Top 4 Apps Similar to mShop

mShop 2.0.1
———— Million of Myanmar UsersPreferedthisshopping Application ————1. Register to get Gold,invite friends to get Gold and Goldusetoexchange gifts.2. Thousands of commodities,you can buy everything!Youcanalsodirectly map navigation to the store and pick up.3. Exclusive special offer,buy cheaper than go tothestore.Dailycommodity big discount, the lowest priceofMyanmar!4. Safe shopping,Receive the goods before paying,No risk.5. Timely customer service response, real-time online shopandordersconversation, dynamic SMS notification.6. Quick delivery, Some of the goods can be served on theday.7. After sales are guaranteed,buy and enjoy theseller'scaringservice.———— Fifty thousand stores have been settled, easily togetsupersales ————1. Three step shop, take a photo with mobile phonecameraanddirectly released products.2. Mobile management shop, hold the business at any time andletyourstore 24 hours of business.3. Chat with buyers, easy to accept orders, there are newordersSMSalerts.4. Exclusive shop service guide, marketing, logisticsandcustomerservice solutionsmShop is a Myanmar exclusive mobile shoppingsoftware,setofbuyers and sellers in one. Have commodity search /browse, shop/commodity / order management, commodity purchase,goods topayment,order inquiry, logistics tracking, creditevaluation,after-salesservice and other functionsTo create a moreconvenientand happylife experience for our Burmese people.———— Contact us ————If you like us, please give me a full mark. We will bebetterforyouIf you don't like us, please give us feedback in time, wewilltryour best tocorrectit.:[email protected] you want to join us, please sendyourresumeto:[email protected]:sinphyutaw
Mshop 0.0.1
가장 간단한 온라인 상품판매 서비스! SNS마케팅에 기반한 온라인 판매!네트워크비즈니스에 최상의 SNS마케팅 도구로 활용!!국제결제기능지원으로 전 세계 어디든 판매 가능!!The simplestonlineproductsales service! Online sales marketing based onSNS!SNS network marketing business to utilize the best tools!International Settlement Support can be sold anywhereintheworld!
mShop 2.0
m-Shop : Self Scanning 2.0– Faitesvoscoursesplus facilement et gagnez un maximum de temps.m-Shop, UNE SEULE APPLICATION POUR :FAIRE SES COURSES AVEC SON SMARTPHONE :Scannez le code-barres des articles dans les magasins adhérentsàlasolution m-Shop et remplissez votre caddie de courses.Vousêtesainsi informé en temps réel du montant de vos coursesetcontrôlezvotre budget.RECEVOIR EN TEMPS RÉEL DES PROMOTIONS SUR VOSRAYONSPRÉFÉRÉS:Recevez des promotions personnalisées dont vous êtes leseulàbénéficier sur vos rayons favoris et profitez-enpouraméliorervotre pouvoir d’achat. Vous pouvez égalementconsulterlescatalogues promotionnels que vous recevez dans votreboiteauxlettres directement sur votre Smartphone.OBTENIR DES SUGGESTIONS D’ACHAT D’ARTICLES PENDANTVOSCOURSES:En fonction de vos courses, vous recevez dessuggestionsd’achatd’articles complémentaires.ÊTRE PRIORITAIRE AU PASSAGE EN CAISSE :Vous passez aux caisses libre-service et ne faites pluslaqueue.Vous êtes prioritaire et gagnez du temps. Recevezenformatélectronique votre ticket de caisse et contribuezàl’améliorationde la planète.PRÉPARER SES LISTES DE COURSE :Consultez l’historique de vos coursesprécédentes.Commencez,ajoutez, supprimez et validez vos listes decourse à toutmoment dela journée et de n’importe où, dans le bus,pendant votrepausedéjeuner, dans votre canapé,….Envoyez votre liste de course par mail à unetiercepersonne(conjoint, ami…).m-Shop, une aide précieuse pour ne rien oublierpendantvoscourses.ACCÉDEZ A DE NOUVELLES INFORMATIONS :Consultez pendant vos courses les informations sur lesproduitsquevous souhaitez acheter, prix, composition,Kilocalories,alertesallergènes,…m-Shop:Self-Scanning2.0Make your shopping easier and save much time.m-Shop, ONE APPLICATION FOR:SHOPPING WITH HER SMARTPHONE:Scan the barcode of items in the acceding stores m-Shopsolutionandfill your shopping cart. You are well informed in realtimetheamount of your purchases and control your budget.GET REAL TIME PROMOTIONS ON YOUR PREFERRED RAY:Get personalized promotions which you are the only onetobenefitfrom your favorite rays and take the opportunity toimproveyourpurchasing power. You can also view the promotionalcatalogsyoureceive in your mailbox directly on your Smartphone.GET SUGGESTIONS TO PURCHASE ITEMS DURING YOUR RACES:Depending on your race, you receive suggestionspurchaseadditionalitems.BE PRIORITY TO PASS IN CASE:You go to the self-checkout and are no longer the tail.Youhavepriority and save time. Get in electronic format yourreceiptandcontribute to the betterment of the planet.PREPARING ITS LIST OF RACECheck the history of your previous races. Start, add,deleteandconfirm your shopping lists at any time of the dayandfromanywhere, on the bus, during your lunch break,yourcouch....Send your shopping list by email to another person(spouse,friend...).m-Shop, a great help to not forget anything during your races.ACCESS TO NEW INFORMATION:Check for your shopping information on the products you wishtobuy,price, composition, kilocalories, allergen alerts, ...
M-Shop final
Mobile Shop è l'App ideale che consente ai tuoi clienti econtattidi acquistare direttamente dall'App sul loro dispositivomobile.Puoi effettuare campagne di Marketing via E-mail oattraversoNotifiche Push, informando gli utenti di tutte le NovitàePromozioni a loro riservate in tempo reale. AttraversolaPiattaforma dell'applicazione puoi modificare icontenuti,aggiornare i prezzi dei vari prodotti e ottenereStatistichedettagliate sulle Vendite. DEV Software offre ServizidiPersonalizzazione per creare l'applicazione di E-commercepiùadatta al profilo della tua Azienda. Mobile Shop è disponibileperqualsiasi Sistema Operativo e funziona su tutti idispositivimobile. Per maggiori informazioni, visita