
Complete Free handbook ofProgrammingPrinciples with diagrams and graphs. App covers notesonProgramming Principles. The best app in Engineering Educationalsobrings the blog where you can contribute your work and gettheresearch, industry, university News on the subject.You can very easily pass and succeed in your exams orinterviews,the app provides quick revision and reference to thetopics like adetailed flash card.Each topic is complete with diagrams, equations and other formsofgraphical representations for easy understanding.This is most applicable app for computer science,softwareengineering, Information technology and other programmingstudentsin universities and colleges, aimed at students with littleor noprogramming experience.While writing software a coder needs to keep a lot of things inmindfew things like KISS, DRY & YAGNI, Abstraction,Open/ClosedPrinciples & more, download the application tolearn more.The app is a handbook covering lecture notes,principles,definitions, concepts, diagrams, formulas, theory, laws,tools,equations, calculations and graphs on the subject.Features of the application:1) Over 120 topics on Principles of Programming2) Divided into 8 major units for easy discovery of content3) Broken down into small topics, Unique flashcardbasedlearning.4) Extremely easy navigation5) Offers quick revision, interview preparations, professionalhelpat one touch6) Swipe based UI - on the details page7) Around 500 words on each topic withgraphicalrepresentationsSome of topics Covered in this application are:1. Abstract Machines2. The Interpreter3. Low-level and High-level languages4. Example of an Abstract Machine5. Describe a Programming Language6. Grammar and Syntax7. Introduction to syntax and semantics8. Problem of Describing Syntax9. Methods of Describing Syntax10. Extended BNF11. Attribute Grammars12. Attribute Grammars Defined13. Examples of Attribute Grammars14. Computing Attribute Values15. Dynamic Semantics16. Axiomatic Semantics17. Principles of language design18. Programming paradigm19. History of programming languages20. Language design21. Design goals of programming languages22. Compilers23. Virtual machines and interpreters24. Chomsky Hierarchy25. Elementary data types26. Integer operations27. Overflow operation28. Enumeration types29. Character type30. Boolean type31. Subtypes32. Derived types33. Expressions34. Assignment statements35. Introduction to lexical and semantic analysis36. Lexical Analysis37. Parsing Problem38. Top-Down parsing39. Bottom-Up Parsing40. Complexity of Parsing41. LL Grammar Class42. Parsing Problem for Bottom-Up Parsers43. Shift-Reduce Algorithms44. LR Parsers45. Data type46. Primitive Data Types47. Character String Types48. Implementation of Character String Types49. Array Types50. Array Categories51. Slices52. Implementation of Array Types53. Associative Arrays54. Record Types55. Tuple Types56. List Types57. Union Types58. Pointer and Reference Types59. Pointer Problems60. Pointers in C and C61. Reference Types62. Implementation of Pointer and Reference Types63. Heap Management64. Type Checking65. Strong Typing66. Expressions67. Arithmetic Expressions68. Operator Evaluation Order69. Associativity70. Parentheses71. Operand Evaluation Order72. Referential Transparency73. Overloaded Operators74. Type Conversions75. Coercion in Expressions76. Explicit Type Conversion77. Relational and Boolean Expressions78. Short-Circuit Evaluation79. Assignment statements80. Fundamentals of Subprograms81. Procedures and Functions in subprograms82. Design Issues for Subprograms83. Local Referencing Environments84. Parameter-Passing MethodsAll topics are not listed because of character limitations setbythe Play Store.