Top 23 Apps Similar to Vagas de empregos Salvador

Job Search 3.8
Search jobs for free on neuvoo.Key Features- The most relevant results- New jobs added everyday- Flexible search: keywords, location, filters- Identify the job offers you've already viewed- Apply to a job or save/email it to apply later- Get the jobs before others do: create an emailalert/pushnotification for your search criteriaKeep millions of job offers at your fingertipsPlease send feedback to [email protected]
Vagas de Emprego em Sorocaba 2.0
Uma ação social.Appdogrupo para vagas. Para ler o detalhes da vaga énecessárioclicarsobre o título da vaga e terá acesso a todo oconteúdo.Para ter o conteúdo completo diretamente no seu celularbaixeaversãoPLUS, nosso site: social action.App groupCall for vacancies. To read the job details you must clickonthetitle of the job and will have access to all content.To get the full content directly to your cell downloadthePLUSversion, our website:
Guia Emprego 1.0
O Guia Emprego é um aplicativoagregadordevagas de empregos em diversas cidades do Brasil.Disponívelparaaparelhos Android, o app divulga diversasoportunidades detrabalhopara profissionais das mais variadas áreas.Por meio do aplicativo, você pode cadastrarseucurrículo,realizar cursos e treinamentos, receber consultoria,emuitomais.The Employment Guideisanaggregator application of job openings in many citiesinBrazil.Available for Android devices, the app disclosesvariousjobopportunities for professionals from different fields.Through the application, you can submit yourresume,conductcourses and training, receive advice, and more.
Net empregos Android 2.5.19
Esta é a aplicação não oficial para o -omaiorportal online de emprego em Portugal. ÉNovamentepossívelresponder a anúncios de emprego directamente pelaappApesar devocacionada para o mercado de emprego em PORTUGAL,permitetambém apesquisa em países lusófonos e outros.Funcionalidades: -Alertasperiódicos avisam-no quando surgem novasofertas; -Alertasavisam-no quando surgem novas ofertas; - Pesquisade acçõesdeformação; - Pesquisa por zona geográfica ecategoriaprofissional;- Consultar o histórico de pesquisasrecentes; -consultar anúnciosde emprego com email de contactoincluído (parautilizadoresregistados); - Partilha de anúncios pararedes sociais,email, SMSe outras APP's; - Possibilidade de guardaranúncios paraconsultaposterior; - Pesquisas no contexto do anuncio(por empresa,zona ecategoria profissional). - Eliminar,individualmente outodos, osanúncios guardados e/ou histórico depesquisas
Job Search 5.0
FREE search engine for the best jobs near you. To use our APP isnotrequired any registration. The only keywords you have to enterareWHAT and WHERE. You can also insert your own ads SEARCH / OFFERJOB.Will be published it for free for one year. MAIN FEATURES *Once youenter the keywords (WHAT and WHERE ) you can scrollthrough all theavailable job * Detailed list for each offer tosend yourapplication * Free publication of your ad * FAVORITESsection whereto store all the ads more interesting * TROPHIESsection to optimizetheir job search by following our goals *Ability to change thedefault country in which to search for jobs *At any time you canchange or delete your own ad * Form forreplying to ads integratedin the app * Statistics of your ad * Themost interestingadvertisements you can share with your friendsLANGUAGES SUPPORTED *English * French * Spanish * Italian * Hindi* Bengali * Gujarati *Kannada * Malayalam * Marathi * Punjabi *Tamil * Telugu * German *Swedish * Chinese * Korean * Filipino *Japanese * Thai * Vietnamese* Dutch * Danish * Finnish * Norwegian* Portuguese * Romanian *Polish * Czech * Russian * Slovak *Hungarian * Greek You can reportproblems or suggest improvementsby sending an e -mail [email protected] FACEBOOKADS
Empregos - Eventos 2.1
DM Action
O Aplicativo DM Eventos eEmpregosfoidesenvolvido para conectar o candidato as vagas daempresa.Características:- Facilidade de cadastro no sistema e se candidatar as vagas.- Alerta de Eventos, O Sistema avisa quando surgirem novasvagasnoestado.- Mensagem da agência.Em breve o aplicativo será disponibilizadoparaoutrasagências.The DMApplicationEventsand Jobs was developed to connect the candidatevacancies ofthecompany.Features:- Ease of registration in the system and apply the vacancies.- Event Alert, the system warns you when new vacanciesinthestate.- Message agency.Soon the application will be made available tootheragencies.
