Top 2 Games Similar to Paphos OikoGames EN

Heraklion OikoGames EN 7
Lesvos OikoGames, HeraklionOikoGames,LarnacaOikoGames and Paphos OikoGames. Designed by: ETALS.SA.,Developedby: OMEGA TECHNOLOGYThis educational game aims through the use of digitalapplicationsatthe participation of primary school children,assisted bytheirteachers, parents and guardians, to developa“greenconsciousness”, which means the knowledge abouttheenvironment andthe Culture of a specific region, as well astheability to managesustainably its natural and cultural resources.The digital applications are not meant to substitutetheacademicknowledge nor the teaching process within anacademicenvironment,but rather to attract children’s interest ina“stimulating” way, soas to pass on to them properly adaptedcentralmessages.For that purpose, the “range and depth” oftheprovidedinformation remains focused, so that adult users canenrichtheirchildren’s knowledge primarily by stimulatingtheirimagination andusing the applications merely as anintroductorytool toknowledge.The applications were developed in relation to realregions,whichchildren can visit either with their school class orwiththeirparents-guardians.The games run on smartphones or/and tables with IosorAndroidfirmware.The can be downloaded from Apple Store or Google PlayStore(searchwith keyword OikoGames), and ontheInternet, texts, the questions and the overall approach arebasedonprinted sources, oral traditions transmitted by oldlocalpeople,as well as on Internet sources.The digital educational applications were conceived byLesvosLocalDevelopment Company ETAL SA, in cooperation withtheDevelopmentAgencies of Heraklion, Larnaca, Paphos, andtheMunicipality ofArchanes-Asterousia.They were developed by the contractor (aftercompetition)OMEGATECHNOLOGY –
Larnaca OikoGames EN 7
Lesvos OikoGames, HeraklionOikoGames,LarnacaOikoGames and Paphos OikoGames. Designed by: ETALS.SA.,Developedby: OMEGA TECHNOLOGYThis educational game aims through the use of digitalapplicationsatthe participation of primary school children,assisted bytheirteachers, parents and guardians, to developa“greenconsciousness”, which means the knowledge abouttheenvironment andthe Culture of a specific region, as well astheability to managesustainably its natural and cultural resources.The digital applications are not meant to substitutetheacademicknowledge nor the teaching process within anacademicenvironment,but rather to attract children’s interest ina“stimulating” way, soas to pass on to them properly adaptedcentralmessages.For that purpose, the “range and depth” oftheprovidedinformation remains focused, so that adult users canenrichtheirchildren’s knowledge primarily by stimulatingtheirimagination andusing the applications merely as anintroductorytool toknowledge.The applications were developed in relation to realregions,whichchildren can visit either with their school class orwiththeirparents-guardians.The games run on smartphones or/and tables with IosorAndroidfirmware.The can be downloaded from Apple Store or Google PlayStore(searchwith keyword OikoGames), and ontheInternet, texts, the questions and the overall approach arebasedonprinted sources, oral traditions transmitted by oldlocalpeople,as well as on Internet sources.The digital educational applications were conceived byLesvosLocalDevelopment Company ETAL SA, in cooperation withtheDevelopmentAgencies of Heraklion, Larnaca, Paphos, andtheMunicipality ofArchanes-Asterousia.They were developed by the contractor (aftercompetition)OMEGATECHNOLOGY –