The Communicator Jobs - Alert vacancies, Curriculum CHAT and more
Balcão de Empregos 2.2.3
Conheça o nosso novo aplicativo. Agora é ainda mais fácilbuscarvagas de emprego e divulgar o seu currículo. Baixe oaplicativo doBalcão de e tenha acesso a milhares deVagas deEmprego para enviar seu currículo diretamente do seucelular outablet. Encontre Vagas de Emprego próximas a você comapenas umtoque! - Pesquise Vagas de Emprego: Realize buscasporpalavras-chave e/ou local. Com apenas um toque, encontresualocalidade e veja as vagas de emprego anunciadas em sua cidade;-Acesse seu Currículo: Acesse seu currículo utilizando uma contadoBalcão de Assim, você poderá revisá-lo ou exibirparaempregadores em seu tablet ou smartphone; - Envie seucurrículopara as Vagas de Emprego: Sendo assinante do Balcão deEmpregos.comvocê poderá enviar seu currículo para as suas Vagaspreferidas comapenas um toque; Baixe GRÁTIS o aplicativo do Balcã e tenha mais um recurso valioso para auxiliá-lonabusca por um Novo Emprego! Saiba mais em:
i9 Empregos 1.0.5
Empregabilidade comInovação.Procurandoemprego? - Cadastre o seu currículo conosco esecandidate para asvagas cadastradas. Querendo contratar?- Cadastreasua vagaconosco.EmployabilitywithInnovation. Looking for a job? - Sign your resumewith us andapplyfor vacancies registered. Wanting to hire -Register yourvacancywith us.
Jobs and Work Search 1.0
Looking for a job or work? We havethousandsofemployers that are looking to hire employees all overtheworld.With millions of job and work listings, you can easilyfindwhatyou like.Thousands of employers and postings that are newandcurrentlyhiring! Job categories include: Full-time, parttime,retail,restaurant, cashiers, team members, hourly va jobs,salaryjobs,nurse, engineering, government, and much more.Search by keyword and location. See results in eitherlistformator as pins on a map. Focus on specific industriesyou’reinterestedin.Jobs are available in the following countries:ArgentinaBrazilChileColumbiaMexicoPeruSpainVenezuelaand Many More!
Agência e empregos Curitiba 2.1
Aplicativo de divulgação de agências e vagas de empregos emCuritibae região metropolitana. Vagas de emprego divulgadasdiariamente nasAgências. Encontre nas agências vagas: -operacionais; - vagasadministrativas; - vagas gerenciais; - vagastécnicas; Acesse osite: Acesseo Baixe já nossaaplicativo agoramesmo.
TIM Empregos | busca de empreg 3.6.13
Complete professional career guide and the best marketing tipsforyou.
Mitula Jobs
Find a job with just one click
Adzuna Job Search 1.6.1
Adzuna Jobs
Search from over 4 million current jobs on Adzuna. Adzuna isasearchengine for job ads that lists every job,everywhere.Download andstart your search today. FEATURES * Searchmillions ofjobs fromthousands of websites * Filter by salary,industry andcontract type* View job descriptions * View predictedsalarieswhere they're notadvertised * Save job ads to yourfavourites list* Email saved jobads to yourself * Dailynotifications of new jobsin your favouritesearches ABOUT ADZUNAOur mission is to be thebest place to startlooking for a job. Wesearch thousands ofwebsites so you don't haveto and bring togethermillions of ads soyou can find every job,everywhere, via Adzuna.We provide smartersearch options andpowerful data about the jobmarket, giving youthe information youneed to take control of yourcareer. Downloadthe Adzuna Job Searchapp for free today.---------------- CONTACTUS We'd always love tohear from you. Ifyou have questions orcomments, please get in touchwith usat You can also likeusonFacebook at or follow us onTwitterat
Love Mondays - Vagas, Salários 3.0.2
Love Mondays
Love Mondays é uma plataforma em que profissionaisavaliamasempresas onde trabalham. Líder no Brasil, ositeajudaprofissionais a tomarem melhores decisões de carreiraeempresas arecrutarem e manterem seus talentos. São mais de 1milhãodesalários e avaliações de ambientes de trabalho e deentrevistasdeemprego para 120 mil empresas. Todas as informaçõessão postadasdeforma confidencial por nossa comunidade de usuários eacessadaspormais de 4 milhões de pessoas ao mês. A plataforma fazpartedoGlassdoor, o site de empregos e recrutamento maistransparentedomundo. No aplicativo Love Mondays você consegue: -Pesquisaroambiente de trabalho em mais de 120 mil empresas e leraopiniãodos funcionários sobre como é trabalhar lá; - Buscarvagasdeemprego, candidatar-se às mais interessantes ou criaralertasparamonitorar oportunidades; - Pesquisar salários paramilharesdecargos em mais de 120 mil empresas, ver detalhesdaremuneração(como bônus, PLR e comissão) e comparar essesvalorescom outrasempresas; - Ver as notas que os funcionários dãopara asempresasonde trabalham sobre a satisfação com remuneraçãoebenefícios,oportunidades da carreira, cultura da empresaequalidade da vida.- Conhecer sobre o processo seletivodasempresas, com base emavaliações de entrevistas que trazeminclusiveas pergunta feitasdurante a seleção.
My Resume | CV Builder 1.2
Zabuza Labs
Mera resume is one of a kind app that let's you create resumeindifferent creative format. All you need to do is add therequiredinformation, and then select any one resume format and theappcreates a pdf of your resume on the fly for you. Mera resumeMeraCareer is not just a resume builder. It is trying to provideawhole ecosystem for job seekers. The app providesfollowingfeatures 1. Resume Bulder | Resume Creator | CV Maker 2.100s ofaptitude questions to solve 3. Technical questions on C,C++, Java,PHP languages 4. Interview tips 5. Common InterviewQuestions 6.Record Your Answer 7. Job Search More details about thefeatures 1.Resume Builder: This allows you to create PDF copy ofresume in theformat you wish. You need to fill in the followingdetails PersonalDetails, Academic Details, Technical Details,Experience Details,Project Details, Certifications List etc. Onceyou fill this data,you will see few options of resume formats,choose any and a PDF ofyour CV will be ready. You can share it viaemail too. Resume Makeris the most important part of this app. 2.Aptitude Questions: Mostof the companies conduct an aptitude testbefore recruiting acandidate. Mera CV Mera Career provides the mostcommon aptitudequestions that are ofter asked during any interview.We keep onadding more questions to enrich our database. 3.TechnicalQuestions: Since IT is one of the largest recruiter in theworld asof now, it is imperative that you have knowledge ofcomputerlanguages like C C++ Java PHP. Mera CV Mera Career providesaquestion bank on these same topics. These are the questionwhichare asked most often. 4. Interview Tips: Most of the freshersdonot understand the etiquettes & manners to be followedwhileappearing for any interview. These are some common sense tipsandsome not very common tips that you must follow duringyourinterview. 5. Common Interview Questions: Most companies haveHRround. These are the most common HR questions. Practice themwellbefore appearing any HR interview. The most common question isTellme about yourself. 6. Record Your Answer: This feature letsyourecord your answer in your own voice for each of theimportantInterview question. You can replay the recorded answer.This letsyou check if you are confident and fluent enough. Practiceagain,record & replay the answer again till you don't get itperfect.Remember, practice makes it perfect. 7. Job Search: This isasimple list of jobs websites. Doesn't hurt to check themout.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The aim of Mera CVMeraCareer is to be the go to place when it comes to job search. Sowewill be adding more resume formats, more questions to ouraptitudequestions, technical questions, lot of tips &functionalities.Meanwhile we wish you all the best for your career.
Free Resume App
Free Resume AppAre you looking for a job or a new career? If so, you need aresume(Curriculum Vitae, CV) that will really impress yourpotentialemployer. A great way to get a professional looking resumeis withthe help of Free Resume App. With this app you cancreateprofessional looking resume for free.Once you have created it you will be able to save it as PDFfile.You can also share the resume with other apps.How it Works?Getting started is simple. You choose one of theprofessionaltemplates. Once the template is chosen, simply fill itin with thecorrect information. That's it! You are now ready toimpressemployers.Basic Features* Great looking resume* Use your Facebook data to quickly fill your data* Save or share resume as PDF* Publish your resume on Facebook or Google+* Professional templates* Add your picture* Add logos of your previous employers / schoolsPremium features (see app for prices)* No "This resume is made with Free Resume App" ingeneratedPDF's* No AdsIt really is that simple to create and share a professionalresumewith the help of Free Resume App. Your CV will never appearmoreappealing and professional than with the services offered here.Goon give it a try.If you have any queries or issues for which you need ourassistance:Feel free to mail us, contact info is in the app.Also available on
Jobfinder 4.2
Look for a new well-paid job in your area or elsewhere! Withasimpleor an advanced search feature looking at hundredsofthousands ofjobs from multiple job boards and career sites.Youcan specify thesearch for a job type or the experiencerequiredand localize it inthe immediate vicinity. Find your dreamjobquickly and easily!Search engines used: Adzuna,Behance,CareerBuilder, Careerjet,Dribbble, Flexjobs, GitHub,Glassdoor,Indeed, JobisJob,JobsInNetwork, Jobspresso,JobStreet,, Linkedin,Monster, Neuvoo, PostJobFree,SimplyHired,StackOverflow,WeAreDevelopers, Working Nomads(worldwide), AARP,CareerCast,GoogleCareers, Jobmote, Jobs2Careers,Nexxt, Snagajob,USAJobs,VirtualVocations (USA),,Technojobs (UnitedKingdom),Buscador Dempleos (Argentina),, SEEK(Australia, NewZealand), InfoJobs (Brazil,Italy, Spain),,Jobindex Denmark, Joboolo(France), Gigajob, Gulp,Jobbö,, ZipRecruiter(Germany), Hasjob, Naukri(India), Daijob(Japan), Jobbsafari(Norway), Jobkorea (SouthKorea), Mustakbil(Pakistan), ITJobs(Portugal), Jobber (Romania),HeadHunter andSuperJob (in Russian,for Russia, Ukraine,Kazakhstan, Belarus,etc.),, (Russia),Tecnoempleo (Spain), (Switzerland), (Ukraine).
Jobs & Career Search
JobServe Ltd
Search and apply for your next job frommorethan 100,000 jobs in the US, Canada, Australia, UK, Europe,andacross the globe.Job hunting can be easy on the move. You can search and applyforjobs quickly and efficiently without opening a browser.Receivingpush notifications for jobs that match your requirementsmeans youwill never miss the perfect job opportunity.JobServe was the world’s first online recruitment serviceandtoday is an online job board in the US, Canada andgloballyproviding jobs in 27 different sectors. US and Canadian keysectorsinclude IT & Telecommunications, Healthcare,Finance,Accounting, Engineering, Retail and Sales &Marketing.Key features include:- Fast and powerful job search with key features likesavedsearches and push notifications- Jobs available in a wide range of sectors: IT jobs,Financejobs, Healthcare jobs and 24 more industries- Viewing jobs and refining your search is quick andefficientwith 'swipe through jobs' and basket apply- Upload a Resume/Cover Letter straight from your device- Create, modify and add saved searches- No time wasted - we’ll do the job hunting, enablepushnotifications and you'll receive new jobs that match yourcriteriaas soon as they are postedWe encourage feedback. For help, reporting an issue orrequestinga feature join our Google groupat!forum/jobserve-for-android.You can also email us [email protected] us what you think of our app by rating it here on theplaystore.** The ART runtime is now in preliminary support fromversion1.3.40528.1241. We have tested internally on ART and the apphaspassed - if you have any issues running on ART please let usknow.**** Please ensure you are running the latest version oftheapplication before contacting our support team, or writing areview**
Jobartis Emprego 2.0.12
With the APP Jobartis Emprego, job search will be easier thanevertoget the job of your dreams in Angola. With a simpleclick,candidatescan send your resume to the best works of themajorcompaniesoperating in Angola. The APP allows Android usersthesamefunctionality as on a computer. With the APP JobartisEmpregoyou canedit your profile, introduce you to better jobs, tomanageyourapplications and perform all functions that allow you togetthat jobyou so desire. Podrásencontrar work in Luanda,Benguela,and theother provinces of Angola. Also search in anysector of theoileconomy, banking, construction, etc, etc ... Whatare youwaiting forinstall Jobartis Emprego in your Android phone?
Get a Job 4.0
Joni Silva
This application lets you search for jobs in amultitudeofcountries. You can specify country, location anddescription ofthejob. You can also keep a list of favorite jobsproposals. Itusesthe well known indeed engine. Send me mail if youfindaproblem/bug.
SIMM Empresa 1.1.0
O Serviço Municipal de Intermediação de MãodeObra da Prefeitura de Salvador agora também no seu celular.Vocêcadastra uma vaga, os consultores do SIMM te ajudam na seleçãodoscandidatos e sua empresa encontra aquele reforço pra equipe. Etudoisso a qualquer hora, de qualquer lugar e de graça.Um APP simples, leve e fácil para sua empresa utilizar osserviçosdo SIMM da melhor forma.APP SIMM Empresa. Sua agência de empregos de bolso.PRINCIPAIS FUNCIONALIDADES:- Ofereça vagas de emprego- Solicite o serviço de triagem e/ou avaliação psicológica- Receba feedbacks do processo seletivo em notificaçõesnocelular- Edite, cancele e dê feedbacks do processo pelo aplicativo- Acompanhe seu histórico de vagas- Receba novidades do SIMMVANTAGENS:- Serviço gratuito para toda RMS - Região MetropolitanadeSalvador- Mais de 150 mil profissionais cadastrados- Comodidade e agilidade para cadastrar vagas- Triagem de candidatos realizada pelo SIMM- Mais assertividade na escolha dos candidatos- Informações sobre serviços e treinamentos gratuitos- Interação direta com os consultores do SIMM- Simples, leve e de fácil utilizaçãoO SIMMO Serviço Municipal de Intermediação de Mão de Obra da PrefeituradeSalvador conta com um banco de dados com mais de 150milprofissionais em várias áreas e níveis de formação. Além defazer aintermediação entre as empresas e os candidatos, o SIMMtambém teajuda na triagem, avaliação psicológica e treinamentosdosprofissionais. E o melhor: todos os serviços do SIMMsãogratuitos.The Municipal ServiceofLabor Intermediation Salvador Prefecture now also on yourmobile.You register a vacancy, the SIMM consultants help you intheselection of candidates and their company is one reinforcementtothe team. And all this at any time, from anywhere for free.APP A simple, lightweight and easy for your company to useSIMMservices in the best way.APP SIMM Company. His agency pocket jobs.KEY FEATURES:- Provide jobs- Ask the screening service and / or psychological evaluation- Get feedback from the selection process notificationsonmobile- Edit, cancel and give feedback process by the application- Track your history vacancies- Receive news from SIMMADVANTAGES:- Free service for all RMS - Metropolitan Region of Salvador- More than 150 thousand registered professionals- Convenience and flexibility for registering vacancies- Candidate Screening held at SIMM- More assertiveness in choosing candidates- Service information and free training- Direct interaction with the SIMM consultants- Simple, light and easy to useThe SIMMThe Municipal Service of Labor Intermediation SalvadorPrefecturehas a database with more than 150 thousand professionalsin variousareas and levels of training. In addition to makingtheintermediation between companies and candidates, the SIMM alsohelpyou in the selection, psychological evaluation and trainingofprofessionals. And best of all SIMM services are free.
NAP Empregos 0.0.1
App oficial NAP - Empregos NúcleodeAprendizado Profissional, Confira o histórico de movimentaçãodoseu currículo, procure vagas e mais.NAP official app -JobsProfessional Learning Center, check the move history ofyourresume, search for jobs and more.